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The Mercury Project: Comparing Mercury and Haskell



About Comparing Mercury with Haskell

News Mercury has a lot in common with functional languages. Functional programmers who are familiar with languages
such as ML and Haskell often ask how Mercury compares with those languages.

Documentation This web page contains a comparison between the type systems of Mercury and Haskell 98. The reason for
comparing with Haskell 98 is that Mercury's type system is more similar to that of Haskell than that of ML, and Haskell
papers 98 is probably the best documented / most well-known variant of Haskell. Of course Hugs and ghc have a lot of
deep proler extensions of Haskell 98, so in some sense this is not a "fair" comparison.

As well as listing the differences in type systems, we also describe some of the differences in module systems, since
there are some close interactions between the type systems and the module systems.
There are many other areas in which Mercury and Haskell 98 differ, including

Bug Tracker
the way in which the semantics is normally described (predicate calculus versus lambda calculus),
operational semantics (laziness / order of evaluation),
exception handling,
treatment of I/O,
standard libraries,
and of course support for logic programming,

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The Mercury Project: Comparing Mercury and Haskell

but we don't yet have point-by-point description of all of those differences.

The type systems of Mercury and Haskell 98 are similar in that they both have the following features:

discriminated union (d.u.) types, with support for named fields

type synonyms
higher-order function types (and lambda expressions)
tuple types
parametric polymorphism:
polymorphic d.u. types
polymorphic type synonyms
polymorphic functions
polymorphic recursion
type classes
functional dependencies
type inference
a similar set of basic types

They differ in the following ways:

Different syntax (obviously).

But in particular:
Haskell 98 lexically distinguishes constructors (uppercase initial letter) from functions/variables (lowercase
initial letter) whereas Mercury distinguishes variables (uppercase initial letter) from functions/constructors
(lowercase initial letter).
Haskell 98 permits nested function definitions, Mercury doesn't. In Mercury you can use variables with
higher-order type and initialize them with lambda expressions, of course, but variables are always
monorphically typed and functions defined using lambda expressions can't be recursive.

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The Mercury Project: Comparing Mercury and Haskell

Haskell 98 has the infamous monomorphism restriction which means that variables are monomorphic unless you
give an explicit polymorphic type declaration for them. In Mercury variables are always monomorphic, but because
of the lexical distinction between variables and functions, that doesn't seem to lead to the same confusion that the
Haskell monomorphism restriction causes.
Mercury requires type declarations for all functions exported from a module, Haskell 98 doesn't, at least in theory
(in practice, current Haskell implementations effectively require explicit type declarations [or worse] in the case of
mutually recursive modules).
For polymorphic recursion, Haskell 98 requires an explicit type declaration, whereas Mercury allows polymorphic
recursion with type inference, using a user-tunable iteration limit to ensure termination of the type inference
Haskell 98 allows type classes to define default implementations for methods, whereas Mercury doesn't.
Haskell 98 allows type class instances to leave some methods undefined, in which case calls to such methods will
be run-time errors, whereas Mercury treats undefined methods as a compile time error and requires users to
explicitly define methods to call error if that is what they want.
Haskell 98 supports constructor classes, Mercury doesn't.
Haskell 98's standard library makes extensive use of type classes, Mercury's doesn't (mainly for historical reasons).
Mercury allows multi-parameter type classes (however, there are some restrictions on the forms of instance
declarations, so this may not be quite as useful as it might first appear).
Mercury supports existentially typed functions, and existentially typed data types, whereas Haskell 98 doesn't
(Hugs, ghc and other Haskell implementations support existentially typed data types, but not existentially typed
Mercury supports "ad-hoc" overloading (there can be more than one constructor, function or class method with the
same name, and the compiler will determine which one each occurence of that name refers to based on the types),
Haskell 98 doesn't. (Of course if you make significant use of ad-hoc overloading, this can lead to ambiguities that
type checker can't resolve; if such ambiguities occur, you need to use explicit type declarations to resolve them,
rather than relying on type inference.)
In Haskell 98, functions always take a single argument; multiple arguments are handled using currying or tuples. In
Mercury, functions can take multiple arguments, and such functions have a type distinct from functions taking
tuples or functions returning functions. (Haskell's approach leads to more elegant source code; Mercury's approach

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The Mercury Project: Comparing Mercury and Haskell

has a simpler and more predictable performance model.)

The semantics of Haskell 98 say that each type has "bottom" as an extra element, to handle laziness. In Mercury,
laziness is treated as part of the operational semantics rather than the declarative/denotational semantics, so you
don't get the extra "bottom" element in each type. (To a first approximation, Mercury is eager, not lazy. But, since
that's a difference in the operational semantics, rather than in the type system, we won't go into the details here,
except to note that the first approximation is not the full story.)
Haskell 98 has two constructs for introducing discriminated union types, data and newtype, which differ in
laziness and representation, whereas Mercury uses just one, :- type; Mercury doesn't support lazy constructors,
so the laziness distinction is not applicable, and in Mercury the representation effect of newtype is automatic for
any type with one constructor and one argument.
Mercury supports nested modules, Haskell 98 doesn't. So in Mercury you can have abstract types whose definition
is only visible in a sub-module, rather than in the whole of the (outermost) module that contains them.
Mercury's module system allows instance declarations to be public (exported) or local (private), whereas in Haskell
instance declarations are always exported.
Mercury has predicates as well as functions (predicate types are distinct from functions returning bool). This
includes supporting existentially typed predicates, predicates as type class methods, predicate lambda
expressions, and higher-order predicate types.
Mercury supports optional dynamic typing, Haskell 98 doesn't. (Hugs/ghc do. However, their approach of
implementing this is a bit cumbersome, since the user has to explictly declare instances of Typeable, and its use
of an unchecked cast would be problematic in the presence of untrusted code.)
The treatment of equality, comparison, automatically derived classes, and RTTI differs considerably between the
two languages. Haskell 98 has built-in type classes Eq, Ord, Enum, Bounded, Read, and Show, and allows
instances for these to be automatically derived, if the programmer writes e.g. deriving Eq on the type
declaration. In Mercury, equality is a language construct, not a class method like == in Haskell. Mercury allows
user-defined equality, but because this alters the semantic notion of equality, it has very different effects in Mercury
than defining == does in Haskell. Mercury's RTTI system allows constructing and deconstructing arbitrary types at
runtime, and comparison and (de)serialization (compare, read, and write) are implemented using this.
Mercury's standard library provides a referentially transparent interface to mutable variables (the store module --
using existential types and unique modes), that is usable from non-I/O code; Haskell 98's doesn't, probably

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The Mercury Project: Comparing Mercury and Haskell

because it would require extensions to the Haskell 98 type system. (Hugs/ghc do provide such an interface, using
higher-order functions with explicit universal quantification, and monads, rather than existential types and unique
modes. Other Haskell implementations may do so too.)

Some other differences are related to Mercury's mode system. Some things which in other languages are part of the
type system are in Mercury handled by the mode system. In particular,

Mercury's mode system provides support for subtypes. For example, you can declare that a function whose
argument is a discriminated union type accepts only a subset of the possible constructors for that type, and the
mode system will enforce this.
Mercury's mode system provides support for uniqueness, similar to linear types or unique types. (However,
currently there are some significant limitations with this, in particular unique modes can only be used at the top
level of a term.)

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