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IO 12.4 12.

Test may be MOD 12.2 >> this
Disorders of Anxiety, Trauma, and Stress: What, Me worry?
12.4 different types of anxiety disorders and their symptoms
Anxiety disorders >> disorders >> main symptom is excessive or
unrealistic anxiety and fearfulness ( can be very specific form such
as fear of specific object or general such as s/o who is worried and
do not know why). Ex: student studied, done well in all tests >>
prepare and worries excessively about passing >> unrealistic amount
of anxiety
Free-floating anxiety >> anxiety that is unrelated to any realistic,
known source (symptom of anxiety disorders). Ex: s/os life is good
>> still extremely anxious
Phobia >> an irrational, persistent fear of an object, situation, or
social activity. Ex: see snake >> avoid >> rational. but avoid a
picture of snake is irrational
Social anxiety disorder ( social phobia) >> fear of interacting with
others or being in social situation that might lead to a negative
evaluation like humiliating, embarrassing (one of the most common
phobia). Common types: stage fright (s trc khan gi), fear of
public speaking, fear of urinating i tiu in a public restroom.
Besides, they often have history of being shy as child.
Specific phobia >> irrational fear of object or specific situation or
event. Ex: fear of dog, claustrophobia ( fear of being small,
enclosed place), arachnophobia ( fear of spider), nyctophobia ( fear
of dark ), trypanophobia (fear of infection), odontophobia (fear of
dental work), hematophobia (fear of blood), acrophobia( fear of
Agoraphobia >> fear of being in a place or situation from which
escapes is difficult or impossible ( greek name >> fear of
marketplace). At least 2 of 5: using public transport like bus, plane
;; in open space such as bridge, parking lot ;; in enclosed space like
grocery store, movie theater;; stand in a line or a crowd in concert ;;
out of home alone. In general, afraid outside of the world ( severe
case can make stay at home, no go to work , shop or anything go
outside home)
Panic attack >> sudden outset of intense panic in which multiple
physical symptoms of stress occur, often with feeling dying. (racing
heart, rapid breath, sensation of being out of ones body, dulled
hearing and vision, sweating, dry mouth) The attack happens
without warning, suddenly ( usually within 10-15 minutes), happen
especially for adolescent girls and young adult women. Evidence
that smoking cigarette >> more chance of this in adolescent and
young adult.
Panic disorder >> disorder >> panic attack occur frequently enough
to cause the person difficulty in adjusting to daily life
Free-floating anxiety >> maybe experience by people with General
anxiety disorder >> disorder >> a person has feelings of dread and
impending doom along with physical symptoms of stress, last 6
month or more. ( might also experience anxiety about a number of
events or activities like work or school performance). These feeling
has no particular source to pinpointed- xc nh and person cannot
control feelings even make effort. They worry excessively about
money, child, live, friend as well as things no one have reason to
worry. >> get tired easily, trouble concentrate, sleeping problem
( often occur with other anxiety disorder and depression)
12.5 obsessive-compulsive disorder and stress-related disorder
obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)>> disorder in which
intruding, recurring thoughts or obsession create anxiety that is
relieved by performing a repetitive, ritualistic behavior or mental act
(compulsion- p buc). Compulsion are meant to lower anxiety
caused by the though. Ex: wash 1 2 time # you must wash them
thousand time to present sick ( inability or fail to complete the
stress, anxiety after 9/11, earthquake >> acute stress disorder (ASD)
>> disorder result from exposure to a major stressor, with symptom
of anxiety(lack of responsive, not aware of surround, dissociative
amnesia), dissociation, recurring nightmare, sleep disturbances,
problem in concentration, moment in which people seem to relive
the event in dream and flashback as 1 month following event. ( after
Hurricane Katrina, 62% >> meet this)
posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) >> ASD last more than 1
month ( same in the Katrina, 38% => 49% present PTSD 2 years
after). ( not usually occur after 6 month). Treatment may involve
psychotherapy and drugs.
Woman almost twice risk of PTSD than men and more if woman
was before 15. Female and male veteran >> same symptom of
PTSD, at least for military-related stressors. Expose to multiple
traumatic event increase rate of PTSD ( four or more of this had
more complex PTSD, impairment in functional). Child have
different effect to adults (severe PTSD >> decrease size of
hippocampus in child => affect long-term memories => affect
learning). Veteran over 7-year with PTSD >> more likely to have
dementia mt tr ( 10.6% ) than without (6.6%). Rate of PTSD
among combat- exposed military personnel triple since 2001
Person with ASD and PTSD perceive the world differently >> more
likely to identify trauma -related than neutral picture
Preferential process of trauma-related information may more
strongly primed in individual with PTSD ( heightened brain process
in areas associated with associative learning and priming)
12.6 potential cause of anxiety, trauma, stress disorder
Psychodynamic model see:
anxiety >> danger signal that repress urge or conflict are
threatening to surface.
Phobia >> displacement, phobic object >> symbol of whatever
the person has buried deep in conscious mind true source of fear.
Ex: fear of knives >> fear of ones own aggressive tendencies or-
fear of height >> hide a suicidal desire to jump
Behaviorist >> anxious behavioral reaction is learned. Ex: phobias
>> classical conditioned fear response, case with Little Albert
Cognitive psychologist >> anxiety disorder >> result of illogical,
irrational thought ( one way >> magnification >> tendency to
interpret situation as far more dangerous, harmful, important than
they actually are. Ex: racing heartbeat >> sign of heart attack instead
of momentary arousal)
Cognitive-behavioral psychologist >>> anxiety >> distorted thought
>> all-or-nothing thinking >> tendency to believe that ones
performance must be perfect or result will be total fail.
Overgeneralization >> tendency to interpret a single negative
event as a never-ending pattern of defeat and fail ;; jump to
conclusion based on one incident or event and apply conclusion to
event that unrelated to original without fact to support
Minimization >> tendency to give little or no importance to
ones success or positive event and trait
Biological factor >> genetic basis. Genetic factor in PTSD >>
influence risk of disorder and likelihood to potentially dangerous
situation. By functional neuroimaging >> phobic people respond to
picture of spider or individual with PTSD and social anxiety
disorder >> have amygdala more active >> suggest excessive
conditioning and exaggerated response to stimuli that elicit- gi ra
minimal fear related response
Cultural variation >> different in various culture.
in some Latin America >> anxiety form of attack of nerve >
crying, shout uncontrol, sensation of heat, aggressive usually after
stressful event like death.
Koro >> primarily in China and few other South Asian and
East Asian >> fear ones genital are shrinking
Taijin kyofusho (TKS) >> primarily in Japan >> fear s/o do sth
in public that inappropriate, embarrass like staring, body odor- mi,
Panic disorder occurs at similar rate in adolescent, adult in
USA and part of Europe but less in Asian, African, Latin American
(for USA, American Indian higher rate whereas Latinos, African
American, Caribbean black, and Asian American lower rate
compared to non-Latino whites

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