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Propagation scenarios

MIMO System The Complex Baseband Linear Model

MIMO channel
s1 n1

s1 h22 r1
s2 r2 Space-time
Encoder Decoder

(TX) sN
hMN n2

r r1 rM C M

s s1 s N C
n n1 nM C M

MIMO fundamentals
Propagation scenarios

Fading Channel MIMO System

Channel Gain between Tx antenna n and Rx antenna m is the random complex scalar

h11 ... h1N

Matrix channel H ... ... ... C NM H changes with time: H = H(t)
hM 1 ... hMN
The input-output relationship is the same

r1 h11 ... h1N s1 n1

... ... ... r H s n

rM hM 1 ... hMN s N nM

but the fading channel is now a random process that should be estimated

MIMO fundamentals
Propagation scenarios

Classical models for the analysis of fading MIMO channels

H has independent complex zero-mean Gaussian elements (HW, ZMSW model).

Independent, identically distributed Rayleigh fading

Presence of a LOS component

Independent Ricean fading

1 1

MIMO fundamentals
Propagation scenarios

Classical models for the analysis of fading MIMO channels

Fast fading / Block fading / Quasi-static fading

Channel knowledge (CSI / CDI) at the transmitter / receiver

CSIR - perfect channel knowledge at the receiver

CSIT - perfect channel knowledge at the transmitter
CDIR - perfect knowledge of the channel distribution at the receiver
CDIT - perfect knowledge of the channel distribution at the transmitter

MIMO fundamentals
Ergodic Capacity and Outage Capacity 1/10

The Shannon formula capacity : from fixed to random channel coefficients

Ergodic and outage capacity

Matrix Q and capacity C are random variables, as H is random

HH H , M N
H H , M N

Ergodic capacity is the average achievable spectral efficiency

C E H C (H )

It describes the long-term behaviour of MIMO channel, assuming coding over large
number of blocks, each one experiencing a different channel matrix H.

MIMO fundamentals
Ergodic Capacity and Outage Capacity 2/10

The Shannon formula capacity: from fixed to random channel coefficients

Ergodic and outage capacity

Ergodic capacity describes the long-term behaviour of the channel. The probability
of error , arbitrarily small, is not guaranteed for a single realization of fading.

The p-percentage outage capacity COUT,p is defined as the rate that can be supported
by (100 - p)% of the fading realizations.

Outage probability describes the short-term behaviour of the channel (namely w.r.t
a channel that is slow or quasi-static )

MIMO fundamentals
Ergodic Capacity and Outage Capacity 3/10

The Shannon formula capacity : from fixed to random channel coefficients

Fast fading channel: entries change randomly CSIR,

at the beginning of each symbol interval T and
are constant during one symbol interval. No CSIT / CDIT

Ergodic capacity
Block fading channel: entries are random and
are constant during a fixed number of symbol CSIR, CSIT
intervals, which is much shorter than the total
transmission duration.

Slow fading channel: entries are random and

are constant during the total transmission Outage capacity CSIR, CSIT

MIMO fundamentals
Ergodic Capacity and Outage Capacity 4/10

Ergodic capacity

No CSIT C EH W log 2 det I m HH
N 2

C E max EH W log 2 det I m 1 2 H S ( ) H H
S ( ):tr ( S ( )) P

C EH max W log 2 det I m 1 2 H S ( H ) H H
S ( H ):tr ( S ( H )) P

S = input covariance matrix = E[s sH]

MIMO fundamentals
Ergodic Capacity and Outage Capacity 5/10

Ergodic capacity for HW

For rich scattering and sufficient antenna spacing the channel entries can be
assumed Gaussian i.i.d. (central limit theorem).

HW mn ~ CN (0,1)
E H W mn 0, E H W mm 1

E H W mn H W m 'n ' 0 for m m' n n'


The optimal transmission strategy with CDIT is S IM

MIMO fundamentals
Ergodic Capacity and Outage Capacity 6/10

Ergodic capacity for HW

CSIR, No CSIT / CDIT asymptotic results no. Rx Antennas

M, N fixed, SNR C min( M , N ) W log 2 2

SISO Capacity

M, SNR fixed, N C M W log 2 1 2

SISO capacity
SNR fixed, M = N C min( M , N ) W log 2 1 2

MIMO fundamentals
Ergodic Capacity and Outage Capacity 7/10

Ergodic capacity for HW

CSIR, CSIT asymptotic results

Generally larger than the case CDIT but with the same multiplexing gain, namely min
(M, N). Hence we have only a power gain.

It is important to observe that CSIT > CDIT mostly at low SNRs and, at all SNRs,
when N > M.

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Ergodic Capacity and Outage Capacity 8/10

Ergodic capacity for HW

Normalized ergodic capacity (i.e. divided by n = N = M)

for Rayleigh MIMO channel [1].

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Ergodic capacity for HW

Ergodic capacity for SNR = 25 dB (M = 4, 8) [1].

MIMO fundamentals
Ergodic Capacity and Outage Capacity 10/10

Ergodic capacity for HW

Ergodic capacity (M = N = 8) [1].

MIMO fundamentals

[1] B. Vucetic, J. Yuan, Space-Time Coding, John Wiley & Sons, 2003.
[2] C. Oestges, B. Clerckx, MIMO Wireless Communications. From real-world propagation to space
time code design, Elsevier, 2007.
[3] G. Tsoulos, MIMO System Technology for Wireless Communications, CRC Press, 2007.
[4] J. Mietzner, R. Schober, L. Lampe, W.H. Gerstacker, P.A. Hoeher, "Multiple-antenna techniques for
wireless communications - a comprehensive literature survey," IEEE Communications Surveys &
Tutorials, vol.11, no.2, pp.87-105, 2009.
[5] G. J. Foschini , M. J. Gans, On limits of wireless communications in a fading environment when using
multiple antennas, Wireless Personal Communications, Springer, 1998.
[6] A.J. Paulray, D.A. Gore, R.U. Nabar, H. Bolcskei, "An overview of MIMO communications - a key to
gigabit wireless," Proceedings of the IEEE, vol.92, no.2, pp. 198- 218, Feb. 2004.
[7] 3GPP TR 25.996, Spatial channel model for Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) simulations.

MIMO fundamentals


1. Diversity vs. multiplexing trade-off

2. Maximum likelihood decoder

3. Integration with FEC temporal codes

4. Diversity: space time encoders and decoders

5. MIMO encoders and decoders

[Presentation for internal use only]

MIMO fundamentals
Diversity vs. multiplexing trade-off

Diversity gain

Asymptotically we have

For a MIMO (N x M) dMAX = N M

Multiplexing gain

For a MIMO (N x M) rMAX = min(N, M)

MIMO fundamentals
Diversity vs. multiplexing trade-off

Trade-off d vs. r

It can be proved that the

flexible trade-off for HW
between d and r is the piece-
wise linear curve:

d(r) = (M-r)(N-r)


Trade-off d vs. r [4]

MIMO fundamentals
Maximum likelihood decoder

The space time encoder R 1

MIMO channel
s1 n1

s1 h22 y1
s2 y2 Space-time
Encoder Decoder

(TX) sN
hMN n2

y y1 yM C M

s s1 s N C
n n1 nM C M

MIMO fundamentals
Maximum likelihood decoder

The ML space time decoder

Performs vector decoding and it is the optimal receiver.

For equally likely, temporally uncoded transmit symbols, we have


It has exponential complexity since the exhaustive search should be made over 2 qN S

MIMO fundamentals
Maximum likelihood decoder

ML detection: possible when a linear transformation allows the receiver to operate as a

symbol-by-symbol detector

- Orthogonal STC, STTC without CSIT for diversity

- SVD precoding with CSIT for spatial multiplexing

Sub-optimal implementations

- No CSIT for spatial multiplexing

MIMO fundamentals
Integration with FEC temporal codes

Coding and interleaving architecture:

standard encoding + spatio (antenna) temporal code

bits symbols
Code + Interleaver + Space Time Coding to the
symbol mapping antennas

Objectives: diversity order and/or spatial multiplexing

Layered space time codes

Horizontal encoding
Vertical encoding
Diagonal encoding

MIMO fundamentals
Integration with FEC temporal codes

Horizontal encoding

N / NT
qK / NT Code + Interleaver +
symbol mapping

qK bits 1:NT . .
Code + Interleaver +
symbol mapping

- Each information symbol is transmitted over only one antenna

- Potential diversity order equal to MR
- No transmit diversity

MIMO fundamentals
Integration with FEC temporal codes

Vertical encoding

N / NT
qK bits Code + Interleaver + symbols .
symbol mapping Demultiplex

- Information symbols are spread across antennas

- Full rate (MT) and full diversity (MT MR)
- Increased receiver complexity [7]

MIMO fundamentals
Integration with FEC temporal codes

Diagonal encoding

N / NT
qK / NT Code + Interleaver +
symbol mapping
bits 1:NT Stream .
Demultiplex rotator .

Code + Interleaver +
symbol mapping

- Incoming stream is horizontally encoded and split into frames

- Full rate (MT) and full diversity (MT MR)

Frames are rotated on all antennas periodically (see page on D-BLAST, [6]).

MIMO fundamentals
Diversity: space time encoders and decoders 1/1


Linear receivers + ML symbol decoder

Trellis receivers

Turbo decoders

MIMO fundamentals
MIMO encoders and decoders 1/8


Linear Detection (ZF / MMSE)

Space equalizers
Decision-Feedback Detection
Interference cancellation

Tree search detection (SD)

Lattice reduction

Iterative receivers

Linear precoding + CSIT

MIMO fundamentals
MIMO encoders and decoders 2/8

Decision-Feedback Detection
Successive cancellation receivers
Successive interference cancellators (SIC)

Estimate Decode
k-th stream (all the k-th stream
- others are noise)

k-th stream

MIMO fundamentals
MIMO encoders and decoders 3/8

Decision-Feedback Detection

Two main examples:

- BLAST (Ordered interference cancellation)

- QRD-based detection

MIMO fundamentals
MIMO encoders and decoders 4/8

D-BLAST receiver (Diagonal-Bell Labs Layered Space Time) [6]

a b c d a b c d a
Antennas (space)

a b c d a b c d

a b c d a b c

interference a b c d a b

Code blocks (time)

Algorithm outline:
1. Detect each diagonal (a, b, )
2. Subtract detected diagonal from the other signal
3. Repeat

MIMO fundamentals
MIMO encoders and decoders 5/8

V-BLAST receiver

At each stage the stream with the highest SNR is decoded.

Algorithm outline:

1. Compute SNR on all the streams

2. Choose the stream with highest SNR

3. Perform filtering, slicing and cancellation

4. Repeat with updated channel matrix until all streams are decoded


MIMO fundamentals
MIMO encoders and decoders 6/8

Linear precoding

Needs CSIT at the transmitter

CSIT acquisition techniques:

[feedback channel, overhead]

Channel update: models.

Linear precoding provides performance gain particularly at low SNRs.

MIMO fundamentals
MIMO encoders and decoders 7/8

Linear precoding


Capacity of 4 2 Rayleigh fading channels [9]

MIMO fundamentals

[1] B. Vucetic, J. Yuan, Space-Time Coding, John Wiley & Sons, 2003.
[2] G. Tsoulos, MIMO System Technology for Wireless Communications, CRC Press, 2007.
[3] A. Paulraj, R. Nabar, D. Gore, Introduction to Space-Time Wireless Communications, Cambridge
University Press, 2003.
[4] L. Zheng, D. N. C. Tse, Diversity and Multiplexing: A Fundamental Tradeoff in Multiple-Antenna
Channels, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, Vol. 49, No. 5, May 2003.
[5] H. Jafarkhani, Space--Time Coding:Theory and Practice, 1st ed., Cambridge University Press, 2005.
[6] G.J. Foschini, "Layered Space-Time Architecture for Wireless Communication in a Fading
Environment When Using Multi-Element Antennas". Bell Laboratories Technical Journal, pp. 4159,
[7] P.W. Wolniansky, G.J. Foschini, G.D. Golden, R.A. Valenzuela, "V-BLAST: an architecture for
realizing very high data rates over the rich-scattering wireless channel," 1998 URSI International
Symposium on Signals, Systems, and Electronics, 1998.
[8] M. Mohaisen, H. An, K. Chang, Detection Techniques for MIMO Multiplexing: A Comparative
Review, KSII Trans. on Internet and Information Systems, Vol. 3, No. 6, December 2009.
[9] M. Vu, A. Paulraj, MIMO Wireless Linear Precoding, IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Sept.

MIMO fundamentals

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