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* Always put <!DOCTYPE html> on the first line.
* Always put <html> on the next line.
* Always put </html> on the last line.
* The tag <!--text--> adds a comment.
* The tag <strong> </strong> or <b> </b> makes text bold.
* The tag <em> </em> or <i> </i> makes text italic.
* The tag <title> </title> adds the webpage title.
* The tag <p> </p> makes a new paragraph.
* The tag <h#> </h> makes a new heading. # is a number between 1 and 6.
* style= All styles are differentiated with a semicolon.
This tag can also be applied to tables.
"font-size: #px/em" is how you change the font size. # can be any nu
mber. px is for pixels, em is for default font size.
"color: x" is how you change the text color. x is a X11 col
or or a hexadecimal code.
"font-family: x" is how you change the font. x is a font. https:/
If the user's computer does not have that font,
it will try the next one you write, like so:
"font-family: x, y, z"
"background-color: x" is how you change the background color. x is a X
11 color or a hexadecimal code.
"text-align: x" is how you align the text. x can be left/right/c
enter. This code is not for HTML objects, only for text.
* The tag <img src="link"/> is how you show a picture.
* The tag <a href="link">description</a> is how you make a hyperlink. The de
scription can be a picture.
* The tag <ol> </ol> makes an ordered list.
* The tag <ul> </ul> makes an unordered list.
* The tag <li> </li> adds items to the list.
* The tag <table> </table> is how you create a table.
* The tag <tr> </tr> adds a table row.
* The tag <table border="#px/em"> creates a border around the table. # can be an
y number. px is pixels, em is default font size.
* Tables also have heads and bodies, just like the HTML page.
The tags are <thead> </thead> and <tbody> </tbody>.
* The tag <th> </th> adds table data to the head.
* The tag <td> </td> adds table data to the body.
* The tag <th colspan=#>description</th> makes the table cell take up multiple c
olumns. # can be any number.
* The tag <div> </div> allows you to divide your page into different pieces, in
order to style different parts of the website individually.
* The tag <span> </span> allows you to control styling for smaller parts of your
page, such as text.

/*text*/ is the comment tag.
x { x = selector y = property z = value
y: z; This code makes all x from HTML have a style tag
(y: z) without needing to rewrite it over and over again.
} You can also write this code in the head of the
HTML file, using the <style> </style> tags.
In order to make sure your HTML file can see CSS information, you need to add a
link to it in the head tag:
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="x"/> where x is the web addre
ss of your CSS file.
Always end each property-value with a semi-colon. That's how CSS knows you're do
ne with one pair and ready for the next.
selector {
border: x y z; Many HTML elements support the border property.
It also supports multiple values.
} Any HTML element can be a CSS selector.
border-style: x x can be dashed, solid, dotted, etc.
border-width/height: x sets how thick the border is.
border-radius: x% this property modifies the corners of HTML objec
ts; it's how you get rounded buttons.
border-color: x sets the border color. X11 color or hexadecimal
margin: auto This tells CSS to use equal margins on each side
of the HTML element. When the margins are equal, the object is centered.
text-align: x This is mentioned earlier in HTML styling; margi
n is for elements, text-align is for text.
font-size: #
font-weight: bold
text-decoration: underline
Links have a property called text-decoration
The "a" selector can be changed in CSS to modify how links look.
It's possible to nest multiple HTML elements inside one another, like so:
If you want to grab all Zs that are inside X Y, you select those in CSS like thi
x y z {
CSS code
If you want to grab elements directly nested inside another element, with nothin
g in between:
x > y {
CSS code

* is an universal selector. It's used to apply CSS styling to EVERY element on t

he page.
Classes are applied in HTML with the tag: Classes are identified i
n CSS with a dot as a selector: <-- used for styling certain ele
class="x" .x
IDs are applied in HTML with the tag: IDs are identified in CS
S with a pound sign as a selector: <-- used for styling ONE element
id="x" #x
Pseudo-class selectors let us control the appearance of a link that is being hov
ered on, or if it has been clicked or not:
selector:pseudo-class_selector {
property: value; It's just that little extra colo
Pseudo-class selectors for links: a:link a:visited
unvisited visited
hovering mouse over
x:first-child This pseudo-class selector appli
es styling only to the first children of the selector.
x:nth-child(#) This pseudo-class selector works
like the one above except you're able to select the child's number in parenthes
es. # can also be even or odd.
display:x x can be: block makes the elemen
t a block box. It won't let anything sit next to it on the page, as it takes up
the full width.
inline-block makes the elemen
t a block box, but will allow other elements to sit on the same line.
inline makes the elemen
t sit on the same line as another element, but without formatting it like a bloc
that means it on
ly takes up as much width as it needs (not the whole line)
none this makes the e
lement and its content disappear from the page entirely
margin = space around the element; adjustable in order to move HTML elements clo
ser to or farther from each other
border = edge of the element; it's what you make visible using the border proper
padding = spacing between content and border; adjustable with CSS
content = the actual stuff; if we're talking about a <p> element, the stuff is t
he text of the paragraph
x-y: value x can be margin, border, padding or content
y can be top, bottom, left or right to center l-r, set the value to
values can also be negative, in order to move th
em in that direction
You can also set them all at once with x: a b c
d; abcd goes clockwise (top right bottom left)
If you want them to be equal on all sides, you c
an just use x: value
float: x x can be top, bottom, left or right
moves an element in a direction on the page where it won't put it on top of some
thing else.
element {
clear: right/left/both This moves below any floating elements o
n that side of the page; it gets out of the way of floating elements.
position: static This just plonks down the element where it would
normally go.
position: absolute This positions it in relation to the first paren
t element it has that doesn't have position:static
If no such element, it positions it relative to
position: relative This positions the element relative to where it
would have landed if it were static
aka it doesn't move from any particular thing, i
t moves from where it otherwise would have been
position: fixed Think of this as gluing the element to the scree
n. It will stay fixed even as you scroll the page around.
z-index: value The higher the number, the higher the priority o
ver other elements. This makes it stay on top of others.

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