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1. Baby threw up after feeding. Only after feeding. What do u give?


Metachlorpromide is contraindicated in children less than 1 year of age due to an increased risk
of extrapyramidal disorders

2. Baby with decreased pulses in all extremities.

coarction Upper>Lower

3. Some ob procedure, messed up ureters

bilateral hydronephrosis

4. Basal cell carcinoma, wants to go on the beach, what is most protective thing?
spf 30 (higher the number the better)

5. kid who has impetigo

topical mupirocin

6. post-strep infection, after 2 weeks kidneys got messed up

post-strep glomeuropnephritis

7. polynephritis
cva tenderness, wbc 5casts in urine

8. Niacin deficiency
diarrhea, dementia, dermatitis

9. Alcoholic MCV >110

Folate deficiency

10. Lady who is pregnant and was diabetic and was taking metformin, you discontinue
metformin and what else do you give?
regular insulin (NPH)

11. Basal cell carcinoma- lesion on top lip what do you do next?
shave biopsy

12. Celiac disease

Granulomatous inflammation is NOT a feature of Celiac Disease
13. Bilateral pulmonary nodules, smoking, mining

14. Hyponotremia what does it cause


15. Cataracts
sees bilateral yellow halos

16. Someone who has diabetes what is renal protective

ace inhibitors

17. Amarouxis fugas

carotid lesions embolizes

18. Schizophrenia- guy saw and heard random shit


Old guy had unilateral renal stenosis can you give them ace inhibitors or bilateral?
Only give in unilateral.
In renal artery stenosis, there is an increase in angiotensin II production because the kidney is
receiving less blood. ACEI will prevent the excessive production of angiotensin II.

Avoid in bilateral renal artery stenosis, because ACE inhibitors will further decrease GFR leading
to renal failure.

19. guy smokes crack cocaine, hep b positive, sleeping with mad girls, a lot of oral shit

20. wide gap between first and second toes, protrusion of tongue
down syndrome

21. SIADH- what is 1st line treatment

demeclocycline, fluid restriction

22. Bipolar kid taking lithium presents with NDI

kidneys not responsive to ADH
23. Kid undergoing chemotherapy and presents with increase JVP and pulsus paradoxus.
What does he have?
chemo induced cardiotox (doxorubicin)

24. Cardiac tamponade and pericardial effusion - know diff

cardiac tamponade (blood)
pericardial effusion (any other fluid)

25. Someone had diabetes didnt heal well

macrovascular dz (atherosclerotic peripheral vascular disease)

26. Schizo and depression


27. Typical presentation of cocaine, what medication do you give next


28. Acute graft rejection

reaction after 2 months

29. Left lower quadrant and pneumaturia

May also cause colovesical fistula (fistula with bladder) leads to pneumaturia

Pneumaturia: Crohns Disease, Carcinoma of Colon or Bladder, Gas producing UTI and
Emphysamateous Cystitis

30. Presents with diverticulitis. What to do next?

CT scan

31. TOF
baby turns blue and cries and gets better (sounds like choanal atreasia)

32. 66 guy smokes and DM, HTN, hyperlipidemia presents with pneumonia and what
vaccination do you give
influenza given annually
33. Kid presents with ankylosing spondylitis. What area affected?
Features of Ankylosing spondylitis
Mnemonic: E SPINAL
S-sacroiliac and low back pain
P-pleuritic chest pain
I-inherited gene marker: HLA-B27
N-neck hyperextension question mark posture
A-arthritic symptoms in peripheries (asymmetrical)
L-loss of spinal movement which is progressive

Extra-articular Manifestations of Ankylosing Spondylitis

6 "A's"
Atlanto-axial subluxation
Anterior uveitis
Apical lung fibrosis
Aortic incompetence
Amyloidosis (kidneys)
Autoimmune bowel disease (UC)
34. Hypercalcemia

35. Anal fissure or SCC

36. Unilateral facial paralysis

lyme dz is typically bilateral
stroke can also give this symptom central lower only

37. Pregnant with kid having symptoms of like PDA


38. Some guy has HTN. U hear a renal artery bruit. What do u see on biopsy?
atherosclerosis from aorta to renal artery

Renal artery stenosis (RAS), is caused by atherosclerosis, fibromuscular dysplasia (FMD),

vasculitis, neurofibromatosis, congenital bands, and extrinsic compression, and radiation.

39. Baby in bathroom eats/drinks something and her lips swells. What did the baby ingest?
A. lye
B. glass
C. battery
D. nail
40. Guy went camping in woods, drank weird water, has sex with lots of people unprotected,
comes home and then develops maculopapular rash over trunk, hands, feet, back. What is it?
A. Syphillis
B. Lymes
D. Strep induced

41. Woman has a liver transplant, and develops jaundice. AST and ALT in 70s. Eos elevated.
Cause of jaundice?
A. Alcholic
B. Autoimmune
C. Parasite
D. Allograft rejection

42. Baby has some weird musculoskeletal abnormalities; develops ulcer on occiput. Why did
he get ulcer?
I put pressure ulcer

43. Typical pic of fundoscopy of eye. Pic showed a yellow disc in the center with a black
crescent on the top right of the yellow disc. What is it?
No idea...

44. Man with DM2 comes to ED for something. He was dehydrated. Serum shows Glucose
800. What do you do?
Give IV fluids. (Not sure, other possible option was give Insulin)

45. Kid with hx of multiple Otitis media and externa. Also had viral meningitis as a neonate.
Listens to really loud music. Otoscopy shows no problems. Audiometry shows he cant hear stuff
at high frequencies. Why does the kid have hearing problems?
A. Hx of otitis media
B. listening to loud music
C. Hx of meningitis
D. Bone disorder

46. Pic of a 13yo girl lesions around mouth. Tx?

Oral Acyclovir

47. Preggo with vesicular lesion painful on vulva. Complication during pregnancy?
Intrapartum transmission to baby

48. Facial droop, weakness on one side of face, pain n temp sensation normal both sides of
face. Decreased hearing in both ears. Cause?
Bell's palsy
49. Pregnant at 27wks gestation comes in with vaginal bleeding. Internal OS closed, external
OS open. No contractions. U/S 3 weeks ago showed no placenta previa. Cause of bleed?
Spontaneous Abortion

50. Baby with low leukocyte count has a fever. Next step?
Amoxicillin + Gentamicin (Sepsis or SIRS)

51. 15yo comes for annual physical. Normal BMI. BP 150/90. What to do?
A. Come back in 1 month
B. give ACEi
C. give beta-blocker
D. come back in 1 year.

52. A 82yr old woman has a 3 month history of weight loss. She tells you that food does not
just taste the way it was anymore. She has no problems falling asleep, she is still interested in her
daily activities, she also is looking forward to playing with her grandchildren which she has
always done. What should you do next?
A) prescribe NSAIDS
B) pass a feeding tube through her stomach
C) prescribe anti-psych

53. A 32yr old male presents with anterior and posterior cervical lymphadenopathy. His
mother had thyroid cancer, his dad died of a heart attack. He complains of fever and you notice a
white discoloration on his tongue. What is your next step?
a) treat for thyroid disease
b) treat for diabetes
c) order an hiv test

54. A 9 year old girl repeats the same words, she flips on the switch 3 times, she randomly
checks on her parents because she fears that if they leave, they will get killed in an accident. What
do you prescribe her?
a) SSRI for OCD
B) Haloperidol for Tourettes

55. A man with a past medical history of diabetes complains of ED. Which medication
should be watched out for before placing him on sidelnafil?
Nitrates, Erthromycin, Cimetidine and Ritonavir

56. A medical student who has not been immunized for Hepatitis B, gets a needle stick injury
from a chronically ill patient. Lab values shows he is negative for HIV, he has IgG hep B, he
lacks hep B antigens, he is negative for Hep C, how do you treat this student?
Hep B vaccination + Immunoglobulin, giving either immunoglobulin or Hep B vaccination alone
will be a wrong answer , because this patient has been exposed, and she has not been vaccinated
in the past
57. An experiment finds that p lesser or equal to 0.000002, the experiment makes a threshold
of 140 to detect LDL in their patients, patients who had LDL levels of 140 or more were correctly
identified by the test 88% of the time. What does this imply?
A) PPV is 88%
B) NPV is 88%
C) The researchers had a doubt of 2% or less
D) Specificity is 88%
E) Sensitivity is 88%

58. Questions describes a man with memory loss, misbehaves, poor upkeep, his dad died in
his mid-40s. What part of the brain is affected.
Hungtingons caudate nucleus

59. A typist comes to you with wrist pain, she says that it hurts more at work. Anyway, this
was classic carpel tunnel. How do you treat?
A) radial splint
B) Endocapeal
Ans is radial splint. It was in Kaplan qbank. You do the splint first, if pain still exists, or
refractory then do the endocarpeal surgical stuff

60. A man thinks a mole on his skin is melanoma, his dad died of skin cancer. He has been to
several doctors and he thinks that they have not diagnosed him properly. He comes to you. What
is his diagnosis?
A) Borderline personality disorder
B) Schiziotypal
C) Hypochondriasis
D) Histrionic
E) Delusion
F) Drug induced

61. A 30yr old man, complains that his back is stiff, and he has pains while trying to bend to
untie his shoes.
ankylosing spondylitis.

62. Developmental dysplasia of the hip.

asymmetric skin folds, knees unequal heights when hips and knees flexed, kids can have delayed
walking or abnormal gait if diagnosis not made early.

63. Girl got raped, what do u give her so she doesn't get pregnant?
64. Kid ingested lye, drooling
activated charcoal given

65. Heat stroke


Heat Stroke extreme heat and humidity due to thermal regulation failure
- ice water immersion, evaporative cooling

Heat Exhaustion inadequate fluid

66. Hemolytic disease of newborn

due to Rh incompatability in mom/baby, death of infant

67. Crohns disease kidney stones

calcium oxalate

Fatty acids bind to Ca in the gut freeing oxalate

68. Woman around 18 with palpable thyroid, TSH in 50's, T4 in lower limit of normal, abs
are 1:5000 and 1:2000, has family hx of hashimotos: diagnosis?
A. Autoimmune hypo
B. graves
C. multinodular goiter

69. Depressed person getting discharged, biggest risk for trying to kill themselves:
A. increased energy
B. age

70. College kid who drops out and stops talking to his parents when he comes back home,
looks disheveled:
schizophrenia if more than 6 months
Schizophreniform between 1 and 6 months
Brief Psychotic less than 1 month

71. SVT or AFib from over indulging in alcohol:

tell him to avoid alcohol

72. Old dude who says, don't let me wake up a vegetable:

discuss resuscitation options with him

73. Woman who had blurry vision and some other neuro symptoms while straining to push
out her baby:
amniotic fluid embolism

74. Person with recurrent DVT and GI bleeding after heparin:

percutaneous IVC filter

75. Guy with some serious PMHx came in for routine check up, 62 y/o:

76. Guy without spleen is sick:

ceftriaxone to cover capsules

77. Veteran who saw a lot of his friends die and is feeling sad:
78. Chick who has anxiety when she goes to class, she didn't even go recently because it has
been bothering her so much:
cognitive behavioral therapy. There was no RX option.

79. At least 3 more delivery q, cocaine user with history of premature delivery: cervical
placenta abrupto
80. Treatment for heat stroke:
mist WATER onto them (evaporative cooling)

81. Woman not getting pregnant, brings basal body temp and coitus schedule:
she is fucking at the wrong times of the month?

82. Gay guy's boyfriend got diagnosed with gonorrhea a few days ago, management for him:
give ceftriaxone and doxycycline

83. Lyme disease, doxy not an option:

Cardiac and CNS symptoms - ceftriaxone

84. Infant who gets IV for something and gets patchy red erythmatous lesions a few hours
later, how could this have been prevented:
I said start the iv fluids earlier
Could be latex allergy or Drug effect

85. Guy feeling like food is hung up in chest, sounded like steak house syndrome but not an
Esophageal Food Bolus Obstruction (Steakhouse Syndrome).

86. Sickler, first thing to do, was volume depleted:

give fluids
hydroxyurea if more than 4 pain crisis per year
87. Obese woman had a bypass and is still eating a lot. She now complains of GI distress.
tell her to modify her diet

88. Exercise effect on cholesterol profile:

increase HDL

89. Picture of barium swallow: definitely not bird beak, was more narrow and diffuse in
upper half and well defined and thicker in lower half, DX?
zenker diverticulum

90. Possible ectopic pregnant or something. Next test?


91. Guy with proprioception problem:

B12 deficiency

92. Elderly woman started on SSRI 1.5 weeks ago, now acting psychotic, reason?
SSRI toxicity (Serotonin Syndrome)

S hivering
H yperreflexia and myoclonus are frequently seen in mild to moderate cases and are especially
notable in the lower extremities; muscular rigidity occurs only in more severe cases

I ncreased temperature, although variable in SS and usually observed in severe cases, is likely
caused by muscular hypertonicity

V ital sign instability can present as tachycardia, tachypnea, and/or labile blood pressure

E ncephalopathycharacterized by mental status changes such as agitation, delirium, confusion,

and to a lesser extent obtundationcan develop from hyperthermia

R estlessness and incoordination are common because of excess serotonin activity

S weating (diaphoresis) is an autonomic response to excessive serotonin stimulation; by

comparison, anticholinergic toxicity usually manifests with hot, dry skin

93. Dx for skin colored lesion with center indentation:

moluscum contagiosum
The cutaneous manifestations of other opportunistic infections, such as cutaneous cryptococcosis,
histoplasmosis, and aspergillosis, may mimic molluscum contagiosum and must be ruled out in
immunocompromised hosts.

94. Big red patches covering some white kids face that spared the nasal folds: DX?
could this be port wine stain

95. Guy with Wernicke's, nystagmus DX:

thiamine def / Wernicke's

96. bilateral hilar lymph node


97. Couple, one with sickle trait, other unknown, want to have kid. What to do?
HB electrophoresis

98. Woman comes from Africa and is having fever now, but it is like a few weeks after she
has arrived.
I picked: malaria, probably not HIV cuz hopefully she got tested before immigrating, but who

99. Old dude with normal pressure hydrocephalus:

do spinal tap

100. Hand washer or someone with impulse control issues:

buspirone - For Generalized Anxiety
101. Guy with gout, was not sure if it was asking best initial RX, or best long term RX.
A. cox drug initial therapy (NSAID, Steroid (no response to nsaid), Colchicine (if you cant use
either NSAID or Steroid)
B. allopurinol Long Term

102. Do you need to give antibiotic for a dental procedure to someone with MVP?
In this case NO

Prophylaxis for Endocarditis

Two features are needed to establish the need for prophylaxis:
1. Significant cardiac defect
-- Prosthetic valve
-- Previous endocarditis
-- Cardiac transplant recipient with valvulopathy
-- Unrepaired cyanotic heart disease


2. Risk of bacteremia
-- Dental work with blood
-- Respiratory tract surgery that produces bacteremia

103. Give Bromocriptine for a woman that won't stop lactating and wants to make babies

104. CML, asked the mutation:

9:22 translocation (Philadelphia chromosome) Tx with Imitinab

Camels (CML) have low LAPs

105. Asked about how the squat in tetrology of fallot works:

A. right left shunt
B. Increase systemic vascular resistance (This decreases the right-to-left shunting, leading to
increased pulmonary blood flow, and increased blood oxygen saturation.)

106. Post op Abdomen Wound is inflamed above and below, next step?
CT scan to check the size of the abscess

107. Person with liver disease needs pain management, what RX?
Fentyl (other options were like acetaminophen)

108. Person not getting good pain relief from acetaminophen, but I think it was actually
acetaminophen/hydrocodone, what next?
Increase dose (check max and timing, I think you can get a higher dose of hydrocodone with the
same amount of acetaminophen, norco comes in different hydrocodone doses)
other options include names of other pain medicine to add and/or switch.

Maybe maybe a digoxin tox question, what to do?

A. Digoxin-binding antibodies rapidly remove digoxin from circulation
B. dialysis?

Control potassium and give digoxinspecific antibodies

Strongest indication for digoxin-binding antibodies: CNS and cardiac involvement.

109. Maybe a rotator cuff like injury, what imaging to order?


110. Guy with xray mass in lungs, from endemic area for TB. He may have had some
effusions too.
CT scan to get a detailed view for suspicious findings, because I believe he didnt have mass on
previous x-rays.
111. I may have collected some ladies pee for metanephrines, but the vignette wasn't for a
pheo, was like Cushing type
for cushings collect urine cortisol
for Pheochromocytoma measure urinary metanephrine never serum metanephrine, can also
confirm w/ catecholamine serum and urine
112. Kid born at home, presents with bleeding, what is the issue?
Hemorrhagic disease of new born / vit k def

113. Sulfa allergy, which abx to give?


114. Guy needs abx but has ear problem

don't give aminoglycoside, Maybe Cipro

Ototoxic drugs include antibiotics (gentamicin), loop diuretics (furosemide) and platinum-based
chemotherapy agents (cisplatin).
115. One straight up asking if the pt symptoms are hypo/hyper electrolyte

116. Know how to detox someone from an overdose based on the time frame
1 hour, 2 hours, before and after 24 hours for acetaminophen OD
gastric lavage removes 50% of pills in first hour, 15% in second,
when to order drug level, etc)
lye - EGD i think to check their esophagus.
Can't really remember, but IPECAK was there, and DO NOT PICK IT.

117. gram stain: G+ diplococci with meningeal signs

Neiseria menigitides

118. Bone growth from femur? What do u do?


119. Old lady wants to prevent fractures. Has a hx of DVT. She takes Ca and Vit D
supplements. What else can she do?
A. estrogen can cause DVT
B. aldronate

120. Picture of a really bad skin infection + nikolkskys sign? What to do?
transfer to burn unit

121. Question described a kid with Epidimitis- give AB?

empiric therapy - ceftriaxone plus doxycycline
If not caused by gonorrohea or caused by enteric organism - include fluoroquinolone
For men who are at risk for both sexually transmitted and enteric organisms - ceftriaxone +

122. PCOS
Increased LH and free testosterone

123. Painless Ulcer- what do to next?

Give penicillin

124. Lyme Disease

Doxy if older than 8 years
125. Pic of kid with hyperpigmentation
Tinea Versicolor

126. HCC- what marker is elevated?


127. Sturge Webers


128. TEN question- tx was?


129. Xray with Contrast


130. Anorexia patient

Increase in Estradiol

131. Reducing substance in the stool

lactose def?

132. Gave a scenario with a person who is schizophrenia and now has some rigidity.

133. Some kid has cancer. Parents dont want to treat kid with chemo and want to do some
wack herbal stuff. Cancer is treatable. What to do?
Get court order to treat kid..(its a form of child abuse/neglect)

134. Some HIV dude has aids CD4 less than 200 and now has pneumonia. What could have
Pneumococcal vaccine

Picture of blood cells. I saw rouloux. Thought of multiple myeloma. What do u do?
Bone aspirate most accurate test (Nothing besides myeloma is associated with > 10% plasma)
First test done is X-ray of affected bone shows lytic lesions

135. Basal cell carcinoma- wants to go on the beach, what is most protective thing?
spf 30 (higher the number the better)

136. kid who has impetigo

topical mupirocin

137. post-strep infection, after 2 weeks kidneys got messed

post-strep glomerulonephritis

138. polynephritis
cva tenderness, wbc 5casts in urine
139. parathyroid hormone like hormone-cancer?

140. Niacin deficiency:

diarrhea, dementia, dermatitis

141. lady who is pregnant and was diabetic and was taking metformin, you discontinue
metformin and what else do you give
regular insulin(NPH)

142. Basal cell carcinoma- lesion on top lip what do you do next
shave biopsy

143. TX options of cocaine induced MI

verapamil/diltiazem and benzodiazepine

144. Question where old man wishes to be dialyzed but son later brings a will and states his
father does not want dialysis.
do the dialysis and listen to pt as long as pt was of sound mind

145. Skater boy GF broke up with him he went blind, everything was clear, conversion
disorder get a psych consult

146. OCD first line treatment

1st line: CBT and/or high dose SSRI
2nd line: clomipramine or anti psychotics
3rd line: deep brain stimulation

147. Alzheimers- AcH is decreased tx:


148. guy who no bowel movements, hx previous surgeries, audio clip of hyperactive and high
pitched bowel sounds
SBO tx NPO, nasogastric tube

149. Post meno bleed

MUST do Endo biopsy to rule out cancer

150. Diabetic with foot ulcer:

due to microvascular

Damage to microvasculature damages the vasonervorum that surrounds large peripheral nerves.
This leads to decreased sensation in the feetthe main cause of skin ulcers of the feet which lead
to osteomyelitis. When the neuropathy leads to pain, treatment is with pregabalin, gabapentin, or
tricyclic antidepressants.

151. Women with carpel tunnel syndrome and hashimotos thyroiditis

Ig cross reaction (any autoimmune)
152. Juvenile arthritis
increased risk for uveitis

153. Croup
racemic epi depending on the level of resp failure/stridor

Moderate severity: Steroids (have been shown to reduce the need to put these children on
breathing machines)
Severe: Racemic epinephrine and steroids

154. Graft rejection:

hyperacute is antidonor Ab in recep,
acute is antidonor T-cell prolif,
chronic is development of multiple cellular and humoral immune

155. Diffuse ST elevation PR depression


156. Bilateral pulm nodules, EN, African American


157. Pt with pneumothorax post car accident

Spontaneous Pneumothorax - Chest Tube
Tension Pneumothroax Needle followed by chest tube

158. pt with volume overload.

A. low ADH (vasopressin)
B. angiotensin low
C. aldosterone low

159. Obstructive sleep apnea in kid


160. Prostate ca
difficulty peeing and high PSA

161. How to treat kid with OCD

fluvoxamine - SSRI

162. hydronephrosis, hydrouretrer and thick bladder wall

post urethral valves defect

163. PE in 3 year old? what do u do?

ct angiogram

164. lump in scrotum unrelieved by anything

165. Area of central clearing on pustules

166. ulcers in the mouth and lips, and other symptoms, What was ingested?
drain cleaner

167. Right axilla tender mass not improved with steroids?

lymphoma, could be infection also

168. b henselae (cat scratch, swollen lymph nodes)

give a macrolide

169. which vaccine can cause rash?


170. Mom is vegetarian, new born has hyporeflexia, ataxia. What is newborn deficient in?
vit b12

171. kid can't walk, used to be able to. Now pain in hip 4 month old bowed legs and genu
varum. What do u do?
US to rules out congenital dysplasia of the hip
less than 4 month US, greater than 4 months Xray

172. 2 month old was on cows milk, had lot of diarrhea since birth, switched to soy formula
which improved the diarrhea 6 weeks ago. What to tell mom?
child will have lactase deficiency/be lactose intolerant all their life

173. One month old, received no vaccines, what do u give?

hep b (at one month this is the only vaccination u can get)

1st dose birth (if mom had hep b than also give hep b immunoglobins)
2nd dose 1 to 2 months
3rd dose 6-15 months

174. Mom doesn't want her daughter to receive HPV vaccine unless indicated. When do u give
her 12y old?
when she gets first Pap smear, becomes sex active
11-12 y/o -26 girls
Can start at 9yo

175. Within the year hypernatremia, low potassium, low bicarbonate, what is this?
A. diabetes insipidus
B. dm

176. newborn missing a foot, constricted other foot, coarctation of aorta in boy due to?
amniotic band syndrome
177. 18m old blood in stool, finger in pulls out blood?
anal fissure

178. Meckels, intussusception abdominal mass no vomiting all types of infection?


179. IgA deficiency, gammaglob pic of foot with purple dots that were pink, murmur,
fingernail Petechiae
bact endocarditis

180. dad 5"8 mom 5feet, 17y male 5"2-tell him what abt his short stature?
reassure he will get to dads height,

181. msr igf2 episodes of short coughing ending with prolonged inspiration
- pertussis

182. insp stridor, subglottic narrowing on X-ray?

h flu (epiglottis thumb print sign)
parainfluence (croup steeple sign)

183. anti tissue transglutaminase, antigliadin and antiendomysial-

atrophy of the villi (celiac disease)
tropical sprue can also cause atrophy of the villi (treat with TMP-SMX or Tetracycline)
whipple (treat with TMP-SMX OR Ceftriaxone)

184. 5 days fever, edema of eyelid and knee, rash, fever,


185. Child had prolonged stay in Pakistan with mom who has chronic cough, boy has wt loss,
nuchal rigidity, hepatosplenomegaly

186. First well child visit. Girl sits on physicians lap. Hypotonic, sensitivity to sound?
Williams synd
smith magendie
Cornelia Lange
prader willi 7y

187. Primary enuresis. Do what?

behavioral therapy
2nd line - imipramine

188. systolic and diastolic murmurs, loud S1 fixed S2?

A. asd
B. vsd
C. mitral regurgitation
D. tricuspid atresia

189. Torsion and varicocele.....know the presenting symptoms

190. Diabetic child management and if ketoacidosis, insulin started what else?
iv fluids

191. -constitutional slow growth with slow pubertal growth and also short stature

192. -congenital cytomegalovirus infection

193. Hepb antigen positive mom gives birth. what to give?

vaccine plus hep b IG,
194. -juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, -avascular necrosis, -rheumatic fever, -herpes rash,

195. -transient synovitis

196. -Von willibrand defect -heavy periods, -hemophilia,

197. -reasons for loosing consciousness: hypoglycemia... -febrile seizure etc...
198. -Pneumococcus pneomonia at three months, -s.aureus for joint infection, -treat meningitis
with ampicillin plus gentamicin, -trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole for uti
199. -asthma nocturnal cough twice a month also uses albuterol 4-5 times weekly, what else
would u add? steroid
200. -Kid 3 yr old getting up at night and asks for water, peeing a lot, eats like a normal kid
and sleeps alone, is his behavior normal?
201. -Rash all over body after mosquito bite then all the kidney problems, which kidney
disease? HSP...then URI symptoms and then kidney problems strep glomeruli,
-holosystolic murmur at left 2nd intercostal space, what cardiac abnormalities would u see? -VSD
202. -Parents have asthma and child has severe eczema? treat with topical steroids.
203. -Child outside, fertilized grass, goes into severe respiratory distress....
204. -child drinks something from garage. all the parasympathetic signs?insecticide
205. -15 yr old wants to concentrate on studies and doesn't socialize that much like the other
siblings? normal adolescence behavior,
206. -16 yr not eating right, sleeping a lot, doesn't care abt grades? dysthymic disorder,
207. -kid going into pond and lake water, abdominal symptoms? check for ova and parasites,
208. -two questions on y the kid is not gaining weight -malabsorption, cystic fibrosis kid not
gaining weight,
209. alpha one trypsin -kids liver is enlarged and what would u see on chest xry.
210. -Couple of questions on lethargic or hypoglycemic or irritable, vomiting, diarrhea
patients so know the next steps in management of these and make sure to check electrolyte
211. -what test to do for congenital adrenal hyperplasia,
212. -advise hovering vaccine to a 16 yr old who wants to become sexually active and hasn't
taken it before ...none of the other choices right for her,

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