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It is important for school children to study music art and music as it si for

them become literate and numerate. How far do you agree with this
statement? Support you point of view with reasons and /or example as
from your own experience.

The idea of teaching music art and sport to school is widely debated, with many
people claiming that doing so would give birth to numerous concerns .In my opinion,
I do not entirely accept this and I will explain the reason in the following paragraph
There are myriad of argument in favour of my stance. The most conspicuous stems
from the face that children are nimble,adept,competent and the like,thanks to their
extraordinary abilities,not only children can sharpen their mind while attaining more
skill but they can also learn how to be multi-tasking while doing music, art and sport
simultaneously. Needless to say all the merits stands child in good stread,in term of
having a strong command on all these skills which can help them in future.
Another overt facet of acquiring more skills apart from conventional studies are that
student can learn various attributes of life like discipline and punctuality. Unlike
other classmates who do not study these skill and only retain ourself to the typical
studies and lack behind in the future. Hence it is apparent why many parent are in
the favour of enrolling their children to music, art and sport.
In the view of the argument outline above once can conclude that the benefit of
sport,art and music in early school are indeed too great to ignore.
Viloence portrayed on TV and in the movies leads to an increase in crime
in our society.People who watch violent movies are more likely to become
criminals, do you agree or disagree
The role of television in the society is widely debated, with many people
claiming that TV role in the community would give birth to numerous concerns.
However ,I do not entirely accept this and I will explain the reason in the following
There are myriad of argument in favour of my stance and the most
conspicuous stems from the fact that television revolusioned the world in every
aspect, be it politics, crime and entertainment.TV is play vital in role in spreading
awareness to people of everything via TV Programs, serials and movies. Some of the
TV programs are related to crime and violence, which not only convey the message
how crimes are happen but it also teach criminals law enforcement agencies catch
these miscreants. Thus, after al television are not bad as it has been portrait.
Another Pivotal aspect to uphold this notion is that every movies has same climax
that the criminals either get killed in the end or they were captured by punished
under government laws. Movies normally made on to deliver a particular message
to the community, either to provide knowledge how thede criminals target people or
how to keep ourself safe from these transients, Hence it is apparent why many
people are in the favour of such movies to be played on the TV
In the view of the argument one can conclude that the benefits of crime
related to movies on TV are too indeed too great to ignore.

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