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WHAP Bradley -Mid-Term Exam 2016-2017

Time-55 minutes 70 Questions
Directions: Each of the questions or incomplete statements below is followed by
four suggested answers or completions. Select the one that is best in each case and
then fill in the corresponding circle on the answer sheet.
Note: This exam uses the chronological designations B.C.E. (before the common
era) and C.E. (common era). These labels correspond to B.C. (before Christ) and
A.D. (anno Domini), which are used in some world history textbooks.

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Questions 4-6 refer to the chart below.

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7. Which of the following is NOT an accurate statement about Confucianism?

(A) The ethical system is primarily concerned with relationships.

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(B) Specific duties are tied to ones status in society.

(C) It prescribes the correct organization of the state to achieve the maximum benefits
for the most members of society.
(D) Only those who are devout and lead moral lives will be saved.

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Questions 11-14 refer to the map below.

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15. From the founding of each religion, Christians and Muslims shared a belief in

(A) the principle of separation of church and state

(B) the legal equality of men and women
(C) equality of opportunity
(D) a single omnipotent deity

Questions 16-19 refer to the excerpt below.

"The Chinese are all infidels: they worship images, and burn their dead just like the [Hindus]. The King of China is a
Tartar, and one of the descendants of [Ghenghis] Khan...In all the Chinese provinces, there is a town for the
[Muslims], and in this they reside. They also have cells, colleges, and mosques, and are made much of by the Kings
of China...

When we approached this city [of Hangzhou] we were met by its judge, the [elders] of Islamism, and the great
merchants. The [Muslims] are exceedingly numerous here. This whole city is surrounded by a wall: each of the six
[districts of Hangzhou] is also surrounded by a wall. In the first reside the guards, with their commander. I was told
that, in the muster-rolls, these amount to twelve thousand ...In the second division are the Jews, Christians, and the
Turks who worship the sun: these are numerous, their number is not known: and theirs is the most beautiful city.
Their streets are well disposed, and their great men are exceedingly wealthy. There are in the city a great number of
[Muslims], with some of whom I resided for fifteen days; and was treated most [honorably]..."

lbn Battuta, Voyages, 1332-1346 C.E.

16. The observations expressed in the excerpt are best seen as evidence for which of the following in Yuan China?

(A) Policies of religious toleration

(B) Instatement of foreigners as provincial administrators
(C) Mongol assimilation into Chinese culture
(D) Military pressures from internal unrest

17. Which of the following conclusions about the period 600 C.E.-1450 C.E. is most directly supported by the
(A) Long-distance contact between civilizations stagnated.
(B) New religious traditions overturned prior lasting religious beliefs.
(C) The empires of steppe nomads united trade links across Eurasia.
(D) Technological developments spread across trade routes.

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18.Which of the following changes to Chinese policies regarding trade occurred under the Ming Dynasty of China?

(A) The Chinese government restricted foreign merchants to specific sites in the coastal cities.
(B) The Chinese government monopolized the production and sale of key resources, such as salt and iron.
(C) The Chinese government endorsed Chinese merchants to conduct trade missions abroad.
(D) The Chinese government abandoned Confucian principles to allow merchants a greater participation in
local government.

19.Compared to the observations expressed in the excerpt, Mongol administration of its Russian domains in the
period 600 C.E. to 1450 C.E. differed in that it

(A) was only tolerant of Orthodox Christianity, while the Mongol administration in China favored many
religious traditions
(B) relied heavily on tribute from the Russian principalities, while the Mongol administration in China
emulated a centralized Chinese bureaucratic state
(C) was viewed favorably by its subjects, while the Mongol administration in China encountered immense
domestic unrest
(D) stimulated Russian export of trade goods to China, while the Mongol administration in China intentionally
curtailed Chinese economic activity

Questions 20-23 refer to the passage below.

"From the confines of Jerusalem and the city of Constantinople a horrible tale has gone forth and very
frequently has been brought to our ears, namely, that a race from the kingdom of the Persians, an accursed race, a
race utterly alienated from God, a generation forsooth which has not directed its heart and has not entrusted its spirit
to God, has invaded the lands of those Christians and has depopulated them by the sword, pillage and fire; it has led
away a part of the captives into its own country, and a part it has destroyed by cruel tortures; it has either entirely
destroyed the churches of God or appropriated them for the rites of its own religion ....The kingdom of the Greeks is
now dismembered by them and deprived of territory so vast in extent that it cannot be traversed in a march of two
months. On whom therefore is the labor of avenging these wrongs and of recovering this territory incumbent, if not
upon you? You, upon whom above other nations God has conferred remarkable glory in arms, great courage, bodily
activity, and strength to humble the hairy scalp of those who resist you.

Let the deeds of your ancestors move you and incite your minds to manly achievements; the glory and
greatness of king Charles the Great, and of his son Louis, and of your other kings, who have destroyed the kingdoms
of the pagans, and extended in these lands the territory of the holy church. Let the holy sepulcher of the Lord our
Savior, which is possessed by unclean nations, especially incite you, and the holy places which are now treated with
ignominy and irreverently polluted with their filthiness. Oh, most valiant soldiers and descendants of invincible
ancestors, be not degenerate, but recall the valor of your progenitors.

Jerusalem is the navel of the world; the land is fruitful above others, like another paradise of delights. This
the Redeemer of the human race has made illustrious by His advent, has beautified by residence, has consecrated by
suffering, has redeemed by death, has glorified by burial. This royal city, therefore, situated at the center of the
world, is now held captive by His enemies, and is in subjection to those who do not know God, to the worship of the
heathens. She seeks therefore and desires to be liberated and does not cease to implore you to come to her aid. From
you especially she asks succor, because, as we have already said, God has conferred upon you above all nations
great glory in arms. Accordingly undertake this journey for the remission of your sins, with the assurance of the
imperishable glory of the kingdom of heaven."

Pope Urban II, Speech at the Council of Clermont as recorded by Robert the Monk, 1095 C.E.

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20. The speech above is best understood in context of which of the following?

(A) The Mongol invasions of the Middle East

(B) The Protestant Reformation
(C) The Age of Discovery
(D) The Crusades

21. Urban II's discussion of Jerusalem in the third paragraph is best understood in the context of which of the

(A) Pilgrimages to centers of religious significance

(B) Eradication of heresies
(C) The reconstruction of trade routes
(D) Developments in religious art

22. Which of the following events most directly inspired Urban's invocation of Constantinople in the first

(A) The conquest of Constantinople by the armies of the Abbasid Caliphate

(B) The invasion of Anatolia by the Seljuk Turks
(C) The invasion of the Balkans by the Avars and Bulgars
(D) The conversion of the people of Constantinople to Catholic Christianity

23. Which of the following events was most directly the result of the speech presented above?

(A) The failure of any Christian campaign to reclaim the Levant

(B) The decline of Mediterranean trade routes
(C) The conquest of Constantinople by Latin Christians
(D) The decisive defeat of the Seljuk Turks by Byzantine forces

Questions 24-2 refer to the passage below.

"When the gods fashioned Gilgamesh*, to him they gave a perfect form. The glorious sun Shamash bestowed upon
him glory; Adad the terrible god of storms bestowed upon him courage. The great gods perfected his magnificence
beyond all others, terrible like the great wild bull. Two thirds god they made him; one third man they made him.

Of Uruk, its great rampart he built, and the wall of the sacred Eanna temple, the holy sanctuary. Behold the outer
walls which gleam with the brilliance of copper; see the inner wall which none might rival. Touch the threshold
stone-it is from ancient days. Goest thou into the Eanna temple, yea, the dwelling place of Ishtar, the like of which
no subsequent king or living man might equal. Ascend and walk about on the wall of Uruk, inspect the comer-stone,
and examine its brick-work, whether its wall is not made of burned brick, and its foundation laid by the Seven
Sages. One third for city, one third for garden, one third for field, and a precinct for the temple of Ishtar. These parts
and the precinct comprise Uruk."

The Epic of Gilgamesh, ca. 2100 B.C.E.

*Gilgamesh was a King of Uruk.

24. The description of Gilgamesh in the first paragraph of the passage most directly supports which of the following
statements about ancient leaders?

(A) Ancient leaders were valued for their mastery of complicated legal codes.
(B) Ancient leaders were expected to be experts of animal husbandry.
(C) Ancient leaders were given divine origins to bolster their legitimacy.
(D) Ancient leaders were not judged on their appearances.

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25. Which of the following statements about ancient cities is most supported by the discussion of Uruk in the second

(A) Ancient cities lacked effective fortifications against attack.

(B) Ancient cities featured areas for worshipping their patron deities.
(C) Ancient cities commonly decorated their temples in modest ways.
(D) Ancient cities featured areas for training their armies.

26. Which of the following best describes the origins of epic poetry such as the Epic of Gilgamesh?

(A) The rise of a literate class of scribes in cities who could record poems
(B) The rise of a merchant class in cities who could sponsor the creation of original art
(C) The rise of a religious caste dedicated to solely recording the deeds of God-Kings
(D) The rise of a warrior elite whose deeds were worthy of praise and recording

Base your answers to questions 27 and 28 on the model below and on your knowledge of social studies.

27. The activity portrayed in this model could be used as evidence to argue that Egyptians

(A) lived in settled communities

(B) relied on slash-and-burn technology
(C) practiced hunting
(D) engaged in foraging

28. An examination of this model would suggest that

(A) peasants are excluded from political activity

(B) this society lacks a social class system
(C) art can provide an understanding of history
(D) everyday life is based on religious beliefs

Base your answer to question 29 on the passage below and on your knowledge of social studies.

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Some several thousand years ago there once thrived a civilization in the Indus Valley. Located in whats now
Pakistan and western India, it was the earliest known urban culture of the Indian subcontinent. The Indus Valley
Civilization, as it is called, covered an area the size of western Europe. It was the largest of the four ancient
civilizations of Egypt, Mesopotamia, India and China. However, of all these civilizations the least is known about
the Indus Valley people. This is because the Indus script has not yet been deciphered. There are many remnants of
the script on pottery vessels, seals, and amulets, but without a Rosetta Stone linguists and archaeologists have
been unable to decipher it. . . .

Tarini J. Carr, The Harappan Civilization (adapted)

29. Based on this passage, what is a valid conclusion about civilization in the Indus Valley?

(A) Lack of a Rosetta stone has hindered linguists from deciphering Indus Valley script.
(B) The absence of pottery vessels and seals from the Indus Valley indicates limited urban development.
(C) The Indus Valley civilization controlled a territory that extended from western Europe to China.
(D) Artifacts suggest the Indus Valley civilization is older than the civilizations in Egypt and Mesopotamia.

30. The Bantu migration is most closely associated with the spread of

(A) bureaucratic governments

(B) agricultural skills
(C) the diamond trade
(D) the principles of Sharia

31. What was a major contribution of the Byzantine Empire?

(A) adoption of democratic ideas from Russia

(B) spread of humanism and secularism across Europe
(C) reunification of eastern and western Christendom
(D) preservation of Greek and Roman culture

32. Which technological innovation was essential to stimulate the expansion of the gold-salt trade in West Africa?

(A) lateen sail

(B) camel caravans
(C) iron cannons
(D) moveable type

33. Inca farmers adapted their environment by growing food in

(A) flooded rice paddies

(B) terraced fields
(C) clear-cut rain forests
(D) expansive plantations

Base your answers to questions 34 and 35 on the map below and on your knowledge of social studies.

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34. Which aspect of geography is the primary focus of this map?

(A) latitude and longitude

(B) climate and culture
(C) humans interacting on Earth
(D) humans adapting their environment

35. Based on this map, which statement is true of trade routes around A.D. 600?

(A) Most trade was occurring across the Pacific Ocean.

(B) Trade began in Ghana and spread down the Niger River.
(C) Northern Africa was isolated from trade with Asia.
(D) Trade took place over a network of land and sea routes.

36. Pax Romana, the Golden Age of Islam, and the Renaissance were all periods of

(A) cultural isolationism

(B) censorship and regulation
(C) advancements in arts and in knowledge
(D) decreasing influence of religion on cultural practices

37. Which of the following accurately describes the function of the mita system in the Inca

(A) To gain tribute in the form of prisoners of war for ritual sacrifice
(B) To raise a mercenary army to fight the Aztec Empire and Maya city-states
(C) To compel Inca subjects to work on various state projects for a fixed term each year
(D) To replace the nuclear family as the basic social unit of Inca society

38. The Han and Roman empires exchanged goods via the

(A) sea routes around the southern lip of Africa

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(B) trans-Saharan routes

(C) Silk Roads
(D) sea-lanes across the Pacific Ocean

39. Which of the following was a major factor in the centralization of the Han dynasty in

(A) The adoption of Mongol methods of political organization

(B) The reliance on a merit-based bureaucracy
(C) The use of Buddhist beliefs to encourage loyalty to the emperor
(D) The dependence on Daoist rituals


I am imperishable time;

The Creator whose face is everywhere;

Death that devours all things;

The source of all things to come

The god Krishna speaks, Bhagavad Gita, Vedic sacred text, circa fifth century to second
century B.C.E.

The excerpt above best represents which aspect of Hinduism?

(A) The desire to escape worldly suffering

(B) The cyclical nature of death and rebirth
(C) The belief in karma
(D) The importance of caste

41. Which of the following was the main reason that Buddhist thought had important social
implications for South Asia?

(A) It encouraged larger family size.

(B) Its followers were incorporated into the Brahman caste.
(C) It challenged hierarchies based on caste.
(D) It reinforced the idea of obedience to the emperor as a means to salvation.

42. Which of the following statements is accurate about Mesoamerican culture during the
period from 400 B.C.E. to 800 C.E.?

(A) The practice of monotheistic religions was widespread.

(B) Monumental structures were built for rituals.
(C) Large draft animals were domesticated for use in farming.
(D) Extensive trade networks with Andean civilizations were created.

43. Contact between different societies often leads to an interchange of ideas, cultural
forms, and knowledge, but the degree of reciprocity varies considerably. Which of the
following was probably the most one-way cultural flow?

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(A) The interactions between the Roman Empire and the Han Empire via trade on the Silk
(B) The interactions between Muslims and Christians in Muslim Spain
(C) The interactions between Tang China and Japan
(D) The interactions between Bantu speakers and Arabs during the establishment of
trading cities on the Swahili coast

44. "The inhabitants of the New World were bearers of no serious new infection transferable
to the European and African populations that intruded upon their territory . . . whereas the
abrupt confrontation with the long array of infections that European and African populations
had encountered piecemeal across some four thousand years of civilized history provoked
massive demographic disaster among Amerindians."

William McNeill, world historian, 1976

Which of the following best illustrates the argument described in the passage above?

(A) Spanish and Portuguese plantation owners imported large numbers of African slaves
to work their fields.
(B) Amerindians were killed in large numbers by diseases such as smallpox and measles.
(C) Some Amerindian societies prior to European contact had high population densities
and large urban centers of comparable scale to those in Europe.
(D) The Spanish system of forced labor in mines such as those in Potosi resulted in
thousands of deaths among the Amerindian population.

Werner Forman I Arl Resource, NY

45. The Roman sculpture above, depicting the sacking of Jerusalem by a Roman army in 70
C.E., was most likely intended for which of the following purposes?

(A) To show the Romans' respect for the religious symbols of Judaism
(B) To convey the power of the Roman Empire
(C) To express sympathy for defeated enemies
(D) To portray the value of all ranks of Roman society

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46. Which of the following was a new type of settlement that resulted most directly from the
domestication of plants and animals in the Neolithic period?

(A) Large, densely populated cities

(B) Temporary shelters in caves and other naturally protected spaces
(C) Small villages surrounded by agricultural fields
(D) Trans-regional trade centers

Santosh Namby

47. The photograph above of a sixteenth-century Mughal mosque in India built by Akbar is
an example of which of the following?

(A) Emergence of capitalist economies

(B) Expansion of coercive labor systems
(C) Creation of a global trade network
(D) Cultural syncretism

48. Which of the following most encouraged the development of new cities such as Cahokia
along the Mississippi River, Swahili city-states on the East African coast, Venice on the
Mediterranean coast, and Hangzhou on China's coast during the period 600 C.E. to 1450

(A) Decreases in regional warfare

(B) Intensification of regional trade
(C) Migration of populations from pastoral societies
(D) Development of mass production techniques

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49. Which of the following developments best explains why many historians argue that the
Song dynasty period (960-1279 C.E.) was pivotal in the development of China as an
economic world power?

(A) The widespread use of gunpowder technology in combat began during the Song
(B) The invention of movable-type printing took place during the Song period.
(C) The Neo-Confucian synthesis of Confucianism, Buddhism, and Daoism was completed
during the Song period.
(D) China's population doubled and Chinese urban centers experienced massive growth
during the Song period.

50. "The sons of the Turkish nobility became slaves of the Chinese people and their virgin
daughters became bondmaids. The Turkish nobles abandoned their Turkish titles and
received Chinese ones in their place. They submitted to the Chinese emperor, and for fifty
years worked and strove on his behalf. For him they undertook expeditions toward the rising
sun, and to the west as far as the Iron Gates [in Turkestan]. But to the Chinese . . . they
surrendered their empire and their institutions."

Turkish stone inscription, Inner Mongolia, after conquest by the Tang dynasty, 679 C.E.

The inscription above most likely had which of the following purposes?

(A) To record the loss of Turkish social and political traditions

(B) To establish the mutual economic benefits of the connection between Turks and
(C) To warn against any resistance to the Turkish nobles
(D) To show preference for Chinese titles and status

51.Some historians argue that the development of Islamic beliefs and practices in the
seventh century reflected the influence of which of the following religions?

(A) Christianity, Hinduism, and Zoroastrianism

(B) Christianity, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism
(C) Buddhism, Judaism, and Hinduism
(D) Buddhism, Judaism, and Zoroastrianism

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Album I Art Resource, NY

52.Angkor Wat in Southeast Asia built circa 1100 C.E., shown above, reflects which of the following world
historical processes?

(A) Increased domination of East Asia and Southeast Asia by Arab powers
(B) The increase in the number of Chinese merchant communities in the Indian Ocean region
(C) The introduction of Islam across most of Asia
(D) Increased cross-cultural interactions in the Indian Ocean region

53. "What they [the Franks] learned from the Arabs was indispensable in their subsequent expansion. The heritage
of Greek civilization was transmitted through Arab intermediaries. In medicine, astronomy, chemistry, geography,
mathematics, and architecture, the [Franks] drew their knowledge from Arabic books, which they assimilated,
imitated, and then surpassed . . . . In the realm of industry, the Europeans first learned and then improved upon the
processes used by the Arabs in papermaking, leather-working, textiles, and the distillation of alcohol and sugar."

Amin Maalouf, The Crusades Through Arab Eyes, 1984

The passage above best illustrates which of the following?

(A) Muslims' examination of their own cultural and economic decline after the Crusades
(B) The debt the Arab world owed Europe for preserving Arab scientific knowledge and cultural history
(C) The reason European industrial expertise far surpassed that of the Arab world
(D) The effects of interregional contact on the development of European culture and technology

54. In the period 600 C.E. to 1450 C.E., states in Japan, Korea, and Vietnam had which of the following in common?

(A) All successfully excluded European merchants.

(B) All were conquered by the Mongols.
(C) All rejected both Buddhism and Christianity.
(D) All were culturally influenced by China.

55.Which of the following constitutes a significant continuity in Afro-Eurasian history from 600 B.C.E. to 600

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(A) Political fragmentation in China and the Mediterranean

(B) Reliance on bronze for farming implements and weapons
(C) The use of alphabetic systems of writing rather than ideographic symbols
(D) The subordinate social position of women in sedentary agrarian cultures

56. Which of the following was the primary method used in both Qin China and Mauryan India to maintain control
of their empires?

(A) Implementation of a centralized bureaucracy

(B) Forced conversion of subjects to a single religion
(C) Imposition of a common written language
(D) Division of the empire into smaller independent states

57. Which of the following was the most important factor in the spread of the bubonic plague in Eurasia?

(A) The Mongol expansion from central Asia to China, eastern Europe, and the Middle East
(B) The consolidation of western European monarchies
(C) The spread of Buddhism from central Asia to China
(D) The population decline and the outbreak of peasant revolts in eastern Europe

58. The early spread of Islam outside of the Arabian Peninsula was caused primarily by

(A) belief in Muhammad's divinity

(B) military conquest
(C) mercantile activity
(D) creation of a protected non-Muslim class

59. Which of the following was a major cause for the growth of cities throughout Afro-Eurasia from 800 C.E. to
1350 C.E.?

(A) The spread of mercantilism

(B) The decline in epidemic diseases
(C) The rise of interregional commerce
(D) The decreasing need for agricultural workers

60. The first region of the world for which there is evidence of permanent agricultural
villages is

(A) the eastern Mediterranean

(B) western South America
(C) sub-Saharan Africa
(D) southeastern Asia

61. Which of the following was a major long-term effect of the Roman Empire's construction
of an extensive network of roads?

(A) Diminished importance of Roman maritime trade in the Mediterranean

(B) Integration of conquered peoples and suppression of resistance to Roman rule
(C) Reduction in the size of the Roman army
(D) Increased trade with Han China

62. Fossil, linguistic, and genetic (DNA) evidence support which of the following hypotheses
about early human migrations?

(A) Early humans migrated from western Africa across the Atlantic to South America.

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(B) Central Polynesia was settled by peoples sailing from the western coast of South
(C) Homo erectus and Homo sapiens migrated out of Africa.
(D) Anatomically modern humans spread from their origins in western European regions.


"We can no longer be content with writing only the history of the victorious elites, or with
detailing the subjugation of dominated ethnic groups . . . We thus need to uncover the
history of 'the people without a history.'" Eric Wolf, anthropologist, 1982

Research on which of the following subjects would be the best example of the approach
described in the excerpt above?

(A) The decision of the Ming emperor to send Zheng He on voyages to the Indian Ocean
(B) The lives of Amerindians engaged in the North American fur trade
(C) The motivations for conversion to Islam in Spain after the Muslim conquest
(D) The economics of the transatlantic slave trade


"[N]o teaching is more harmful than Buddhism. In breaking the laws of the country and
injuring the people, none can surpass Buddhism . . . . Now there are at present so many
monks and nuns that to count them is impossible. They all depend on farming for their food,
and upon silk-worms for their clothing! The public monasteries and temples, as well as
private chapels and shrines, are innumerable; all of them are so gigantic and imposing that
they vie with the Imperial Palace in splendor!"

Edict of the Chinese emperor Tang Wuzong, 845 C.E.

The opinion expressed in the passage above is most consistent with which of the following
policies in the late Tang period?

(A) Ending the equal-field system of distributing land

(B) Diplomatic contacts with the Muslim states of Central Asia
(C) Closure and seizure of monasteries and temples
(D) Reform of the imperial examination system

65. Ibn Battuta traveled widely across the Middle East, South Asia, Southeast Asia, and
Africa in the fourteenth century. His travels serve as evidence for the

(A) unifying influence of Islam

(B) excellent condition of roads in Africa and Asia
(C) political unity of Africa and Asia
(D) widespread use of paper money

66. Which of the following best describes the relationship that the Chinese and Aztec
empires had with their respective peripheral states during the fifteenth century C.E.?

(A) Both empires used military force to severely limit the sovereignty of their peripheral

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(B) Both empires welcomed the diffusion of cultural traditions from their peripheral
states to their core territories.
(C) Both empires established tributary relationships with their peripheral states.
(D) Both empires actively sought to assimilate the citizens of their peripheral states into
their respective core cultures.

67.Which of the following describes an important distinction between the core beliefs of
Confucianism and Daoism as developed in the period 600 B.C.E. to 600 C.E. ?

(A) Confucianism emphasized the search for enlightenment, but Daoism centered on the
material world.
(B) Confucianism focused on social cohesion, but Daoism centered on the human
connection to nature.
(C) Confucianism was polytheistic, but Daoism was monotheistic.
(D) Confucianism advocated belief in reincarnation, but Daoism advocated belief in

Questions 68-70 refer to the image below.

Cuneiform tablet containing an administrative account of barley distribution, ca. 3100-2900


68. The writing form depicted in the image above illustrates which of the following advances
in human civilization?

(A) The ability of the Sumerians to create published texts that were widely available to
the masses
(B) The ability of the Sumerians to organize their society more effectively by keeping
written records of economic transactions
(C) The ability of the Sumerians to travel to other parts of the world using advanced
wagon-wheel technology
(D) The ability of the Sumerians to domesticate wild animals for human use

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69. Which of the following changes most directly accompanied the increase in grain
production during the time period of the cuneiform tablet shown above?

(A) An increase in hunter-gatherer lifestyles

(B) An increase in monotheistic belief systems
(C) An increase in economic equality between men and women
(D) An increase in urban populations and organized communities

70. Which of the following geographic features was a primary factor that enabled the
Sumerians to farm crops such as the barley mentioned in the administrative account shown

(A) The river valleys of the Tigris and Euphrates

(B) The mountains of the Hindu Kush
(C) The Nile Delta
(D) The deserts of the Arabian peninsula

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Mid-Term Answer Key

1. D
2. D
3. B
4. D
5. B
6. A
7. D
8. B
9. B

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