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Sunday Morning Bible Study 2/28/2010

The Fall of Jericho

Joshua 5:13-6:27
I. Observation
A. Context
1. Who are the people in this passage? What do we know about them?
a. Joshua: _________________________________________________________________
b. Commander of the Lord’s Army: ____________________________________________
2. When does this passage take place? Is there anything significant about when this passage occurs?
a. Though not specifically stated, we know that this passage occurs after Passover (5:10)
3. Where do the events of this passage take place? What do we know about these places?
a. Jericho: _________________________________________________________________
B. Summary of Events
1. Joshua encounters the Commander of the Lord’s Army (5:13-15)
2. The Lord instructs Joshua regarding the divine plan to march around Jericho (6:1-5)
3. Joshua commands the people in accordance with the Lord’s plan (6:6-7)
4. The Israelite army marches around Jericho, once a day, for six days (6:8-14)
5. On the 7th day, they march around Jericho 7 times. On the last time around, they shout as the
Lord commanded and the walls of Jericho collapse (6:15-20)
6. Israel move on Jericho & destroy every living thing, sparing only Rahab and her family (6:21-25)
7. They burn the whole city and add it’s gold & silver to the treasury of the Lord’s house (6:24-25)
8. Joshua announces a curse on anyone who would try to rebuild Jericho (6:26)
C. Observation Questions
1. What contextual hints are there as to the identity of the Commander of the Lord’s Army?
2. What is the plan for destroying Jericho’s walls? How much faith is involved in this plan?
3. What happened to Rahab? ________________________________________________________

II. Interpretation
1. What does the Commander’s response to Joshua’s question in 5:13 mean?
2. What are the three possible identities of the Commander of the Lord’s Army? Which to you
think is correct? Why? __________________________________________________________
3. This notion of “holy ground” is an echo of Ex. 3:5, where God speaks from the burning bush.
What other places are referred to as “holy”? What do they have in common? What makes them
holy? _________________________________________________________________________
4. Why do you think God used “marching around the city” as the means to siege Jericho?
5. What principles are illustrated in this passage? What is the theme?
6. What is God communicating to Israel, Canaan, (and us) about himself in this passage?

III. Application
1. God’s way is not always logical to us. Marching around Jericho didn’t seem like the most
logical way to defeat the region’s stronghold, but it worked. Sometimes logic can be the enemy
of faith. There’s nothing wrong with logic unless your faith is in it over God’s providence.
2. Obedience to God may look stupid to the world. I’m sure that Jericho’s army wondered why
Israel was just marching around the city. Yet Israel’s obedience resulted in victory.
3. You are holy (if you’re a Christian-1Pet 2:4). Chris lives in you!!! (Gal 2:20)

Teacher: Johnny Hughes ( MYA 2.0 is a ministry of Metropolitan Baptist Church, OKC, OK (

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