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December 2016 - January 2017

JRS MABAN NEWSLETTER | December 2016 - January 2017

Peace is not something you wish
for; its something you make,
something you do, something
you are and something you give
away. J. Lennon
Things in Maban were going
quite fine until Christmas day,
when fighting broke out around
Doro refugee camp between
armed elements of the local
community (Maban Defen-ce
Forces) and armed elements of
the refugee community (SPLA-N).
2016 JRS Closing Ceremonies
Most women and children started The Computer Courses are designed according to the In-
fleeing the shootings and large ternational Computers Driving License (ICDL) guidelines and
number of families became dis- aim to develop the trainees in Information and Communica-
placed once more. Around one
tion Technology skills. During 2016 the Computer Courses
third of our staff were displaced
covered exclusively Base Modules which consists on Computer
and up to now have not been
Essentials, Word Processing, Excel spreadsheet and Presenta-
able to go back home. Unarmed
civilans from both sides were tar- tions. 58 students out of 100 passed the post-training test and
geted and the accurate figure is were promoted to the next level.
still unclear, though some reports
speak of 30 people killed. Fear
and suspicion is still high be-
tween the refugee and the host
The situation is slowly improving.
Meettings between members of
the Peace and Reconciliation
Committee are currently held and
chaired by UNHCR.
We pray to have eyes that see the
best in people, a voice that de-
nounces violence as a way of re- 140 children who attended classes in Gulawein Nursery
solving disputes, a mind that for- School celebrated with their families the end of the academic
gets the bad, a heart that forgives year. During the closing ceremony they recited short poems
the worst, and a soul that never
loses faith in peace.

Jesuit Refugee Service - Maban - South Sudan - Newsletter December 2016 - January 2017 1
and performed lively dances and joyful songs. Relatives and com-
Gulawein Nursery munity members were amazed at their progress in English language.
It is fantastic to see how our
kindergarten pupils keep obser-
ving with curiosity and amaze-
ment the evolution of their new
classroom. Very soon we will in-
augurate the new space. We are
eager to celebrate it together!

Clashes between the government army and armed opposition forces

still force local population to flee their homes seeking protection
and safety. In Maban County, thousands of conflict-displaced people
experienced deteriorating humanitarian conditions. Among them,
307 Internally Displaced children who attended lessons in our
Temporary Learning Space in Hura celebrated with hope the
precious gift of education.

In 2016 our English Courses on the competencies of the Com-

mon European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)
were attended by 664 students. During the graduation ceremony
songs and dramas were performed to celebrate their improvement
on English Language skills. Local authorities and government o-
cers encouraged students to engage themselves in the work for
peace and reconciliation.

Jesuit Refugee Service - Maban - South Sudan - Newsletter December 2016 - January 2017 2
Christmas in CelebratingInternational Dayof Persons
Maban living withDisabilities
Since we arrived in Maban "Let us work together for the full and equal participation of persons with dis-
it never fails to impress us abilities in an inclusive and sustainable world that embraces humanity in all its
how refugees and dis- diversity.
placed people are able to
This quote by the former UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon re-
offer themselves kindness
sumes the spirit of the celebration on 3 December in Doro refugee
and courage in the midst
of an environment that too
often leads to discourage- Since 1992, Disability Day has been promoted by the United Nations
ment and despair. Their life to encourage a better understan-ding of people aected by a disability
is threatened in many ways, which is especially important in our context.
but nonetheless, they
choose to remain open to The speeches given by the amputees representative and by the coor-
kindness and tenderness dinator of the parent support groups helped us be more aware of the
rather than to lock them- rights, dignity and welfare of disabled people. They also raised aware-
selves in their misfortune. ness about the benefits of integrating disabled persons into every as-
What is it, that in the face pect of life, from economic, to political, to social and cultural.
of the threat of our own Participants enjoyed the traditional dances by the dierent communi-
lives, we opt to offer the
ties as well as the entertainment provided by JRS Music and Acrobatic
best to others, we strive to
Club. Some mothers expressed their gratitude for the activities oered
avoid their suffering and
we want to share with them
in our Day Care center.
the pleasure of the simple We celebrated that people living with disabilities are vibrant members
things of life? of society and we enjoyed a wonderful day breaking down disability
The gesture of our bro- barriers and celebrating abilities.
thers and sisters is a beam
of light in the darkness. Basic Counseling training
And so they express it
Between November and December 2016, JRS conducted its third 8-
every Christmas: decorat-
week basic counseling training for 40 participants, this time, adressed
ing their homes with shiny
to members of the host community. The aim is to train Youth and em-
colors (see picture in page
4). Their hope and ours is power them to transfer the knowledge to the community, to be active
to decide to live in love. actors in problem resolution and to support each other to face daily

Jesuit Refugee Service - Maban - South Sudan - Newsletter December 2016 - January 2017 3
Our Staff:Joseph Benson
Why did you decide to join JRS Maban?
Im a professional teacher and JRS mission
has attracted my interest. I like our educa-
tion programs that aim at modifying peo-
ples lives by promoting the future of the
young generation. I also like the psychoso-
cial activities we run that aim at restoring
peoples lives and empowering them to
forget their vulnerability.
What do you enjoy most about your work
with the tutors?
Besides, the training gave them skills to explore inside
I enjoy the way my team mates build rela- themselves and to improve the well being of the commu-
tionship among themselves and their hard
nity members, creating an opportunity to improve com-
working and effective teaching.
munity life and contributing to develop an environment of
And what part of your job is the most chal- peace and community developement. It also provided a
lenging? feeling of positive change and productive life. As the
The internal conflicts within the communi- places are limited and the requests to join are high, we will
ties that at times stop us from operating continue conducting more basic counseling trainings to
our activities, thus letting some of the to- empower the youth in both communities. Dorothy Agoe
pics uncovered delaying our programs. and Jeremiah Adam
Can you share with us a special moment
you lived in the camp?
Christmas in Maban
In some special moments we used to prac-
tice music, dramas on peace violation, do-
mestic violence, professional and unpro-
fessional teaching, guidance and counse-
How did you live this security incident dur-
ing Christmas?
It was on 25th of December 2017. I came
for prayers leaving all my belongings in
Doro where I was trying to spend my leave.
All my properties were stolen and I sur-
vived in JRS compound.

JRS opening peoples eyes.

Jesuit Refugee Service - Maban - South Sudan - Newsletter December 2016 - January 2017 4

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