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Moving beyond the
Religious Spirit
to embrace
Authentic Christianity

(Prophetically Quoted)
Copyright 2017 Finished With Fake.
Thriving Culture Media.
All Rights Reserved.
ISBN-13: 978-1539658702
Table of Contents

201 delicious quotes and sayings from the heart of

someone who has gone through many growing pains
and eye-opening revelations. Believe me when I say
that it was worth going through what Ive been
through in life in order to help you along your journey.

Yeah I know, youre finished too, right? This fake

stuff has gotten really old and believers in Christ are
getting more than tired of it. Its an unfortunate
reality in this world, and in some ways getting worse.
Its like scripture says, light will get brighter and
darkness will continue to get darker. However, there
is good news! Its The Good News of the real Gospel of
Christ. Thank God! Without the real and the genuine,
we would be left sinking in the fraudulent. Theres
nothing worse than living a lie. In fact, I would say,
one of the greatest tragedies in life is to go through
life having lived a lie. This is especially true when it
comes to religion as a whole. The religions of the
world originally began through flawed individuals.
Some with well-meaning intentions and others with
flat-out selfish and defiled ones. Whatever the case,
we owe it to ourselves and future generations to seek
out truth, no matter the cost. Why? Because The
Truth sets us freecompletely. This is why Jesus came
decreeing that he just didnt know truth, he was and is
THE full manifestation of truth in bodily form. Now,
notice I didnt say, Jesus came carrying truth from his
particular Church group. Nor did I say that he
belonged to a religion called Christianity. No, in fact,
Christ didnt even die on a Cross to reconcile religion
whatsoever. He came and layed down his life freely, in
order to reconcile all who would come to him, simply
because he loved.
This is the wonderful expression of a beautiful thing
called relationship. This is the difference between
religious rule keeping and relational belief. In which,
one of these has to do with keeping the ego alive and
the other has to do with surrendering the will in its
entirety to a heart that can be fully trusted. This is
also the reason why spiritual mask wearing can only
go so far before self-effort gets the best of an
individual. Masks cover, authenticity begs to be seen
in its entirety. Religion performs to be accepted.
Relationship relents because it trusts.

Finished with Fake was born out of this very

struggle. It wasnt until I recognized that I had been
living life through a mask, performing for religious
protocol, that I began to see me, the real me, for who
I was. I started to see how God really felt about me,
and that he wasnt asking me to perform. He was
simply waiting for me to surrender. Surrender to a
love that could fully be trusted and one that would
make me whole. Oh yes, I had known the love of Papa
God, but I didnt realize how far I had strayed into the
relentless world of religious programming. The world
where everyone looks pretty, but feels exhausted,
lonely, and dirty inside. I wrote this book because I
love quotes and wanted to help others see a little
more of what counterfeit living looks like, and what it
means to live from a place of complete authentic
Over the years I had been writing down my thoughts
in quote form and sharing them to help people
overcome. Over time I began to understand that
quotes and sayings carried a prophetic weight to
them. I would hear family and friends tell me how
they affected them and that I should put them all into
one place, like on a blog or in a book. Quotes can be
life changing. I can recall reading many of them over
the years and theyve always had a way of sticking.

So, here we go. Its my honor to share them in

relation to this subject. My prayer is that you will look
at your mask, whatever that mask may be, and begin
to allow God to remove the cover-up to bring out the
authenticity of who you really are as His child. If
youre not wearing a mask of any kind, then I still
pray that he would continue to reveal the genuine
blueprint of who you are known as in the eyes of
Heaven, to bring freedom to a world that doesnt
know they have one.
Prophetically Quoted

PQ #1

The world is saturated in comparing, competing, and

mask-wearing. This is the result of insecurity, fear and
pain. Those who discover the freedom of becoming
themselves through Christ, those things begin to fade
and become uncomfortable in their new nature. The
reason some Christians never find the fullness of
freedom is because religion does a good job of
masking the issues, due to control and manipulation.
So the real question is, have you really had an
encounter with Christ? Or merely a sales pitch inviting
you into the membership called religion?

PQ #2

The only way to become the real you is to encounter

someone who can introduce you to that person. His
name is Love, and He is the very substance you are
made of. So, if you really want to know who you are,
then dive into the vast expanse of His pulsating heart
towards you. Once you do youll never be the same.
Love begets love, so love is the only way back to your
own authenticity.

PQ #3

Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Then

its time to go back to what your heart has always
been speaking. Your heart cannot do anything else but
call out to your soul saying, When youre finished
with fake, Ill lead you back home to rest.

PQ #4

You cannot have both a religious spirit and Holy Spirit

leading you into all truth. One will betray you, and the
other will free you. One will keep the ego fueled by its
steroidal enhancing control, while the other will lift
every weight that has kept you pinned to the sweat-
filled bench of performance. Once you discover the
beautiful colors of freedom, youll never go back to the
grey cells of imprisonment.

PQ #5

For centuries man has tried his best to control other

lives for their own gain. Its the nature of sin and
fallen humanity to want something it was never meant
to enslave. Man can continue their best to lock up the
destiny of a human life in the natural, but just like the
wind, they will never be able to capture the Spirit of
Love that has no beginning or ending.

PQ #6

Cool-aid only tastes good when its swallowed without

the ingredients called deception.

PQ #7

Real Christianity was meant to be captivating,

beautiful, powerful, wonderful, awesome, amazing,
mysterious, freeing, empowering, loving, and life
transforming, through simple surrender. Why would
we want to settle for a doctrine that tries to gain all of
this through sweat-filled law keeping?

PQ #8

Authenticity is simply the ability to look in the mirror

and make the decision to let go of the worn out mask
that has been holding you captive. The mirror doesnt
lie. It will always remind you that weariness comes
from living life as a fraud.

PQ #9

Thats it, you are doing so good! Dont allow a

belittling finger in your face try to tell you otherwise.

Since when did belittlement become so big in the face
of a giant God who happens to live on the inside of
you? The next time Be-Little tries to tell you how
small you are. Look it straight in the eye and tell it
how big you are through the endless pools of grace.

PQ #10

From the beginning of time God had every one of us in

mind. In fact, Christ made the decision to come and
rescue us before the earth was formed. This has
everything to do with love, and nothing to do with
man-made religion. Man tries to duplicate today
through selfish protocol what has already been
decided through selfless mercy, long ago. You have
the choice to continue trying to rescue yourself
through hard labor, or you can agree with an
effortless reality that has already been taken care of
through love.

PQ #11

People skills are on the top of Gods priority list as it

deals with humanity. How we treat one another is just
about everything. You see, you thought it was mostly
about getting everything just right in order to be
acceptable and pleasing to God, but what you didn't

know is that idea is saturated in self-righteousness.
What is pleasing to God is trust and people skill.
Trusting in him through full surrender and how we
treat those around us. This is who Love is and this is
what Love does.

PQ #12

Let go of your spiritual warfare identity and embrace

the one who fights for you. It's so much more freeing
and way less stressful. Our identity isnt found in
things we do nor the spiritual feats we accomplish.
Our identity is found in the person of Christ. He is our
Intercessor and he is our peace.

PQ #13

Loud and pitchy does not equate to passion and

anointing. Not all that glitters is gold. Some of the
most beautiful and transformational things are found
in obscurity and quietness.
Christ went away to pray to usher in another way. He
confronted the hustle of the sale to reveal the wealth
of wisdom to a society filled with educated pride. He
did so by soaking in the pools of presence in solitude,
so that he could walk into the crowd to confound the
heads of knowledge.

PQ #14

The days of the extroverted salesman in the church

are over. The introverted game changers are coming
forth to display the fruit of the spirit they've been
developing for years. They are carriers of creativity
and giants of gentleness and goodness. God is
removing the loud sales pitch and replacing it with
wisdom that comes from above. This is part of the big
shift that is happening. Fruit carriers are coming out of
the wilderness leaning on their Beloved to reveal
something so real that it will cause the world to
experience tangible love that is irresistible.

PQ #15

You can fast for long periods of time, but all that will
happen is weight loss if you aren't being led to do it.
Fasting changes things inside of us, while believing
aligns us with what God has already completed. If The
Word of God has already spoken about something,
then just agree with it and line up. If it takes fasting
to cause you to see differently and to break something
that needs to be broken on the inside, then so be it.
But it's not a good idea just to fast because you think
you're going to twist the arm of God. Again, if he's
already spoken, then align, and then fast because it's
good for seeing differently. Fasting isn't a religious
ritual, we do it for body cleansing and it's Spirit-led for
mind cleansing.

PQ #16

If the message you are decreeing looks more like

doom and gloom, then it's time to come away with
The Groom of all Grooms and discuss his wedding
plans for a future filled with joy.

PQ #17

The orphan said to the son, "Why do you get

everything given to you and I have to fight for
everything?" The son responded, "Why do you fight
becoming a son?".
The real issue is thinking we have to struggle and fight
for everything we need, because we just don't think
God is that good. Fighters push good things away.
Lovers embrace goodness because they've found that
fighting doesn't solve the real issue at hand. They've
discovered there's nothing they can do to earn what's
been freely given.

PQ #18

Ungodly loyalty to a person or leader

It's one thing to love someone like a brother or sister,
and quite the other to be co-dependent on them
through a warped mentality of loyalty. We can be
"loyal" to a friend or embrace a level of loyalty to a
family member or spouse. There is a sense of honor in
that. But when loyalty becomes captivity, this is when
we need to stop and take an assessment of what has
taken place.
Some believers feel they should be submitted and
loyal to a particular leader for example. In a healthy
context, this can be a good thing when it's
reciprocating, and we should honor our leaders, as
well as everyone else around us. However, there is a
"loyalty" that crosses over into blindness and control.
This is usually caused by an immature or orphaned
soul. The immaturity says, "I am loyal to you no
matter whatI have your back". While the mature
person says, "I love you unconditionally, but son-ship,
discernment, and maturity, say that I am a slave to
no man, and I will not subject myself to cultish
Remember when the scripture said, "No greater love
that a man has than to lay down his life for a
FRIEND?". A real friend doesn't demand because Love
doesn't demand its own way. Yes, we are to love our
enemies, but Jesus never allowed the orphaned
Pharisee to control him through manipulation.
Leaders or just people in general who demand loyalty
from others, operate out of abandonment and love-
deficient souls. They cannot "afford" to have another
person walk out on them again, so they lay claim to
loyalty as a love language; thus placing themselves as

the final authority on who gets to be friends with
If you've found yourself around someone who is
demanding loyalty, the best thing to do is
communicate any expectations with that person. If
they won't listen, then pray for them and watch your
boundaries. If you find yourself being cut off because
you won't bow to control, then love and bless them
anyways, but it may have to be from a distance.

PQ #19

Some folks resist change because it makes them look

vulnerable in the new. Change is inevitable, so you
may as well get comfortable feeling naked. It's the
only way to the brand new garments of growth.

PQ #20

Screaming isn't allowed in the place of Heavenly

seating. People who know their God, understand their
authority is from a place of confident decree and
belief. When you're seated far above the demonic
realm, it's all about speaking to those mountains and
shifting atmospheres through presence. This is called
"Sweat-less intercession", because the job of
intercession has been given back to Jesus.

PQ #21

Screaming isn't allowed in the place of heavenly

seating. People who know their God, know their
authority is from a place of confident decree and
belief. When you're seated far above the demonic
realm it's all about speaking to those mountains and
shifting atmospheres through presence. This is called
"Sweat less intercession", because the job of
intercession has been given back to Jesus.

PQ #22

Seriously, why do we create doctrines, beliefs and

actions, around anything other than the fruit of the
spirit? The Kingdom of God within us is righteousness,
peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. Doesnt that pretty
much tell us how we should be thinking and acting?

PQ #23

If God is love, then I can be assured that He will

always have my best in mind. Isnt that what any
loving father would do for his family? The problem is
not with the truth of who He is. The issue lays within
the paradigm of what we believe.
PQ #24

This is a good verse, because faith (trust) and

patience inherits promises. Religious striving is like
trying to grab a fist full of wind, while rest reveals
faith and manifests the blessing.
"One hand full of rest and patience is better than two
fists full of labor and chasing after the wind." Ecc. 4:6

PQ #25

Revival as we have known it will not come through

one or two charismatic personalities carrying healing
anointings. No, sorry to tell you friends, "revival" this
time around will look a whole lot like believers acting
like familygenuinely loving one another. This is a
sign and a wonder that will get the worlds attention.

PQ #26

Our greatest intercession is to simply believe.

PQ #27

If a soft answer turns away wrath, then why are we

always yelling at demons? Sometimes the most
powerful things happen through the whispers of

PQ #28

You don't have to fear being defiled by someone you

are loving on if you stay in the authority of love. Christ
didn't walk around in a panic thinking some demon
would jump on him after he cast it out of someone.
Demons can't touch what has been saturated in Love.

PQ #29

You can't truly build a ministry around fear; otherwise

it couldn't be legitimized as a Christian one. Why?
Because there's no fear in Love, and Love is The
Christ you serve.

PQ #30

People know whether youre being genuine or not. Its

not necessary to walk around trying to look important
saying spiritual lingo all the time. Can you imagine
standing in front of a President of a nation or a
diplomat of a country and shouting spiritual decrees in
order to make yourself known with spiritual authority
to make your spiritual point? Sometimes keeping quiet
is the greatest spiritual act of authority you could do
in the moment.

PQ #31

Forcing someone to do something they dont want to

do is called manipulation. Why do we feel the need to
force our own beliefs on those who dont want it?
Building relational trust is an honest and honorable
way of gaining entry into someones heart. Without
that, it simply equates to the hearer an obligation
through coercion.

PQ #32

Its important to always remember that we were born

for relational love. God has placed his signs for this
everywhere. If God wanted it different, then He would
have designed humanity in such a way that wouldnt
require it. So for this very reason it only makes sense
that The Gospel, The Good News of God, is the
substance of love. No matter how many doctrines,
rules, or theological formulas, man tries to come up

with, it will always default back to the need for
relational love.

PQ #33

If youre a person who is starved for love and have

not yet experienced a deep change within, you will try
to compensate for it through a need to prove yourself
spiritually. In other words, those who act overly
spiritual in an obvious and pronounced way in front of
others, reveals to the discerning in the room the need
for more healing. Just remember, the only way to
finding true healing is to admit you are in need of it.
Allowing yourself to be transparent and vulnerable
enough is the first step to dislodging something that is
floundering in fake.

PQ #34

Self-control is one of the beautiful attributes found in

the fruit of the spirit. God has given us the power to
stabilize something that is trying to throw us out of
control. So, the next time you feel like youre losing it
mentally, just remember to take a bite out of the fruit
that keeps you sane.

PQ #35

Yes, you are losing it! Youre losing your mind for the
mind of Christ. Thats why its so challenging
sometimes. Anyone who wants to keep something
doesnt let go of it so easily. But its always good to
keep in mind that its His mind that will give you what
you really desire.

PQ #36

We didnt say yes to a system when we signed up to

give our life to something greater than ourselves. We
said yes to a greater person. Systems can only take
you so far, but The One who made everything has
already made a way to take you all the way.

PQ #37

If you are bored sitting in a church pew, thats

because youve been putting your hope in a physical
place. The building is just thata building. Just look at
it for what it is and nothing more. Place your hope in
God and then receive his hope through relationship. In
doing so, whenever you go to sit in the pew again the
focus will be on helping others and off of you.

PQ #38

Authentic Christianity was all about revealing Heavens

Blueprint to the earth through a Person Who is made
of love, joy and peace. If youre trying to reveal
something other than that you might want to rethink
what youve been taught. Authenticity is only found
when the truth shows up. When He comes on to the
seen, everything else is exposed for what it is.

PQ #39

Christianity was never meant to be a one-way ticket

out of pain, discomfort or hell. Christianity is a belief
in love so strong that it doesnt matter what we may
go through in order to find out who we really are and
the outrageous blessings we have been given. You can
focus on the pain of the process in having your mind
renewed or you can simply receive a mind
transplantyours for His. One involves striving, the
other involves receiving. When you come out of a
formula mindset to engage love through relational
interaction, you will find your focus being taken off the
temporal pain and to the beauty of what Hes
maturing in you.

PQ #40

Pharisees are like beautiful rock sculptures. Nice to

look at on the outside, but stone cold on the inside.
Nevertheless, Christ died for all, and the rocks will cry
out for mercy in the end.

PQ #41

Christianity is all about love, peace, joy, rest and

genuine hope. It has nothing to do with all the rest of
the stuff people create to suppress those things.

PQ #42

If your church denomination has you focused on the

denomination of mammon all the time, then you
might want to rethink things. Its either The God of
Love or the love of mammon. You cant have both if
you really want what is genuine.

PQ #43

Does God want me to be poor, you ask? Now, why

would he want to put something on you that was
taken off at The Cross?

PQ #44

Following Christ is nothing like following the protocol

of ladder climbing in the corporate world. The way the
world promotes is through hard work, rule keeping,
showing up on time, making yourself stand out above
others, stepping on others, and perhaps a little kissing
up as well. Promotion in The Kingdom of God comes
through intimacy, serving, and preferring others over
yourself. Dont be too concerned if your Christian
friends are getting promoted by doing it the worlds
way. God works in mysterious ways and He knows
how to bring low the prideful. For in due season, you
may find yourself standing as their leader, showing
them how to be humble.

PQ #45

Long winded prayers in public that are filled with

counseling words should be reserved for just
thatprivate counseling sessions.

PQ #46

Remember what Jesus said about prayer? He said,

"When you pray, don't ramble like heathens who think
they'll be heard if they talk a lot. Its not about the
amount of words we use while talking to God, for he
already knows what we need before we even ask. Its
more about agreeing with who He is and what Hes
already finished that matters. Those who go on and on
in prayer reveal their need for approval, acceptance
and real trust.

PQ #47

Religious lingo or Christianese talk can be annoying to

those who need something genuine and relatable.
Listening can go a long way when trying to influence
someone. Sometimes we are better off not having said
one Hallelujah if it doesnt call for it in the moment.

PQ #48

Spiritual mentorship can be a great thing, but if its

unwanted or forced, then its simply called control. Do
yourself a favor and win trust with someone before
you try to become their mentor.

PQ #49

Spiritual warfare has more to do with posturing than

forcing something to happen. When we position
ourselves to what has been accomplished in Christ,
then it becomes His intercession rather than our fight.

PQ #50

When you can become yourself, your true self, in front

of others without fear of rejection, then you know
youve just entered into something authentic and real.
For its in this place of safety where growth happens

PQ #51

Jesus always takes issue with those who make it their

goal to oppress and abuse. That is why He spoke the
words, but whoever causes one of these little ones
who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for
him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck,
and to be drowned in the depth of the sea. Why is it
so important to God as to how we treat others? Its
simple really, God is love and love always wants the
best for His children. Religiously controlling people
seem to default to whats wrong with others, so they

gains strength by pointing out all the flaws in order to
weaken. This is why a religious spirit has a hard time
hanging around people who see the best, believe the
best, and think the best about others.

PQ #52

People who starve control through love, have difficulty

discovering anything other than the image of their
Creator inside of others.

PQ #53

Youre only as free as your own mentality. Choose to

live your life free from the rules youve built through
what youve learned. Choose to live from the place of
knowing that you are 100% accepted, and loved by
Father God. This is real freedom, and this is freeing
your mind in exchange for his.

PQ #54

Christ told Peter that he was going to start building

His Church with him. Can you imagine starting with a
leader who was as flawed as Peter? Doesnt that give

you some real hope whenever you think about your
own inadequacies?

PQ #55

People who live from the place of pain and wounding

will tell you that you have to be perfect in order for
God to be pleased with you. For in their mind its all
about perfection to gain the blessing, rather than from
passion receiving a love that has already paid the
price to be fully reconciled. Love doesnt require
someone to make sure theyve done everything just
right. Love has already made things right, because
thats what love does.

PQ #56

You can throw the baby out with the bath water if you
want to, but just remember that it may in fact be a
baby made in the image of Love.

PQ #57

Institutions are places where education is king. They

can also be places where confinement to the intellect
holds people captive from living from a place of

organic creativity. If you have a tendency to live from
a place of reason and logic much of the time, then
trusting something you cannot see may be a struggle
for you. If thats you, dont beat yourself up, just
simply surrender that brilliant mind of yours to The
God who helps people to trust without seeing.
Surrender is the first step into the wonderful world of
creativity, leaving everything that is captive behind.

PQ #58

Prayer is the love language between two individuals

who enjoy listening to one another. If it were a one-
way conversation, then it wouldnt be love. It would
be selfishness. And prayer isnt selfish, because it was
birthed by The God who doesnt know how to be.

PQ #59

Pastors are people who are called to care for others.

They see a lot, hear a lot, and endure a lot. They have
hearts to give, but never to walk alone. If the load is
too heavy for them, it may turn into pain and then
control. If you are struggling with a pastor who is
hurting others due to the pain, the key is to be a good
example, reminding them why it is they began helping
others to begin with. Trust me, love really does cover

a multitude of sin, and your example will keep you
from the bitterness that is trying to suffocate them.

PQ #60

You can either become bitter or better. Theres often

no resting ground in the middle. Offense will drive you
straight into the arms of either, and one of them will
leave you feeling alone and wrinkled.

PQ #61

We live in a society that breathes fake. Fake smiles,

fake body parts, fake motives, fake comparisons, and
fake religion. These are symptoms of something going
on below the surface. Fraudulent activity happens
when people dont understand their own authentic
nature, and the approval that comes with it. You see,
if you genuinely knew just how much God smiles on
the real you, then you would become brave in who
you are. Just imagine how many things we miss by
living as someone or something else? Imagine if we
were to show up as the real us in every situation?
Divine appointments would be frequent, and puzzle
pieces would begin to fall into place, right where they
were always meant to be.

PQ #62

Those who spend their time pointing out the flaws of

another will find themselves being the fuel for
someone elses gossip, somewhere along the line.
Theres a difference in assessment of any given
situation versus flat out slandering through insecurity.
Nonetheless, you will do yourself no harm by looking
for the treasure in someone. If we look for treasure,
then what we will reap is treasure.

PQ #63

Its not like Jesus gets a thrill out of overturning tables

and rebuking people. Its only when people turn their
tables into defiled platforms of idolatry is when it
begins to stir the anger of The Divine. Turning tables
into gambling centers where they were never meant
to be built can be grounds for demolition.

PQ #64

People who are out of control feel the need to control.

Its the only way they feel a sense of security from a
traumatized past. The way to freedom is to lose
control by giving up control to The Only One who can
heal the trauma.

PQ #65

It takes way too much energy to play the role of

someone else you look up to. If you find yourself
drooling over them, just remember, authenticity is
knocking on your door drooling over you.

PQ #66

Most Christ followers dont think about becoming like

Pharisees or being filled with legalistic religious stuff
when they first get saved. Somewhere along the line
they find themselves acting that way through pride or
by hanging around others who struggle with that kind
of spirit. Isnt it amazing how we can start out so in
love through relationship yet wind up critical through
formula? Formulas can only take us so far and theyre
usually built upon the backs of pride, disappointment
or tradition. Relationship on the other hand, takes us
all the way, and will never disappoint those who arent
looking for a quick way to get what they want.

PQ #67

Body parts are unique and they are designed to

function independently, yet jointly with other parts of
the human anatomy. It kind of sounds like marriage
doesnt it? The two shall become one? The key to

unlocking who you genuinely are is to recognize and
embrace your authentic function and then look for all
of the other parts that work in union with yours. This
is a great recipe for harmonious flow and fluid
functionality. It also means that you get to do what
you were born for. That makes you an original, and
that makes you highly valuable in a world full of

PQ #68

Chances are if someone is telling you that you are

being fake, then theres a good chance you are in a
certain area. This is a great time to get alone and
evaluate where the void is in your life. Heal the void
and the real you will show up.

PQ #69

The plea for money in the Body of Christ has become

a moot point to those who can genuinely discern what
is going on. Money is not the issue, the track record
and spirit of the one begging is where the issues lay.
We are now coming into a moment in time where we
will see motives change, and bank accounts filled with
large quantities of Heavenly integrity. Money will no
longer be seen as a desperate need to purchase or
pay for something. It will be seen in the hands of

those who were faithful and unafraid to walk in
transparency and honesty. When this kind of integrity
is revealed on a larger scale the skeptic will no longer
be begging to see something real.

PQ #70

If you choose to be consumed by love, then the

consumption of something negative wont taste good
in your diet of grace.

PQ #71

Systems will always be around begging to be joined,

but relationship is eternal and has no membership fee.

PQ #72

If you are heading down the path called copy-cat, you

might want to stop and take a closer look as to why
you are following the well-worn trail of comparison.

PQ #73

A religious spirit will cloak the minds of men with

deception, making them think that what they are
believing is actually true. The Pharisees were so
adamant about their stance in scripture to the degree
they would even kill for it. Whenever you have a belief
in something that is strong enough to kill, it would be
a really wise thing to make sure your ladder is leaning
against the right wall. Otherwise, you may be in for a
really hard fall.

PQ #74

I have said for a while now, that by this time next

year your paradigm will have shifted. Meaning that,
growth is only stagnant when we refuse to mature in
the things of The Kingdom. Those who embrace
change will find themselves overflowing with
fulfillment and moving away from the cesspools of

PQ #75

Rest assured, Church as we now know it will not look

the same in another ten years. Why? Because each
generation carries something unique and important to
reveal to the world. This is why its so important not to

become stuck in the land of the past. If you do, you
will still be loved by Father, but you may miss an
important element of contribution towards legacy.
Yes, it may be a challenge for you to change, but just
remember, it only stings for a moment as you enter
into something that is fresh and will never go stale.

PQ #76

If youve been burned or thrown to the side by a

leader of a church group, keep in mind there are over
2 Billion professed Christians in the world today. So if
youve been rejected by a few, remember the many
who will embrace the real you.

PQ #77

Its our joy as Christ followers to love, regardless of

what we see, think or feel. The reason its a joy is
because our strength comes from engaging the power
of joy. The joy of God is already laying within us, and
its waiting to be released to find new strength. So the
next time you see something grieving, remember the
fire power you carry in your holster of healing.

PQ #78

Do you want to know how to deal with someone who

is misjudging you? Answer them with sealed lips and a
merciful heart. God takes pleasure in handing over to
Him what only He can do best. He will repay in such a
way that reveals the void, so He can fill it with truth.
At some point, you will either see or hear the
redemption in the matter or you will find yourself
praying for them like you would for someone you
deeply love.

PQ #79

Love treats people the way Love has created them to

be. If you are having a hard time loving someone who
is being unlovable, then ask Papa God to show you
who they are to Him. I know its a challenge, but force
yourself to do it. You may start to discover something
about yourself that is beautifully authentic and
wonderfully forgiving.

PQ #80

Just think of your faith in Christ like hanging out with

someone you adore and love spending time with. Now
multiply that by a trillion, this is what the nature of
Christ is really like. You cant find a real person like

this within the pages of religious obligation and sweat
filled duty.

PQ #81

I am so sorry youve had to endure such pain being

thrown around with every wind of doctrine. Come
back to child-like surrender, and watch Papa blow
away the winds that have damaged your innocence.

PQ #82

We are called to be people of fruit, the fruit of the

spirit that is. If your current reality of warfare and
identity fits into that truth then great. If not, well, it
may just be that you war and fight because of an
inner struggle to relate as a son or daughter to The
God of Love.

PQ #83

The fruit of the spirit is spiritual warfare. This is the

shift we are now seeing in the Church. We have gone
from yelling at the devil through striving, to resting in
and releasing the nine elements that make him flee.

PQ #84

We can spend our time as Christians screaming at a

devil with no teeth or we can live by example
releasing the fruit of the spirit all around us. Which
one do you think has a greater impact on a world that
desperately needs the substance of who we are?

PQ #85

If my prayer life in public doesnt sound like

something that came out of a supernatural
relationship with God, then perhaps its nothing more
than religious babble.

PQ #86

Jesus is more comfortable living on the inside of us

than many believers are. The reason is because we
cant imagine a Big God dwelling in the hearts of
imperfect flesh. The Bible is clear about God being a
Spirit. In fact, not only a Spirit, but The Spirit of Love.
Now, when we think about love in general, it has a
tendency of bringing it to the human level a little
easier. Lets take it a step further. Jesus is not easily
shaken on the inside of us, even when we blow it or
make a mistake. Its not like He jumps out of us and
runs down the street when we happen to sin. No, that

would mean fear would be a motivating factor to
leave. Christ is much more secure than that. You see
friend, religion is built upon fear and human
reasoning, but relationship works through things with
love. When our belief system is solely built upon
religious formula, then we have reason to worry every
time we do something wrong. But since it was started
by Love, then Love will see us all the way through to
the end of natural life. Its just something our Father
loves to do, because Hes built His home on the inside
of me and you.

PQ #87

Some believers find their identity in prayer. They will

often call upon every one they know to pray about
everything, because they find self-satisfaction in the
eloquence and long winded sentences they pray with
others or they feel they need more people to get the
job done. Being a Prayer Warrior is not a title, a
position or an identity. Praying is simply a two-way
conversation where God does most of the talking. If
you find yourself using lofty words trying to fill a void
in your soul, just remember that in the multitude of
words sin is not lacking. So chances are you wont find
your healing through long prayers. The only way to
fulfillment and wholeness is to soak in the life
changing words of The One who is never lacking. You
will soon discover that prayer is simply believing what

He has already spoken long ago. You will also find
peace in the fact that Papa answers wordless prayers
as well.

PQ #88

I do realize that you may not agree with everything I

have to say. That is most definitely ok with me, just
so long as youve found something within the pages of
this book that helps you to see more clearly. Its
important to always remain pliable and Putty like in
the hand of The Lord, so He can easily form another
facet of your understanding in a way that mere
reasoning and logic never would be able to.

PQ #89

Its ok, youre gonna be more than ok. God has you,
Hes in you and He already said that He would never
leave you. Once a person fully understands this they
will never be the same. This is the power of love and
eye-opening revelation. Theres no amount of earthly
knowledge or collegiate understanding that can impart
this to you. It is simply letting go of self-security and
falling into the safety of a Father who loves to protect.

PQ #90

Humanity is bent on creating plans and formulas to

help them get everything they want when they want
it. This is just what human nature craves and ego
wants. Let me ask youhows that working out for
you? Oh yes, you may have gotten some things, and
your business plans may have worked out in one way
or another. But at what price was paid in order to
bring you something before it was meant to be given?
Sometimes we can beg or even believe for something
inherently good, but good may not be Gods perfect
plan or timing. It may have simply been the goodness
of God granting a blessing to reveal something deeper
at a time when you need it most. Papa is so good to
give so we can see that it may not have been what we
really needed or even wanted at the time. He
sometimes gives to redirect us to the real and the
genuine. Not all that glitters is our Isaaic promise
and not all thats given is because we had a formula
that made it happen.

PQ #91

Some Preachers preach messages because they want

to be heard, but then theres the Preacher who
understands the responsibility of what theyve been
given. One wants to be heard for the message, and
the other wants the hearer to live the message.

PQ #92

Theres no need to be controlled by a person, when

you have the fruit of self-control operating in your life.

PQ #93

Keeping your love on in difficult situations isnt easy

when you take it personally. This is when
replacement theology is necessary. Replacing
offense with gracethe grace that is found by
consistently seeking His beautifully forgiving face.

PQ #94

Masks are made for covering up something. Faces are

made for authentic interaction. Its ok to wear a mask
if a job or some fun event calls for it, but the only way
to engage a genuine quality is to feel the breath of
relatability, tangibility, and honesty.

PQ #95

If we cant be real with our fellow Christ followers,

then who can we be real with without feeling

misunderstood or ashamed? Now remember, I did say
Christ follower and not a Christian just for the sake
of the word. Theres a big difference between
someone following a religion filled with shame and a
relationship filled with patience, kindness and love.

PQ #96

Jesus loves everyone, but He doesnt like what some

people do to one another. Just because you see a
person getting by with something, doesnt mean they
will forever. Mr. Reap does a pretty good job of
following up on what Mr. Sow does. Eventually, the
two shall become one in getting to the root of the

PQ #97

Peter the disciple, was a great example of how to be

human and in love with The Creator. He was
sometimes brash, out of timing, and fumbled around
with fear, but he made a touchdown with faith when
he returned home from his fishing trip. Its amazing
what reflection and a familiar occupation will do for
you. Once awakened to the new reality youve been
used to, theres no going back to the old. It was Peter
who stood up first on the Day of Pentecost to proclaim
the love he had been missing on his trip away. No

amount of fish can compare to diving head first into
the arms of love. Peter is an example of what it means
to live a life that is flawed yet beautifully woven in

PQ #98

Just because you missed a church service recently

doesnt mean you missed an encounter with Christ.
Sometimes missed events align divine appointments.
Dont let the voice of condemnation put a bad taste in
your week. Forsake not the assembly of fellowship
with other believers, but by all means forsake not the
leading of The One who created fellowship in all of its
various forms to begin with.

PQ #99

A Pharisaical Spirit will point out a particular sin as if it

has a higher ranking than the other. It has a lot to do
with the levels of punishment they are feeling in their

PQ #100

Adam was the first man to live by the literal breath of

God. It gives new meaning to living, moving and
having our being in Him. If the breath of God
sustained Adam and God said it was wonderfully good,
then why do we sustain ourselves with the bad breath
of rule keeping, to give us life?

PQ #101

If you allow someone else to make the decisions for

you, then youll have a difficult time stepping out in
faith when it really is God.

PQ #102

If you dont commission yourself at the leading of the

Lord, then someone else will employ you with their
mission. Now, normally joining another mission can be
a good thing, if its actually the leading of the Lord.

PQ #103

When hierarchy becomes a place of looking down

upon others simply because a person has been given a
level of authority, then it reveals the need for
wholeness in the soul of that individual. Once a person

of influence understands their only job is to value
others, then they begin to lead from among rather
than above. Real influence begins with honoring
others around you. When this happens, you dont
have to force others to follow you, they will come

PQ #104

Comparing and competing amongst ourselves serves

to show that we havent yet let go of orphanized-ego.
Theres no need to compare when you realize the
impact you make as a unique individual who lives
from your authentic nature. Ego longs to compete
because its fed by praise. The only way to silence the
unhealthy side is to find healing through love and
learn where your strength is best deployed. That way
people will gravitate towards your gift when they need
it and they wont have to struggle wading through the
competition to get to the healed you.

PQ #105

If you show up in your own skin, then others will win.

PQ #106

Cool-aid was never meant to be swallowed with a

poisonous agenda attached. Its only refreshing when
its free from the anxiety of what may be mixed in the
glass. If your conscious is screaming not to drink
something, then you would be much better off not
ingesting it. This is what discernment is for. If you
sense that something deadly is sitting in a glass of
influence, then set it down. You wouldnt want to find
out after the fact there was a great cost to your thirst.
Jesus said, come to me and youll never thirst again.
All you need is one glass, the glass that never runs
dry. Just because youre thirsty, doesnt mean you
need to drink out of someone elses cup. Glasses filled
with what looks like something tasty arent always
refreshing in the end. Stay in your own glass, and
youll never have to worry about strange mixture and
youll never find yourself thirsting for someone elses

PQ #107

Hey, dont worry about someone else getting

promoted faster than you. The reason He is taking His
time with you is to give you integrity and longevity.
Would you rather be on fire and then burnout because
of mans promotion? Or would you rather be known as

a legacy leaver because you waited on God in
humility? In other words, people want whats genuine,
so theyll wait in line for hours just buy something
thats real. Let patience have its perfect work in your
own house building. In doing so, people will be in awe
of the beauty in a house that is built upon The Rock.

PQ #108

Now, lets talk to the prophets in the land. Youre

either a prophetic voice that is sold out to the
orphanage or youre a prophet that is in union with
The Bride-Groom King. The Orphanage is filled with
wailing of voices that long to be heard and accepted,
while The Kings Chamber whispers to His Bride in
intimate approval. One road is long, hard, and filled
with struggle. The other is filled with adventure, grace
and bliss. One mind knows that it may never be heard
and thats ok, because it has already been heard by
The Greatest Audience of allThe Audience of One.
The other mind stops at nothing to be heard, because
it feels it has to be heard for the important message it
carries, which is really the need for love.

Mr. or Mrs. Prophet, please listen to someone who has

spent time in the orphanage himself. The Throne
Room isnt filled with the sounds of pleading. Heaven
is home to all those who live by the one thing that is
on the mind of The Kingintimacy through surrender.
When a voice

has become mature it no longer struggles to be heard.
It has become one with the whisper, and that whisper
reveals the inner surroundings of the Chamber.

PQ #109

There is an act that is annoying to witness. Its the act

of pride smacking on the gum of religious power.
Whenever one witnesses the crackle of ego in the
chew, it makes them want to leave in a hurry to find
the silence of a room full of soakers. You see, you can
either smack on the loudness of a pride filled program
or you can deprogram your soul on the floor through
receiving. I can tell you that the floor is a much better
way of looking up towards the beauty of waiting on

PQ #110

There is a way to a place of influence. It isnt found in

flattery-filled conversations nor is it found in
manipulating through spiritual knowledge. Influence is
found in the bottom of dirt filled buckets that have
seen the foot washing of those who have gone
unnoticed. Greatness isnt found in the fake
phylacteries of sweat-filled accomplishment and duty.
No, greatness is found in the lowering of the knee to
someone who doesnt deserve to be preferred, but has
been appointed to bring the best out of someone. Yes,

theres a way to influence. Its the high road of a low
road called Relational Rub. Let it rub you all the way
down to Heavenly humility. If you do, you will soon
discover that pride doesnt have a hold on you the
way it used to, and flattery will be turned into genuine

PQ #111

A sign of humility is not necessarily found in a toilet

brush in one hand and cleaner in the other. The way
to genuinely helping someone to grow is to give them
responsibility in their gift zone. That way they can see
where pride could have the potential of destroying
their gift while they are serving it up to others. If they
are simply left to clean toilets in order to teach them
how to serve, then thats how they may portray their
Father and the way in which He does things. If you
are concerned about the humility factor, then perhaps
you may consider asking several people to volunteer
for bathroom duty, including yourself. This way the
more unpleasant things in life become more
enjoyable when a team is involved. Trust me, too
much energy and time is consumed trying to play the
Almighty Humbler. The Lord does a great job of
humbling those He loves without our help. He knows
what will embitter someone and He knows what will
better someone.

P.S. A toilet brush in the hand of a janitorial business

owner who is passionate about cleaning, would love to

get your phone call to come out and give you a bid for
the job J

PQ #112

Sit down and listen to what makes people come alive.

You may be overlooking the talent in the room
because you dont think they are capable of doing the
job. Let their passion determine whether or not they
are able to do the work. Cut them loose for a trial run,
and you may surprise you own doubt. And you may
have just won that person for life.

PQ #113

People who can walk into a room and suck the life out
of it are those who demand attention through some
kind of deficiency. The way to overcome becoming
resentful towards someone like this is to walk right up
to them and become their friend for a season. Love
has a way of getting to the root of the matter. Its the
universal language of all humanity, especially to those
who are deficient. If theyre sucking the life out of the
room, then bring them the life theyre looking for.
Your genuine care will help to bring out the authentic
nature of who they were always meant to be. Yes, it
may be a challenge to you at first, but be assured that
growth will pay off for the both of you.

PQ #114

You dont have to compel someone to give who has

given their entire life to The Biggest Giver of all.

PQ #115

It has always bothered me whenever I see people of a

given culture wearing garments that came through the
hands of religious pressure or influence. The reason a
culture is a culture is because they have unique
expression through their own culture. Forcing
someone to look differently in the name of religious
duty is like trying to change skin color. It doesnt feel
right or look right. In other words, if you tell someone
they will be more holy or find acceptance from God by
wearing something that looks more righteous in the
eyes of man, then youve just confirmed what
religious tradition attempts to do. However, if you let
people have the freedom to be who they are, then
youve just touched the heart of what God is all about.
If you didnt come to earth wearing a suit and tie, and
your culture doesnt call for it, then put on something
that expresses the heart of your Creative Creator, and
the unique geographical area you live in.

PQ #116

If you are part of a church fellowship or home group

that doesnt give much grace for expressing who you
are and what you are going through, I know your
pain. However, when we are in the presence of safety
and love, things just begin to pour out of us. Safety is
the breeding ground for the real us to begin to show
up. If we have a sense of safety, the compulsion to
get a person to share in the group isnt necessary,
because love has given the invitation to express
without fear. So, dont worry, Papa God is changing
things. Be encouraged, houses of safety are coming to
a neighborhood near you.

PQ #117

If you cant be you it may just be that fear through

control has a hold on you. Whenever we are in the
presence of approval and acceptance without
condition, theres a supernatural pull that brings us
past the fingernails of fear and straight into the
blueprint of authenticity.

PQ #118

Prophesying over others isnt guessing something

about them through a set of religious guidelines that

demand perfection. Prophesy is moving past the
religious rhetoric of mans doctrine and straight into
the heart of oneness with Christ when its released.
The Spirit of Prophecy coming through you is a natural
bi-product of becoming one with Jesus. How do you do
that? Fall in love with Him and you wont be guessing
what you just prophesied to somebody.

PQ #119

The Bible itself is not a real person. It is the living

testimony of God through a well written love letter to
humanity. Read the Bible, because the words are alive
with love, but fellowship with The One who is living on
the inside of you. He will confirm what youve been
reading and so much more. People say God will never
ever go outside of His Word/Bible, but then I
remembered that Hes the God of the now. Hes the
God of inventions and Hes The God of great food.
Many of which are not listed within the pages of the
Bible. Why? Because theyre written on the hearts of
men, and guess who wrote them there? Thats right,
The God who created the pen.


PQ #120

The problem with being real is that its offensive to

some. Thats why fake people have a hard time with
truth, because they would rather live a lie until they
become desperate enough for change. Freedom is
only wanted by the willingness to become real. The
issue is not one of want, its one of getting beyond the

PQ #121

You cant add up, youll never add up, so why even try
to cross every T and dot every I. Ill tell why people
try is because they think that pleasing the rules laid
out through people pleases God.

PQ #122

Honor one another, but dont compromise the integrity

of who you are. Its just not worth losing your own
honor over.

PQ #123

You have a unique design with a unique function that

doesnt look like anyone else. All you need to do is
discover what it is and flow in it. No one else will quite
understand who it is that you are and what it is that
you go through for the development of that gift. So
its of little use trying to get everyone else to
understand your uniqueness. Just as you have your
own salvation to work out, so do they. Your job is to
bless them with your part. In return, hopefully they
will bless you with theirs. Its how the human body
works and its how the real church operates.

PQ #124

We don't press, we surrender

We don't force, we let go
We don't war, we believe
We don't strive, we thrive
We don't worry, we rest
We don't manipulate, we trust
We don't scream, we beam
We don't control, we turn it over
We don't sweat, we receive
We don't use formula, we abide
We don't do religion, we do relationship
We don't perform, we get out of the way

We don't segregate, we welcome
We don't do law, we live Christ
We don't earn, we dive into grace

These are merely some of the things that happen

when we choose a Person through love over a system
with religious rules.

PQ #125

Holiness is not your ability to resist every little thing

that looks dark. Holiness is what happened at The
Cross of Calvary and was imputed to you when you
opened your heart wide to Christ. When youre in love,
your desire is to remain in the light. Resisting evil is
therefore no longer a great fight.

PQ #126

Some people fight so hard to show others all of their

good deeds and righteous lifestyles. Its as if they
want others to approve of their own personal walk
with the Lord in order to fill a void. This my friend, is
called letting one hand know what the other is doing
in front of the crowd. Its also very telling about

whats missing in a persons soul to make them want
to show off. Allow me to say this, there are things that
are hidden for a reason. And one of those things is
intimacy between two people. Our relationship with
God is cultivated spiritually behind closed doors as
well, only the unveiling of that closeness looks more
like humility when we come out into the open.

PQ #127

Please dont beat yourself up. Religious spirits do a

good enough job all by themselves. Beating yourself
up only serves to show that belittlement has gotten
the best of you. If something or someone is trying to
shrink you, shake it off and step up to the bigness of
who God says you are.

PQ #128

Feel free to love me, I wont bite I promise. Besides,

why would I want to bite someone who has my best
interests at heart? Oh thats right! I forgot, its
because Im not seeing the best and believing the best
about you. I do apologize for that. Sometimes I find
myself thinking that people have some kind of agenda
when theyre near. Perhaps I should give you another

chance, but I dont know if I can really trust you. Ill
get back to you on that, but first, I must use my
discernment to see if theres some other reason you
are here.

Signed, Suspicion.

PQ #129

I tell you what. You can wipe me down spiritually after

I pray for someone who has real issues, once I stop
loving enough to keep any residue of defilement away
from me. If I cant believe Christ in me to take care of
anything that would harm me, then perhaps its time
for a relational reality check. Love is stronger than
death and Christ is bigger in me than some demon
that is on someone else.

PQ #130

I know you mean well, but I didnt ask for

unwarranted fruit inspection.

PQ #131

Grace is the place I find my base. He is the chase I

embrace for the new place I am headed with my glory
suitcase. If you want to chat start running with me in
this amazing race. Christ is ever waiting with that
beautiful smile on His face.

PQ #132

If you dont believe in the five-fold ministry, thats ok,

you just wont get to discover what it means to have
more strength and energy in numbers. It also means
you get to continue doing everything yourself as a
pastor. Ephesians chapter 4 wasnt written to be a
burden. It was meant to be of help. It was meant to
bring the fullness of maturity to The Body so that we
can get on with genuinely loving and honoring one
another. Five-fold ministries dont have titles so much
as they have the grace to help in times of need.

PQ #133

There is a theology that causes those who listen to it

to live in fear, awaiting the Lords return. But then

theres The Kingdom reality of life lived occupying
assignments and dreams until we go to be with Him,
forever. One theology breeds fear and boredom, while
the other is an exciting adventure that draws people
into Fathers house. You have a choice to occupy or
wait, but if you choose the later, you may be waiting a
long time.

PQ #134

Generosity is What God does and its a part of who He

is. He cannot help himself, He just keeps on giving in
the face of persecution, rejection, and hatred for Him.
His generous nature is the very thing that will
eventually win the hearts of those who dont
understand His kindness. Generosity is the remedy for
any orphan who has had nothing but loss in their life.
So, the next time you feel like withholding goodness
from someone who continues to take, just remember
that its the goodness of God that leads people to

PQ #135

Dont go to Bible School or any other school if you

think its the path to knowing who God is or having

favor in the eyes of man. God can and will pass over a
million college degrees just to show favor to a person
who is in love with Him. College degrees and Bible
School Diplomas are great, but if Papa isnt leading
you to one, then your degree may not hold much
weight in the end.

PQ #136

Some of the greatest things ever made were by the

hands of those who never stepped foot into a
traditional classroom. A religious voice may try to
demand that you go to a university or some kind of
advanced education in order for you to succeed. Thats
why its important to discern why they are putting
such pressure on you. It may be they are still trying to
convince themselves its the best thing to do for their
own lives. This is where you must decide whether to
follow man or God. Just remember, that inventions
dont require degrees, and wisdom comes through a
relationship with The Creator of all things.

PQ #137

Dont stop praying, just use words that make your

prayers seem like they are filled with faith.

PQ #138

Memberships are for golf clubs. Relationships are for

Christians. One you join with a fee, the other is family
and comes free.

PQ #139

If you havent received your healing yet dont blame it

on the fake healer that prayed over you. Continue to
adore The One who paid for your healing in full and
will never give you a counterfeit bill of health.

PQ #140

If you judge someone for staying home from a church

service, then perhaps its time for you to come home
to the heart of why you caused them to want to.

PQ #141

Keep loving even in the face of those who seek to turn

your love into bitterness, because you cant fight bitter
with bitter, but you can turn bitter into better by
keeping your love on.

PQ #142

Christianity was never meant to be a classy show of

performance. Christianity was meant to be a display of
power that leaves people in awe of Someone who has
a habit of stealing the show.

PQ #143

Letting go is the ability to move beyond head

knowledge and into the total care of someone who
loves you more than you could imagine. Thats why
love begins in the heart. Papa God wants you to live
from your heart, because that is where trust lives.
Letting go of self-trust fueled by pain, disappointment
or wounding for a trust that can be trusted, is where
freedom is found.

PQ #144

Trust isnt found in the amount of knowledge we gain

or the amount of prayers we pray. Trust is found when
we can completely relax, giving no thought to the
character of the one taking care of things.

PQ #145

Jesus isnt what someone else told you he is like. He is

the breath you breathe. No one else knows the
oxygen in your life better than he does. Just as easily
as air moves through the lungs, so it is with our
relationship with Love. You cant see oxygen and you
cant see love, but you know full well that both of
them exist and they are uniquely yours.

PQ #146

If I have to work it up, play it up, perform it up, sweat

it up, stress it up, and strain it up, then its merely me
trying to do my best. But if I learn to let it go and
flow, then Ive just entered the sweet spot of an
anointing thats real and effortless.

PQ #147

People who panic havent yet learned to trust

surrender in the dance. Oh yes, God is dancing with
you, He just wants you to trust His lead.

PQ #148

Jesus isnt your problem, religion is.

PQ #149

If youve found yourself in a pendulum swing going

from one extreme to the next, that is called running.
Freedom isnt found in sprinting away from everything
that smells of religion. For in doing so, you would have
to leave the earth. Some people run to everything
worldly due to hurt, only to find they havent escaped
the claws of religious spirits. More than likely youve
discovered by now that no one is flawless in the
natural. People have issues. The key to finding your
freedom is to allow God to take you to the settling of
the pendulum. This requires surrender. When the
pendulum stops, that is where you will discover a
peace that surpasses your struggle. Its also the place

where you can genuinely influence everyone with
agape. The Church, the genuine Church, isnt your
problem, it was just someone struggling with their
own pendulum swing.

PQ #150

If this thing isnt real, then why do you still talk about
Christ as if He was everything, while youre drowning
your sorrows in a frosty mug? Cold drinks and smoke
filled rooms cant heal the pain of trying to cover up
Someone who blows away the clouds of confusion and
warms hearts that are colder than ice.

PQ #151

A religious spirit will take credit for a sinners prayer in

order to rack up points for the King. Just as souls
arent counted as competition, neither is the drawing
of a life to The Kingdom through a religious prayer.
Love Himself invades worlds when He can no longer
live without His child in His arms. This requires neither
a programmed prayer nor an elevated ego to bring
someone home at the appointed time.

PQ #152

Love is the end of law, because law cannot see love

through to the end.

PQ #153

We are seeing a major shift in the way we do Church.

We are no longer doing Church as usual, we are now
becoming the Church we were always meant to be.

PQ #154

We are now entering the greatest time in history to be

alive. The Church is awakening to the reason she is
alive. She is removing the wedding dress of religious
rule keeping, and she is revealing the nakedness of

PQ #155

If your whole goal is to build an empire for yourself

and there are people suffering underneath the weight
of your selfishness, then you may be setting yourself
up for a huge fall. The foundation of The Kingdom of
God is built upon righteousness, peace, and joy on the
inside of you. If these things are not being revealed
on a regular basis, then you need a new blueprint for
what you are building. We can gain the whole world of
ego filled construction, but lose our own influence over
those who are closest to us.

PQ #156

Choose to treat others the way you would want to be

treated. Yes, that still stands as a golden rule today. I
would submit to you that its just about everything in
life. Why? Because kindness is what humanity was
made for.

PQ #157

Ok, so youre a Pastor. Now what? Love well. That is


PQ #158

If it smells like a demon, looks like a demon, and acts

like a demon, then most likely its a demon. Lets not
over analyze what discernment is revealing through
spiritual common sense.

PQ #159

The whole goal of becoming a Christ follower was not

for your own selfish reasons. It was so that everyone
around you could live in peace. The Prince of Peace
came into your life so that you could become one with
peace, run with peace, and dispense peace,
everywhere you go. Peace is the opposite of
selfishness, because there is no peace in the world
leaving its axis to revolve around you.

PQ #160

If Christianity really wasnt about treating others well,

then why did God give us nine specific ways to do it?
The fruit of the spirit is not an option. They are the
very things Holy Spirit produces in us for our sake and
the sake of others. He isnt focused on producing

anything else. There are nine pieces of fruit to fuel
your day. So go out and love on someone. The life of
Christ is on display. This is it friends. This is what
Kingdom is built on and this is who Christ is.

PQ #161

The wisdom that comes from God is first pure, then

peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy, good
fruits, unwavering, and without hypocrisy. Gosh! That
sort of sounds like the fruit of the spirit, doesnt it? If
any man lacks wisdom let him ask God and He will
reveal it through the fruit. If youre trying to find
wisdom through striving in your own self effort, all you
will have is earthly wisdom. But if you want the
wisdom that comes from above, look within, cause
thats where The Kingdom is and thats where Christ

PQ #162

You cant get a whole God on a half day relationship.

Hes not confined to a couple of hours on Sunday. Hes
everywhere in every day. You can reach out and reach

within anytime you want. Hes more than you could
imagine, and He longs to walk and talk with you 24
hours a day 7 days a week. If He was only available
on Sundays, it wouldnt be much of a relationship.
Take your intimacy during the week into a Sunday
morning with you, and youll begin to see a full God
revealed on a half day.

PQ #163

I mean, seriously, you can live by bread alone if you

want to, but I would rather live by the Word Who
spoke it into existence. Bread all by itself can mold,
but theres always something fresh coming from the
mouth of the God Who never grows stale.

PQ #164

People skills are on the top of Gods priority list as it

deals with humanity. How we treat one another is just
about everything. You see, you thought it was mostly
about getting everything just right in order to be
acceptable and pleasing to God, but what you didn't
know is that idea is saturated in self-righteousness.
What is pleasing to God is trust and treatment.
Trusting in him through full surrender and how we
treat those around us. This is who Love is and this is
what Love does.

PQ #165

Just because you've had someone guess a prophetic

word over your life in a parking lot somewhere,
doesn't mean prophesy isn't real. The human spirit
knows when it is or isn't. When you've encountered
the true and genuine word over your life it will change
you forever. Knowing that God is confirming
something that only you and him know about makes
the God reality, very real.

PQ #166

To prophesy is not to guess what God may be saying

to someone, but to become one with Love in order to
reveal the heart of God to someone who longs for
confirmation of what their spirit knows to be true.

PQ #167

Loud and pitchy, does not equate to passion and

anointing. Not all that glitters is gold. Some of the
most beautiful and transformational things are found
in places of obscurity and quietness.
Christ went away to pray to usher in another way. He
confronted the hustle of the sale to reveal the wealth

of wisdom to a society filled with educated pride. He
did so by soaking in the pools of presence in solitude,
so that he could walk into the crowd to confound the
heads of knowledge.

PQ #168

The days of the extroverted salesman in the church

are over. The introverted game changers are coming
forth to display the fruit of the spirit they've been
developing for years. They are carriers of creativity
and giants of goodness. God is removing the loud
sales pitch and replacing it with wisdom that comes
from above. This is part of the big shift that is
happening. Fruit carriers are coming out of the
wilderness leaning on their Beloved to reveal
something so real that will cause the world to
experience a tangible love that is irresistible.

PQ # 169

The orphan said to the son, "Why do you get

everything given to you and I have to fight for

everything?" The son responded, "Why do you fight
becoming a son?".
The real issue is thinking we have to struggle and fight
for everything we need, because we just don't think
God is that good.
Fighters push good things away. Lovers embrace
goodness because they've found that fighting doesn't
solve the real issue at hand. They've discovered
there's nothing they can do to earn what's been freely

PQ #170

I know its tempting, but its not a wise thing to judge

someone elses journey. If God meant for us to steer
another persons path with our own opinions, then He
would have said something like, Work out your
salvation experiences together with fear and
trembling. You see, a born-again experience is meant
to establish relationship between God and man in such
a way to where we become fully surrendered and
reliant upon the leadings and promptings of God in us.
So to look at a journey of another and begin to form
an opinion or a judgment based upon how we think it
should be, would fall somewhere in the category of

manipulation and to a greater extent, control. Now, I
do understand that you only want to help, and thats
ok, just make sure you are being asked for it.

PQ #171

The goodness of God is the substance that draws us

into relationship with a loving Father. Why would we
want to serve a God who isnt good? What is the
incentive to abandoning our lives to living by laws and
rules, if who we are serving isnt good? It makes no
sense. And it makes no sense to live in fear of
punishment if we have The God of The Universe living
on the inside of us. Whatever and whoever you have
living on the inside is going to reveal their substance
at some point. Fear would only serve to imprison our
minds and humanity around us, because of how
relational we are. Besides, love is the very substance
that gives us the peace to dwell in safety. Without
that, there is no goodness.

PQ #172

Gratitude breaks through the unbelief found in

begging. Thankfulness is always the superior
substance to religious striving, because it doesnt find
its roots in human ability or effort. It is the flow to

effortless receiving. Turn your beg into thankfulness
and watch the river of Gods goodness come flooding

PQ #173

Intimacy is the foundation of the Christian faith.

Answers to questions lay not in the high courts of the
intellect, but in the whispers of Gods love to His
children. Education and knowledge only go so far until
the call of relationship can no longer be resisted.
Study to show yourself approved, but let relational
intimacy take you into the answers you are really
looking for.

PQ #174

You dont always get what you want, because your

wants change with shifts of perception.

PQ #175

I dont want your reality of Christianity, because yours

is tailor made for the season you are in, and so is
mine. This simply means that comparison really is an
illusion in The Body of Christ.

PQ #176

Keep optimism in your sights and remain humble, for

at the appointed time you will find yourself sitting in a
place of honor. Its not that promotion is even your
goal, but humility has a way of drawing influence to
the door of those who play in the fields of positivity.

PQ #177

Thriving Community isnt found in the study halls of

behavioral duty, but in the restful rooms of
authenticity and safety.

PQ #178

Genuine leadership can be gauged by the impartation

of value towards others that draws the Want to out
of them.

PQ #179

If I have to demand loyalty, then all I have done is fed

ego with a big, fat, juicy, piece of control. True loyalty

comes running when free will smells authentic food
cooking with no strings attached.

PQ #180

Lasting change occurs when a person has given up a

doctrine that slaps band-aids on wounds that need
stitches. There is a Doctor who knows how to heal
beyond the stitch, leaving no scars of temporal fixes
behind. Doctrines of humanity will change, but the
hand of The Master Physician is never shaken.

PQ #181

Just because a religious formula said something

should happen at a certain time and didnt, doesnt
mean that God has failed you. It simply means that
formulas were never meant to replace an answer that
can only be found through relationship.

PQ #182

If you are struggling with religious pride and know it,

the thing to do is to recognize your need to dial it back
to being genuine. I know its difficult, because it

means you will have to give up your desire to be right.
Its gonna be ok, really, it will. Allow the beauty of
vulnerability to have its way through humility. If you
do, theres no stopping the flow of Heavens influence
through you.

PQ #183

Think about this word IN-security. The reason you are

so IN-secure is because you are trying to find your
security IN your own safety. Let it go! And dive
straight IN to Christ. He is the only security you need.

PQ #184

Since when did the Church become the place of

business built upon accolades rather than the family
built upon acceptance, love, and honor? Oh yes, you
can build your own empire, but if it's not founded on
relational Love, then all you have is a business fueled
by ego.

PQ #185

Theres coming a day where love will actually rule the

day. Christ cannot help Himself. He wants His Bride

and He wont stop beautifying her until wedding day.

PQ #186

The issue is that weve been banging on our cymbals

without the love that makes the music. Believers are
now waking up to the fact they cant play without the
entire orchestra. They are realizing theyve wandered
from the reason they started to play to begin with.

PQ #187

Masks were never made for an image that cant fit into
its mold. How can you mask love?

PQ #188

Jealousy is as cruel as the grave, and so is living with

a religious spirit.

PQ #189

Hand-me-down armor that doesnt fit, just means that

God has already given you your own. Use what youve
been given and resist defiled garments that were
never made to slay giants.

PQ #190

Unless you take the time to really know someone

through relationship the influence you do have wont
carry the staying power needed to transform them.
You can have all the best talents and skills there are,
but if you dont value the value of a human life by
listening to what they really need, it simply means
youve touched them with ego and religious pride.


PQ #191

Dont tell me you love me through your rule books and

religious protocols. Show me by sitting down and
getting to know who I am. Then we can talk about
how love works in light of your rule keeping.

PQ #192

Accountability in the minds of religious mask-wearers

equates to how well you can submit to the mask of
control. Accountability through the eyes of those who
have thrown away the mask looks more like love.

PQ #193

Denominationalism is the schism brought about by all

the isms man has camped on due to partials truths.
Church is the body of people who express The Truth of
a person who has no schisms or isms in His nature.

PQ #194

I love the church (people). Its the man made stuff we

call church that doesnt sit well on an already well fed
stomach. Its Jesus food that fills. Its the junk food
that kills.

PQ #195

Stop complaining about people who have left your

church building. If you give them something of value
to keep them coming, then they will feel the love and
want to stay. Complaining simply reveals the heart of
the matter at hand. Turn yourself completely over to
God and ask Him why they are

exiting. Sure, a few may have left because theyve
joined forces with a grumbling spirit, but with the
others Im quite sure it may have more to do with the
love factor, rather than blame left on an already
defeated devil.

PQ #196

Heres the deal. If you are feeling depressed,

defeated, oppressed, confused, worn out, abused,
lonely, weighed down, frustrated, angry, and beat
down in your line of work, perhaps you are doing
something that is out of alignment with the will of God
for your life. Do you really think the devil is causing
ALL of this to happen to you? Come on now? Isnt it
time you humble-down and get really honest about
your life? Maybe youre suffering through all of this
because you were never designed to do what you are
doing. Its time to go back to the drawing board of
Heavens Blueprint for your life, and sit down with The
Master Architect to get Heavens plans downloaded
into the hard drive of your soul.

PQ #197

Sometimes we give the devil way too much credit for

our own excuses. Its time to serve notice on
fraudulent activity and embrace the truth about our

PQ #197

You were never made to submit to the assignment

and calling of someone elses DNA, forever. Now, you
may have a calling to come along side others to help
them with theirs for a season, but just know that you
have been marked by Heaven to express love through
your own makeup and design. Dont get frustrated if
you have been helping others for years with their
dreams. Its only a matter of time before all of your
sowing will reach its tipping point and God will reach
in and cause you to reap your own dream with

PQ #198

You can be fake if you want to, but I have found that
fake isnt fashionable with my genuine makeup.

PQ #199

Copy-Catters are those who dont realize the power of

their own influence that makes people want to copy-
cat who they are.

PQ #200

Im so glad youve chosen to embrace your own

convictions and blueprint for your life. Its everything,
and nothing can compare to a life lived in honesty. A
child doesnt have to sit and think about why they are
being so real. They just are. They dont give any
thought as to what people think and they dont
struggle with trying to be something theyre not. From
messy hair to stained clothing, they just know how to
be a child and have fun.

Become child-like again in the mind of your own

expression. When you do you will see God smiling and
your soul laughing with the joy of being you, the real

PQ #201

Real church is real people with real issues who just

want to live a real reality of Christianity. They serve a
real God who loves to see His children become real
about everything they believe and do. So, whats your
real issue about becoming real? I really do hope and
pray that it becomes real to you in every way, so that
you can be free, living the reality of Christ in the

About The Author

John was born in Oakland, California, but raised

mostly in Oregon. He grew up knowing about God,
praying maintenance prayers, and going to church
when he was desperate, but he fully gave his heart to
the Lord in his early 20s. Before he met Amy, he had
been involved in different aspects of prophetic
ministry; everything from evangelism on the streets of
L.A. Volunteering at The Dream Center, to teaching
and pastoring in Oregon. His mentor, Earnest Soady,
who lives in the Los Angeles area, was good friends
with Jack Coe, William Branning, Oral Roberts, and
Paul Cain. Earnest has lived by faith for over 50 years
and has seen amazing miracles. He is truly grateful for
the lessons he taught him; especially following the
leadings and promptings of Holy Spirit. When he met
Amy it seemed that everything accelerated for both of
them. We took off like a rocket walking out the
process of discovery and ministering in many different

John and his wife Amy have a heart to support

and encourage people through their challenges
in life. Things like; insecurity, rejection, betrayal,
disqualification, fear, financial difficulty, relationships,
marriage, wilderness seasons, trials, disillusionment,
frustration, religion, hope deferred, dreams lost
etc. Just like you, they have gone through the
mental, physical, and emotional pain of it all.
Life's circumstances can certainly throw us all for a
loop. The process we go through as believers trying to
find our way through religious tradition
to discover Truth, has been like a Survivor reality
show, full of ship wrecks, food rations, loss,
deserted islands, disillusionment, and finally,
the rescue! (Wilson anyone?? Many of us can relate to
parts of the movie Cast Away) Religion has always
been full of works, striving, and penance to a distant
God. With Papa God, it's just the opposite. He has
always been about drawing us near to Him. His nature
is to bless, give, love, forgive, etc... and His dream
has always been to take us into His family; His Royal

You can discover more about John, Amy, their

ministry, and other materials on their site Thriving
Be sure to check out their other books Papas Living
Room and Gods Orchestra on their site as well.

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