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Esquema de PPM

Columnas Definicin Nulos Comentarios

CMN_SEC_USERS This table stores information about the CA Clarity PPM users.

BAD_LOGIN_COUNT NUMBER Yes The number of times the user has tried to log in unsuccessfully.
BO_USER VARCHAR2(288) Yes This column refers to the Business Objects user.
COMPANY_ID NUMBER Yes The company this user works for. It is a foreign key to SRM_COMPANIES.
COUNTRY_ID NUMBER No The lookup ID to the country code of the user. This could be used to determine the language that is displayed in combination with the language ID.
CREATED_BY NUMBER No This column refers to the resource (CMN_SEC_USERS.ID) that created this row.
CREATED_DATE DATE No This column refers to the date and time this row was created.
CURRENCY_CODE VARCHAR2(3) Yes This column indicates the ISO 3-letter currency code for the user's default currency.
DESCRIPTION VARCHAR2(240) Yes The description for the user.
EMAIL_ADDRESS VARCHAR2(80) No The email address of the user.
END_DATE DATE Yes The end date of a proxy assignment for action items.
EXTERNAL_ID VARCHAR2(500) Yes The XML Open Gateway External ID. It defines the unique ID in the external system that is the source for the user data.
EXTERNAL_SOURCE_ID NUMBER Yes The XML Open Gateway External Source Identifier. This ID defines where the user data was sourced from.
FIRST_NAME VARCHAR2(96) Yes The user's first name.
FORCE_PWD_CHANGE NUMBER No A flag that determines if the user must reset his or her password the next time the user logs in.
FULL_NAME VARCHAR2(300) Yes The full name of the user.
HIGH_CONTRAST_UI NUMBER(1,0) Yes This column refers to whether the user should have a high contrast UI
HOME_URL VARCHAR2(2083) Yes The configurable home page setting of each user. If this field is null, the system default home page will be used as the home page for this user. This
field can contain data in the format of <action_id>{(&<param>=<value>)}, e.g. "odf.calculatedAttribute&id=123212"
ID NUMBER No This column refers to the unique identifier of a row in this table. The User ID is used in many places to reference the row in this table.
IS_LDAP NUMBER Yes This column is set to 1 if this user is managed by LDAP server, and 0 otherwise. This prevents some aspects of the user from being updated in the
LANGUAGE_ID NUMBER No The language used to display pages for the user. This is a reference to the CMN_LANGUAGES table.
LAST_LOGGED_IN_DATE DATE Yes The date when a user logs into CA Clarity PPM.
LAST_NAME VARCHAR2(96) Yes The user's last name.
LAST_PWD_CHANGE DATE No The date the user last changed his or her password. This column is used to determine when the user must change his or her password - if the option
(set in UI System Options) is set to force a password change after a set number of days.
LAST_UPDATED_BY NUMBER No The resource that last updated this row. This refers to CMN_SEC_USERS.ID.
LAST_UPDATED_DATE DATE No The date and time this row was last updated.
LOCALE VARCHAR2(30) No The locale of the user. This column is used for date formatting and sorting.

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Esquema de PPM
Columnas Definicin Nulos Comentarios
LOGIN_COUNT NUMBER Yes This column is deprecated and should no longer be used.
MIDDLE_NAME VARCHAR2(80) Yes The user's middle name.
NAV_STATE NUMBER Yes The current state of the user's navigation menu.
NO_CSRF_MSG NUMBER(1,0) Yes This column supports user preferences for displaying cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attack messages.
OBS_ID NUMBER Yes This column is deprecated and should no longer be used.
PHOTO_FILE VARCHAR2(255) Yes The name of the image file the user can upload and display in the favorite photo portlet.
PROXY_USER_ID NUMBER Yes This column refers to the user ID who is the current proxy for this user from START_DATE to END_DATE.
PWD VARCHAR2(80) No The encrypted password of the user.
PWD_REQUIRED NUMBER Yes This column is deprecated and should no longer be used.
SALT VARCHAR2(100) Yes This value in this column is used with the password and a crytographic algorithm for password protection.
SCREEN_READER_OPT NUMBER(1,0) Yes This column refers to whether the user should have a screen reader optimized UI.
SMS_EMAIL_ADDRESS VARCHAR2(80) Yes This column indicates the user's short message service (SMS) address.
START_DATE DATE Yes The start date of a proxy assignment for action items.
TIMEZONE VARCHAR2(30) No The user's time zone.
USE_PROXY NUMBER(1,0) No Set if the user has defined a proxy for action items. Values are:
0 = No proxy
1 = Use the PROXY_USER_ID column
USER_NAME VARCHAR2(240) No This column is the unique user name. This is the name used to log in to Clarity.
USER_STATUS_ID NUMBER No A lookup for the status of the user. The values are:
Active = The user is active
Inactive = The user is inactive
Locked = The user is locked

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