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Something Wicked This Way Comes:

The Secret Space Program OR its

End Game
Something Wicked This Way Comes:

The Secret Space Program Or its End Game


My name is Olav Phillips and I am a conspiracy researcher, writer and publisher. I
write for and publish PARANOIA, Steamshovel Press and Mysterious Magazine. I
am also the principle researcher for Ground Zero Radio with Clyde Lewis on
Premiere Radio Networks and the author of The Secret Space Age published by
Adventures Unlimited Press.

I have been researching conspiracies and UFOs for the last 24 years and my passion
is serving as archivist for the UFO and paranormal community.

I have appeared on many popular radio shows as well as television presentaPons
including: Shadows In the Dark Radio, Coast to Coast AM, Voyager (RAI Due, Italy),
as well as being a long Pme contributor to Ground Zero Radios invesPgaPons
including the famous Tracy, CA UFO Crash case featured on UFO Hunters and I have
contributed to many of the television presentaPons youve seen on Area 51, UFOs
and conspiracies.

Something Wicked This Way Comes:

The Secret Space Program Or its End Game

Two Rules to Live By

1. Dont Believe Me or Anyone
2. Do Your Own Research This is
a starPng point
Something Wicked This Way Comes:

The Secret Space Program Or its End Game

What is the Secret Space Program?

To me I dene the Secret Space Program
fundamentally as a theory, backed up by facts, that a
parallel space program exists outside the view or
control of the populace.

It exists in a mulPnaPonal space and is supported by
most industrialized naPons and is controlled by a
parallel government structure which exists within the
public governmental structures we see in the public
space. I call this shadow government The Break
Away CivilizaPon
Something Wicked This Way Comes:

The Secret Space Program Or its End Game

Is it Aliens?

It is possible that Aliens like the Blue Avians are involved in some capacity with the
Breakaway civilizaPon / Secret Space Program. We do know there are some alien
arPfacts and interacPons (just wait..)

For me? I employ Occams Razor went confronted by this kind of quesPon:

En#a non sunt mul#plicanda praeter necessitatem.
More things should not be used than are necessary.
- William of Ockham

Or beder said:

"We consider it a good principle to explain the phenomena by the simplest
hypothesis possible."
- Ptolemy
Something Wicked This Way Comes:

The Secret Space Program Or its End Game

McMinnville, Oregon 1950

Something Wicked This Way Comes:

The Secret Space Program Or its End Game

APOLLO 20 Images

Actual Apollo 15 Photo Apollo 20 Photo

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The Secret Space Program Or its End Game

APOLLO 20 Image
Something Wicked This Way Comes:

The Secret Space Program Or its End Game

So who is it and
whats the point?

Something Wicked This Way Comes:

The Secret Space Program Or its End Game

IntroducPon to AlternaPve Three :

The Blue Print for The END OF THE WORLD

AlternaPve Three is probably the most dangerous show ever made, but why?

AlternaPve Three was to be the nal episode in a long running East Anglia hard
science program called Science Report and was intended for broadcast April 1st,
1977 it was actually aired 6/20/1977 due to a scheduling mistake.

It was simulcast in three countries and caused wide spread panic, leading to
legislaPon to prevent AlternaPve Three from being reaired. It was shown in
Australia, and subsequently banned. At the same Pme it was opPoned by NBC
Drama, and rejected by Standards and PracPces as being too dangerous. Standards
and PracPces are the censors in U.S. Television. It can only be shown in Japan.

It was directed by Christopher Miles, wriden by David Ambrose, with a soundtrack
by Brian Eno, much of the sound track was later used in Music for Films.

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IntroducPon to AlternaPve Three : The Blue Print

It was presented by Tim Brinton, later a Member of Parliament, a well respected TV
news presenter.

All known masters, and all documentaPon of the lm was destroyed in a re.

The show ostensibly dealt with the Brain Drain which occurred in the UK in the
1970s. Many scienPsts and technicians were leaving the UK for greener pastures.
During the lming the researchers discover that there is a secret plan to leave
earth! Mayhem ensues as we learn that the Earth will soon no longer be able to
support life. But wait - the Government is here to x the problem!

It has been claimed to be a mockumentry, but in reality it is the blue print for the
end of the world and the reason why the Break Away CivilizaPon exists as we shall
see. It is also important to point out Leslie Watkins who did the book treatment
claims AlternaPve Three was dangerously close to the truth and planned a second
book to that end. The book treatment was also listed as non-cPon.
Something Wicked This Way Comes:

The Secret Space Program Or its End Game

The Three AlternaPves Explained

In the lm Professor BallanPne tells us that in 1957 there was a secret
meePng where noted scienPsts became convinced that soon the Earth would
experience climate instability then plunge into an ice age and the world
would eecPve end!

Incidentally in 1957 there was a meePng of the American Chemical Society in
which Roger Revelle of Scripps InsPtute of Oceanography discovered the
oceans could process a mere 10% of the CO2 being generated in 1957!

In short we had a problem. As Revelle wrote Human beings are now
carrying out a large scale geophysical experiment of a kind that could not
have happened in the past nor be reproduced in the future. An experiment
which would lead to large scale greenhouse eects which would heat up the
enPre planet amongst other things. In eect Revelle discovered Global

Something Wicked This Way Comes:

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The Three AlternaPves Explained

So was that date of 1957 coincidence? Probably not..

What came out of that meePng was three alternaPves to miPgate the problem.

Alterna:ve 1 Set o a high alPtude nuclear device to blow a hole in the
atmosphere and vent the C02 into space.
Alterna:ve 1.5 - GeoEngineering
Alterna:ve 2 Build massive underground bases
Alterna:ve 3 Leave and by way of the moon go to Mars to recolonize unPl the
earth stabilized.
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The Three AlternaPves Explained

Alterna:ve 1 Set o a high alPtude nuclear device to blow a hole in the
atmosphere and vent the C02 into space.

Welcome to Project Argus.

In 1958, just one year aqer the supposed meePng Task Force 88 was formed to
execute project Argus/Hardtack-Argus/Floral. Its mission was to re 2 missiles into
the upper atmosphere near the geologic equator at its highest over 4000 miles up
then detonate a 2kt device to create an arPcial radiaPon belt similar to the Van
Allen Belt which protects our planet from solar radiaPon.

This project was completed within 6 months where normal projects took two years.

AlternaPve Three Status? Failure

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The Three AlternaPves Explained

Alterna:ve 1.5 GeoEngineering on a MASSIVE

Welcome to Global Dimmingerrr Chemtrails

Use materials to reect the sunlight back into
space and reduce overall ambient sunlight and

AlternaPve Three Status? Ongoing
Something Wicked This Way Comes:

The Secret Space Program Or its End Game

The Three AlternaPves Explained

Patent 5,104,069 Issued to Boeing (aka 7x7 aircraq)

Apparatus and method for ejecPng material from an aircraq.
Basically a sprayer. This release mechanism could be coupled with
a device to lter material out from the fuel then eject it into the air
where it mixes with the contrail.

Why have we never found the chemtrail eet? Possibly because
every plane in the air is part of it unknowingly
Something Wicked This Way Comes:

The Secret Space Program Or its End Game
Something Wicked This Way Comes:

The Secret Space Program Or its End Game
Something Wicked This Way Comes:

The Secret Space Program Or its End Game

The Three AlternaPves Explained

Alterna:ve 2 Build massive underground bases

I dont think anyone needs to be told that we are building underground bases. COG
or ConPnuity of Government construcPon has progress at an alarming rate for
almost 50 years.

AlternaPve Three Status? Failure Could not build enough underground faciliPes
fast enough

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It even has a giq shop and Starbucks to help ride out the end of the world!
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Mt. Weather - FEMA

FEMA needs an Extra Large Underground Bunker!
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Global Seed The Nordic Seed Vault

If nothing is going on, why build seed vaults?
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Global Seed The Nordic Seed Vault

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Millennium Seed Bank West Sussex, UK

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InsPtute of Plant Industry

St. Petersburg, Russian FederaPon
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NaPonal Center for GenePc

Resources PreservaPon
Ft. Collins, CO United States
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How do you move things covertly in


An underground rail system would be a
good way!

But is it possible?

Elon Musk has proposed a highspeed
vacuum sealed rail system between San
Francisco and Los Angeles but..

Well he wasnt the rst.

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The Secret Space Program Or its End Game


Something Wicked This Way Comes:

The Secret Space Program Or its End Game

FEMA needs an Extra Large Underground Bunker!

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The Three AlternaPves Explained

Alterna:ve 3 Leave and by way of the moon go to Mars to recolonize unPl the
earth stabilized.

This is the genesis of the Secret Space Program. Nothing less then the evacuaPon,
of select individuals, to Mars by way of the Moon.

AlternaPve Three Status? Underway
Something Wicked This Way Comes:

The Secret Space Program Or its End Game

Possible Causes For AlternaPve Three

ClimaPc collapse due to Thermo Nuclear
Warfare (Nuclear Winter)
Climate Change due to various factors including
natural cycles
Asteroid Impact (Apophis 2036 or 2068 Impact)
Something we dont know about????

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The Secret Space Program Or its End Game

The M Project or MigraPon Project

Commissioned in 1940 by Franklin Roosevelt as a black project with
over $180,000 ( $3.1 million dollars in 2015 dollars)
Lead by a very famous, and totally rich, Anthropologist Henry Fields
(Field Museum/Fields Department Stores)
Employed 32 researchers w/ mulPple secretaries
FDRs purpose? To relocate large populaPons due to war, famine or
climaPc event because the disconnected can and will cause
trouble, serious trouble.
No climate considered too harsh evaluated everything from the
Belgian Congo to Tangayika
Eventual conclusion? Move to Mars or Venus but Alpha Centauri was
too far!

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Something Wicked This Way Comes:

The Secret Space Program Or its End Game

Moon Bases

Moon Bases? Sounds crazy! But its not.

Project Horizon A US Army project to build a Moon base by 1967. The base would have
oensive and defense capabiliPes as was to be staed by a crew of over 200 specially trained
Army soldier/astronauts by 1965. Again as we have seen this project was publically killed o but
that doesnt mean it didnt enter the special access projects realm where there is lots of money
and no oversight.

Project Lunex Project Lunex was the Air Force equivalent to Horizon and called for a crew of 21
to live on this underground defense staPon at a cost of a mere $7.5 billion. The interesPng part of
this project is that it pre-dated the Apollo program and if operaPonal may explain why the Moon
Hoax theories swirl around even to this day.

Project Zvezda Zvezda was a Soviet project similar to Horizon and included, at least at some
level, conversaPons between the Soviet space program and our own to jointly operate and man
the base. Again I think its safe to assume, given the direcPon of weapons development, that this
base too was almost certainly armed.

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Moon Bases, Space Bases and MARS!

And what about Transient Lunar Phenomenon??

TLP is marked by lights spontaneously appearing on the surface
of the moon by reputable scienPsts.

This map shows an example of the TLP reports on the near side
of the moon.

It should also be noted that TLPs have been reported since the
1800s but these accounts may be prone to misidenPcaPon
due to poor instrumentaPon.
Something Wicked This Way Comes:

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Vehicle Tracks on the Moon - hdp://

Something Wicked This Way Comes:

The Secret Space Program Or its End Game

Vehicle Tracks on the Moon

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Something Wicked This Way Comes:

The Secret Space Program Or its End Game

Mars Base

You said Mars, what can you nd

The image you see is a man made
facility on Mars.

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The Mars Monolith

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The Mars Monoliths

Something Wicked This Way Comes:

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Batch Consignments

One of the important elements of
AlternaPve Threes discussion
about the Moon/Mars bases is
the idea of Batch Consignments
or people who are kidnapped to
become forced labor.

The map to the right is by David
Paulidess CanAM project tracking
disappearances over layed with
TALs underground base map
circa 1990.
Something Wicked This Way Comes:

The Secret Space Program Or its End Game

Space StaPons

The Manned Observa:on Laboratory (The MOL) United States Air Force project to build and
later deploy a manned badle staPon equipped with a laser. The two man crew, both Air Force
astronauts, and yes the USAF does have its own astronaut corp. were designated to spend three
to six months onboard. Armed with a laser canon, or possibly a parPcle cannon, their mission
ostensively was to be ready to adack then Soviet space based plaworms or space planes (maybe
even UFOs?).

The Almaz The Almaz was the Soviet equivalent to the MOL. It was indeed launched and
crewed for somePme and was armed with a 23mm cannon. The cannon was actually a massive
engineering feet since the designers actually had to place rockets on the sides of the Almaz to
counter act the force of the ring. Cosmonauts who served on the Almaz report that it was quite
an adventure to re the canon and we know that it was indeed red several Pmes.

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SOHO Image USAF/NASA Concept - 1960

Something Wicked This Way Comes:

The Secret Space Program Or its End Game

So how do we get there?

I would suggest to you there are two primary methods.
There is an exoPc method (i.e. UFOs) and a convenPonal
method (i.e. Space Planes).

It is possible that the UFO variety of aircraq we see, using
anPgravity technology is more of a heavy liq service and is
more cost eecPve. Where the space plane model is faster
but more expensive in cost per pound to achieve orbit.

Or maybe dierent groups use dierent designs?
Something Wicked This Way Comes:

The Secret Space Program Or its End Game


It should surprise no one that the Nazi were undertaking a whole series of interesPng research
into no only alternaPve aircraq, such as the ME 262 Jet Fighter of the ME 169 Komet, but also into
alternaPve propulsion systems.

As part of the Wunderwae the Nazis built a whole host of interesPng aircraq ranging from a
crude cruise missile (the Fieseler FI 103) to the now infamous BELL.

The research was carried out by a SS General named Hans Kammler. Kammler, who held a PhD in
engineering, disappeared and was killed no less then six Pmes! It is believed that as the war was
ending he took the Bell, his scienPsts and primary technicians and boarded several JU 390
transports and leq for Base 211 in AntarcPca, having killed everyone else.

It is also important to note that during a June, 2011 interview with aerospace engineer T.D.
Barnes about Area 51, Clyde Lewis (Ground Zero) asked Mr. Barnes if he know about the Bell.
Barnes responded no, then aqer describing the device Barnes stated that he believed it was
transferred to Wright Paterson AFB, formerly Wright Field.
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Why Kammler?

Hans Kammler was born in Stexn, Germany near what is now Szczecin, Poland. In 1919 Kammler served in the
Rossbach Freikorps, included Rudolf Hoss who served as the commandant of Auschwitz and was hanged in Poland in
1947 for crimes against humanity.

1919 to 1923 Kammler studied Engineering at the Technische Hochschule der Freien Stadt in Danzig, later moving to
Munich where he was awarded his Dr. Ing (Doctorate in Engineering) in 1932.

Kammler joined the NSDAP in 1931 where he headed the AviaPon Ministrys building department aqer the Nazi party
came to power. He joined the SS in May, 1933 and was issued number 113,619.

June 1941 Kammler joined the Waen SS and was assigned to Oswald Pohls WVHA or SS-Wirtschaqs-
Verwaltungshauptant group as Pohls deputy. The WVHA over saw AMT C and AMT D which oversaw the
construcPon and administraPon of concentraPon camps. Kammler in parPcular oversaw the installaPon of the
cremaPon faciliPes at Auschwitz.

As Kammler moved through the SS hierarchy he eventually came to the adenPon of Heinrich Himmler who personally
assigned him to demolish the Warsaw ghedo aqer the Warsaw Ghedo Uprising in 1943.

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Kammlers next big assignment was to take over the construcPon, supported by inmates from the nearby
Buchenwald ConcentraPon Camp, of the massive construcPon project at the Jonas Valley. The secret project, though
never completed, has been Ped to several code names including Siegfried, Jasmin, Olga, Burg and S/III thought its
actual name is unknown.

Some theories around the Jonas ConstrucPon seem to link it to a chain of massive bunkers in central Thuringen near
the city of Gotha comprised a sort of Nazi Doomsday Bunker. It has been theorized that the Jonas site was selected
due to its locaPon to serve as a conPnuity of government facility in the event that the main Fuhrer Bunker fell and the
Nazi central machine had to relocate from Berlin. In fact there is a claim that Hitler spent March 1945 in this or
another adjacent bunker before moving on to locaPons unknown.

It has also been theorized this was a that the Jonas Valley site could also have been a launch and construcPon
complex for the proposed Amerika Rocket which the Nazis were working on along with nuclear devices.

What is known is that Kammler himself was heavily involved in secret weapons and exoPc research as early as 1942
when Oswald Pohl sent a leder to Kammler to discuss construcPng weapons at concentraPon camps which Pohl

As the war moved on Kammler became increasing powerful and started to move towards exoPc weaponry. First in
heading construcPon eorts for manufacturing faciliPes and launch plaworms for the ME262 and V-2 rocket, and
later in August 1943 Kammler assumed the command responsibility for Pennemunde. During this Pme Albert Speer,
Chief Architect of Nazi Germany, made Kammler his representaPve for Special ConstrucPon Tasks. By March 1944
Kammler had pushed Goring to make him responsible for special buildings.

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Die Glocke The Bell

Much of what we know about the Bell comes from Jakob Sporrenberg by way of Igor Witkowski in
his now famous book on the Wunderwae.

It was supposedly tested as a propulsion system at a facility know as Der Riese (The Giant) near the
Czech Border near the Wencelaus Mine.

Die Glocke is described as being a device "made out of a hard, heavy metal approximately 9 feet
wide and 12 to 15 feet high having a shape similar to that of a large bell. According to Cook, this
device ostensibly contained two counter-rotaPng cylinders which would be "lled with a
mercury-like substance, violet in color. This metallic liquid was code-named "Xerum 525" and was
otherwise cauPously "stored in a tall thin thermos ask a meter high encased in lead. AddiPonal
substances said to be employed in the experiments, referred to as Leichtmetall (light metal),
"included thorium and beryllium peroxides. Cook describes Die Glocke as emixng strong radiaPon
when acPvated, an eect that supposedly led to the death of several unnamed scienPsts[7] and
various plant and animal test subjects. Based upon certain external indicaPons, Witkowski states
that the ruins of a metal framework in the vicinity of the Wenceslas mine (aesthePcally dubbed
"The Henge") may have once served as test rig for an experiment in "anP-gravity propulsion"
generated with Die Glocke.

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Something Wicked This Way Comes:

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Something Wicked This Way Comes:

The Secret Space Program Or its End Game

And then aqer the war. PROJECT PAPERCLIP

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Then a few years later..

Supposed UFO Photo taken by

George Adamski
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Then a few years later..

Supposed UFO Photo taken by George Adamski

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But what happened to Kammler and the other non-paperclip

researchers? They vanished right?

They went o the farm err planet.

I think we are seeing compePng interests. On one hand I
believe and have found over Pme there is a Nazi or Nazi 2.0
component which is extra-planetary but there is also a Earth
based component as well. Both Break Away CivilizaPons

This would explain the SDI systems, armed badle staPons
and the Solar Warden Space Navy.
Something Wicked This Way Comes:

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Was it possible to get the BELL to AntarcPca?

10,000 Miles with refueling in route, Africa and South America
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The JU 390
General characteris:cs
Crew: 10
Length: 34.20 m (112 q 2 in)
Wingspan: 50.30 m (165 q 1 in)
Height: 6.89 m (22 q 7 in)
Wing area: 254 m (2,730 q)
Empty weight: 39,500 kg (87,100 lb)
Loaded weight: 53,112 kg (117,092 lb)
Max. takeo weight: 75,500 kg (166,400 lb)
Powerplant: 6 BMW 801G-2 radial engines, 1,250 kW (1,700 PS) each
Maximum speed: 505 km/h (314 mph)
Range: 9,700 km (6,030 mi)
Service ceiling: 6,000 m (19,700 q)
Wing loading: 209 kg/m (42.8 lb/q)
Power/mass: 0.17 kW/kg (0.10 hp/lb)

It was capable of being refueled in air by a modied JU 290 in route or refueled in Africa
then ArgenPna. This was successfully done in August of 1943 for a reconnaissance ight
into Canada by a handpicked crew which included Anna Kreisling as co-pilot.

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The U-234

The U234 was a cargo uboat which was originally t as a mine
layer was captured in route to Newport News, VA aqer
receiving the surrender order.

Onboard it was carrying some new elecrPc torpedoes, a crated
ME 262, Hs 293 Glide Bomb, 1200lbs or Uranium Oxide, and 50
lead tubes marked U-235. It was also carrying one Luqwae
General, Four German Naval Ocers and a large number of
scienPsts and engineers as well as two Japanese ocers.

Its desPnaPon was Japan and had enough fuel to run for 6 to 9
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Wolfsangel symbol used by the NSB

NaPonal Socialist Movement
of the Netherlands during World War 2.
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BriPsh Union of Fascists

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Nordic Aliens, Space Brothers or Space Nazis?

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How About Crop Circles? Messages from Aliens?

or maybe not.
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Crop Circle
Schwarze Sonne (Black Sun)
8/8/15 Wewelesburg Hall of Generals
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PredicPve Programming Maybe?

This sign, found in the game Wolfenstein: The New Order is very
interesPng It translates as follows..

Nachster Halt: Venus
Next Stop: Venus

Eine ausstellung uber den weltraum und wie ihn erobern
An exhibiPon about space and how to conquer it

Erleben sie ein auergewhnliches abenteuer und erkunden sie gemeinsam mit uns den
geheimnisvollen planten Mars
Experience an extraordinary adventure and explore with us the mysterious planet Mars (wait I
thought it was Venus? Uh huh)

Unser nachstes ziel
Closest our goal

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Space Planes

From a convenPonal point of view if
we believe the Break Away CivilizaPon
or Secret Space Program exist they
must use space planes or UFOs right?
Wouldnt also have iconography as
well? I mean we label everything..and
of course there would be pictures of
the aircraq right?

But of course.

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High AlPtude Aircraq with AdapPve Camouage

displaying a star

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High AlPtude Aircraq

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High AlPtude Aircraq with AEROSPIKE Engine

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High AlPtude Aircraq with AEROSPIKE Engine

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Space Plane seen in orbit

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Space Plane seen from ISS before video cut

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Something Wicked This Way Comes:

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Whos Behind This?

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So besides Space Nazis who is

behind the Breakaway

Rich People


To survive.
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Something Wicked This Way Comes:

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Something Wicked This Way Comes:

The Secret Space Program Or its End Game

So what is the End Game?

Let us assume for a moment that something is coming,
whatever that might be. The powers the be know and
tried to stop it, x it, and miPgate it and those adempts
failed. They would of course tell their friends and they
would do anything to survive

According to The M Project, and what we have seen
ourselves in places like New Orleans is that Society is three
days away from a breakdown. No water, no food and no
structure reduces us to barbarianism. The Powers That Be
know this and are seeking a way to ee and are using the
$7 trillion dollars, their friends and Special Access Programs
to do it..
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AlternaPve Three is the nuclear opPon.

Knowing they cannot sustain their vision of a Utopian
society they have instead set in moPon a plan, with others
in and out of the various governments, to go somewhere to
wait it out.

Mars seems like the desPnaPon for most but the ones leq
on Earth will most likely create enclaves of heavily armed
and rigid sociePes while they wait for us to shrink down to
the stated 300 million populaPon size in the West while
using less developed countries as forced labor.

Its predy apocalypPc but I believe it is true.
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What I have shown you today is a model setup by the AlternaPve Three lm. I have
adempted to provide you with a discussion of the means, moPve and opportunity
of this parallel group. I have adempted to show AlternaPve Three is in progress and
what that means.

Space Nazis? I think the Break Away CivilizaPon has two facPons The Earth bound
Group and a more nefarious Nazi group which had been operaPng our of Base 211
and other locaPons in South America and maybe other places

War in Space? I think, as can be seen in STS48, that a war of some sort is taking
place in space. SDI systems such as Project Thor, Brilliant Pebbles, Space Warden
and others have been deployed to target external threats.

Why? OverpopulaPon, polluPon or potenPally the foreknowledge of a catastrophic
mass moving our direcPon such as Aphophis. It doesnt enPrely mader take your
pick but its bad and its coming
Something Wicked This Way Comes:

The Secret Space Program Or its End Game

Final Thought:

"In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we oqen forget how much
unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal
threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our
dierences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside
this world"

Speech to the United Na:ons General Assembly, 42nd General Assembly
September 21, 1987

"I occasionally think how quickly our dierences, worldwide, would vanish if we
were facing an alien threat from outside this world"

From a speech with President Mikhail Gorbachev, in 1988
Something Wicked This Way Comes:

The Secret Space Program Or its End Game

Even More Final Thought:

"We now have the technology to take ET home."

Ben Rich
CEO Lockheed / Skunkworks
CALTECH Alumni Mee:ng
1995 (25 years ago)

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