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Code for custom single choice listview in


public class HelloWorld extends Activity

{ private static final String TAG =
"HelloWorld"; Animal[] _animals; @Override
public void onCreate(Bundle
{ super.onCreate(savedInstanceState);
loadAnimals(); } /** * Create all the
choices for the list */ private void
loadAnimals() { _animals = new
Animal[3]; // define the display string,
the image, and the value to use // when the
choice is selected _animals[0] = new
Animal( getString( ),
getImg( ),
getString( R.string.dog_val ) );
_animals[1] = new
Animal( getString( ),
getImg( ),
getString( R.string.cat_val ) );
_animals[2] = new
Animal( getString( R.string.bird ), getImg(
R.drawable.bird ),
getString( R.string.bird_val ) ); } private
Drawable getImg( int res ) { Drawable img =
getResources().getDrawable( res );
img.setBounds( 0, 0, 48, 48 ); return
img; } /** * Handle the event to display
the AlertDialog with the list */ public
void handlePush( View target ) { // define
the list adapter with the choices
ListAdapter adapter = new
AnimalAdapter( this, _animals ); final
AlertDialog.Builder ad = new
AlertDialog.Builder(this); // define the
alert dialog with the choices and the
action to take // when one of the choices
is selected
ad.setSingleChoiceItems( adapter, -1, new
OnClickListener() { @Override public void
onClick(DialogInterface dialog, int which)
{ // a choice has been made! String
selectedVal = _animals[which].getVal();
Log.d(TAG, "chosen " + selectedVal );
dialog.dismiss(); } });; } /** *
Definition of the list adapter...uses the
View Holder pattern to * optimize
performance. */ static class AnimalAdapter
extends ArrayAdapter { private static final
int RESOURCE = R.layout.animal_row; private
LayoutInflater inflater; static class
ViewHolder { TextView nameTxVw; } public
AnimalAdapter(Context context, Animal[]
objects) { super(context, RESOURCE,
objects); inflater =
LayoutInflater.from(context); } @Override
public View getView(int position, View
convertView, ViewGroup parent) { ViewHolder
holder; if ( convertView == null ) { //
inflate a new view and setup the view
holder for future use convertView =
inflater.inflate( RESOURCE, null ); holder
= new ViewHolder(); holder.nameTxVw =
xtvw); convertView.setTag( holder ); } else
{ // view already defined, retrieve view
holder holder = (ViewHolder)
convertView.getTag(); } Animal cat =
getItem( position ); if ( cat == null )
{ Log.e( TAG, Invalid category for
position: + position ); }
holder.nameTxVw.setText( cat.getName() );
holder.nameTxVw.setCompoundDrawables( cat.g
etImg(), null, null, null ); return
convertView; } } /** * POJO for holding
each list choice * */ class Animal
{ private String _name; private Drawable
_img; private String _val; public
Animal( String name, Drawable img, String
val ) { _name = name; _img = img; _val =
val; } public String getName() { return
_name; } public Drawable getImg() { return
_img; } public String getVal() { return
_val; } } }

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