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Home Design Hindu Temple Architecture Style and Analogous of the Human Body


Hindu Temple Architecture Style and Analogous of

the Human Body Search Here!!!

Jay Amrutia


Hindu Temple Architectural Style of Other Countries

The famous Angkor Wat of Cambodia. The largest Hindu temple in the world.

This Hindu temple architecture is a combination of Dravida and Khmer styles of architecture. While
the massive Prambanan temple complex of Java.


Indonesia follows the Mandala precepts of Vasthu Sastra. Also, its soaring spires are reminiscent of
the Nagara Shikharas.

Hindu Temple Architectural Features:

Bellow image shows an important features of temple design .


Hindu temple architecture significance:

Hindu philosophical and metaphysical concepts dominate the architecture of the temple.
Whatever its style.
The basic layout of a temple design can be visualized as a Mandala. A miniature representation of
the cosmos.
The Mandala is a mystical Hindu symbol represented by a square enclosing a circle.
Square denotes not just the four directions but also a perfection of form and symmetry making it
de rigueur for temple architecture.
The Mandala is subdivided into a grid of smaller squares: 64 and 81 are the most commonly used.
Each square is invested metaphysically with a resident deity.
Each component of the temple is then sited on a particular square.
A Mandala that forms the basis for a temples layout is termed a Vasthupurusha Mandala.
All temple usually consists of the following parts: the Garbhagraha (or the Sanctum Sanctorum)
containing the diety, the Vimana/Shikhara, the tower rising over the Sanctum, the Mandapa in
front of the Sanctum, the Prakaras around the Sanctum and the Gopura, the gateway(s) to the
The layout of a temple can also be analogous to the human body .
The vimana is the head, the Sanctum is the neck, the front mandapa is the stomach, the prakara
walls are the legs, the gopura is the feet and the Lord in the Sanctum is the Soul or the Jiva of the

Ref : Wiki .

Famous Architectural styles for you.

Expressionist Modern Architecture Style.

Contemporary Architecture Style.
Modern Architecture Style.

Facts Of Hindu Temple Architecture Style:

Indian architecture, belonging to different periods of history. That is bears the stamp of respective
periods. Though the cities of Indus Valley provide substantial evidence of extensive town planning.
The beginnings of Indian architecture can be traced back to the advent of Buddhism in India.

It was in this period, that a large number of magnificent buildings came up. Some of the highlights of
Buddhist art and architecture. The Great Stupa at Sanchi and the rock-cut caves at Ajanta.

With the establishment of Hindu kingdoms in South India. The south Indian school of architecture
began to flourish. The most notable achievements of the Pallava rulers were the rock-cut temples of
Mahabalipuram and the temples of Kanchipuram.

The Chola, Hoyasala and Vijayanagar rulers also did remarkable job in the field of architecture. The
temples at Thanjavur, Belur and Halebid bear testimony to the architectural excellence of the South
Indian rulers.

In north India, there developed a new a different style of architecture. This was called as the Nagara
style architecture. In central India, the Chandela rulers built a magnificent temple complex at

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Tags: architectural Element, architectural styles, architecture, Design Styles, Hindu Temple


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