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Population Pyramid

of Ethiopia
Population: 98 million

Description/ Analysis of pyramid

the pyramid is same like other undeveloped countries.
still expanding
have high birth rate
Y base = more child
according to undevelovped country(high illiteracy), the
reproducting rate is increased

not enough opputunity for people to get a job.
- number of poor people incresing.
after people didnt get much money, it causes low
growth rate of trading.

Significant past events

no birthcontrol policy in Etiopia
having less aging people cause by in 1980, starvation
in Ethiopia caused more than 1 million people died.

Future prediction/ problems

the angle of pyramid is a bit bend out but still in a
rapidly growth shape.
improve life expentacy
aging people have longer-live becase of having better
health care.
most people dont know much about birth control.
not enough resources due to high population.
poor quality of supply such as dirty water.
government do not begin afforestation after people
destroy the forest alot.

Social/economic issue
due to having high birth rate, strong young work
might help the economy.

Jammy, Jaa, Amm, Pleng, Tongta

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