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Definition or Meaning important in PTE

A advocacy means public support or recommendation of a particular policy or cause / the profession or work of a legal advocate
arousal means feeling excited or sexually excited
autonomously means Government or independent self-governing or growning naturally
austere means strict or severe
accuse means charge with an offence. For Instance : he was accused for murdering his wife's lover
autonomy means independence or freedom from external control or right of self-government
adaptations means process of being adopted or stage play / drama that has been adapted from written book

B bias means a particular tendency, trend

bigotry means intolerance towards those who hold different opinions. For instance discrimination, injustice.
bilingualism means the ability to speak two languages fluently
bio-energy means a renewable energy produced by living organisms. For instance : Energy consumed from the waste of wood, sugarcane etc
breed means to produce or to produce by mating. For instance endangered animals in zoo are breeded.
benevolent means good nature person ; kind hearted ; kind
bizarre means very strange or unusual

C captivity means period of being held or imprisoned, enslaved

clergy means pandit or the group or body of ordained persons in a religion
cloak means a sleeveless outdoor overgarment that hangs loosely from the shoulders.
clone means organism or cell
coalition means a temporary alliance (partnership) for combined action, especially for political parties forming a government.
cognitive means mental performance or memory, judgement or perceptions, the act or process of knowing;
colossal means huge or extraordinarily great in size, extent or degree
combat means oppose or to fight against. For Instance to oppose fight or war.
commemorating means to serve as a memorial. For Instance to commemorates the dead by a moment of silence.
companion means person accompany in job for long time
compelling means having a powerful and irresistible effect.
consensus means majority of opinion. For Instance : The consensus of the group was that they should meet twice a month.
conservation means the act of conserving; prevention of injury, waste or loss
conviction means a fixed or firm belief
corporal punishment means physical punishment
coveted means to desire wrongfully, to covet another's property (eg : He won the prize they all coveted)
curbing means the material forming a curb, as along a street. Curb means joined stones or concrete - along a street
cult means a system of religious veneration and devotion directed towards a particular figure or object.
clandestinely or clandestine means secretly or secret
contingent means conditions
cite means praise in an official report for courageous act

D delinquency means minor crime or crime committed by young people

demise means a person's death
depicit means to represent by or as if by painting
deprived means lack of necessity of life. For eg lack of food or shelter
deterrent means discourage. Deter means discourage or serving to deter.
disparity means lack of similarity or inequality
dogmatism means dogmatic character, unfounded positiveness in matters of opinions or arrogant
dramatic means highly effective or relating to the drama
drawl means to speak or say in slow manner, usually prolonging the vowels
deceive or deceiving means give someone a wrong impression or mistaken impression
deflate or deflated means suddenly loose confidence or feel dispirited

E enactment means a single provision of law or something that is enacted; a law or statute.
escalate means to increase in intensity. For example a time when prices escalate
ethanol means systematic name of ethyl alcohol. For eg: Alcohol
evolve means to develop gradually
exhibits means to offer or to expose to view (for instance display/exhibits the latest models of car)
expedition means journey or voyage for specific purpose
expel means force out or to cut off from membership or relations (for eg : to expel a student from college)
extinct means no longer in existence / use or obselete or died out
explicit means stated clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt

F flawed means fundamental weakness or imperfect

forbidden means not allowed or prohibited
foreboding means a prediction or a strong inner feeling or notion of future misfortune /evil

G genre means a class or category of artistic endeavor having a particular form or technique

H hackles means anger. For eg erectible hairs grows on animals when it is angry or alarmed.
homogeneous means similar or alike
habitat means the natural home or environment of an animal, plant, or other organism

I impede means progress by means of obstacles or hindrances

implicitly means implied or involved in it
incidence means the rate or range of occurrence. For Instance the high incidence of heart disease in men over 40.
indictment means a formal charge or accusation of a serious crime. For eg : a indictment of twelve people who had imported cocaine.
inevitable means unavoidable
infliction means something unpleasant or painful on someone
intellectual autonomy means to make decisions about your life or internal motivation based on ideal of thinking one-self;
intriguing means to arouse the curosity
indispensable means absolute necessary or essential, crucial
infer or inferred means conclude from evidence or come to the conclusion
insistence means the fact or quality of insisting that something is the case or should be done. Eg : Alison's insistence on doing the washing-up straight af

J juxtaposition means Contrast / the fact of two things being seen or placed close together with contrasting effect

L lingering means lasting for a long time or slow to end

M marred means to damage or spoil to a certain extent

mates means a partner in marriage; spouse or one of a pair
microbes means bacteria
mimiking means to imitate or copy
multilingual means able to speak several or many languages with some facility.
mundane means lacking interest or lacking excitement
myths means traditional story / a widely held but false belief or idea
mutation means alteration or change
meagre means lacking in quantity or quality

N nostalgia means a desire to return in thought or former time or homeland

novices means person who is new to the circumstances or work etc

O Oppressed means subject to harsh treatment; for eg oppressed racial minorities

organism means individual, animal, plant or creature
ornate means highly decorated or using unusual word and complex construction

P persecution means hositility and ill-treatment because of race or religion belief or political
propensity means natural tendency to behave in a certain way
prey means animal that is hunted and killed by another for food

Q quest means to search - in order to obtain something. For instance quest for knowledge.

R reaquainting means to make more or less familiar or aware of something

regress means return to a former or less developed state.
reluctant means unwilling or struggling in opposition
renactment means A renactment is the action of performaning a new version of an old event, usually in a theatrical performance.
resistence means unaffected by
revealed means to make known; to disclose or to reveal a secret.
reverie means a state of imagining or thinking about pleasant things (if u r dreaming)
rigour or rigor means strictness, harshness - as in dealing with people
rodent means mammals like mice, squirrel,beavers etc
rumbling means a continuous deep, resonant sound
restrained means guarded or unemotional For instance : restrained by law
relinquish means give up
repent or repented means sincere regret
requiem means especially in Roman catholic church, a mass for reopose of souls of the dead.

S seldom means not often; rarely

serum means immune serum ( i think syrup as medicine)
Solace means comfort
spanking means slapping
spectator means the person who looks on or watches For Instance person who watch match or soccer
steadfast means fixed in direction or firm in purpose
subvert means to overthrow
succeeded spelling succeeded. There are 2 cc and 2 ee's
surge means a strong, forward movement. For eg : Company growth will surge between 2019 & 2014.
surgery simulator means computer technology surgery - generally for practice for doctors
susceptible means capable of being affected emotionally. For Instance sharks may be more susceptible to changes in local marine
settlement means an official agreement intended to resolve the issue
sergeant means a non-commisioned officer in air force or army. England : a police officer below an inspector
stoked means excited or euphoric
semen means the male reproductive fluid or sperm
stalk means pursue or approach stealthily. For eg: a cat stalking a bird.
sprawl means stretch out or lie down; sit, lie, or fall with one's arms and legs spread out in an ungainly way
sceptical means doubtful or not easily convinced

T trait means a distinguishing quality or characteristics, typically one belonging to a person

triumphs means a significant success or victory
tyrant means cruel
U unveiled means not hidden by or revealed to public knowledge
utopian means idealistic or aiming for a state that everything is perfect

V Vent means the release or expression to strong emotion, energy. For Instance: Children give vent to their anger in various ways.
Vicarious means experienced in the imagination through the feelings or actions of another person. eg: watching sports gives vicarious pleasure
Verve means enthusiasm or spirit

W Wisdom means having experience, knowledge; the quality of being wise

wood, sugarcane etc



orted cocaine.

n doing the washing-up straight after the meal"

various ways.
ing sports gives vicarious pleasure.
Time table pte

26 - tue - pte 1 books + np + listng Done

27 - wed - pte 2 book + np + listng

28 - thur - pte2 book + np + lstng
29 - fri - pte2 book + np + lstng

30 - sat - reading + np + lsng

(Book 1 + book2 + ielts)
31 - sun -as above
(Book 1 + book2 + ielts)
1 - mon - reading + website

2 - tues - writing - np + lsng

3 - wed - writing + np + lsng
4 - thurs - writing + website

5 - fri -lstng + np
6 - sat - lstng + np
7- sun -as above + website

8 - mon -reading + np + lsng

9 - tues -reading + np + lsng
10 - wed - as above + website

11 - thurs -online exam rev (mock test)

12 - fri - online exam rev (mock test)

13 - sat - revision reading + writing

14 - sun -revision listening + speaking

15 exam - Jai Mata Di

Questions Answers
1 What do we call a period of 10 years ? Decade
2 What do we call a period of 100 years ? Century
3 What do we call a period of 1000 years ? Millenium
4 A specialist who repairs leaking water pipes is called as ? Plumber
5 What is a painting of person head usually called ? Portrait
6 Where would you find an urban area: in a city or in the countryside ? a city
7 What do we call it when the Moon completely blocks out the light from the Sun ? A Solar Eclipse
8 What point of compass is directly opposite to East ? West
9 Where do you pay for your purchases at a supermarket ? Till or checkout
10 What do you call an apartment that is below ground level: a basement apartment or a penthouse Basement apartment
11 What feature do pianos and computers have in common ? Keyboard
12 If you are feeling fed up, is it a positive or negative feeling ? Negative feeling
13 What emergency service is usually called when someone is in trouble at sea : ambulance or coastguard ? Coastguard
14 Name a month that falls between April and June ? May
15 What word describes moving a program or other material from a website to your computer ? Downloading
16 What do we call a picture that a doctor takes to see inside your body ? X-ray
17 A famous canal links the Mediteranean sea with the Indian Ocean. Is it the Corindth or the Suez Canal ? Suez Canal
18 What crime has someone stealing items from a shop commited: shopfitting or shoplifting ? Shop Lifting
19 If someone is feeling a little ill, they may say they are feeling "under the __________" what ? Weather
20 Who is the person in charge of a footbal match ? Refree
21 What do we call the last game in a sporting competition, which decide the champion ? Finals
22 What is the general term of paintaings of the countryside or natural views ? Landscape
23 Which of these would probably be found in an office : a printer, a blanket or a nail brush ? a printer
24 Where would you store meat you wish to keep frozen at home ? Freezer
25 What is the most important document you would have to show if you wanted to hire a car ? Drivers Licence
26 Where would you go to work out on a treadmill ? Gym
27 What piece of equipment would you use to go diving in the sea, an aqualung or an aquaplane ? aqualung
28 What piece of equipment would you use for floating on the sea ? Aquaplane
29 Where would you most likely go to buy some flour; a bakery, a florist or a supermarket ? A Supermarket
30 Which hospital deparment would you go to for an x-ray : radiology or cardiology ? Radiology
31 Where would you go to see an exhibition of sculpure ? Art gallery or Museum
32 Would you measure the volume of bottle water in liters or Kilos ? Litres
33 What's the joint called where your hand is connected to your arm ? Wrist
34 What do you call a system of government in which people vote for the people who will represent them ? Democracy
35 What do we call the piece of paper that proves you have bought the item ? Receipt
36 What do you call the document that gives details about your qualifications and work experience ? Curriculum Vitae or Resume
37 How would you describe an economy based largely on farming ? Agricultural or Rural
38 What is the study of stars and planets called ? Astronomy
39 In business and advertising what does PR stand for ? Public Relations
40 Which section of a Newspapers gives the editor's opinion ? editorial
41 What instrument would you use to examine very small objects or life forms ? Microscope
42 What is a destructive program that spreads from computer to computer ? Virus
43 What term is used for animals such as humans that ususally give birth to live young : mammals or reptiles ? Mammals
44 What is the quickest way of traveling from Hongkong to Paris ? by plane
45 What is the name for the huge natural body that orbits the sun ? A planet
46 What can be added to the drink to cool it down on hot day ? Ice
47 What special document do most people travelling from one country to another carry ? Passport
48 What kind of equipment is used to protect motorbike rider's brain from injury ? a Helmet
49 What is the last thing to do when baking a cake ? cook it in the oven
50 Would you go to the pharmacy or surgery to get a prescription filled after visiting a doctor ? a pharmacy
51 There are two main way to pay in shop, one by cash and other by ? Credit Card
52 How many days are in a leap year ? 366
53 To improve their health and fitness, most people either try to improve their diet or ? do more physical exercise
54 Would it be better to use kilometres or kilograms to measure the distance between two cities ? Kilometres
55 The large island just off the coast of mainland Europe is home to which country ? The United Kingdom
56 Would it be better to go jogging at noon, or in early morning, if you wanted to avoid hottest part of the day ? early morning
57 In which century did the automobile manufacture in large scale ? 20th Century
58 Name the country located in North america ? United States
59 Some calender begin the week on Sunday. What is the other day which commonly start as week ? Monday
60 Where would you see the exhibits of dinasours ? A Museum
61 Which country is in the southern hemisphere, Canada or Australia ? Australia
62 In which season people will be least likely to go skiing ? In summer
63 Which of these was last to be explored, Himalayas, the moon or Australia ? the moon
64 Would letter or email would be the fastest way to get a message to your professor ? Email
65 Jane and Peter have 3 children. They are 4, 13 & 15 years old. They only have one son, who is their youngest 13 years old
child. How old is their middle child ?
66 Which would be better to report the population of a major global city - hundred, millions or billions Millions
67 This work is due for submission, one month from 15th June, on what date it be submitted ? 15th July
68 Who would you consult to treat a fear of crowded places, a philosoper or psychologist ? a pscyhologist
69 How would most people travel to work each day, in big cities like Hong Kong, Tokyo and New York ? by public transportation
70 Would a supermarket, a cafe or book store probably have the widest range of products available ? a supermarket
71 In which room of their home would would someone usually wash their clothes ? in the bathroom
72 Despite all the advances in equality between the sexes, would more men or women play professional football ? more men
73 Which major branch of science deals with classification of human beings ? biology
74 In most university courses there are two ways of being assessed, one is orally, the other is through written assignments
75 Name the month that falls between September and November ? October
76 Would a town, city or village probably cover the largest area ? a city
77 Which of these would probably be found in most homes around the world, a computer, a bed or a tv ? a bed
78 What does the main difference between the wrist watch and a clock relate to ? their relative sizes
79 Which section of the train timetable will tell you, what time the train leaves ? Departures
80 What do we call the list of steps, which tell you to put something together ? Instructions
81 What do we call the meeting, where an employer ask potential employee questions about their work experience ? Interview
82 What desk you go to when you first arrive to the hotel ? Reception or Check in desk
83 What is the job title, someone who designs building Architect
84 What term is used for the amount you pay to landlord, for living in his house or appartment ? Rent
85 What do we call a first meal of the day ? Breakfast
86 What word is used for someone who watches the sport event ? Spectator
87 What object will you use to climb up to the roof of the house ? Ladder
88 If you dont feel like eating, what do we say you dont have ? apetite
89 What do we call the organ in our chest, we need to breath ? Lungs
90 If someone lives in the urban areas, where do they live ? in city
91 What does the king or queen wear on their head on official ceremonies ? Crown
92 What do we call the book with list of words, with their meanings ? Dictionary
93 What is the source of solar energy ? Sun
94 When the writer of the book is unknown, what word we use for the writer ? anonymous
95 What do we called a company or organisation that gives money to sports event in exchange of advertising Sponsorship
96 What do we called a study of living things ? biology
97 What a winter, spring, summer and autumn ? Season
98 What is the collective terms for cows and bulls, specially on the farm ? Cattle
99 Is something is not expensive, what do we say it is ? Cheap
100 What a people wear, if they can't see very well ? Glassess or Lens
101 If something such as fabric or medicine is artificially made, what do we say it is ? Synthetic
102 What type of food is an apple ? Fruit
103 How many months are in a year ? twelve
104 What is the oppset of East ? West
105 When ice is in the room temprature, what does it become ? Water or liquid
106 Which sweet food is produced by bees ? Honey
107 Where can people go to borrow books ? Library
108 Who serve food in a restaurant ? Waiter or Waitress
109 What is the word in geometry, for shape has three sides ? Triangle
110 What do we call the alphabetical list, at the end of the book, that tells you where to find specific information ? Index
111 What is the word for the place, where rivers start ? Source
112 Who is the main journalist responsible for producing newspaper or magazine ? Editor
113 A business does not want to make a loss ? What does it want to make ? Profit
114 What is the economic sector that deals with the farming ? Agricultural sector
115 What do you call a very long essay, that student have to write for doctor degree ? Thesis or disertation
116 What is the word for period of 100 years ? Century
117 At what ceremony, the students receive their degree or diploma at end of their study ? Graduation
118 What do we call the date, the piece of work must be finish by ? Deadline or Due date
119 If telescope is used for far distant object, what instrument is employed for miniscule objects ? Microscope
120 A list of events placed in time order, is usually describe as what ? a chronology / a timeline
121 A manufacturing process releases noxious gases. What is the most important safety measures for workers at this ensuring good ventilation
plant - ensuring good ventilation or appropriate footwear ?
122 What kind of punishment is less severe, an imprisonment or community service ? community service
123 In a figure of hexagonal, how many sides does it have ? six
124 What key minerals makes sea water different from fress water ? salt
125 Which is a longest, a decade, a millenium or a century? Millenium
126 How many sides are there in a bilateral agreement ? two
127 What organs do cardiologist specialist in ? Heart
128 In the animal kingdom, the purpose of camouflage to attract a mate, to find food or to hide ? to hide
129 How do we weight butterfly ? I think it is grams
130 What Dermatology specialized in ? Skin - Baldness & Hair
132 What is Hematology relates to ? blood test
133 What is Orthopaedic relates to ? Joints, Knee, bones
134 What is term Neuro-Psych ? brain injury or mental health
135 What is term Immunology ? Immune related, HIV/AIDS
136 What is term Otolaryngology ? ENT, Ear - Nose & Throat
137 What are senses
138 What is recession ? Downfall in economy, nation wealth etc Downfall in economy
139 Increase in iron, good or bad for health ?
140 What is Ophthalmologist specialist in ? perform eye operations


or Resume


ck in desk

ental health
& Throat




1 Summarize spoken text
2 Multiple choice - multiple answers
3 Fill in the blanks
4 Highlight correct summary
5 multiple choice - single answer
6 select missing word
7 Highlight incorrect word
8 Write from dictation
50 - 70 words
select any 2 answers minimum
fill the blanks - easy
select one correct summary
select one correct summary
beep at the end - replace with word
select incorrect word
type the same sentence
write down as you hear in the computer
write down as you hear
stay focused. Listen word with or without 's' (plural or singular)
write down as you hear
easy, listen till end.
listen carefully at the end. If u see the question they will mention what the topic is about. For Insta
speak slowly while listen and stay focused
all recheck your sentence, if it make sense. Specially first word
e topic is about. For Instance archaeological

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