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f America

VOhUllC 87 April 1976 Numbc:r4

Late Cenozoic volcaniclastic deposits, Andean foredeep, Co- Momana ..... H. Robert BltI'ger and Mario1l N. Hamill 555-%6
lombia ., , .. , Franklyn n, Va}l HoUlet, 481-495 Cryptoexplosive structure near Wetumpka. Alabama ,,
Early Tertiary sedimentation in the western Uinta Basin, Utah ....... .Thomtoll L. Neathery, Robert D. Beutley, 'let
........... Robert T. Ryder, Tho/11as D. Fouch. and Gregory C. Lines 567-573
James H. Elisoll 496-512 Block Island, Rhode Island: Evidence of flucruatiQo of the late
Chlorite and mica as indicators of depositional environment Pleistocene ice margin. , , , Les Sirkin 574-580
:lnd provenance ............. Richard S. Uebling (Iud Franciscan blueschistMfacies metaconglomerate, Diablo Range,
HorstS. Scharp 513-514 California jeremy B. Platt, j, G. Liou, {urd
Nuhrigyn algal reefs (Devonian), eastern Australia: Alloc:h Ben M. Page 581-591
Eo W. MOllntjoy, D. R. Edgecombe.). A. Talellt. Andean Cenozoic volcanism: Magma genesis in the light of
and D. E. Owcu 515-530 strontium isotopic composition and rraceelement geo-
Origill of regional geomagncti.c variations recorded by Wiscon-
sinan and Holocene sediments from Lake Mi-chigan,
U.S.A., and Lake Windermere, England ..............
............ , Keuneth M. Creer, DavM L. Gross, alJd
jerry A. Lineback 531-540
chemistry .... David E. james, Chdstopher Brooks, aud
Arturo Cuyubamba
Northern margin of the Limpopo mobile belt, southern Africa
......... ,. M. P. COlVard, P. R. James, ami L. Wright 601-611
Geology and geochemistry of the alkali basalt-andesite associa-
A physical model for the mte of deposition of fine-grained tion of Grenad;lj Lesser Antilles island arc. , ... , ...
sediments in the deep sea .......... 1. N. McCave and ., Richard]. Arcuius 612-624
SlephCl, A. Stuift 541-546 Distribution, composition, and transport of sllspended particu 4

Episodi-c Aleutian Ridge igneous activity: Implications of late matter in the vicinity of Willapa submarine canyon,
Miocene and younger submarine volcanism west of Buldir Washington ........... , Edward T. Baker 625-632
Island , , , .. , , , , David \'\1. SchoU, Possible eucaryotic algae (Bangiophyeidae) among early Pro
Michael S. Marlow, Norman S. MacLeod, terozoic microfossils Hafen Tappa" 633-639
and Edwin C. Buffillgtou 547-554 Late Paleozoic glaciation: Part VII Asia: Discussion and reply
Perrofabric stress analysis of the Dry Creek Ridge anticline. Discussion , .... Marthr Schlvarzbacb
Reply .... L. A. Frakes, E. M. Kemp, alld}. C. Crowell 640

Published mOllthly by the Geological Society of America. loe., 3300 Penrose Place, Boulder, Colorado 80301. Secondclass postage paid at Boulder, Colorado, and at
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___...... ' ri
Late Cenozoic volcaniclastic deposits,
Andean foredeep, Colombia

FRANKLYN B. VAN HOUTEN Department of Geological a1rd Geophysical Sciences. Pri1lcelO1t University, Princeton, New Jersey 08540

ABSTRACT 'the northeast trade winds carded most of it westward as far as the
equatorial Pacific sea floor (Bowles and others, 1973. p.
Volcaniclastic deposits preserved in the upper Magdalena Valley, 2383 -2386; Kowsmann, 1973, p, 482-484),
Colombia, were derived from stratovolcanoes on Cordillera Cen- An unusually complete record of Andean volcanism is preserved
tral during and after the late Cenozoic Andean orogeny. Andesitic in remnants of volcaniclastic alluvial fans 1 broad lowland valley fill
lava clasts and suites of mineral grains, commonly mixed with and coufined valley fill in the upper Magdalena Valley. These de-
plutonic and metamorphic !ock fragments, predominate in proxi- posits yield significant information about the age, location. com-
mal debris flows and in torrential channellensesj reworked dadric position, and nature of the late Cenozoic volcanic activity. In addi-
pyroclastic material is more common in distal debris flows, sheeted tion, the more extensive remnants have produced distinctive soils
overbank sands, and flood-plain muds. and groundwater conditions important to Colombian agriculture.
Earliest Colombian volcanism is recorded by mon.trnorjJ\onite in Deformation of western Colombia at the close of the Mesozoic
the mid-Cenozoic La Cira Formation (1,000 m). During early Era (proto-Laramide phase of Campbell, 1974a) ended marine
phases of Andean orogeny in middle and late Miocene time (20 to flooding of the east Andean geosyncline and initiated a transitional
to m.y. ago), abundant volcanic clasts and volcanic mineral grains paralic facies in the Cenozoic foredeep (Fig. 3). Middle Eocene
accumulated in coarse channel and flood~plain sediments of the Laramide deformation (Campbell, 1974a, p, 712, Table 1; early
Honda Group (3,000 m), along with a few thin sheets of teworked Andean orogeny of Biirgl, 1967, Fig. 3), especially in the western
pyroclastic debris. The overlying conglomeratic Neiva Formation Andean region, was accompanied by uplift and erosion of Cordil-
(200 m) records tenewed uplift and a ftesh supply of lava, In latest lera Central and subsidence of its foredeep. This orogenic event
Miocene time (8 to 9 m.y. ago) the climax of explosive activity together with the middle to late Miocene proto-Andean phase
swamped the Andean foredeep with debris that accumtllatcd on (Campbell, 19741.1, Table 1) and its major volcanic activ~ty in Cor-
coalescing fans of the Gigante Formation (750 m). dillera Central, produced a 5~OOO- to 6,OOO-m proximal molasse
About 7 to 5 In.y. ago, the final Andean orogenic phase de- facies comprising five major alternations of nonmarine conglomer-
formed both Cordillera Central and its foredeep. Subsequent exca- ates and finer grained detritus (Fig. 3j Van Hanten and Travis,
vation of the uplifted eastern lowland was interrupted at least ten 1968). Each megacycle apparently records renewed tectonic activ~
times by local incursions of volcanic detritus 10 to 75 m thick. ity on the conthtcntal margin to the west. During this development,
These deposits include polymictic debris flows and torrential sedi- sedimentary provinces and orogenic events migrated progressively
ments that filled valleys and formed large fans, and reworked westward (Krummenacher, 1973. Fig, 3b; Campbell, 1974a, p.
pumiceous debris concentrated in fluvial valley fill and in debris 713). In latest Cenoioic time~ final Andean deformation of Cordil-
flows that spread widely across the Magdalena lowland, Older de- lera Central and its foredeep was followed by regional elevation
posits are preserved in high-level mesas, valley terraces, and deeply and consequent degradation rhat have continued to the prescnt.
dissected fans; younger deposits form low, relatively undissected Upper Magdalena Valley (Figs, 1, 2) is the complexly faulted
fans and inner terraces along major streams. Key words: alluvial proximal part of the Andean foredeep, about 450 km loug and 50
[an, Andean orogeny, andesite, dacite, debris flowj explosive vol- km wide. In order to facilitate reference to geographic locations,
canism, n-lolasse, pastorogenic, reworked pumice, torrential de- the northern part of the area is called the Honda Basin) the middle
posits, volcanism. part is the broader Girardot Basin, and the southern part is the
Neiva B<1sin. Volcanoes south of Ibague (Fig. 1) are inthe southern
INTRODUCTION volcanic province~ those north of Ibague are in the northern vol~
canie province. Descriptions of the late orogenic stratigraphic units
Andesitic to dacitic volcanism occurred along 6,000 km of the (Fig, 3) are largely from recent studies by Anderson (1972;
Andes in late Cenozoic time. In the northern zone (Pichler and Zeit, Gualanday Group), Wellman (1970; Honda Group), and Howe
1969, p, 165) at least 40 cones on Cordillera Central of Colombia (1969, 1974; Mesa Group), Tile recorded areal distribution of the
(Fig, 1) lie along the Romeral fault zone (Dolores megashear) that late Cenozoic volcaniclastic deposits (Figs. 4> 5) is based on
apparently is the boundary between the continental South America geologic maps provided by the International Petroleum Company,
and oce.anic Nazca phites (Campbell, 1968; Barrero and others, Ltd. (INTERCOL), and tbe Ins titulo Geologico y Minas Nacional
1969, p, 171-172; Case and others, 1971, p. 2704-2707; MaUait (INGEOMINASJ; these were amended during the study described
and Dinkelman, 1972, Figs, 5,6). here. Potassium-argon ages were detertllined by Geochron
About 20 9f the great stratovolcanoes (Hantke and Parodi, Laboratories, using small samples of single volcanic clasts (Table
1966; Ramirez, 1969, p. 29-47) between lat2" and 530'N are 10 1), The expected young ages of these rocks precluded the use of
to 20 km east of the Romer.l fault zone and 10 to 20 km west of large bulk samples, which might have contained older contaminat-
the Magdalena Valley border (Fig, 2), These contributed consider- ing material in the matrix. Where available, biotite and amphibole,
able volcaniclastic debris to the Andean foredeep (snb"Andean de- clearly of volcanic origin, were separated for analysis. Plagioclase::
pression). In contrast, very little ash was blown eastward because feldspar was used in a few analyses despite the possibility that older

Geological:Sodety of America Bulletin, v. 87, p, 481-495,12 figs., April 1976,Doc, 110.60401.


CENTRAL detrital feldspars might be included if they were present (H. W.

Valle... Kruger, 1975, personal camrnun.).
C. de 'l\J~ 1825
c. Bravol
Alto MelllZOj
I~ ~ La Cira Formation
Valp!11'aiso 0 ~

Early to middle Cenozoic molasse (Gualanday Group, Fig. 3)

La Cbrada 195
- contains no coeval volcanic detritus, and its clay fraction is mainly
Oua.dalupe mNlJA
kaolinite and subordinate illite. In contrast, montmorillonite and
u mixed~layer montmorillonite~illite are common in the late


E.1 Contento ~ ~
" Oligocene-early Miocene La Cira Formation (Wellman, 1970, p,
C. Bravo
5590 8
~ 2369-2371), and tuffaceous mudstone occurs in correladve de-
- -- posits in eaStern Ecuador (Tschopp, 1953) 300 km to the south.
Rut: Olre~s ~~gg ~ 11 This marked change in clay-mineral content probably records the

. -
" beginning of Cenozoic volcanism in the nqrthern Andes abo~t 25
~g1r"l 5100 ~ ii
c. Ear,'" - S to 30 m.y. ago.

~Wo 5150 0
"""," 2750 1

0 1250
N Honda Group
The oldest impressive evidence of northern Andean volcanism
~ occurs in the Honda Group that accumulated in the broad
foredeepl about 20 to 10 m.y. ago. This deposit (Fig. 3; Table 2)
consists of as much as 3,000 m of stream-channel sandstone and
~ cong[omerat~ and flood-plain mudstone arranged in finin'g-upward
cycles. It has yiel<led fossils of a middle to late Miocene vertebrate
fauna that inhabited a tropical savanna hear sea leveL
'00 Throug~out the group, grains of hornblende, magnetite~ and an~
desine are common in the sand fraction; they arc also present in the
correlative Real Formation as far as 300 km to the north (Morales

I 0

and others, 1958) and Arajuna Formation in eastern Ecuador
(Tschopp, 1953; Lewis and others, 1956). MoSt of the volcanic
clasts in Honda conglomerates are gray porphyritic dacite and
""- 7 andesite) with rare fragments of basalt, trachyte, and rhyolite. The
Hull. 5'150
amount of volcanic detritus and a felsic composition increased dur~

- WEIV' ing deposition of the La Doradn Formation (Table 2) in the Honda
300 ~ Basin and especially in the north Neiva Basin. In contrast. in the
g south Neiva Basin, a felsic composition prevailed as volcanic inpu~
I -
waned during La Dorado deposition. In the subsequent tectonk

,i w lull, .accumulation of the overlying Villa Vieja r,d beds in the

, '0
I Honda and Neiva Basins was accompanied by explosive volcanism
that produced several Iight~gray conglomeratic sand bodies a few
metres thick, as well as thin beds of greenish-gray bentonite. Most
fi of the pebbles are very light gr~y pumiceous porphyritic d~cite;
~ il some are gray porphyritic andesite lava (Table 3). In general the
20. ~
debris is somewhat more felsic in the north Neiva Basin. No clasts
CUt_ 4300
from this explosive event occur in the Girardot Basin, and in the
so~th Neiva Basin' accumulation of volcanic debris was rnLnimal.

Pet!lcaa .11300

""'" '''''''
'I>J""'1M n25
M Mesa Group
J_, Increased volcanism, major differential uplift of Cordillera Cen-
tral, and associated local deformation of cratonic blocks within the
'00 eastern foredeep occurred during accumulation of the 200- to
Bordonollla J7()() 0

"I ~ra~%1
~ 600-m oonglomeratic Neiva Formation (Howe, 1974) in the Neiv,
'~O I M
1 Krummenacher (1973, p, 331) erred in stating that Honda deposits were confine<
to a graben between Cordillera Central and CQrdillera Oriental.

,oN ~--,--~--~------
4761J M
COll_ . Figure 1. Late CenozoiC and Holocene volcanoes in the southern ane
Ql<m JIeY 1J1J7() M no~them volcanicpfovinces, Cordillera Central, Colombia. E~evation ir
metres~ M = ~agmatic activity; F = fumarolic activity.
, . ,
and Honda Basins (Fig. 3; Table 2). This uppermost megacycle of 2).2 In the Honda Basin the Mesa Group was faulted against the
the Andean molasse was deposited in a humid tropical lowland by Honda Group in a fanlt system along the axis of the Magdalena
low-sinuosity streams that constructed units of closcMpackecl Valley (Fig, 4). In the Neiva Basin it was involved in rnany of the
polymictic conglomerate as much as 40 III thick. Conglomerates major structures (Fig. 5).
:Ire less common in the northern part of the Honda Basin, and
Ilorth of La Dorado the formation (or undivided Mesa Group) COUM PLIOCENE-PLEISTOCENE POSTOROGENIC VOLCANISM
rains no volcanic material. Generally equivalent volcanic-rich cleM
Josits in the Andean foredeep in Ecuador are the conglomeratic Postorogenic regional uplift initiated excavation of the deformed
:=hambira and Ushpa Formations (Lewis and others, 1956). Neiva Andean foredeep, During this episode, local volcaniclastic deposits
{Qlcanic clasts, which are much more common than those in under- spread eastward at least ten times. There undoubtedly were more
ying Honda conglomerate, were derived largely from essentially such influxes) especially during the early stage of excavation, that
:oevaI lava flows; but there is no evidence of explosive activity. were completely destroyed by later erosion of the lowland. Numer-
Jark-gray and reddish"brown porphyritic andesite predominates; ous small terrace remnants of volcaniclastic valley fill along Rio
:rachyandesitc, basalt, dacite, and rhyolite are progressively less Magdalena in the narrow middle part of the Neiva Basin are
:ommon. Grains of plagioclase (An'lo.o~, red~brown hornblende, difficult to correlatej the suggested identifications are tentative at
md augite, together with andesite and basalt fragments, are COLn- best.
non in volcanic sandstonej montmorillonite predominates in mud- These brief incll1'sions from Cordillera Central resulted from dif-
itone. ferent kinds of conditions in the source area. Some were generated
About 8 to 9 m.y. ago, the climax of explosive volcanism, with directly by explosive volcanism and outpouring of lava; others
datively little accompanying uplift of Cordillera Central, occurred probably were produced by floods from heavy rains induced by
)efore final Andean deformation of the range and its foredeep. The outbursts, or from rapidly melting snqwfields beneath hot lava and
750 to 800 111 of volcanic debris in the Gigante Formation (Howe" pyroclastic debris. Some may also have been triggered by earth~
1969) of the Mesa Group (Butler, 1942, p. 821-824; de Porta, quakes (see Kelleher, 1972, Figs. 1,3).
1966, p. 243-268) records the filling of the aggraded lowland of
he Neiva and Honda Basins (Figs. 3, 4, 5; Table 2) with light-gray Neiva Basin
'cworked pyroclastic debris and yellowish-gray cpic1astic volcanic
)ceccia, conglomerate, sandstone, and mudstone, Volcanic detritus Paieol Breccia. The oldest postorogenic volcaniclastic deposit
s most abundant in the middle part of the Neiva and Honda Ba- preserved in the Magdalena lowland comprises as much as: 75 m of
ins. It is much less common in the northernmost part of the Honda debris-flow breccia and minor torrential conglomerate on several
~asin, where a yellowish-gL'ay color prevails, making these deposits small mesas standing 250 to 300 m above the present river bottoms
Iifficult to distinguish from the underlying Neiva Formation. In (Fig. 5, Table 2). These Paicol high-level remnants lie along the
~cL1ador, essentially correlative deposits in the Intercordilleran De- broad Paez Valley in the narrow middle part of the Neiva Basin and
lression (Lewis and others, 1956) and in the sub-Andean province also along Rio Magdalena as far north as Hobo, where the north-
o the east (Campbell, 1974b, Fig. 2) record explosive volcanism in ernmost patch is only a few metres thick and stands 80 m above the
ldjacent ranges. river. Most of the Pakol clasts are dark-gray and reddish-brown
Preserved remnants of the Gigante Formation accumulated on porphyritic andesite lava containing varied combinations of hyper-
'oalescing, nonorogenic fans that spread eastward across the entire sthene) green-brown and red~brown hornblende, and minor augite
Dwland. Locally, volcanic clasts as much as 2 m long were trans- (Table 3), A single potassium-argon age determination on biotite
lOfted at least 50 km from their source. Distinctive paraconglom- gave 3.7 0.2 tn.y. (Table 1). Paicol debris probably was swept
:rates in slurry-flood breccias and pumice debris flows (Swanson, eastward or southeastward into a broad, sloping (8 to 10 m/km)
966, p. 1299-1300; Bull, 1972, p. 67-69; Steel, 1974, p. valley that was about 200 m above present base level. The original
,38-356) constitute most of the deposit (A in Fig. 6). Light-gray extent and cause of this influx are not known.
eworked monolithic pyroclastic debris consists of abundant low- Paez Conglomerate and Breccia. After Rio l'aez had cut
lensity pumice clasts as much as 1 rn long and floating in matrix. through the Paico) debris flow, down to its present level, at least 45
~hese sheeted flows accumulated in persistent, well-defined beds 1 m of volcanic-rich fluvial and debris~flow detritus filled the low-
" or so thick (3 in Fig. 6, B). Well-indnrated, dark-gray lahars (2 in gradient valley (Fig. 5; Table 2). There is no evidence that this event
:.ig, 6, Bj A in Fig. 7) with angular lava clasts as much as 1 m long was related to explosive volcanism. Volcanic clasts in the
,ccur in very crudely stratified units commonly 8 to 10 In thick. heterogeneons valley fill are mostly gray and reddish-brown por-
:haracteristically, beds in both kinds of paraconglomerates have phyritic andesite lava containing varied assemblages of hyper-
Ihmar, nonerosional boundaries and contain no conspicuous struc- sthene, red-brown and gL'een to green-brown hornblende} and au-
lues, and there is no vertical gradation of the unsorted clasts. For gite (Table 3). A single radiometric age derived from plagioclase is
leposits of this sort to form, a great mass of volcanic debris had to 1.8 0.2 m.y. (Table 1). When degradation was renewed, Rio Paez
,e made available very rapidly. Associated dose"packed volcanic~ cut down to its former bottom again, leaving Paez deposits as
ich polymictic stream-channel conglomerates are markedly len- broad flanking terraces.
icular (B in Fig. 7j for similar association see Schmincke, 1974, Altamira Breccia. The southern part of the Neiva Basin had
'ig. 4-28). Persistent beds nf light bluish-gray volcanic sandstone, been eroded about to its present level when a slurry flood carrying
:lany of which are cross-stratified, contain scattered pumice peb- chaotic volcanic breccia flowed northeastward to the east side of
,les and abundant dark crystal-lithic grains coated with mont~ the lowland. This Altamira deposit (Fig. 5; Table 2) aggraded its
lOIillonite. path with 50 10 of angular fragments as much as 20 to 30 cm in
The very light gray pumice clasts are porphyritic dacite with diameter, widely dispersed in a gray-brown muddy matrix. The
,henocrysts of quartz, andesine, biotite, and green~brown clasts are black and dark reddish-brown vesicular porphyritic cal-
ornblende (Table 3). Lava clasts are hard gray and pale-purple to
eddish-brown porphyritic dacite to andesite) containing marc
yroxene and less biotite than the pumice. A single radiometric age
28iirgl (1967, p. 442) wrongly plac.ed the main Ande-an orog.eny before depoSition
etermination on biotite gave 8.5 0.4 m.y. (Table 1). of the-late Miocene Honda Group. Campbell (1974a, p. 719-:720) erroneously'indi-
The Mesa Group, along with older Cenozoic strata, was faulted cared that Mesa deposits (element a) are undeformed .and rest unconformably. on
nd folded in the final phase of the Andean orogeny (Fig. 3; Table Honda strata.
Figure 2A. Index map, west-cen-
tral Colombia. Cordilleras: are out-
lined by 2,500-m and 31000-m con
tours. Area enclosed by doued line
is Cenozoic deposits: of upper Mag-
dalena ValleYi stipple = volcanic
provinces on Cordillera Central
(after Barrera and others, 1969).
Inset shows volcanic provinces
along RomeraI fault zone. Rectan-
gles endose areas shown in Figures
4 and 5.


A u



Cretaceous Paleozoic (metamorphosed) Cretaceous

Figure 2B. Cross section along line A-B in Figme 2A.

de andesite containing abundant plagioclase, hypersthene, and au~ filled the inner Magdalena Valley} possibly as far north as Nciva,
gite, and only a minor amount of red-browu hornblende (Table 3). with about 20 m of cross-stratified volcanic sand containing abun-
Torqui Sandstoue and Conglomera'e. After Rio Magdalena had dant round light-gray porphyritic pumice pebbles} beds of pumice-
estabJished its channel all part of the Altamira surface) it Ctlt a deep clast gravel} and minor lenses of lava-clast gravel (Table 2). Both
valley through the debris flow, down to the former level. Then ex- clasts and sand contain biotite, green-brown hornblende, minor
plosive volcanism in the middle of the sOllthern volcanic province pyroxene, and plagioclase and quartz (Table 3). A single radiomet-
(Fig. 1) produced a fresh supply of dacitic pyroclastic debris and ric age determination on biotite gave 0.6 0.1 m.y. (Table 1). ror-
lava clasts that spread northeastward into the southern part of the qui vaHey fill was dissected as Rio Magdalena again cut to its pres-
Neiva Basin (Fig. 5). These fluvial deposits (Fig. 8; see Schmincke, ent level, leaving remnants as narrow low terraces along the inner
1974, Fig. 4-16 for example of contrasting air-fall pumice lapilli) valley.
a Pleistocene
, .... ..... regional Girardot Basin
Pliocene uplift
I Ibague Conglomerate and Breccia. After the Magdalena low-
10 nMeSaGr~ ANDEAN
land had been lowered nearly to its present level for the first time,
the broad re-entrant in the mountain front bordering the northern
part of the Girardot Basin had a rugged surface cut across the

~ I;~~~~~~
piedmont; but a northwest~trending structural barrier just west of
Gualanday had not yet been breached. During this episode) a
20 Miocene ::::; OROGENY steep-gradient alluvial fan accumulated in the isolated basin,
nonmarine stretching at least 30 km from the v.icinity of Ibague to the barrier
, ., 1000
La Cira
(Fig. 4). As aggradation continued, debris spread outward for sev-
eral tens of kilometres along low corridors to the south and to the
north, where it reached the southwesternmost Honda Basin (de
"="""" -
30 ~Oligocene ~t?~;;Jw.m POrla, 1966, p. 278-279) when its floor was several metres higher
than it is now.
Ibague fanglomerate varies from place to place} suggesting that it
Gualanday may be a composite of several flood deposits. The cause of these
molasse events is not known. In its proximal part, 15 to 20 km southeast of
40 - a volcanic source, the fanglomerate (Table 2) is about 100 m thick
Group Laramide and composed largely of yellowish-brown, very poorly sorted
debris-flow breccia with lava and metamorphic clasts rarely 2 m
Eocene long. Distal deposits along the Gualanday barrier are 50 to 60 m
phase thick. The upper part consists of interbedded l crudely stratified
50 I- -f- polymictic .fluvial and debris-flow conglomerates several metres
thick. Clasts are commonly 15 to 30 cm in diameter; a few are as
much as 1 m long. Rare layers of volcanic sandstone 30 to 50 cm
~- -f--- thick contain scattered lava clasts and rare pumice pebbles. Most of
! Paleocene the lava fragments are gray and reddish~brown porphyritic pyrox-
60 ~ Guaduas eue and pyroxene-hornblende andesi'es (Table 3). A single
1000 paralic radiometric age determination on plagioclase gave the improbable
date of 9.4 1.0 m.y. - an age older than tha' of the Gigante
-f- Formation (see Table 2); this strongly suggests contamination with
70 Late older detrital feldspars.
Cretaceous marine Twenty kilometres southeast of Gualanday a small butte in the
middle of the Girardot Basin (Fig. 4) preserves about 10 m of upper
Honda strata overlain disconformably by a lower several metresof
Figure 3. Cenozoic molasse in Andean foredeep, upper Magdalena Val~ polymiCtic conglomerate and an upper 4 toS In ofyelIowish-:brown.
leYI Colombia. Heavy .line = duration of volcanic. activity in Cordillera volcanic debris-flow breccia. Clasts of porphyritic lava, some as
Central; X = major and x = minor explosive episodes recorded in sedimen~ much as 10em in diameter, are pyroxene-hornblende varieties like
lary deposits. Stipple = major influx of con'glomeraticdetritus. those in the lbague fanglomerate. Apparently, 'his debris was

transported eastward from an exit west of San Luis when the cen- northern volcanic province (Fig. 1) blanketed the surrounding lip
tral Magdalena lowland was about 10 In higher than it is now. All land with pyroclastic debris and lava. Drainages were so choke,
other traces of the debris flow were removed before spread of the that virtually uncontaminated volcanic detritus was swept south
succeeding San Luis fanglomerate. eastward into the Girardot Basin. The flood of light-gray reworke
San Luis Sandstone and Conglomerate. Before the Ibague fan- pyrocLastic material mantled the Ibaguc fan behind the structun
glomerate had been deeply dissected or the GlIalanday barrier had barrier, and poured down the southern corridor to Valle and Sa
been breached, explosive volcanism ~n the southernmost part of the Luis. Then, some 60 km from its source, it spread castwar

o 10 20

I" " I " " I_--L_I_-,-_

Fig,ure 4., Geologic sketc,h map,(top h-alf above, bottom half onfadng page) of Girardot and Hond~Basins, upper Magdalena Valley and adja.
CorddleraCentral, Colombia. HondaGroup and older rocks of faulted valley and Andean foothills not patterned.:

Ihrough a broad exit in the structural foothills, fanning out across however, the deposit is no more than 10 m thick and consi.s~s
.he lowland (6- to 7-m/km gradient) another 20 km (Fig. 4, Table 2). largely of well-bedded volcanic sand with scattered porphYCltlc
In the narrow corridor north of San Luis, the fanglomerate is pumice pebbles in beds 1 m or so thick, together with thinner uni,ts
about 70 m thick, comprising a lower bedded reworked pumice of concentrated poprly sorted pumice clasts as much ~s 6 to 8 cm In
lapillL tuff with stringers of gray and reddishRbrown porphyritic diameter. Near its outer margin, the fan deposit IS only a few
lava clasts, a middle channeled poorly sorted lavaRcobble conglom- metres thick, pumice clasts are no more than a few centimetres in
erate, and an upper un bedded pumice lapilli debris flow. Pebbles of diameter, and there are several layers of yellowish~gray rnontmoril-
lava are also abundant in deposits just east of San Luis near the lonitic mudstone 10 to 30 em thick. Both lava ~I1d pumice clasts in
apex of the outer fan. Throughout most of its distal fluvial fades, San Luis deposits are predomjnantly green-brown hornblende-
Figure 4. (Continued).


major faults


volcanic province

Gigante Formation

Guali fluvial mantle

Espinal debris-flow mantle

San Luis distal fluvial fan

Ibague proximal fanglomerate

Lerida proximal fanglomerate

La China debris flow

biotite dacite (Table 3). The associated sandstonecontaills grains breach in the barrier. Then, east of the canyon about 45 km from
of hexagonal dipyramids of quartz, as well as andesine, horn- its source, the pumice debris flow fanned out, mantling the broad
blende) pyroxene, biotil:e, and magnetite (Butler, 1940). Magdalena lowland (3- to 4-m/km gradient) and filling its tributary
Espinal Sandstone and Conglomerate. With renewed degrada~ valleys lmtil it had spread several kilometres east of the present Rio
tion, the Coello drainage across the lbague fan etched its surface Magdalena both west and sonth of Girardot (Fig. 4; Table 2). The
and breached the Gualanday barrier. After the canyon had reached southern edge of the Espinal sheet encroached on the low northern
its present depth, another episode of explosive volcanism in the margin of the older San Luis fan l diverting the northeasterly
southernmost part of the northern volcanic province (Fig. 1) streams of its consequent radiai drainage to the east.
choked the upland drainages. This fresh supply of pyroclastic and In the vicinity of the Gualanday barrier l the Espinal debris flow is
lava detritus was washed down the Coello Valley and through its a very poorly sorted and essentially un bedded deposit (Fig. 9)

o 111 20 30km

I, " r I , ,I I I

Campoa lagr,e

Figure 5. Geologic sketch map (top half above, bottom haifon- facing page) of NeivaBasin,upper Magdalena Valley1and adjacent Cordillera Centra
Colombia.'Honda Group and older rocks of fauh-bounded valley 'and Andean foothills not,patterned.

about 30 m thick, with angular clasts of gray and reddish-brown red-brown hornblende and less common brown to red-brown bio-
porphyritic lava and rare fragments of metamorphic rock as much tite (Table 3). A single radiometric age based on biotite is 1.3 0.2
as 30 em long. There are only a few thin layers of pumice-clast con- m.y. (Table 1). With rcnewed regional excavation, minor conse-
glomerate. Throughout most of its extent to the east, the lowland quent streams began to etch the Espinal surface) Rio Coello cut
fill is 10 to 30 m of unsorted, round porphyritic pumice clasts 5 to through the sheet down to its former level, and Rio Magdalcna ad-
10.em in diameter set in a matrix of gray volcanic sand. The fabric justed to its present course along the east side of the Girardot Bilsin.
of rather uniform, unstratified layers generally less than a few The three large fans in the Girardot Basin form some of the most
metres thick is characteristic of slurry debris flows. In the most dis- extensive agricultural tracts in the upper Magdalcna Valley. Be-
tal deposits, beds of small round pumice pebbles and yellowish- cause it is low) relatively unclissccted, and easy to till, the Espin~1
gray montmorillonite mudstone arc morc common. Espinal lava surface is the most favorable. The bouldcrYI dissected Ibague fall IS
and pumice clasts are dacite marked by abundant green-brown and the least favorable.

Figure 5. (Colltilllled).


/ major faults

~ pre~Cretaceoua terrane

!tI\{:! volcanic province

I:::~.I Gigante Formation

~ Tarqui fluvial valley fill

!i;::t-?{:~I Paez; torrential valley fill

~\(iMn Altamira debris flow

~ Paicol debris flow


Honda the composite steep-gradient (22 mlkm) upper part of the Lerida
fan (Table 2) both north and south of Rio Recio. On its northeast-
Letida Conglomerate, Breccia, and Sandstone. Early in the ex- ern margin, the fanglomerate abutted against an old scarp of dis-
cavation of southern Honda Basin, a rugged surface cut on Honda sected Gigante strata whose top is still a few tens of metres higher
deposits was as much as 100 m above the present lowland along than the Lecida surface.
the mountain front and 10 to 20 m higher in the middle of the val- Proximal deposits of" the upper Lerida fanglomerate exposed in
ley, At this stage} explosive volcanism in the vicinity of Pica Ruiz Rio Recio canyon consist of as much as 50 m of polymictic
(Fig. 1) produced pyroclastic debris that was swept eastward as fal' debris-flow breccia with some clasts 2m long. These deposits lie on
as Rio Magdalena. It filled the irregular lowland topography with an irregular surface. cut across the soft lower Lecida sandstone and
as much as 50 m of gray volcanic sand and light-gray porphyritic locally on high knobs of Honda deposits. Along the northern mar-
pumice pebbles; this forms d.le lower part of the Lerida fan, espe- gin, distal deposits consist of a lower 10 to 15 m of gray sandstone
cially north of Rio Recio (Fig. 4, Table 2; de Porta, 1966, p. and breccia, with clasts generally less than 5 em in diameter, and an
275-278). Pumice clasts in the lower Lerida deposit are Rugite- upper few metres of coarse fluvial conglomerate and minor vol-
hypersthene andesite (Table 3), A single age determination on canic sandstone lying on an irregular surface cut across the breccia
plagioclase gave 4.3 0.3 m.y. (Table 1). and locally into highMstanding remnants of Honda strata. The
Following the brief explosive event) several successive floods of southern margin of the fan is a rather similar 15 Mto 20 M
m sequence
volcanic-rich sand and gravel and debrisMflow breccia constructed of gray volcanic sandstone and breccia] but the tipper 20 In of the
southern lobe consists of a very coarse polymictic conglomerate
and breccia whose surface forms the highest part of the Lerida fan.
Most of the upper Lerida volcanic clasts are darkMgray and
Sanples* Cooponent K Ar~~/tota:1 Ar~o ;\ge
reddish-brown porphyritic two-pyroxene andesite lava (Table 3),
analJ~edt (wt percen.t) (m.y. ) like a tongue of lava overlying a volcanic, debris flow in the upper
Recio Valley (Fig. 4). A few light-gray porphyritic pumice pebbles
B-2'T2'2 60B. ]511, 50 JI. O~Jl O.19~, 0.1]4 8.5 :!: 0. 11
also occtir in. more distal deposits, but their paucity suggests re-
<luaU 9011. 5f, 28, 30 0. 1193 0.016 2.6 :!: 0.9
DuaH F-2'1llJ Plagioclase o.lJ6B
working' of the lower Lerida pumiceous deposits that lay on the
0.-065, 0.031 5.5 :!: 0.5
1"-2'125 Plagioclase 1.6
eastern slope of Cordillera Central. Plagioclase in a clast from the
Fa" 0.16B O.{J3S, 0.027 :!: 0.<.'
E:sp1nal B-2'126 65B. ]OH, ~ 3.221 0.027, 0.0]8 1.3 :!: 0.2
uppermost part of the Lerida fanglomerate gave a radiometric age
10""" 1"-2'72-7 Plagioclase O. ]81 0.0~9. 0.060 9.11 :!: 1.0
of 1.1 0.1 m.y. (Table 1).
Lerida, upper F-2'128 Plagioclase 0.699 0.032, 0.019 1.1 :!: 0-.1 When regional erosion prevailed again, Rio Recio cut a deep val-
Ler1da, lower F-1729 Plagioclase 0.733 0.057, 0.065 4.] :!: 0.] ley between the two Letida lobes down to present level, as small
Palool B-273-0 Biotite 4. ]lJl 0.083. 0.0]1, 3.7 :!: 0.2 consequent streams etched the fan surface. This rugged topog-
"""'I B-?nl 80B. 15H, 50 ].920 0.015. 0.022 0.6 :! 0.1 raphy, together with bouldery textures, makes the Lericia terrane
relatively difficult to. till.
I Geoohron Laborat.orles s~le nl.lllll:>ers.
t a;t1mJ.ted -pe-rcent; B = biotite, ][ ~ hornblende, P = pyroxene, 0., other5. About 10 km south of the southern margin of the Lerida fan, two
Radiogenic c~nent. small high-level remnants of volcanic breccia along Rio La China
lie on truncated Honda deposits about 100 m above the present
lowland floor (Fig. 4). The 5- to 10-m-thick breccia consists largely

Distrlbutloo 1 .Thlckness Distal Size Surface TAr,I.}: 3. l'RUK:J!'fII, j'wmcnv:;'j' ~mll-II!II. A~><~~l'Jllll()lo~'\ m VlIJ):MIIC Cl,\:I'I:\
(m.y.) 1n bal!1ns t
Ne G1 Ho
(m) thinning
long wide
1.11'11': I~FJK):J.U1C


M 0.5 ruL-'~"llt"r,t
[.agun111a 5 15
2.6 Ouali , 15 20 15 60 10
Altillllll'11 lava ll'j-fi(,
1.1 U S 50 15 25 15 1j0-15 !lV" 'il]
lerlda e-"I'UI[)f'Y)~)l('~n.. ; l:tl 1"':'l1-,ill"n(k,
'.3 L S 50 5 25 15
LQl"ldil pumice .1')_'16
hlotltf', I'iuw.. t
Ill'll,ll"'l ! rc\,-)'h !I,)mblmil,',
1.3 Espinal fI 30 20 35 40 3-' 1lVj-~ JI;' C-O)th"Jl.'o')~)KH"'. rm,wt
San 11.115 fI 10 5 27 30 6-7
Ibagu-e tI 100 10 ]0 50 2'<-10
Palcol lalla
1.6 Fa" M 75 60 5 2-3
I'au? lliWI A\.ir;ltl'; ! c-or't1~)r':II");O:"'I'"
3.7 Paicol fI 75 5 50 10 a-LO bIotIte
lbague 1<1\1:1 10_11"( Aur:lt". e_orth('PYlYJ~-rl"
0.6 'I'nrqu1. S 25 10 115 1 aV/: 36
OI.l!\I1, lava /7-43 AIII,;I(.,:, C_OI'!.\,Jpyr"Xf'lW,
Il"l~ 37 hlr!t\t'
A1t.amll'a S 50
" =xx'
ar<'~n-b)\J'lI'Il mxl reil-bl'OW'l1 hornbl<:nctp.-blutlt.~

+ + ~I"lva lava
8.5 ~ 01.sante 750 15' 100 {EIo)
~ Net'!!! + 200
15' 150 (Ne)
15 100 Ufo) ,,, i ?~_4 :l
avg W
C-oltllOllYl'")~,'n.); ! a,.,,~lt.~,
h.YI_.'r'~U":Ji':, Vilnli,t
t Villa \/ieJa + + 10'.'1
75+ 150 (Ne)
15+ 100 (Ho)
;'7-V, C-()rthOI':I!')~('IW; nlll'lt,

75' 100 (Ne) ,,



:l; Ia Lbrada

l..a elm
:1 ,000

15' '00+
75+ 400+ , I 30- 110

27-JI) 11,"r~,r'\U,''''', "_[))lILl>I:II"Xl'W;

tbte: PositIon of, postorogenlcdeposlt:e in too co-llllTtl IJt1lHes a clmJilOlogtc Itvg 111 ! l'j1l'!l"t
relation oolywlth1n each basin. 'I'arqul pumlcf' H i'lui.,ltf'; t l\Yr':j'iLl."".',
IN nol'th,M = middle, S = =
south, + throu,ghout baJ>ln. r;:... )):thOI'Yl'JX~rl"
me" Ne1va,Gi = Glraroot, 110"" Honda.
X= JMjol'anc1x" l'lI!nor phasesot AOOearioro&er'\Y. Not'.': .+ = I'roI1lmt,' !.= f'iIr"o'ilnd vaI'lable, C" eolor)~:;.~.

of dark-gray and reddish-brown porphyritic andesite clasts rarely Along its western margin, the GuaH Formation (Butler, 1~42, p.
as much as 30 em long. Common phenocrysts are andesine) hyper- 825; de Porta, 1966, p. 271-275) is mostly a slurry debriS flow
sthene) and augite; colorless garnet is rare. These remnants record a dominated by gray porphyritic lava clasts rarely as much as 1.5 III
debris flow that spread eastward in a broad valley at about the longj a few kilometres to the east the clasts arc less than 50 em
same elevation as the surface beneath the Lericia fanglomerate and long. Throughout most of its extent in the lvlagdalen3 lowland, the
about 50 to 75 m above the northern distal tongue of the Ibague formation is a fluvial deposit of well-bedded, commonly cro~s
fan. stratified sandstone containing abundant very poorly sorted and Ir-
GuaH Sandstone and Conglomerate. After the main streams in regularly dispersed clasts of light-gl'ay porphyritic pumice (Fig. 10);
the Honda Basin had cut to their present level l explosive volcanism lava clasts predominate only jn local channel lenses. Both lava and
jn the northern part of the northern volcanic province (Fig. 1) pumice arc hornblende-pyroxene dacite (Table 3). A single
erupted pyroclastic debris and lava that mantled the surrounding radiometric age determination based on hornblende is 2.6 0.9
Cordillera Central. Detritus from this event spread eastward over m.y., whereas plagioclase from another clast gave an age of 5.5
an irregular sloping (10 mlkm) terrain in the uorthern half of the 0.5 m.y. (Table 1). Topographic relations indicate that Guall rle-
Honda Basin. Guali sediments filled broad valleys cut in Mesa and posits probably are about as young as the Paez (1.8 Ill.y.) and Espi-
Honda strata as much as 75 m above their floors. It extended a few nal (1.3 m.y.) units. Presumably the plagioclase sample was con-
kilometres east of the present Rio Magdalena channel and as far taminated with older feldspar.
north as La Dorado (Fig. 4j Table 2), where it is 6 to 7 m thick. Deep reglonal erosion incised the Guali mantle as Rio Mag-
dalena and its tributades re-excavated the Honda Basin to its pres-
ent level. Broad uneroded remnants of the Guali surface provide
good agricultural tracts that are easy to till.
Lagunilia Breccia. During the present stage of dissection, sev-
eral minor incursions from the northern part of the northern vol-

Figure 7. Contrasting cO<lfse-grained deposits in Gigante Formation. AI

Unhedded lava-clast lahar. B, Close-packed J volcanic-rich, polymictic
stream-channel conglomerate 3 m thick; larger rounded clasts commonly
10 to 15 em and rarely 20 cm in diameter.

Figure 6. Gigante F.ormation. At Characteristic outcrop,showing lens of

ark yellowish-gray fluvial sandstone (upper fight) as much as 5 m thick
ld parallel-bedded debrisMflow deposits. Large-scale bedding is produced
~ interlayering of dark-gray mudflows and lava-dast lahars and light-gray
leeted pumice~clast debfis flows. B,Interlayered debrjs-flow deposits: JJ
,guely,stratified mudflow with fewlarge,c1asts; ,2,unbedded,lahar (slurry Figure 8. Tarq\ti fluvhiI valley. fill charactcrjzed by abundant unsorted
~bris flow) about! m thick, with dispersed lava dastsasmuch as10to 15 light-gray- pumice clasts in rehltivelywell defined parallel-bedded Bild
n long; 3, sheeted debris-flow deposit composed chiefly ofsmaU pumice cross-bedded layers, and in small-scale channels (scOiJrand fill). Dark layers
asts. contain abundant grains of volcanic minerals.

canie province have carried coarse debris and blocks of ice down middle and especially the northern parts of the northern province
tbe GuaIi, Sabandija, and Lagunilla Valleys as fat as Rio Mag- contributed considerable detritus to the Honda Basin, but there is
d.lena (Ramirez, 1969, p. 32-35). The main mass of sludge carried no evidence of outbursts in the southernmost part,
down Rio Lagunilla at intervals from 1595 to 1845 was pyroxene In latest Miocene time, the climax of explosive volcanism
andesite debris tbat choked the valley only temporarily. erupted in a pattern rather like" that during Honda deposition (Fig,
Minor volcanic activity also occurred in the southern province in 11, A). The middle and, especially, the nortbern parts of the south-
bistoric time (Fig, 1; Ramirez, 1969, p. 36-47), but this did not ern province flooded the Neiva Basin with Gigante debris, while ac-
shed detritus into the Magdalena lowland.


Volcanic Sources and Geographic Dispersal

Widespread volcanic detritus in the middle and upper Miocene

Honda Group records: early extensive volcanism in Cordillera Cen~
traIl but probably not from any of the existing cones. The principal
activity was localized in volcanic fields about 250 km apart, north
and south of a nonvolcanic terrane west of the Girardot Basin (Fig.
11, A). The northern part of the southern volcanic province
contributed abundant material to the northern Neiva Basin,
whereas the middle part shed less, if any, debris. Volcanoes in the



Figure 11, Estimated extent of latc Cenozoic volcaniclastic deposits,

upper Magdalena Valley, Colombia. A, Latest Miocene Gigante Formation
in Neiva and Honda basins. Stipple = estimated volcanic source areas;
darker pattern shows present extent, and lighter pattern shows recon-
Figure 10,_ GuaIi fluvial lowland mantLe of reworked pyroclastic debris. structed distribution. B, Local postorogenic Pliocene-Pleistocene deposits
ParaUel bedding, large-scale, low-angle cross-bedding, and very wide range (patterned and black). Stippled overlay on Holocene volcanic provinces =
and irregulardispersalof unsorted pumice clasts are characteristic. Largest most active volcanic source areas. Western structural border of Neiva and
das.t (at road levcl)ds about 40 cm)oilg. Honda Basins outlines Magdalena lowland.
tivity mostly in the northern part of the northern province, appar~ Relative and Radiometric Ages
eody including Guadalupe, filled the Honda Basin. In contrast,
there were no active volcanoes in the southernmost part of the Relative stratigraphic ages of these volcaniclastic deposits have
northern province. been established within the local Neiva, Girardot, and Honda Ba-
During PlioceneMPleistocene postorogenic regional nplift and sins. A single reg[onal succession is much more difficult to recon-
erosion, volcanic activity that shed debris into the Magdalena'lowR struct, however. The sllggested sequence of postorogenic deposits
land was local and spasmodic (Fig. 11, B). The middle part of the (Fig. 12) is based largely 011 the relation of each to progressive ex-
southern province (Palatera to Purace) supplied the Altamira debris cavation of the Magdalena lowland. The available radiometric ages
Oow to the east and, thePaez valley fill to the northeast, whereas of volcanic clasts (Table 2) provide a useful time scale of late An-
Cutunga to the south probably was the source ofTarqui sediments dean orogenic and postorogenic volcanism and assodated tectonic
in the southern and middle Neiva Basin. The northern part of the events in Cordillera Central.
southern provincel but apparently not Pico Huila, shed debris
eastward to form the Paicol debris flow in the middle Neiva Basin. Composition of Source Volcanoes
No volcanic sediment reached the northern part of the basin east
and northeast of Huila in postorogenic time. The southernmost Relatively little information is available about the petrology of
part of the northern province (Machin, and other locations)l- now Colombian stratovolcanoes. Data available (Hantke and Parodi,
active for the first timel produced the Ibague, San Luis, and Espinal 1966) are as follows:
deposits in the Girardot Basin l as well as the debris flow along Rio Purad - biotite-hornblende dacite, augite-hornblende andesite,
La China in the southernmost part of the Honda Basin. Volcanoes andesite, olivine-augite andesite bombs, dadtic and andesitic
in about the middle of the northern province (Ruiz) and other loca- lava; much pyroclastic debris and debris flows
tions) produced the Lerida and Lagunilla detritus in the southern Huila - augite-hypersthene andesite, hornblende-biotite dacite
and middle parts of the Honda Basin. The northern part of the Machin - hornblende andesite, much pumice lapilli tuff
northern province (Paramo Herveo and nearby cones) was the Tolima - augite andesite, pumiceous augite-hypersthene andesite)
source of Guali sediments as well as minor recent influxes in the bombs of biotite dacite
northern Honda Basin. Ruiz - pumiceous augite andesite) hypersthene-hornblende ande-
This record of shifting activity points to considerable explosive site, augite hypersthene andesite lava
volcanism in the northern province, inel uding the giant Ruiz, dur- Cerro Bravo - basalt, pyroxene andesite) hornblende andesite
ing the past 5 m.y. Reworked debris from these outbursts still man- Paramo Herveo - augite andesite, augitehypeLsthene andesite,
tles about two-thirds of the surface of the Girardot and Honda Ba- minor dacite
sins. In contrastl postorogenic deposits derived from the southern
province comprise four smaller, lincar deposits. Moreover l no im- Phenocryst Mineral Assemblages
portant mass of reworked pyroclastic debris is associated with
giant Huila. The only significant explosive volcanism was in the Volcanic clasts in the late Cenozoic sedjments are mostly either
middle or nearby southern part of the southern province only hard gray and reddish-brown porphyritic lava, or soft light-gray
about 0.5 m.y. ago. porphyritic pumice (Table 3). The pumice generally contains abun-
Reconstructed thickness and extent of Gigante deposits (Fig. 11 l dant hornblende, biotite, plagiodascl and some quartz and is as
A) suggests a volume of volcanic debris f.l,)veral orders of magnitude sodated with sandstone commonly containing hexagonal di-
greater than all of the preserved postorogenic volcaniclastic de~ pyramids of quartz (Butler l 1940). The lava generally has more
posits in the upper Magdalena Valley (Fig. 11, B). In a general way, pyroxene and less quartz, In both rock types, the phenocrysts are
sources of volcanic sediments from late Miocene to Holocene time set in a potassil1m~bcaring groundmass.
shifted progressively southward from the northern part (Huila) of
the southern province as well as from the northern part Depositional Types
(Guadulupe) of the northern province. Note, however, that the rel~
atively young Guali deposit derived from the northern part of the Volcaniclastic debris transported to the Andean foredeep and
northern province contradicts this pattern. Magdalena lowland accumulated in the following ways:

Neiva . Bs8tn Girardot Pasin Honda Basin

o Lagunilla-----
Tarqul---------------------- Present level re-excavated
U GuaU------
Paez------ San Luis
2 Altamira-----
ILerida Main valleys cut to present
level for first time

Paicol-..,--- La L
4 China
Lowland few hundred metres
aOQve present level
5 m.y. I No record of earlier events
Figure 12. Suggested stratigraphic relations: amongposto~ogenic volcaniclastiC deposits, upper Magdalena VaHcYJ Colombia.

Unbedded debris flows. - very coarse, angular) unsorted to poorly Miocene time dominated the range during another tectonic lull.
sorted clastsj mostly lava .. Then 5 to 7 m.y. ago, the final phase of the Andean orogeny de-
Broad valley train - Altamira, Pakol (in part), La China rem- formed Cordillera Central and its foredeep, but there is no record
nants of significant volcanism at this time.
Proximal fan - Gigante (in part), Espinal (in part), Guali (in Subsequent regional uplift of both range and lowland initiated
part) widespread degradation. The accompanying Pliocene~Pleistocene
Unbedded debris Rows - unsorted, rounded pumice clasts in vol- postorogenic volcanism produced relatively minor detritus that
canic sand spread sporadically across the increasingly dissected Magdalena
Unconfined distal fan - Gigante (in part) lowland.
Lowland mantle - Espinal {partly confined)
Mixed debris flows and torrential deposits - very coarsc, poorly ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
sorted, angular to subrounded clasts of lava and nonvolcanic
rocks National Scieace Fonndation Grants GA-14847 and GA-39085
Proximal fan- Ibague, upper Lerida and funds furnished by Princeton University supported this inves~
Broad vaHey train - Pakol (in part) tigation from 1970 to 1973. In 1972 INGEOMlNAS provided a
Confined vaHey fill - Lagunilla jeep, driver, aad field geologist (P. Marin). ]. Mendosa, geologist in
Torrential deposits} minor debris flows - coarse, poorly sorted, the Instituto de Asuntos Nucleares also helped with the field work.
subrounded clasts of lava and nonvo1canic rocks G. Otalora (Director, Instituto de Asuntos Nucleares)l R. B. Travis
Broad lowland fill- Honda, Gigante (minor part only), Neiva (geologist, lNTERCOL), and C. Vegas (geologist, lNGEOMINAS)
Broad vaHey fiH - Paez helped with both field problems and practical arrangements. I am
Sheeted overbank} flood-plain, and minor channel deposits - most grateful to these men and their organizations for invaluable
poorly sorted rounded pumic clasts and cross-stratified vol- support. Specific plagioclase measurements were made by P.
canic sand Canavan.
Distal fan - upper Honda, Gigante (in part), San Luis, lower
Lowland mantle - Guali (broadly confined)
Confined valley fill - Tarqui Anderson, T. H., 1972, Paleogene nonmarine Gualanday Group, Neiva
Overall, the postorogenic record (Fig. 12) consists of two very Basin, Colombia, and regional development of the Colombian Andes:
old high-level debris~flow trains of indurated volcanic breccia that Geol. Soc. Amerka Bull., v. 83, p. 2423-2438.
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Geografica, 218 p. MANUSCRIPT ACCEPTED JUNE 25, 1975

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