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Egypt. J. Exp. Biol. (Bot.

), 12(2): 275 288 (2016) Th e Eg yptian Society of Exp erimen tal Biolog y
DOI: 10.5455/eg yjebb.20161221102915

Dalia A. M. Abdou
Nour a A . El-F ar
Youssria M. S het aia
W ael S. I. Ab ou-Elm agd
Al-Zahr aa A. K aram El -Din


In s earch f or bioactive c ompounds, 88 f ungal *Nour a, A. El -Far
isolat es w ere c ollect ed from t hree Eg yptian * Youssria, M. S het ai a
marine habitats . Crud e extrac ts of 17 m arine ** W ael S . I. Abou-Elm agd
derived fungal is olat es out of t he 88 isol at es
show ed v ariable activit y ag ainst som e human *Al-Zahraa, A. Kar am El -Din
pathogenic bac terial strai ns ( S almonella * Microbiol ogy D epartm ent , Fac ult y of
enterica, Prot eus sp., Klebs eilla pneumonia, Science, Ain-S hams U niversit y, C airo,
Staphyloc occ us aureus and Escherichi a coli ). Egypt.
The m ost pot ent fungal isol at e that s howed ** Chemistr y D epartm ent , F acult y of Science,
the highes t antimicrobial activit y w as Ain-S ham s Univ ersit y, Cairo, Eg ypt.
molec ularl y identified as As per gillus
welwetsic hiae. Optimizati on of c ultur e
conditions of A. wel wet sichi ae r evealed t hat
the highest antimi cr obial activit y w as obtai ned
in s haki ng c onditions (150rpm), using
Czapek- dox medium, at pH 9 and incubation
at 25C f or 3 d ays. S almonella ent erica w as
the most s ensitive t est organism regarding the
highes t inhibition z one t hrough all the ARTI CLE CODE: 28.02.16
optimization tests. E thyl ac et at e extr act of A .
welwetsic hiae w as s ubject ed t o c hemic al
anal ysis and declar ed t hat t he activ e I NTRODUCTI ON:
antibact erial m et abolite is a mi xtur e of acid Ther e are two maj or t yp es of
(Mono (2-et hyl hexyl) pht halat e) and est er (bis biologically import ant environm ents in whic h
(2-et hylhexyl) pht hal at e). Ret esti ng the tw o the s alt f act or will i nt erac t wit h microbial
compounds s eparat el y, they s how ed no populati ons , soil and water (Mansum a et al. ,
activit y whic h confirmed the s ynergistic 2001). The oceans and seas c ov er 70% of the
antibact erial eff ect of t he two c ompounds eart hs sur fac e and poss ess a wide di versit y
toget her. Upon testing the c yt ot oxic eff ect of of nat ural flor a and f auna. Among the 36
the active antibac terial m et abolit e (mixtur e of know n living phyl a, 34 ar e f ound in m arine
acid and ester) ag ains t human lung fibroblast envir onm ents with more than 0.3 million
norm al cell (W I-38 c ell line), t he res ults know n speci es of fl ora and f auna (Faulkner,
show ed t hat there w as a ver y w eak inhibitor y 2001).
activit y s uggesting the possibility of
considering it as a saf e c ompound f or f urther New tr ends in drug discov er y from
steps as a pharmac eutical prod uct. natural s ourc es emphasiz e on i nvestiga ti on of
the m arine ecos ystem t o explore num erous
complex and novel c hemic al entities. Thes e
KEY WORDS: entities ar e t he s ource of new lead f or
Marine derived f ungi , A ntimicrobial treatment of m any diseases s uc h as canc er,
compounds, As per gillus A IDS , i nflamm at or y condition, art hritis,
malaria and large v ariet y of viral, bact erial
and fungal diseases (N azar et al. , 2009).
Bec ause of t he highl y c hemical and physic al
Dalia, A.M. Abdou hars h c ondition i n marine environm ent, the
Microbiol ogy D epartment , F ac ult y of Science, organisms produc e a v ariet y of m olec ules wit h
Ain-S ham s Univ ersit y, Cairo, Eg ypt. unique s truct ural feat ures and exhibit v arious
E-mail: drdaliaali2013@yahoo. com biological ac tivities (Ravik umar et al., 2010).

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276 Egypt. J. Exp. Biol. (Bot.), 12(2): 275 288 (2016)

Marine f ungi are prolific r es ourc es of El-Sheikh), Mediterranean S ea (Al exandria)

natural prod ucts ( Ebel, 2010; J ensen and and Bi tter l akes ( Ismailia). Fr om eac h
Fenic al, 2002). H ow ever , t he potenti al of locati on, samples w ere coll ect ed in cl ean
marine fungi has onl y been inv estigat ed t o a sanitiz ed bottl es at a depth of 1. 5 meter using
limited extent. In t he last few dec ades , LaMott e w at er sampler (m odel JT - 1 c ode
marine-deriv ed f ungi have b een rec ogniz ed as 1077). Thes e s amples w ere c ollec ted (during
one of the m ost rec ent bar el y t apped s ourc es March and April, 2012), tr ans ferred t o the
for new biol ogicall y activ e sec ondar y laborat or y and st ored in refriger ator f or
metab olites (J ens en and F enic al, 2002) furt her anal ysis.
including antitum or, antibac terial, antiviral, I sol ati on of M ari ne Fungi :
antifungal, anti -infl ammat or y and enz ym e Three differ ent cult ure m edia w ere used
inhibitor comp ounds. This is probabl y for is olati on of marine fungi; Sab our aud
because mari ne f ungi hav e been explor ed t o a dextros e yeast extr act ag ar medium (Feng et
lesser ext ent t han t heir terrestrial al., 1990), Cz apek- D ox ag ar medium (Thom
count erparts, w hic h hav e been k nown for a and C hurc h, 1926), and Yeas t extract m edium
long tim e as a ver y important source of (Wickerham, 1951).
biologically activ e and ec onomic ally import ant
Is olation media w ere prepar ed with sea
natural produc ts, suc h as t hose f or us e i n
wat er and supplement ed with chl oramphenic ol
treatment of hum an diseases as well as other
biotec hnologic al applications (T an and Z ou, (250 mg/L) as antibact erial agent. T he agar
plates were inoc ulat ed wit h w at er s amples
2001; Strobel , 2002).
(0.2 ml) and inc ubat ed f or t hree w eeks. The
Aspergillus f ungi hav e rec eived the agar plat es w ere reg ularl y exami ned t o v erif y
most of t he att ention am ong all the marine - the growing c olonies. Disti nct fungal col oni es
derived f ungi, w hich account ed f or 31% of the on the is olati on media w ere then transf erred
marine fung al origin. The m arine nat ural to new p lates f or f urt her purification. The
products have divers e c hemical struc tur es single purifi ed col oni es w ere picked up and
mainl y incl uding; pol yk etides , fatt y acids, subcult ured on slants prep ared from t he sam e
sterols and terpenoides, 96% of whic h contents of the isol ati on m edia and
displayed bioac tivities s uch as c ytotoxicit y, maint ained for f urt her inv estigations (S amuel
antimicrobial activit y, antioxidant and et al., 2011).
insec ticidal ac tivit y (Z hao, 2016).
Assessm ent of Anti m i crobi al Activi ty of
B act erial resistanc e is spreading M ari ne Fungal I sol ates:
throughout t he w orld; especi all y in all healt h
P repar ati on of the aqueo us crud e extr act:
care ass ociated p athogens r evealing the
steadily d ecreasing p ot enti at es of preval ent Eac h 50 ml of Cz apek -Dox brot h
antibiotics (G ould, 2008); t hus, necessitating medium (pH 6. 5) i n Erlenm eyer flasks ( 250
the discov er y of n ov el compounds, ml) was inoc ulat ed with one plug of eac h
modification of alread y existing antimicrobial fungal isol at e and inc ubat ed in s haking
stock , be it from fungi, ac tinom yc etes or any incubator at 150 rpm, at 28C for 7 days
natural r esourc es. Bec ause of huge (Zainuddin et al ., 2010). T he f ung al m yc elia
expenditure on s ynthetic m olec ule wit h were harves ted by filtr ation thr oug h W hatman
eff ectiv e antimicrobial properti es, nat ural filter pap er N o. 1, the sup ernat ant w as t hen
products ar e still a wort h pr omise. Alt hough, filtered t hrough two t ypes of Millipore S yri nge
more suc h organisms for t heir antimicrobial filters (0. 45 m) and (0. 22 m) to g et c ell free
potential t o solv e t he problem of emerging extract (Manim egalai et al. , 2013). The
strains of r esist ant microorganisms (K aur and sterilized c ell free filtr ate was used f or
Arora, 2015. screening of antibact erial and antif ungal
activities agains t the t es ted bacteri al and
The pot ential of marine fungi t o produc e
a vast array of sec ondar y metabolit es t hat ar e fungal pat hogens.
gaining importance f or t heir biotechnol ogical Antim i crobi al acti vi ty test:
as w ell as m edical and pharm ac eutic al Agar w ell diffusion m et hod w as us ed t o
applications has at tract ed our att enti on. eval uate t he antimicrobial ac tivit y of the
Howev er, the aim of t his st ud y is t o highlight sterilized cell free f ungal extract s (Mat han et
the occ urrenc e of loc al marine f ungal isol at es al., 2013) against som e hum an bacteri al and
havi ng t he c hemical pot ential of bioactiv e fungal pat hogens. T he bac teri al pat hog ens ;
metab olites with antimicrobial activit y. Salm onella ent erica ATCC 25566, Pr oteus sp.
(clinical is olat e), Kl ebs eilla pneum oni a ATCC
M ATERI AL AND M ETHODS: 10031, St aphyl oc occ us aur eus ss. aureus
ATCC 6538 and E scherichi a coli ATCC 51659
Marine f ungi are an ecol ogicall y rat her were purc hased from Microbiol ogical
than physi ologicall y or t axonomicall y defi ned Resources C entr e (Cair o MIRC EN), F acult y of
group of microorganisms (H yde et al ., 1998). Agriculture, Ain Shams U niversit y. W hile
Col l ecti on of w ater sam pl es: fungal pathogens; As per gillus flav us (kf
W ater samples w ere c ollect ed fr om 028197), A spergillus ni ger (kf 358715) and
three diff erent sit es i n Eg ypt; R ed Sea (Sharm Aspergillus f umigat us (k f 201647) w ere kindl y
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A bdo u e t a l . , E xp lo r i ng t he A nt i m i c r o b i a l P o t e nt i a l o f Lo c a l M a r i ne F u ng i 277

supplied by personal c ontac t. Candida filtrate w as treated with eq ual vol umes of four
albic ans was obt ained from c ult ure c ollecti on, different organic s olvents namel y hexane,
Department of Microbiol ogy, F acult y of chlor oform, dichl oromethane and et hyl
scienc e, Ai n-shams U niversit y. acetate. T hen, shaki ng t he mi xt ure vigorousl y
The st erilized f ung al aq ueous extracts for 10 minut es in a s eparating f unnel. The
(200 l) were loaded in t he w ells punched in miscible mixtur e w as all owed to st and f or 5
agar plat es seeded wi th differ ent diluti ons of minut es and the solv ent p has e c ont aini ng the
spore s uspension (c onc entration eq uival ent t o fungal antimicrobial m etab olites was c ollec ted
standard McF arland 0. 5) of the diff erent in a fl ask and c onc entrated in a rotat or
test ed pat hogens. F or bact erial pat hog ens , evap orat or at 30C. T he obt ained residue w as
nutrient agar plat es ( APH A, 1917) wer e dissolved in 2% dimet hy s ulfoxide (D MSO)
seed ed with spor e s uspension (10 8 ) and and st ored at 4C. Ass essm ent of
incubated at 37C f or 24hrs. Cz apek -Dox agar antimicrobial activit y was c arried out using
plates wer e s eed ed wit h sp ore susp ensi on of agar well diffusi on m et hod. In nutrient agar
(10 4 ) of t he fungal pat hog ens and inc ubated plates wit h 0. 5 McF arland suspension of
for 7 days . Malt extrac t agar plat es wer e Salm onella enteric a, a v olum e of 200 l of
seed ed with spore s uspensi on of yeas t concentrated fungal extrac t diss olved in 2%
pathogens (10 6 ) and inc ubated f or 48 hrs. DMS O w as l oaded i n w ells punc hed in agar
Fung al and yeas t plat es w ere inc ubat ed at plates and i ncub at ed at 37C f or 24 hrs.
28C.T he m ean diam et er of inhibition zones Similarly, 200 l of 2% D MS O was us ed as a
were m eas ured in millimeters and recorded negative contr ol and Chl oramphenic ol (10 g)
(Powt hong et al., 2012). was used as p ositive contr ol.
I denti fi cati on of the acti ve m ari ne fungal Extr acti on and chem i cal characteri zati on of
i sol ates: the anti m i crobi al m etaboli te from the m ost
potent m ari ne fung al i sol ate:
Id entific ati on was d et ermined bas ed on
their macrosc opic and microscopic P uri fi cati on of the antim i crobi al
morphol ogical c har act eristics using the m etabol i te:
univ ersal manual (De H oog et al., 2000). The The activ e c omponents i n the et hyl
identific ation of the mos t pot ent isolate w as acetate crud e extr act wer e separ at ed using
confirmed usi ng t he m olecul ar t echniques. silica gel t hin layer c hrom at ography prec oated
M ol ecul ar i denti fi cati on of the m ost potent aluminum sheets 60F 25 4 ( Merck). Tw o m obile
i sol ate: phas es w ere used for extracti on; et hyl
acetate: chl oroform (1:1) (v /v) and diet hyl
Molec ular identification was c arried out
et her: petrol eum et her ( 1:1) (v/ v). The cr ude
in Sigma C ompany. DN A extr acti on was m ade
extract w as spot ted at 1. 5cm fr om the b ott om
by using protoc ol of G ene Plant g enomic DN A
of t he sheets and all owed t o dry, t hen
purification kit (T herm o) # K 0 791. Then PCR
develop ed in an ascending order f or an hour.
was m ade b y using Maxima H ot St art PCR
The produc ed spots w ere located b y t heir
Mast er Mi x (T herm o) # K 0221: F orward primer
fluor esc enc e on c hrom at ograms under U. V
light and R f (retardation f act or) val ues wer e
and revers e IT S 4: ( 5 - TCC TCC GCT T AT
determined (At alla et al. , 2011).
El uci dati on of structure of the
Initial denatur ation at 95C for 10
anti mi crobi al acti ve m etabol i te vi a
minut es. Denatur ati on 95C f or 30 sec onds.
spectro scopi c an al ysi s:
Annealing at 55C f or 1 minut e. E xtension at
72C f or 1 minut e. Final ext ensi on at 72C f or It is difficult t o acc ess t he original
15 minut e. N umber of c ycl es, 35. The PCR compound of int erest pres ent in nat ural
was cl ean up t o the produc t using Gene J ET TM products whic h is us uall y a c omplex mi xtur e
PCR purificati on Kit (Thermo) # K 0701. of s ever al compounds. Thr ee i mport ant
Finall y seq uenci ng to t he PCR product w as tec hniques w ere undert ak en t o reac h the
made i n GA TC C ompany using f orward and struct ure of antimicrobial m et abolite: GC - MS ,
revers e primers, AB I 3730xl DN A Seq uencer. IR and N MR spec trosc op y.
Extr acti on and el uci dati on of the structur e - Fouri er Tran sform I nfrar ed R esonance
of the anti m i crobi al m etaboli te from the spectro scopy (FTI R):
m ost potent m ari ne fung al i sol ate: The infr ared sp ectra w ere r ecorded
Extr acti on of anti m i crobi al m etabol i te using pot assi um bromide disks on FT IR
(Atal l a et al. , 2008): Therm o Electr on Nicol et 7600 (US A) infr ared
spectrom et er at the C entral labor ator y of
Czapek- dox brot h medium ( 100 ml) was
Facul t y of sci ence, Ai n s hams universit y.
inoc ulat ed with pl ugs of the mos t pot ent
marine f ungal isol at e (No. 9) and incubated i n - Gas ch rom atography m ass sp ectrom etry
a shaki ng inc ubat or (150 rpm) at 25C, for 7 (GC-M S)
days. Af ter inc ubati on days, fungal m yc elium The m ass spectr a wer e rec orded on
was s epar at ed from c ultur e brot h by filtration Aglient Tec hnol ogies GC - MS 5977A mass
through W hatm an N o.1 filt er pap er. F or spectrom et er op erati ng at 70 ev at t he C entral
extraction of antimicrobial met abolit es, the laborat or y of F ac ult y of s cience, Ai n s hams
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278 Egypt. J. Exp. Biol. (Bot.), 12(2): 275 288 (2016)

- Nucl ear Magnetic Resonance spectroscopy The distribution of marine fungal isolates
(NMR): collected from different sites in Egypt.
The 1 H-N MR spectra w ere m eas ured on Dat a of t his st ud y revealed t hat the yi eld
Varian G emini 400 MHz spectr omet er, wit h of t he c ollect ed s amples w as higher fr om Red
chemic al s hift ( ) express ed in ppm dow nfield sea than other sit es. N adeem et al. (2015)
with t etr amet hylsilane (T MS) as int ernal reported that , R ed s ea w as rec ognized as a
standard, in D MSO-d6 and c oupling c onst ants rich source of microbial diversit y wit h unique
J in Hz. at the m ain c hemical w arfar e metab olites with pharm aceutic al and
laborat ories. medicinal import ance.
Eval uati on of cytotoxi ci ty agai nst WI -38 Assessm ent of anti mi crobi al acti vi ty of the
cel l l i ne: i sol ates:
The purified antimicrobial c ompound All marine- deriv ed fungal isol at es in
was ev aluat ed f or c yt ot oxicit y ag ai nst W I-38 this st udy w ere subjected t o antimicrobial
cell line (human Lung Fibroblast norm al cell). activit y test agai nst a group of pathogenic
The c ell line was obtai ned from VAC SER A bacteria, m old and yeast. As s how n i n table 1,
Tissue C ultur e Unit . T est w as carried out at the crude extr acts of onl y sev enteen (19%)
the R egional Cent er f or Mycol og y & marine- derived f ung al isolates s howed
Biot ec hnolog y, Al -Az har Univ ersit y. activit y ag ainst t he t est ed bact erial
The cells w ere propagat ed in Dulbecc os pathogens. T his data c oi ncides wit h other
modified E agles m edium (D ME M) literat ures (Zhang et al. , 2012 & 2013; Qin et
supplemented with 10% heat -inac tivat ed f et al al., 2015), w here it w as r eport ed t hat 38%
bovine s erum , 1% L-glut amine, HE PE S buff er 59% of t he test extract s from marine f ungi
and 50g/ml gent am ycin. All c ells wer e exhibited antibact erial or antifungal activities .
maint ained at 37C in a humidified Also, Suay et al. (2000) report ed that about
atmospher e with 5% CO2 and wer e 70% of fungal s trains w ere activ e agains t
subcult ured tw o times a w eek. bacteria.
The cells w ere seeded in 96-well plat e Table 1. Assessment of antibacterial activity of the active
marine fungal isolates (17 isolate).
at a c ell concentr ation of 1 10 4 c ells per
well. T est ed extrac ts diss olved i n D MSO wer e Diameter of inhibition zones in mm
added to t he w ells in triplicates wit h Staphylococcus
Isolate Escherichia Klebseilla Salmonella Proteus
concentrations of 0, 15.60, 31. 25, 62. 50, aureus ss.
number coli pneumonia enterica sp.
12.50, 250, and 500 g/mL for 48 hrs. The
1 - 18 - 25 -
cytot oxic activit y was d et ermined using
2 20 19
viability ass ay. The optical d ensi t y w as
meas ured with t he microplate reader 3 - 17 - - 17
(SunRise, T ECAN, Inc, US A) to det ermine the 4 - - - 30
number of viable c ells and the percent age of 5 - - - - 17
viability w as calc ulated as [ 1-(ODt/ ODc)] x 6 - 25 - - -
100% where ODt is t he m ean optical densit y 7 - - - 25 22
of w ells treat ed with t he tested s ample and 8 - - - 25 18
ODc is the mean optical densit y of untr eated 9 19 - - 24 19
cells. T he r elati on betw een survivi ng c ells and 10 13 - - 20 18
drug concentration is plott ed t o g et the 11 - - - 21 18
survival c urv e aft er treatm ent wit h the 12 - 30 - - -
specified comp ound ( Mosmann, 1983; G omha 13 - 27 - - -
et al., 2015). 14 - 24 - 20 -
Stati sti cal Resul ts: 15 - - - 30 25
16 14 - - 22 17
Statistical anal ysis of experimental dat a
was perf ormed using IB M SP SS 2011; t o 17 - - 18 21 -
detec t t he optimum conditions f or maxim um
Is olates number 9, 10 fr om (R ed s ea)
antibact erial activit y of t he m ost pot ent
and N o. 16 from (Bit ter lak es) s howed ac tivit y
marine- deriv ed fungal is olate. The probabilit y
agains t m ost of t he t est ed bact erial
of error (P val ue) at 0. 05 or less w as
pathogens, where t he diameter of i nhibition
consid ered signific ant, w hile at 0. 01 and
zones ranged from 13mm i n cas e of E . coli t o
0. 001 highl y signific ant.
24 mm i n cas e of S almonella enterica.
Accordingl y, is olat e N o. 9 had b een s elec ted
RESULTS AND DI SCUSSI ON : for f urther inv estigations as being t he mos t
I sol ati on of m ari ne fungi: potent is olate wi th the highest antibact erial
activit y (inhibition zones rang ed from 19 mm
In this study, eighty-eight marine fungal
to 24 mm).
isolates were collected from the three different
isolation sites in Egypt; 42 isolate (48%) from In this st ud y, antibact erial ac tivit y w as
Red Sea, 32 isolate (36%) from Bitter lakes found t o be m ore eff ectiv e t ow ards Gram -
and 14 isolate (16%) from Mediterranean Sea. negative bact eria than Gram -positiv e bac teria.

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A bdo u e t a l . , E xp lo r i ng t he A nt i m i c r o b i a l P o t e nt i a l o f Lo c a l M a r i ne F u ng i 279

Thes e r esult s wer e diff erent fr om t hat of dominant g enus r epresenti ng 33% foll owed b y
Christophers en et al. (1999), H ller et al. Penicillium 13% of t he m arine f ung al isol at es
(2000), and S uay et al. (2000) w her e t hey collect ed in his st udy. Xu et al. (2015) in t heir
reported t hat antibact erial activit y is mor e stud y, rep orted t hat dominant genera of the
common t ow ards Gram -positiv e bac teria t han 105 marine fungi wit h antibac terial and
Gram-negativ e bac teri a. T hese differenc es i n antifungal ac tivit y w ere speci es of t he genus
susc eptibility tow ards antibiotic ally activ e Aspergillus ( 31 s train) and t he genus
sec ondar y m et abolic extracts hav e b een Penicillium (16 s trai n), and considered
repeat ed l y attribut ed t o diff erences in c ell wall Aspergillus as one of t he dominant marine
struct ure of Gr am -positive b act eria c ompared fungi and str ains related to t his genus
to Gram-negative b act eria. The c ell w alls of producing more new antibact erial and
Gram-positive bact eria are l ess c omplex and antifungal comp ounds than any ot her genus .
lack the nat ural si ev e eff ect agains t l arge Also, they rep orted t hat, over 700 c ompounds
molec ules (H awk ey, 1998), whereas th e out er in t ot al wer e purified from 105 fungal strai ns
membrane and t he periplasmic sp ace t hat is that c an produc e antimicrobial c ompounds
present in Gr am -negativ e bact eria is t hought and were i nves tigat ed f or t heir activities .
to provide an additional degree of protec tion Ther e are 285 c ompounds (approximat el y
agains t antibiotics t argeti ng the cell wall 40% of t he tot al) s howed antibac terial and
(Basile et al., 1998). B y t hat f act, i n t his antifungal ac ti vities and 116 (15% of the total)
stud y, t he mari ne- derived fungal isol at es are new antibact erial and antif ungal
from thos e regions in Egypt are of great compounds. As per gillus f ungi have r ec eived
importanc e since t hey ar e mor e ac tive agains t the mos t of att enti on am ong all marine
Gram-negativ e bac teria. derived f ungi, w hich account ed f or 31% of the
Identification of the active marine fungal isolates: marine fungal origin (Zhao et al., 2016).
The s event een marine-derived fungal As show n in t he r esult s of table 2,
isolat es w hich gav e v ariable activit y agains t members of As pergillus ni ger (group) wer e
the t est ed bact erial pat hog ens wer e identified represent ed by 12 ( 82%) out of 14 m arine
traditionall y by t heir macr osc opic and fungal isol at es bel onging t o As per gillus
microscopic c har act eristics (Table 2). W hile genus. As per gillus niger as an example of one
the identific ation of t he m ost pot ent f ungal of the species r elat ed t o As per gilllus niger
isolat e (N o. 9) was c onfirmed using the (group) is one of th e bes t pharm ac eutic al
molec ular t ec hniques. In the c ur rent st udy, friendl y organism t hat produc es a lot of
out of t he 17 active is olat es 14 (82%) industriall y important enz ym es as w ell as
belong ed to genus As per gillus, tw o some other products. Rel at ed t o antimicrobial
Penicillium species ( 11%) and one activit y, it s hows high potenc y i n producing
Cladosporium species (Table 2) . In antimicrobial c ompounds such as tens yuic
acc ordanc e to our res ults , D as et al. (2009) acid, nigerazi ne B, t ensidol A and oc hratoxi n
reported t hat , As per gillus was the mos t (Nielsen et al. , 2009).
Table 2. List of the active marine fungal isolates and their antibacterial activity
Isolate number Identification Isolation site Activ e against
1 Penecillium waksmanii Meditteranean S ea K, Sa
2 Aspergillus niger (gro up) Meditteranean S ea Sa, P
3 Aspergillus niger (gro up) Meditteranean S ea K, P
4 Aspergillus flavus (gro up) Meditteranean S ea Sa
5 Aspergillus niger (gro up) Meditteranean S ea P
6 Aspergillus niger (gro up) Red Sea K
7 Aspergillus niger (gro up) Red Sea Sa, P
8 Aspergillus niger (gro up) Red Sea Sa, p
9 Aspergillus niger (gro up) Red Sea E, Sa, P
10 Aspergillus niger (gro up) Red Sea E, Sa, P
11 Aspergillus niger (gro up) Red Sea Sa, P
12 Aspergillus flavus (gro up) Bitter Lakes K
13 Cladosporium sphaerosperm um Bitter Lakes K
14 Aspergillus niger (gro up) Bitter Lakes K, Sa
15 Penecillium waksmanii Bitter Lakes Sa, P
16 Aspergillus niger (gro up) Bitter Lakes E, Sa, P
17 Aspergillus niger (gro up) Bitter Lakes St, S a
Note: K for Klebseilla pneumonia, Sa for Salmonella enterica, E for Escherichia coli, P for Proteus sp. and St for
Staphylococcus aureus ss. aureus.

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280 Egypt. J. Exp. Biol. (Bot.), 12(2): 275 288 (2016)

M ol ecul ar i denti fi cati on of the m ost potent

i sol ate (No.9):
A sequence database search using the BLAST
search program analysis of the National Center for
Biotechnology Information (NCBI, http://www. ncbi. against various sequences was
used to identify the phylogenetic similarities among
the Aspergillus niger (group) isolates and the
published DNA sequences in GenBank. The BLAST
search demonstrated that this isolate was closely
related to As pergillus welwit schi ae with sequence
similarity of more than 98% to the ITS1-5.8S-ITS2
regions of the rRNA genes using ITS1 and ITS4
primers and this was sufficient to indicate that this
isolate belongs to the same species (As per gillus
welwi tschi ae) (Figs 1 & 2).
Fig. 1. Amplified PCR product of the most potent isolate

Fig. 2. The phylogenetic tree of Aspergillus twelwitschiae (98% similarity).

Opti mi zati on of cul ture condi ti ons of while all ot her cultiv ati on param et ers
Aspergillu s welwit sch iae: remained unc hanged (B hat tac har yya and Jha,
2011; R amos and Said, 2011). In all t ests ,
The yi eld of bioactive compounds can
antibact erial ac tivit y w as m eas ured as
sometimes be s ubst antiall y incr eas ed by the
diameter of inhibition zone in mm .
optimization of physic al (temper at ure, s alinit y,
pH and light) and chemical f act ors (media Effect of m edi um com posi ti on on
components, prec ursors, and inhibitors) f or anti bacteri al acti vi ty of Asperg illu s
the growt h of microbes (Mi ao et al ., 2006; wel witschi ae:
Ritchie et al., 2009; J ain and P undir, 2011; Sel ection of a s uitable m edium for
Sudark odi et al. , 2012). antimicrobial produc tion is an important st ep;
Antimicrobial activit y was first t est ed in suc h a m edium w as a prer equisite f or f urther
both st atic and shak en c onditions ( 150 rpm). studies (S hukla et al., 2014). Thr ee diff erent
The obt ained r esults indic at ed t hat , media namel y; Czap ek -Dox brot h, Gluc os e
antimicrobial activit y of shak en c ultur e w as Pept one Yeast extr act brot h and P ot at o
higher than st atic one. For t his reas on, Dextrose brot h ( Murray et al. , 2007) wer e
experiments i n t his st ud y w ere c arried out i n test ed. The antimicrobial activit y w as
shaken c ondition at 150 rpm. Duplicates of ass essed aft er 7 days of inc ubation at 28C.
Erlenm eyer fl asks (250 ml) cont aini ng 50 ml In this st ud y, the antibac terial activit y
broth media us ed to d et erm ine the of Aspergillus wel witsc hiae w as recorded
physiologic al and physic al c onditi ons t hat onl y on Cz apek-D ox broth m edium and the
would aff ect t he antibact erial activit y of highes t i nhibition z one (30 mm) w as
Aspergillus wel witsc hiae. Par amet ers of obtai ned ag ainst Salm onella enterica (T able
cultur e conditions wer e changed one at a tim e 3). This res ult indicated t he s uit ability of
ISSN: 1687-7497 On Line ISSN: 2090 - 0503
A bdo u e t a l . , E xp lo r i ng t he A nt i m i c r o b i a l P o t e nt i a l o f Lo c a l M a r i ne F u ng i 281

Czapek-Dox brot h m edium in the was no signific ance differ enc e b etw een
achi ev ement of the highest antibact erial diameters of i nhibition zones by As per gillus
activit y of A. welwit schi ae. W hile, other welwi tschi ae ag ains t E . c oli. (p = 0.270) under
studies r eported t hat potat o dextros e brot h different pH v alue t est ed.
was t he b est m edium f or the gro wt h and The pH of a c ult ure medium is us uall y
enhanc ed producti on of sec ondar y not const ant thr oughout f ermentation and the
metab olites from As per gillus t erreus changes that occ ur ar e highl y dep end ent on
(Mathan et al., 2013). K aren et al. (2013) compositi on of t he m edium ( Shukla et al. ,
test ed the import ance of differ ent m edia 2014). T hongwai and K unopak arn (2007)
typ es, i ncluding si x liquid and fiv e s olid point ed out that mos t of microorganisms can
media on the sec ondar y met abolit e synt hesis antimicrobial comp ounds at pH
production of t hr ee fungal strai ns in t heir ranging from 5. 5 to 8. 5. J ain and P undir
drug -discovery screeni ng process. T hey (2011) report ed t hat maxim um bioactiv e
found a s urprising result that t he am ount of metab olite prod uction i n t heir s tud y w as at pH
extract produc ed in liquid cultur es was of ten 6. 0, also Mat han et al. (2013) r ecorded pH 5. 5
so drastic all y sm aller t han thos e produced was optimum f or As pergillus terreus , thes e
in solid m edia c ultur es. Als o, produc tion studies sugges t t he acidophilic c har act eristics
varied widel y betw een the t yp es of the of the active is olat es. Likewis e, optim um pH
test ed media, but gener ally, rice appeared for the growt h and sec ondar y met abolit e
to be consist entl y produci ng high q uantiti es production of F usarium s olani w as f ound t o be
of t he activ e metabolit es. 6. 0 by Mer lin et al. (2013). O n t he c ontrar y, i n
Effect of tem per atur e on the anti bacteri al the current st udy, t he highest antibact erial
acti vi ty of Asperg illu s welwit sch iae: activit y w as observ ed when A. wel witsc hiae
In t his s tud y, thr ee set s of fl as ks was grow n at pH 9 and inhibition z one
contai ning Cz apek -dox brot h (pH 6. 5, i n reac hed 32mm ag ains t Salmonella enteric a
shaking condition 150 rpm, f or 7 d ays) wer e (Table 3). Inhibition z ones w ere signific antl y
incubated at t hree diff erent temper at ures (25, less w hen t he f ung us w as grown at neutral
30, and 35C). O ne-w ay ANO VA of normal and acidic pH.
data was c arried out and as shown i n table 3, Effect of agi tati on speed on th e
there w as a significanc e diff erence b etw een anti bacteri al acti vi ty of Asperg illu s
diameters of i nhibition zones by As per gillus wel witschi ae:
welwi tschi ae agains t Salm onella ent erica, E . In t his st ud y, i noc ulated fl asks wit h
coli and Prot eus s p. and incubation Czapek-Dox brot h m edium w ere inc ubat ed at
temperatur es at 25C, 30C, and 35C. B y 28C for 7 days at thr ee diff erent rp m
Pos t- hoc test, it w as prov ed t hat t emper atur e (100,150, and 200).
25C was t he optimum t emperatur e w ith 0. 006
For agit ation speed; one- way AN OV A of
level of significanc e (P = 0.006).
norm al dat a was carried out and as s hown i n
Bhatt ac har yya and J ha (2011) r eported table 3, there w as a significanc e differenc e
that inc ubation t emperat ure r anging fr om between diameters of inhibition zones b y
25C t o 35C to be optimum for antimicrobial Aspergillus wel witsc hiae agai nst E . c oli (p =
activit y of As pergillus s trai n. Suj a et al. 0. 029) and Prot eus sp. (p = 0. 045) and
(2013) f ound t hat inc ubati on t emper atur e different agitation sp eeds (100, 150, and 200)
(25C) enhanc ed the antimicrobial c ompound and by Pos t- hoc t est , it w as proved that 150
production of As per gillus t erreus , als o K al yani rpm was the optimum agit ation speed agains t
et al. ( 2016) rec orded 30C as t he bes t both E. c oli and Prot eus s p. N o signific ant
incubation temp erat ure f or Aspergill us niger difference w as obs erved b etween diam et ers
(MTTC- 961). T he r ecorded r es ults agree wit h of i nhibition z ones by As pergillus wel witsc hiae
our r esult s. agains t Salm onella ent erica (p = 0. 100) under
Effect of pH on th e anti bacteri al acti vi ty of different agitati on speeds.
Aspergillu s welwit sch iae: It has b een r ep ort ed pr evi ousl y t hat a
The initi al pH of Cz apek -Dox brot h str ai n of As per gill us f umi gat us pr od uc ed
media w as adjust ed at t hree diff erent pH bioac tiv e m etab oli t es on gr owt h m edi um ,
values (pH 5, pH7 and pH 9) usi ng 1N NaOH mai ze and c omm er ci al anim al feed wi t h
and 1N HC L. Flasks w ere inc ubated under rot ar y s hak er at 150 rp m (W enehed et al. ,
shaking c onditions ( 150rpm) for 7 days at 2003; Li u et al ., 2004). T his r es ul t al s o
28C (Smit ha and R osamm a, 2014). O ne- w ay corr ob or at ed wi t h t hos e m enti oned b y A t all a
ANO VA of normal data w as carried out and as et al. ( 2008) w ho i nc ubat ed the m ari ne
show n i n t able 3, that there was a significanc e fung us nam ed V ari c os pori na r amulos a on a
difference betw een diameters of i nhibition rot ar y shak er at 150 rpm f or bi ol ogic all y
zones b y As per gillus wel witsc hiae agains t ac tiv e c omp ounds pr od uc ti on. Di ff er ent fr om
Salm onella enteric a (p = 0.001) and Prot eus our r esults and the ot her m enti oned s t udi es ,
sp. (p = 0. 003) and pH v alues ( 5, 7, and 9) K aur and Ar or a ( 2015) rep or t ed hig hes t
and b y Pos t-hoc t est, it w as prov ed that pH 9 anti micr obi al ac tivi t y at 200 rpm and
was t he optim um pH val ue ag ainst bot h rem ai ned s am e till 250 rpm .
Salm onella enteric a and Prot eus s p. T her e
ISSN: 1687-7497 On Line ISSN: 2090 - 0503
282 Egypt. J. Exp. Biol. (Bot.), 12(2): 275 288 (2016)

Effect of i ncub ati on peri ods on th e activit y w as r ecorded aft er t hree days of
anti bacteri al acti vi t y of Asperg illu s incubation w her e i nhibition zones reac hed 39
wel witschi ae: mm, 37mm, and 21 mm agai nst eac h of E .
Time duration req uired for growth and coli, S almonell a ent erica, and Prot eus sp. ,
metab olite producti on b y diff erent fungi vari es respectiv el y. A ntibac terial activit y decr eased
significantl y. T hus , proper det ermination of graduall y b y incr easing t he inc ubati on period
specific i ncub ation r equirem ent is of high and no activit y was observed by t he 13t h d ay
importanc e f or maxim um harv esting of the of the i ncub ation p eriod. K al yani et al. (2016)
metab olite (Alberts, 1990). Inocul at ed flas ks reported m aximum antibac terial met abolit e
of Cz apek-D ox broth medium w ere inc ubated production by Aspergillus niger when grow n
at 28C f or different i nc ubation peri ods (3 for 144 h (6 days). K aur and Arora (2015)
days, 5 d ays, 7 days, 9 days, 11 days , and 13 reported the maxim um antibact erial ac tivit y on
days) in s haking c onditions at 150 rpm. 5 th d ay of incubation of A spergillus t erreus
Antibact erial activit y w as recorded ev er y tw o which r emai ned m ore or l ess st able till 9 th day
days f or eac h s et of flask s. and t hen declined.
One- w ay ANO VA of normal dat a w as The c ult ure st arts goi ng in decline
carried out and as shown in t able 3, t her e w as phas e whic h res ults in red uced bioactivi t y and
a signific ant diff erence betw een diam et ers of that m ay b e due to accum ulation of som e
inhibition zones b y As pergillus wel witsc hiae inhibitor y/ toxic residues ag ainst s ecreted
agains t E. c oli, Salmonella enteric a and bioactiv e compounds (Singh et al., 2014). The
Prot eus s p. and diff erent inc ubati on periods time c ourse f or antimicrobial ag ent produc tion
and b y Pos t- hoc t est , it w as prov ed that 3 - differs ac cording t o t he strai n and c ultivation
days inc ubati on period w as t he optimum conditions . For inst ance, the maxim um
incubation period with 0. 001 level of antimicrobial agent produc tion was ac hieved
significance ( P = 0.001). aft er 5 days of i ncub ation of Penicillium
corylophil um (Silva et al., 2004) and 4 days of
As s hown in t able 3, t he produc tion of
incubation of Cl ados porium sp . ( Miao and
antibact erial metabolit e v aried signific antl y
Qian, 2005).
with i nc ubati on days . Maxim um antibact erial
Table 3. Effect of some factors on the antibacterial activity of the crude extract Aspergillus welwitschiae

Tested Bacterial Pathogens

Tested factors
Conditions Salmonella enterica Escherichia coli Proteus sp.

CDB 27.50* 2.8** 24.25 2.2 24.50 0.5

1- Medium Composition GPY 0 0 0

PDB 0 0 0

25C 39.75 4.6 29.75 0.9 24.25 1.5

2- Temperature 30C 25.25 2 23.00 2.4 19.00 0.8

35C 0 0 0

pH 5 23.25 0.957 20.25 1.258 19.50 0.577

3- pH pH 7 24.25 2.217 21.50 0.577 24.25 1.258

pH 9 32.25 2.062 23.75 4.787 21.50 1.915

100 rpm 24.50 8.103 19.75 2.217 18.75 0.957

4- Agitation speed 150 rpm 35.00 0.816 23.25 3.096 26.25 1.258

200 rpm 28.25 6.850 21 2.708 23.75 3.775

3 days 36.50 0.577 39.00 0.816 21.00 0.816

5 days 19.25 0.957 20.00 0.816 18.25 1.708

7 days 29.25 0.957 19.50 1.291 18.00 0.816

5- Incubation days
9 days 22.50 0.577 20.00 0.00 20.50 0.577

11 days 18.50 0.577 0 0

13 days 0 0 0

* Results are given as mean value of diameters of inhibition zones measured in mm,
** standard deviation.

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A bdo u e t a l . , E xp lo r i ng t he A nt i m i c r o b i a l P o t e nt i a l o f Lo c a l M a r i ne F u ng i 283

Extr acti on and chem i cal characteri zati on of metab olite giving 29 mm diam et er z one of
the anti m i crobi al m etabol i te from inhibition agains t Salm onella ent erica upon
Aspergillu s welwit sch iae: antimicrobial ac tivit y t est (Fig. 3). N egativ e
control (2%D MSO) s how ed no antibact erial
Extr acti on of anti m i crobi al m etabol ite:
activit y and positiv e control (chl oramphenic ol
Organic s olvents also play an important 10 g ) s howed 57 mm diam et er z one of
role in extracti on of bioactive nat ural produc ts inhibition. T he s ame res ults from t he st udy of
in t he f orm of crud e c ompounds from brot h Lu et al . (2000) and Sun et al. (2011) hav e
media (G out am et al. , 2014). Am ong four used et hyl ac et at e as a solv ent for extracti on,
test ed organic solv ents for extracti on of while J ain and Pundir (2011) f ound t hat
antibact erial m et abolites fr om As per gillus chlor oform w as the bes t solv ent for extrac ting
welwi tschi ae , et hyl acetate was t he onl y Aspergillus metabolit es.
solvent w hich extr act ed antibact erial

Fig. 3. Antibacterial activity of ethyl acetate crude extract

of Aspergillus welwitschiae against Salmonella
Chem i cal characteri zati on of extr act ed exami ned under U .V light for p urificati on, the
anti mi crobi al m etabol ite from Asperg illu s result s how ed that t he et hyl acet at e c ont ai ned
wel witschi ae. two fl uor esc ent spot s under U .V light ; one
band trav elled thr oug h silica gel sheet wit h an
- Purification of the antimicrobial metabolite:
R F v alue of 0.82 and t he ot her rem ained at
W hen the brow n col ored cr ude the bas eline (Fig. 4).
metab olite extract ed b y et hyl ac et at e w as
spott ed on silica gel TLC s heets and



Fig. 4. TLC sheet with dark fluorescent spots produced from extracted antibacterial metabolite

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284 Egypt. J. Exp. Biol. (Bot.), 12(2): 275 288 (2016)

- Structure elucidation of the antimicrobial carboxylic acid, peaks at 3020, 2929, and
active metabolite via spectroscopic analysis 2855 cm - 1 charact eristic f or sp 2 and sp 3 CH
and p eak s c haract eristic for carbonyl groups
To identif y t he extr act ed activ e
at 1741, 1727 and 1645 cm - 1 (Fig. 5). The
compounds i n the separ at ed organic layer,
abov e dat a indicat ed that t here is a mi xt ure of
the FT IR sp ectrum of t he extr act ed met abolit e
acid and es ter.
show ed the appear anc e of broad peak at
(3500 - 3000 cm - 1 ) charac teristic f or OH of

Fig. 5. Infrared spectrum of the purified antibacterial metabolite from Aspergillus welwitschiae
To separ at e the acid, the mixture w as H-NMR sp ectra rev eal ed t he exis tenc e of
dissolved in s odium carbonate s olution (50%) triplet peak c orresponding t o 4 CH 3 groups at
follow ed b y extr acti on b y et hyl ac et at e. The 0.81 - 0.84 ppm, a m ultiplet signals f or
organic l ayer gave a pur e solid whic h w as 8CH 2 at 1.19-1. 70 ppm, a multiplet signals
separated and identi fied b y sp ectros copic for 2CH at 3.70 - 3. 75 ppm , a m ultiplet
data as (bis-2-(ethyl hexyl) phthalate). T he IR signals f or 2 -OCH 2 at 4. 01 - 4.12 ppm and
spectrum (Fig. 6) show ed peaks at 2955, multiplet signals f or aromatic prot ons at 7.65
2929, 2852 cm - 1 c har act eristic f or sp3 CH and - 7. 69 ppm (Fig. 7). The MS spec trum s howed
peaks c haract eristic f or c arbonyl est er at the correc t mol ecul ar ion peak at 391
1731 cm - 1 . T he assigned str uct ures wer e corresponding t o M+ 1, beside s om e of
supported b y 1 H-N MR and mass spec tra. The abund ant peaks.

Fig. 6. Infrared spectrum of the ester portion (bis-2-(ethylhexyl) phthalate) of the antibacterial metabolite from Aspergillus

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A bdo u e t a l . , E xp lo r i ng t he A nt i m i c r o b i a l P o t e nt i a l o f Lo c a l M a r i ne F u ng i 285

Fig. 7. The 1H-NMR spectra of the ester portion (bis-2-(ethylhexyl) phthalate) of the antibacterial metabolite from
Aspergillus welwitschiae.
The c hemic al c har act erizati on of the the mol ecul ar form ula C 16 H 22 O 4 ; mol ec ular
separated acid aft er acidificati on of the weight 279 corresponding to M+ 1, b eside
aqueous layer was det ermined based on some of abundant peaks at m/z(%): 279(12),
elem ent al anal ysis and t he MS spectr al dat a 239(10), 167(30), 149( 65), 97(57), 85(57 ),
(Fig. 8) as Mono (2-ethyl hexyl) pht hal at e wit h 71( 80), and 57(100).

Fig. 8. Mass spectrum of the acid portion (Mono (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate) of the antibacterial metabolite from Aspergillus
The chemical characterization of active extracted from the marine- derived fungus
fraction extracted from the marine fungus Aspergillus welwitschiae in this study.
Phoma h erbarum VB7 was determined based Upon testing the antibacterial activity of
on the GC- MS and spectral data as Mono each of bis-2-(ethylhexyl) phthalate and (Mono
(2ethylhexyl) phthalate (Bhimba et al., 2012). (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate) separately by agar
Atalla et al. (2011) in his study on marine - good diffusion method against Salmonella
derived fungus Penicillium brevicompactum enterica, they didnt exert any antibacterial
have suggested that the isolated compounds activity against the test pathogen unlike testing
which had an antimicrobial effect may be (di them in mixture (acid and ester together) which
2- ethyl hexyl phthalate) and fungisterol or was active against Salmonella enterica
one of its isomers. These extracted compounds confirming the synergistic antibacterial effect
from both studies resemble the c ompounds of the two components together.

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286 Egypt. J. Exp. Biol. (Bot.), 12(2): 275 288 (2016)

Evaluation of cytotoxicity against WI-38 cell line: obtained data (Fig. 9) that there was a very weak
Upon investigating cytotoxicity of extracted inhibitory activity against human Lung Fibrob last
antibacterial metabolite (mixture of acid and normal cells detected under these experimental
ester) towards WI-38 cell line (human lung conditions suggesting the possibility of
fibroblast normal cells), it was shown from the considering it as a safe compound for further
steps as a pharmaceutical product.

Fig. 9. Relation between viable cells (%) and drug concentration (g/ml) extracted from A. welwitschiae

This c urrent st ud y s uggests As pergillus and f urt her purific ation to asc ert ain the
welwi tschi ae as a potenti al c andidat e off ering compound r esponsible f or antimicrobial
a bett er sc ope f or the produc tion, purification activit y and pharm aceutic al applications.
and is olati on of broad spec trum antibact erial
compound (especiall y agai nst Gram negativ e ACKNOWLEDGM ENTS:
bacteria). Thes e findings i n addition to thos e
rep ort ed f or ot her ac tiv e is ol at es i n t hi s Deep thanks and appreciations to Dr. Abdel
st ud y ( 16 i solat e) m ay f aci lit at e t he s c al e up Haleem Saad (Professor at Zoology Department)
for helping us with the LaMotte Water Sampler
and Dr. Iman El-Kholy for her kind supply with
some of the pathogenic test strains.

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* * *


Salmonella enterica .
. )
Aspergillus welwitschiae
Mono (2 ethylhexyl ) phthalate (Salmonella
bis (2-ethylhexyl) phthalate enterica, Proteus sp., Klebseilla pneumonia,
Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia
. coli ).
) ( WI-38 . welwetsichiae

. rpm

ISSN: 1687-7497 On Line ISSN: 2090 - 0503

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