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Jul/Aug/Sep 1999 Volume 3 Number 3

WARDENCLYFFE DESTROYED... And with it, Tesla's Greatest Dream!
BIO-ELECTRIC FIELD ENHANCER...The Latest in Australian Health Technology!
GEET LAWNMOWERS...FREE Plans Inside This Issue!

From the Publisher's Desk

Changes... and more changes as we fight against overwhelming odds.... and start
to turn the tide with year 2001.

Critical Thinking Skills...Prerequisite to Breaking the Mold!

Nikola Tesla recognized earlier this century that science had taken a sharp turn
away from empirical science towards theoretical science... and is out on a limb
theoretically speaking!

ECHELON: Big Brother 2000!

Whos listening in on you tonight? The Intelligence guys have quietly assembled a
gigantic automated planetary bug that literally captures every transmission made
on this planet!... and they REFUSE Congressional oversight!

The Skeptics Corner... The Conspiracy to Stop Free Energy Information

- At Dennis Lees Free Energy show, our favorite skeptic tries to tell the truth about
Lee as he sees it, and is strong armed right out of the area! Its a new twist on an
old topic!

Backyard Plasma Technology: Free GEET Small Engine Plans...

One of the most developed GEET devices is the small engine GEET. It is easy to
build, practical for generators, and plans are available TODAY for FREE!

Vacuum Energy Vortices

One of the top theorists on scalar energy summarizes the various ways that
experimenters can tap into Zero Point Energy... very sharp and well done, this is
must reading for Kipper Motor researchers!!

Two Radiant Energy Devices Hold Greatest Promise!

Tesla insisted on the existence of Cosmic Rays, and developed a free energy device
based on their existence.... the Holy Grail of Free Energy is revealed as well !

The Fall and Decline... Teslas Darkest Hours

After Teslas rise to fame, his name disappears shortly afterward. This article
covers a period of his life seldom covered by other authors.

The Bio-Field Experience.... From the Land Down Under

Pulsing an electric current through magnetic plates sounds extreme, but this
device is based on that and is achieving miraculous results!

The Wet Cell

Edgar Cayce laid out four modalities to healing. The Wet Cell was the principle
instrument mentioned 1000 times in readings, yet they never worked until now!
April/May/June 1999 Volume 3 Number 2

WIRELESS POWER... Tesla's Greatest Dream!

100 MPG... Super Carburetors Are Possible!
ATOMIC IODINE... A Cayce Healing Modality!
Trust Me... The Independent Inventor's Dilemna!
Many an invention has fallen by the wayside... or stolen by unscrupulous investors
or corporations... patents are expensive and can be in court for decades!

The Ultimate Engine Treatment.. Designed for War on Pollution

For the German war machine in WWII, a new super lubricant was developed... and
kept classified for 40 years!

Thermal Catalytic Cracking... Vital Key to 100 mpg

What happened to those 100+mpg carburetors that appear and disappear... this is
information the oil companies do not want out!

Backyard Plasma Technology.. KW Generators Converted to GEET..

One the most developed GEET devices is the small engine GEET. It is easy to
build... and practical for generators.. and available TODAY!

Conference On Future Energy (COFE)

In April, a free energy conference was held in Washington DC... here are the

1999 Phoenix Exotic Research Conference Speaker List

Here's the list of speakers from the 1999 conference... and their addresses!

Magnetic Vortex Machine... and Updates from the "Web"!

There is an ongoing effort through the internet to recreate David Hamel's
generator and flying disk! Here's a few tips to help you build yours!

The Skeptics Corner. How to convince me to invest in Joe Newman

Many of you have heard of Joe Newman and his Energy Machine... once featured
on Johnny Carson. Here's Eric's viewpoint on the matter!

Crop Circles... Parts of the Enigma Solved?

Finally, there ARE ways to scientifically differentiate between man- made and real
crop circles.

Backyard Sky... UFO Photography

Due to the advances in imaging technology, the only way to know if a photo is real,
is to take it yourself!

Terrestrial Night Light

Nikola Tesla had a dream of lighting the sky at night... it was to be one of the
prime functions of Wardenclyffe. This is a synopsis of his Herculean efforts towards
this end!

Spiritual Healing.... with Natural Science

Biomagnetics accounts for the laying on of hands phenomena that defies
conventional science!

Atomic Iodine
Edgar Cayce layed out four modalities to healing. Here's a close look at the use of
"atomic" iodine!

MSM Miracle
Many modern ailments we suffer from today stem from a lack of this vital
nutrient... naturally found in fresh, uncooked food!
October/November/December 1998 - Volume 2 Number 4

THE ANTI-GRAVITY SQUADRON ... Comprehensive report of US Anti-Gravity Efforts!

THE VOLKSWAGEN GEET...Promising a Cleaner Future!
EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPHICS...A Physics Textbook from the Ancients!
COLD FIRE!...Tesla Endeavors in Electro- Medicine!
From the Publisher's Desk
Some positive thoughts on humanity!

Suppression... Business as Usual in Washington DC

No matter what they say, our bureaucrats work overtime in suppressing an
alternative energy research conference... Don't miss the Exotic Research

Electrogravitics.. Research in the 1950s

T Townsend Brown's work was highly regarded in the misty area of secret defense
research... and his work may well be the basis for the B-2 Bomber.

David Hamel Technology... The Poor Man's Searl Device

Does alien technology really exist? David Hamel claims his antigravity and free
energy devices came from aliens... and is hidden in Hieroglyphics!

Ion Propulsion... Building a Working Model!

Ion propulsion is not a new idea, but rather an idea whose time has come. NASA
has just launched the first ion propulsion space vehicle... and this is the physics
behind it!

Brown's Gas... Key to a Hydrogen Economy!

Yull Brown has passed away. However, the research and exploration of the mystical
properties of monoatomic hydrogen continues at Eagle Research!

GEET Volkswagen Retrofit R & D Report

Despite hardships, GEET is able to develop its first retrofit kit for air-cooled
Volkswagen engines... the car of choice for cab companies in Mexico City!

Cold Fire
Nikola Tesla was the first explorer of high voltage, high frequency bioelectrical
effects. His research, combined with keen showmanship, led to discovery of the
skin effect!

Resonance Frequency Therapy... Comes of Age

In the 1930s, Raymond Royal Rife discovered an electromagnetic cure for cancer
and other degenerative diseases. Unfortunately, an infuriated AMA combined forces
with the FDA to deprive Americans of this heritage. Now, you can build a modern
version for your own experimental use.

The Effects of Magnets... and their Two Pole Energies

Magnets are gaining recognition for their healing abilities. This is one of the first
clinical studies that paved the way for their scientific acceptance.

Classic Restraints... to Novel Science

At times it seems science is shackled and bound by the very people who should be
promoting its advancement into new areas. Rigorous peer review IS a two-edged
sword that filters out snake oil, but suppresses legitimate breakthroughs as well!
July/August/September 1998 Volume 2 Number 3

LARRY SPRING'S MAGNETIC ATOM ... A new atomic theory for the 21st century
TESLA TURBINE TEST STAND ... Resolves difficulties in testing steam turbines
SPHERICAL CHEMICAL TABLE ... Ushers in new discoveries for chemistry
BAHLMANN'S POWER WHEEL ... A genuine "free energy" device is unveiled
From the Publisher's Desk
A report on the recent conference!

Energy Independence... Reality vs Fantasy

We have the most reliable energy systems in the world... however, it's very
centralization makes it vulnerable to the Y2K problem. At Exotic Research we are
taking the first steps to reduce energy consumption and then pull off the grid.

Speaker Contact List

After watching the videos, many readers want to contact our conference speakers.
Here's their addresses and phone numbers.

A Fully Functional Turbine Test Stand

John Pickard has built a working steam Tesla turbine. To thoroughly test it, he built
a test stand that provides steam and a load.

GEET... Advanced Technology... Available TODAY!

GEET releases their new mini-GEET Model C for testing, and begin testing the
Neltron Turbo-Battery introduced in the last issue. New products are also

"Dumanis Kyklos"... The Power Wheel

Calvin Bahlmann has successfully analyzed the Methernitha Testatika Engine. From
that information and advanced capacitor technology, he developed the Power

The Spring Atom... A New Atomic Theory Illustrated by Magnets

Larry Spring has been conducting hands-on original experiments in electro-
magnetics for fifty years. He developed a new magnetic atomic theory based on
practical experiments and observations.

Table the Old Square & Roll in the New Sphere... The Basis for the Quantum
Disk FVY
Mendelev created the Table of Elements over a hundred years ago. Since then,
chemistry researchers have made adequate use of his concepts, even though the
table has a gap in it. Brian Andersen has converted the square table into a sphere
leading the way to a quantum leap in the understanding of chemical interactions!

The Electro-Acuscope/Mycopulse... Highly praised by athletes!

Electro-medicine is finally taking a firm hold with the introduction of this FDA
approved machine whose use was pioneered by professional athletes since its
advent in 1978!

Tribulus Terrestris L... Secret Soviet Performance Enhancer

Better than VIAGRA... this supplement which is derived by the much accursed
"puncture weed" has many health benefits and builds stamina!

STEVIA... A Safe, Natural Alternative to NutraSweet

Imagine a herb that's 150x sweeter than sugar with NO calories. It's real... FDA
approved as a supplement... yet vigorously attacked by the FDA as a food additive.
Is money and Monsanto's profits the only criteria for FDA approval?

Wagging the Dog! The al-Shifa Pharmaceutical Factory Raid

The seeds for WWIII were planted by this unilateral, unprovoked US military
assault on Sudan. Was this "mistake" the dawn of a new US foreign policy?
April/May/June 1998 Volume 2 Number 2

TWA FLIGHT 800... Technical Facts vs Government Fiction

GEET TECHNOLOGY... New Products Hit the Market
INTEGRATRON... California's Fountain of Youth
COLD FUSION... See it at the 1998 Exotic Research Conference!

From the Publisher's Desk

Introducing the publisher of Exotic Research Report, future plans, notes, and odds
'n ends from his desk!

Zero Tolerance = Zero Sense

Today's fad of zero tolerance laws are shortsighted and leave very little room for
independent thinking. Are we becoming a nation of robots?
TWA Flight 800
Evidence from the files of National Security Investigations paint a much different
story than the current administration is releasing to the general public. The big

Wooden Lightning
A film on HAARP has just been released featuring interviews with proponents as
well as opponents.

New Generation of Radiant Energy Devices

Radiant devices were first built by Nikola Tesla! This in-depth article explores how
these devices can be built and why they are possible.

Cold Fusion Reality... The Neltron Way

Cold Fusion is very much alive and well. This comprehensive article introduces the
concepts of a newly discovered particle making it possible - the NELTRON!

GEET... Advanced Technology Today

Paul Pantone gives us more insight and tips on his engines... and introduces new
energy saving devices with advanced GEET technology.

Preparation of Pre-Mixed Gas-Plasma Phase FuelsT

oday's combustion technologies are over 100 years old! GEET moves forward into
the 21st century with plasma-based fuels -- bypassing gas phases!

The Integratron... Metaphysics vs Physics

In California, there's an electromagnetic Fountain of Youth... thanks to George Van

The Sacred Geometry Behind the Integratron

The Integratron design is based on Biblical principles... including the Tabernacle of

The House of the Future...Is Here Now!

Sonne Ward has never been on the power grid. Here's why and Sacred Geometry's
hidden benefits.

The Secret of Negative Ions... Why most modern ionisers do not work... and the
state-of-the-art Elanra does
Once common before the 1950s, ionizers became ineffective with the removal of
radioactive elements. Now, an Australian inventor restores their effectiveness at a
critical time.

Oxygen Therapy Under Fire! Oxygen Therapy advocate Jailed!

Ed McCabe is in jail, but not before he faces off with the NIH on Aids!

Hormonal Imbalance Survival for Mid-Age Men and Women

Middle-aged people face serious hormonal problems...this may help!

Chelation Therapy... Modern Fountain of Youth

If you have ever considered bypass, or have circulation problems, this is one
therapy you may want to check out before doing anything else.
January/February/March 1998 Volume 2 Number 1

PHOENIX LIGHTS ... Arizona experiences a flurry of sightings!

PLASMA STEAM ... The "Monarch of Power" regains its status
THE VIRTUAL STUDIO ... Introducing the workplace of the 21st century
PLASMA RESEARCH ... Is at the leading edge of science
The Virtual Studio Network
Space age technology is about to revolutionize the film industry at Village Labs
when a new supercomputer specializing in graphics comes online.

Plasma Steam
From the depths of the Nazi war efforts emerged a new technology that was buried
for decades! It's a new way of producing steam in a mere 10-seconds from turn

GEET - From theory to production

Paul Pantone is making strides in the research and development of his plasma-
based fuel processor!

Plasma Research - Unusual Reactions of Mass 5 with Helium and Catalytic

Plasma research by Ron Kovac yields the discovery of Mass 5 (the missing
element) and answers a hundred year old question!

Making Precious Metals at Home: Silver to Gold - Wet Methods

Making gold is an art from the past as seen by these writings.

Ethereal Electrogravitics - A Serious Look at AntiGravity

Man went to the moon on chemical rockets... but there may be a better way!

Bathing with Herbs... For better health

Herbs can soften, tone, relax and add wonderful aroma to the body!

Banishing Disease... with unlimited amounts of colloidal silver

Everything you wanted to know about colloidal silver, but was afraid to ask is in
this comprehensive how to article. We have included an easy step-by-step method
for making your own.

Arthritis! End the Pain Today!

This hard-hitting article takes a close look at how three types of arthritis occurs
and what you can do about it through nutrition and some new supplements on the
market! As a bonus, it takes a second look at traditional methods and their side-

Sovereignty Now!
Danny Hashimoto fought the IRS head to head and WON! Those with perseverance
can use his tips and become freemen once again... without fear!

Phoenix Lights: Rodney King case of the UFO world!!!

On March 13, 1997, Phoenix residents witnessed some pretty bizarre activity in the
night skies above... and captured it on videotape!

Directed Energy Weapons Research: Teleforce... The Day Things Changed

A Presidential helicopter crashed at Nanjernoy.. under suspicious circumstances
and a coverup appears to be in the works!
October/November/December 1996 Volume 1 Number 4

GEET ... The Research Continues!

"INSULATING" PAINT ... Available Today!
INTRIGUE ... Surrounds Presidential Helicopter Crash!
Public Access
List of conferences coming up in 1996/1997.

In the National Interest: Blueprint for Slavery

The growing disenchantment of the general public leads to stringent un-
Constitutional laws!

Advertiser Directory
List of advertisers in this issue.

New Ceramic Paint

Space age technology minimizes heat transfer in ways that conventional insulation

Reformulated Gasoline... A clear and present danger

EPA regulations force consumers to use inferior gas that destroys fuel lines!

Lubrication... The Next Generation

With the fall of the Berlin Wall came consumer access to secret Soviet military
petroleum technology!

GEET - From theory to production

Paul Pantone is making strides in the research and development of his plasma-
based fuel processor!

Making Precious Metals at Home

Joe Champion's experiment to make gold is replicated by a 16-year old student for
a science project!

Energizing the Future

Great info on testing your advanced energy prototype and preparation for its

Outpacing the Credit Card Revolution

Good credit is rapidly becoming essential for everyday life!

Cleansing Herbs... For better health

Detoxification is vital for good health... and you can do it naturally!

Therapeutic Effects of Monchromatic Single-Wavelength Red Light

Lasers and LEDs can replace needles in acupuncture therapies

The Secret of Genetic Teeth

Now you too can have good teeth from birth to death and the secret is here!

FDA Moves Against Colloidal Silver

The latest natural replacement for antibiotics comes under fire from the FDA.

Distillation... The Cryptosporidium Solution

A natural plague is waiting to be unleashed against an unsuspecting public!

A new solution for an age-old problem can transform your body from a fat storing
system to a fat burning machine!

The Dumbing Down of America... The infiltation and implementation of

Our society is under assault through our own educational system!

HAARP: Environmental Warfare

HAARP is a military program. Here are the specs, and info on how to monitor its

The Politics of Control

As conventional techniques of violence come under scrutiny... the nonlethal
weapon industry thrives!

Directed Energy Weapons Research

A Presidential helicopter crashed at Nanjernoy.. and a coverup appears to be in the

Off the Beaten Path... Browning BDM

There are a lot of factors to be considered when purchasing this 9mm.
July/August/September 1996 Volume 3 Number 2

CROP CIRCLES ... An Ongoing Enigma

GEET... Plasma Technology You Can Buy
AN ALTERNATIVE WAY... To Cope With Stress!

Public Access
List of conferences coming up in 1996/1997

Advertiser Directory
List of advertisers in this issue.

Public Enemy Number 1... Self Reliant People

When people are responsible for their own decisions, bureaucracies are a hindrance!

Starship Module Home - A New Concept for the Independent HomeOwner

There are ways you can achieve energy independence and better health.

GEET - Plasma Technology You Can Buy... TODAY

Paul Pantone markets the first alternative energy device... multi- fuel small engines!

Turning the 90s Upside Down... An Instant Replay of the 60s

Everyone knows someone on Prozac; this is its downside!

Enzymes... The Key to Better Digestion

Rundown... feeling tired... putting on unwanted weight? Enzymes may be your answer!

Ozone... For a Breath of Fresh Air

Sick building syndrome is a persistent problem of the modern age with "tight" building construction.

Sage... A Medicinal Seasoning

Herbs are often used for both health and flavoring. Sage is an excellent example!

Manitou Springs Art of Healing and Education Center...Stress Management

An unusual place to relieve one's self of killer stress!

Ojibwa Herbal Tea... Indian Myth or Healing Remedy?

Essiac has a reputation as a cancer cure. Is it justified?

Super Blue-Green Algae...the foundation of the food chain from the beginning of time
Here's news about an incredible supplement.

The Dumbing Down of America... The End of the American Dream

Our children are our future. Pay close attention to their education!

The Imperial Social Services... Justice Under Fire

Social Services plays an increasing role in our everyday lives with devastating results!

Crop Circles... Spiritual Machines?

No one can deny crop circles exist and are recurring. But, where do they come from?

Targeting Us... and Our Earth

HAARP generates global electromagnetic pollution, but there are other devices we should be wary

Off the Beaten Path... Handgun vs Handygun

There are a lot of choices for a homeowner's gun. Here is an in depth look at two of them.

EV Gray's Electromagnetic Motor

In the early 1970s, an over-unity magnetic motor was created. Does it still exist?

Empowerment... the life force of the Energy Revolution

Changes are coming in the energy field. Here's how to speed up the process.
April/May/June 1996 Volume 1 Number 2
GOALS 2000... It's Indoctrination... Not Education
GET US OUT... of the U.N.
PANTONE'S GEET DEVICE ... Power your car with water & a little crude!

Public Access
List of conferences coming up in 1996

Advertiser Directory
List of advertisers in this issue

Asleep at the Wheel

In addition to paying tribute, our leaders have set us up for an Asian War to defend our defense

Dumbing Down of America: The Hidden Agenda

A National ID card is to be implemented under the Goals 2000/CAREERS Act.

GOALS 2000 - It Takes A Whole Village To Raise (indoctrinate) A Child!

This "education" program will devastate the fabric of our Society.

Change Your Handwriting... Change Your Life

A close look at how your handwriting reflects/affects your personal life.

Dandelion... It's Not Just a Weed

Dandelion is nature's storehouse of minerals that can improve your health!

DHEA... Nature's Fountain of Youth

A comprehensive overview of DHEA and its effects on the human body.

The Incredible GEET Device... A New Frontier in Plasma Physics and Alternative Energy
GEET technology is the pollution and energy solution for the 1990s and beyond 2000!

NEVADA... Best Kept Secret in the Corporate World

Discover why people with money flock to Nevada to protect their assets.

Charles E. Collins...The Only Presidential Candidate That Stands For Americans!

This Independent Presidential candidate was on the Republican ticket and blackballed from
speaking on real issues!

Operation Watch Tower... Who Will Die Next?

The CIA and the Green Berets team up to assist the drug lords!

Dissension In the Ranks... Mainstream Press Covers Story

Some of America's elite military forces have an underground.

United Nations Withdrawal Act of 1995

This bill to get us out of the UN was introduced on the UN's birthday.

104th United States Congress

The complete list of Congressional members and how to contact them.

Operation Watch Tower... Cutolo's Confession

The commander in charge of a drug smuggling operation comes clean.

Voice of the AntiCorp... The Disease of Coincidence

Where do Swine Flu, Legionnaire's Disease, and other 'superbugs' come from?

Mind Control... By Any Other Name

Semantics and information control are two critical elements of mind control!

Radio Beat
Jack Lamb, the highest decorated, yet most fired police officer in Arizona history takes to the
Operation Watch Tower... Nersi's Investigation
An NSA operative sets out to corroborate Cutolo's confession.

Federal Bill Attacks... Hunting

New bills in Congress set out to eliminate the second amendment.

Off the Beaten Path... Shotgun Basics

Everyone needs to know how to survive outdoors... just in case!

January/February/March 1996 Volume 1 Number 1

This particular issue was our premiere issue that came out as a
newspaper... so, there is not a detailed Table of Contents in the
publication itself. However, we have put together this listing of articles!

Germ Warfare in the Gulf EXPOSED... Antidote Found to a Gulf War Illness
The DoD denies it, but a pair of prominent cancer researchers isolate a manmade virus causing Gulf
War Syndrome.

Germ Warfare in the Gulf EXPOSED... Soldiers Betrayed by Government

Peter Kawaja's tale of intrigue and espionage at the highest levels of government!
HAARP... Environmental Warfare
The weather is acting kind of strange; could HAARP be the long sought after weather machine?

Technical Amnesia... Conspiracy, Coincidence, or Just Plain Greed?

A fascinating look at how GE "forgot" how to make a decent lightbulb and how doctors "forgot"
about colloidal silver.

Arming Iraq... Biological Agent Exports Prior to the Gulf War

This February 9, 1994 statement by Senator Donald W. Riegle, Jr. specifies what we sent to Iraq
that was later used against us.

Gulf War Coverup Continues... American Gulf War Veterans Association Formed
DoD insists there's no problem, but here's the cure for Gulf War Syndrome!

Why Young Americans Have Lost Substantial Interest In Entering the Fields of Science and
There are a number of reason that the United States ranks near the bottom in math and science

While We Sleep... Your Congress at Work!

The Careers Act and its relationship to Goals 2000 is unveiled.

Dumbing Down of America: Is it deliberate?

Goals 2000 and its antidote --- education vouchers --- are highlighted.

DOD's Knife in the Back... Tricare

The military is chosen to be the testbed for the National Healthcare Plan.

DHEA Report... Profile of a Pharmacologist

A look at Jim Jamieson --- one of the first phamokenetic experts and formulator.

Electroshock...For Snakebites
A lifesaving medical use for stunguns -- neutralizing snakebite toxins -- is discovered!

Garlic... The Spice of Life

A closer look is taken at garlic --- a natural antibiotic.

Colloidal Silver... An old medical treatment is "rediscovered" and is making a comeback!

Silver, commonly valued for its monetary value, and referred to as "poor man's gold", has been
used since ancient times as an a antiseptic and cure for many diseases.?

Make Your Own... Currently Preferred Silver Colloid Making Apparatus, Means, and Methods
Here is a technique you can use to make your own colloidal silver at home.

New Money to Hit Circulation in February!

The $100 bill is getting a makeover and here are some of its secret features.?

Voice of the AntiCorp... Tune In On the New World Order

An examination of the New World Order reveals who and what it is, as well as how to counter it!

Energy Weapons
Today's modern battlefield is getting quieter, yet even deadlier than those of the past.

A Look Into the Darkside... A serious look at Mind Control!

A lot of progress has been made by the CIA in its quest to unlock the secret of controlling the mind.

Traveller Tips
Ford Motor and the Radisson customer services are taken to task.

The REAL National Debt

Did you realize our national debt may be as high as 27 trillion-- yes, trillion--dollars?

InterNet Intrigue
Microsoft placed a Trojan Horse in Windows 95 -- a harbinger for Big Brother.

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