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Exams basically can be divided in 3 sets...

There is nothing like once you study well your exams are going to go well, or on
ce you are done with good exam writing, you are sure going to pass.
It's all your belief system.
I am one of them...
Who does well, but somewhere my belief system does not accept passing in CA exam
s easily.
It is set in my mind from the day I decided for CA Course....
I have dealt with it a lot ...Nothing is Impossible :)
So how actually to apply Law of Attraction for Clearing exams...?
First thing first, you have to study
No exceptions to that...
You have to do some actions surely...
It's ok if you are weak in few chapters or a subject ...that does'nt affects our
success but not studying at all and just applying LOA will never work...
Now, no one is born same or talented.
Everyone lacks somewhere..
To go beyond that we use techniques of Law of attraction.
Law of attraction is not any power but Life...
It clearly states that it is a law of life in itself..
Where we lack and where we need to work as a student?
A: 1. Memory
2. Concentration
3 Laziness
4. Mood
5. Emotinal Disturbance
6. Much more..

How LOA can help?

Rule is, To attract something, focus on that.
Students fail to perform well or outstand in exams is because they always speak
what they don't want.
For eg : I have not yet done with preparation.
i am so slow.
I have bad concentration.
and so on....

And, what we speak continuously is what we attract!!!!!!

So from today your first task is change what you speak and focus on.
After that, simple task is to First talk, eat, move, anything in feeli
ng of having that what you want...talking..using words for what you want as what
you have it NOW!!!!
For eg : If you need to clear exams, you don't have to say I will clear but I ha
ve cleared my exams :)
Second thing is gratitude....
GRATITUDE helps you raise your vibrations
All is connected.
More the gratitude, More your life experiences reasons for gratitude.
Start from morning. Once you get up, keep your 1st leg on floor and say THANK YO
U followed with next leg. Go say THANK YOU at every step. every minute for few
When you sit to study say THANK YOU for books, stationery, place, environment, w
Anything troubling you, see it in your mind and say thank you :) i forgive you :
No matter how you might be feeling about a place, your mind, portion/sylabus or
any person.
Say Thank you, I forgive you :)
You Can use ho'oponopono Technique too. Google it :)

Then next write down things ou want or you are grateful for....You cn do it in e
vening or afternoon.
As you wish.
But daily few lines.
It takes 5-7 minutes.
You can write "I am so so very Happy & Grateful now that i have completed prepar
ing this n this subject or chapter today well before time. Whatever I have read,
I remember in one reading. Thank you I have received"

During exams you may write and go for exam "I have written my exams well and I a
m happy about that"

After exams, you may write "Thank you I have passed exams easily. Thank you I ha
ve scored __ marks in __ Subject."

Now the main part about Law of attraction, which makesi t possible is VISUALIZAT
This is not meditation, though part of meditation.
It requires to go into meditative state.
It is very important for everything what we are is what we imagine. We start con
trolling our lives.
Do this before sleep, much better.
well if you have much in life, do it 2-3 times a day. Some get it in once.
It's powerful :)

Go into meditative state. Get relaxed. Sit comfortably. Release all days tension
and worries.
See all negative from head going down to body and going out from toe. Then see a
white light from above [sky] and take it from head and fill it in whole body, y
our aura, place where you sit, room, house. See it at place where you sit for st
udying. Then Imagine whatever you want.
During prepartion : See yourself getting up early. Relaxing. Sitting for studies
and getting everything you read in one reading. See your whole day as you want.
Like successfully studying for 10 hours or so. whatever you need to do to pass
exam. Sleeping good. make a list of things you need to pass exams. this helps in
imagining. At last see yourself writing 100% paper with perfect answers and see
ing thise wonderful 4 letters words PASS on your result.
During exams : See yourself, healthy, happy, comfortable, studying and completin
g syllabus one day before exam easily and peacefully, then writing your exams ne
xt day 100% with perfect ans and completing within time.
After exams : Just imagine you inputting roll number and screen displaying your
name and PASS words over it :) You updating FB status, telling parents, sharing
whatever helps you feel good....
P.s. Work on your weak areas through Imagination.
There is also lot about law of attraction but the above steps help you achieve y
our goals easily.

You should also prepare 3 sheets including affirmations in them for 3 periods.
Like working on weak areas during preparation, going well one day before, writin
g good exams, getting marks exactly you wish after exams.
Afformations will totally remove your old beliefs about how you see you as a stu
dent and in studying.
Write them down and repeat daily according to time.

that's all :)
For more :
Be in touch
Fb group
Lw of Attraction for Success in exams.

Ankita Chawla :)

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