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Copyright Mark Riverside

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced,

stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by
any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording,
scanning, or otherwise, without the prior written permission
of the publisher.

All the material contained in this book is provided for
educational and informational purposes only. No
responsibility can be taken for any results or outcomes
resulting from the use of this material.
While every attempt has been made to provide information
that is both accurate and effective, the author does not
assume any responsibility for the accuracy or use/misuse of
this information.

Mark Riverside 1

Table of Contents

Foreword by Nancy heng ................................................................................

Kettlebells Rock................................................................................................ 1
1) Kettlebell Deadlift ...................................................................................... 2
2) Kettlebell Swing .......................................................................................... 4
3) Kettlebell Push Press ................................................................................ 6
4) Kettlebell Clean ........................................................................................... 7
5) Kettlebell Snatch ........................................................................................ 9
6) Kettlebell Windmills .............................................................................. 11
7) Kettlebell Goblet Squat ......................................................................... 13
8) Two-Arm Kettlebell Row ..................................................................... 14
9) Kettlebell Pistol Squat ........................................................................... 15
The Next Steps ............................................................................................... 16
Good Luck and To Your Health ................................................................ 17

Mark Riverside 2


Like most of you, I first heard of Mark

Riverside from his blog, Riverside
Kettlebells. Its one of those great sources
for Kettlebell information.
I watched in amazement as he started from
humble beginnings in Jonnys Gym to
become the Kettlebell superhero that he
now is (haha, yes Mark, you will have to
take me to a fancy dinner for this one!).
I have seen his articles and advise featured
in such publications as Mens Fitness, Shape Magazine, and The
Vancouver Sun.
I am proud to call Mark my good friend and mentor. Read and
enjoy his work. But most importantly, take action on it. The only
difference between a goal and a dream is action.
Take action on what Mark teaches and youll be in the shape of
your life.
Nancy Heng

Mark Riverside 3

Get In Shape with These 9 Must-Do Kettlebell Exercises


Dear friend,
Congrats for looking into kettlebells! If you want to pack on more
muscle and get ripped faster, start using kettlebells. Not only will
you generate more power, build more lean muscle, and spike your
metabolism, but youll also improve your balance and stability.
Because of its shape, you can push, pull, and swing the kettlebell like
nothing else and unlock a new branch of exercises that are
impossible with other tools.
These nine kettlebell exercises will add more muscle, melt more fat,
boost your endurance, and make you move better. Youll improve
your body and build the foundation for every other kettlebell
Im sure youll find this short guide useful.
Please take this information seriously.
It is very important that you take action on the information I will be
revealing to you. I want you to be healthy, in shape, strong and sexy,
but I cannot do it all for you. You are the one responsible for your
It is up to you to put this into action.
To your health!
Mark Riverside
PS: Follow me on my blog,

Mark Riverside Page 1

Get In Shape with These 9 Must-Do Kettlebell Exercises


Kettlebells start here. The deadlift adds muscle to your hips,

hamstrings, glutes, and back. It also ingrains a good hip-hingethe
process of bending forward at your hips while keeping your lower-
back flat and bending your knees slightlynecessary in almost
every kettlebell move.
How to do it:
Stand shoulder-width apart with the kettlebell between your legs
and the handle inline with the bony part of your ankles. Bend from
hips and grab the kettlebell with both hands. Before you lift, your
shins should be vertical, your back should be almost parallel with
the ground, and your lower back should be flat.
Squeeze the handle hard, pull your shoulders backward, and crush
your armpits. Lift the kettlebell by pushing through the ground, not
by pulling up. Stand tall and squeeze your glutes at the top. On the
way down, place the kettlebell at the same exact spot you lifted it
How to use it:

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Get In Shape with These 9 Must-Do Kettlebell Exercises
Use on your lower-body workouts to as the main lift or as an
accessory exercise to the barbell squat or barbell deadlift.

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Get In Shape with These 9 Must-Do Kettlebell Exercises


The kettlebell swing is a fantastic exercise to strengthen your body

and burn a ton of fat. It develops tremendous power in your
hamstrings, glutes, and core, which will improve your other lifts like
the squat and deadlift. It also crushes your lungs and blasts your
metabolism because it repeats so quickly.
Adding the swing to your workout will absolutely improve your
athleticism. It is, however, one of the most butchered exercises on
Earth. Start with the kettlebell deadlift firstit will build a great
foundation and teach good technique.
How to do it:
Start in a deadlift position with the kettlebell a few feet in front of
you. Then, hike the kettlebell back between your legs like a center in
football and explosively drive your hips forward. Imagine propelling
the kettlebell to a target in front of you.
Here are the two most common problems youll encounter:
1. Squatting the kettlebell swing. At the bottom of the swing,
your torso is too upright and your knees are too far forward: it
looks like a squat. This happens because you havent mastered
the deadlift yet.

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Get In Shape with These 9 Must-Do Kettlebell Exercises
Work on your kettlebell deadlift and then retry the swing. Only
bend your knees slightly.
2. Too much arms. Your arms should feel like noodles because
its the hips that propel the movement. Instead, use a towel
swing: wrap a towel around the kettlebell handle and grab the
ends of the towel. Then, swing the kettlebell.
With a correct swing, the kettlebell should reach around the height
of your belly button or chest, no higher.
How to use it:
Use it as a power exercise early in your workout or at the end as a
brutal finisher.

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Get In Shape with These 9 Must-Do Kettlebell Exercises


The military press is a phenomenal, explosive move that sculpts big

shoulders, huge traps, and ripped triceps. It also builds tremendous
core stability and forces you to generate power from your lower-
body, transfer it up the kinetic chain, and out through your arms,
which is integral in every sport.
How to do it:
Start with the kettlebells in the rack positionhold kettlebells at
your chest with the kettlebell on the outside of your arms and your
hands underneath your chin. Keep your chest up, pull shoulders
back, and crush your armpits. Keep your wrists straight.
Lower yourself into a very partial squat and explode upward with
your legs while driving your arms overhead. At the top, make sure
your biceps are next to your ears and your wrists are flat, not bent
backward. Carefully lower the kettlebells back to the rack position
and repeat.
How to use it:
Use it as a power exercise early in your workout or as a shoulder
exercise in your upper-body workouts.

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Get In Shape with These 9 Must-Do Kettlebell Exercises


The kettlebell clean is a power exercise that swings the kettlebell to

the rack position. You build both explosive strength and
coordination. Its also a safe and efficient way to bring the kettlebell
to the rack position for your overhead exercises.
How to do it:
Start in a deadlift position with the kettlebell a few feet in front of
you. Then, hike the kettlebell back between your legs like a center in
football and explosively drive your hips forward. Swing the
kettlebell up to the rack position. Then repeat.

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Get In Shape with These 9 Must-Do Kettlebell Exercises
The most common problem is when the kettlebell slams on your arm
rather than rolling there. This happens when you use your arm to
yank the kettlebellthe kettlebell then flies away from your body
and flips onto your arm. Instead, as you swing up, keep your elbow
jammed to your ribcage, keep it there, and spin your hand.
Another trick is to start with the kettlebell in the rack position.
Memorize the feeling, and then swing it between your legs and
return to the rack position.
How to use it:
Use it as a power exercise early in your workout or at the end as a
brutal finisher.

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Get In Shape with These 9 Must-Do Kettlebell Exercises


The kettlebell snatch is a power exercise that swings the kettlebell to

an overhead position, like at the top of the push press. Because it
travels more distance, the snatch builds more power than the swing
or clean.
How to do it:
Start in a deadlift position with the kettlebell a few feet in front of
you. Then, hike the kettlebell back between your legs like a center in
football and explosively drive your hips forward. Swing the
kettlebell up to an overhead position like with the push press
imagine zipping up your jacket as you pull the kettlebell overhead.
Drop the kettlebell back between your legs and repeat.

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Get In Shape with These 9 Must-Do Kettlebell Exercises

The most common problem with the snatch is when the kettlebell
slams on your forearm at the top. Dont whip the kettlebell around
your hand; whip your hand around the kettlebell.
How to use it:
Use it as a power exercise early in your workout or at the end as a
brutal finisher.

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Get In Shape with These 9 Must-Do Kettlebell Exercises


This is a phenomenal dynamic exercise that blasts your obliques,

strengthens your shoulder, and activates your hips too.
How to do it:
Hold one kettlebell overhead and stand with your feet shoulder-
width apart and toes pointed away from the kettlebell. Bend at your
hip and lower your torso to the side. Keep the kettlebell over your
shoulder and your lower-back flat. Use the back of your bottom hand
to trace your forward leg. Keep the back leg straight and watch the
kettlebell throughout.
How to use it:

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Get In Shape with These 9 Must-Do Kettlebell Exercises

Use it early in your workout to light up your core, warm up your

joints, and increase your flexibility.

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Get In Shape with These 9 Must-Do Kettlebell Exercises


One of the basic Kettlebell exercises, the Kottlebell Goblet Squat is

actually a great exercise to learn how to squat deeply. It improves
ankle mobility and the glute stretch.
How to do it:
Hold a kettlebell by the handle close to your chest and assume a
comfortable stance. Bring your knees out as you squat down to bring
the kettlebell between them. Looking straight ahead at all times,
squat as low as you can. Pause at the bottom of the squat. Keep your
head and chest up, with your back in spine-neutral position
(straight). Rise back up by driving through your heels.
How to use it:
Use it instead of barbell squats early in your workout for complete
activation of your glutes, hamstrings and back muscles.

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Get In Shape with These 9 Must-Do Kettlebell Exercises


Work your biceps, middle back and lats with one exercise. Go as
heavy as you can.
How to do it:
Take two kettlebells and place them in front of your feet. Bend knees
slightly. Bend over to pick up the kettlebells while maintaining spine
neutral position. Pull kettlebells towards your stomach maintaining
spine-neutral position (back straight, chest out) and keeping your
elbows tucked in.
How to use it:
Use it after shoulder exercises for a final activation of shoulder
muscles and to work your back.

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Get In Shape with These 9 Must-Do Kettlebell Exercises


Okay, this is a hard one. Attempt this only if you mastered the other
exercises and have good leg strength. Train for pistol squats without
weights first, and hold on something (rack or TRX) when starting.
How to do it:
Pick up a kettlebell with two hands and hold it to your chest,
standing. Extend one leg slightly off the floor and squat down on the
other one, flexing your knee and sitting back on your hips. Continue
to hold the kettlebell up in front of your chest. Pause for a few
seconds, then drive yourself through your heels back up to the
upright position, keeping your head and chest up. Lower yourself
again and repeat for 8-10 repetitions. Repeat with the other leg.
How to use it:
Use as first squat exercise. After this one, dont quit yet, just keep

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Get In Shape with These 9 Must-Do Kettlebell Exercises


Now how to put this all together?

I know it can be overwhelming to start just with a list of exercises.

Even if you know now how beneficial kettlebell training is for you
can you easily come up with a complete workout plan that burns fat
and build muscle at the same time?

The truth is most people simply

dont know what exactly gets the
biggest results from their training.

Thats why I have written

Kettlebells for Beginners, published
I have worked hard to distil my
knowledge into a single, easy to
follow system.
It contains all you need to really get
started with Kettlebell training.
Click to check it out: Kettlebells for Beginners
Do me a favor: Before you step into a gym the next time, have a look
at this link. It may just change some core beliefs you had. And at just
$9.95 it is accessible to anyone.

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Get In Shape with These 9 Must-Do Kettlebell Exercises


That is it from me! I hope you enjoyed the 9 Must-Do Kettlebell

Exercises and now have a starting point on your journey to be in
shape, strong, and healthy.
From here on out, it is up to you to do the work to make the dream a
reality (yes, you actually have to do some work).
Just remember to never let go of the dream and keep working every
day towards your goal.
To your health!
Mark Riverside
PS: In Kettlebells for Beginners, Im giving you a complete 8 week
training program. Get it, and you can get started today.

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