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The Summary of Ten Tips for Classroom Management

How to improve the participation of students and create a positive climate for

learning and discipline

ALL HAVE HEARD THIS ON STUDENTS: "If they are interested, it is

easier to handle." And it is true. But we still need rules, routines, trust and

participation students for the class runs smoothly and effectively. This guide will

cover the practical aspects of classroom management with suggestions and resources

for Kindergarten through 12th grade. Most of these tips can be applied to students of

all ages, but the techniques themselves are different for different levels. For example,

create a community, it could mean name games with students from elementary

school, but set up a photo booth for middle school students. Then advice, incorporates

positive rituals in class, might seem appropriate only for elementary students, but

includes suggestions to make the morning meeting is also an important part of the day

for teens and tween. During my first year of school, a teacher with experience told

me: "You're so teacher ethics as English." What she means to me is that literature

involves themes and lessons for life, so inevitably end up talking seriously about the

moral, what is right and what is wrong and the difference between good decisions and

bad decisions. It is no coincidence then that the ten tips offered openly propose social

and emotional learning or SEL (Social and Emotional Learning) an approach they

teaches children how to face challenges, control their emotions and build positive

1. Creates A community Classroom Management

Establishing these -maestro -student relationships, student-student, class

- community-and find the time and space needed to do from the beginning of the

year over the following months can make all the difference in class. In short, when

there is affection in the air, there will be many fewer behavior problems. Greet

your students at the door: This simple gesture creates that moment when you and

the student make eye contact, speak directly ("good morning") and have a

connection. This may be the only personal contact have that day with the student,

but has much value. When you use a respectful way to greet another human being,

you are implicitly telling all students that this is how we will communicate with

us. Get to know: Teachers and students begin to learn their names on the first day

of school and should be able to be called by name after two weeks. Use interesting

activities and age-appropriate students. As more and more students know the other

students, they will begin to form connections. This inevitably brings more empathy

and understanding and finally, caring relationships with less conflict in the

classroom. The photos will help students to connect names and faces. In this article

the NEA website (National Education Association, National Education

Association) , retired middle school teacher Phil Nast recalls some of his favorite

activities with photos, for example , students create their own passports in their

first day of school.

With the right applications, you can even set up a photo booth in a

corner of your living classes something that will appeal to teenagers and tweens.
The experienced educator Peter Pappas recommends using the first day of school

for teens to perform several tasks at the same time, to get students to think while

they are learning. Definitely take the time and energy required to build community

and relationships in the classroom. The results justify the effort .

2. Create A Safe, Enjoyable and Disciplined Class

Proper physical environment helps create a positive learning

community. When students enter a classroom, they need to be reflected. Its

projects and written assignments should occupy the walls, and should have easy

access to materials and notes, as well as provide a place where class assignments.

Ask students to design their class: Students decide where to hang the dioramas on

photosynthesis or book reports, and also deal with hanging. Additionally, graphics,

instructions -any poster should be permanently written by students. The more you

recognize in the environment, will feel more valued.

Move desks and try different configurations of tables, you can also

create a pleasant environment that is more suitable for collaboration. The social

and emotional learning cooperative learning emphasizes student-centered. This

means that the tables will move in groups or students so that they are facing each

other. This can make the class a little noisy, but helps create a community of

students much more quickly than if the desks are arranged in rows facing the front

of the class.
3. Includes Students at The Elaboration of Rules, Norms, Routines and

Consequences Rules are Different Routines and Rules.

The rules bring consequences, whereas routines and rules have

reminders. Social Contract: Setting either rules or routines , it is essential that

students can give their opinion. The teacher's role is to facilitate and guide students

through the steps to develop contracts social. What's the score? Students will have

full control on what has been decided about rules, expectations and consequences

in the classroom.

The start of the new school year is the ideal time to prepare one social

contract. Begin by asking the children to name all the things they see, feel and hear

in class that make them feels comfortable, safe and happy. Use this graphic

organizer: to create a schema with the whole class and then decide on the rules,

routines and consequences together.

Discipline Development (Developmental Discipline) How often notes

that the same student is late to class, makes them nasty comments to peers or other

negative behaviors repeated. Customize this pattern with the discipline of

development. It is a philosophy that requires the person to examine why something

happened and then consider what can be done to rectify the situation and prevent it

from happening again. The discipline of development encourages teachers to use

activities to create a community, along with the appropriate consequences for the

students think about how they behave and how they treat each other. Instead of
punishment, the student can write a plan to repair or a letter of apology, or propose

their own adequate and effective result.

4. Create A Variety Channel Communication

How many different ways students can communicate with you? The

more options you have, the better. Communication between teacher and students:

If multiple reliable for students to talk with you options, classes will take place

smoothly. This will ensure that all students can come and sit with you for a chat in

private if necessary (before school, once a week for lunch any day after school).

Ask them to students who deliver daily or weekly project notebooks. Includes one

or two tasks in which students can write freely what you want, even a letter for

you, if you so desire.

Communication among students: students grow emotionally and socially

when they share their ideas and intellect with the other students. As teachers, we

must explicitly devote to this as much as possible. We can do this through

activities as "think-pair-share" (think, get together and share), talking-

triads (conversations in threes), tea parties and Socratic seminars.

As for student groups, often tries to mix "cliques" are not formed. If you

constantly broken groups and pairs, soon all students will have an activity shared

with other students, and connections are visible. Finally, when you are talking to

the whole class using phrases that are encouraging rather than accusatory, negative

or discouraging, as teachers, we must continually modeling behaviors and the

5. Always Be Calm, Fair and Consistent
Confidences the heart throbbing and healthy functioning of a class.

Without it, it is almost impossible to runa class, as well as build relationshipswith

students.A peaceful, fair and consistent teacher is a teacher you can trust.

Tranquility: Always have a quiet and firm behavior, even if the head and

heart tell you to actor wise. Use your ability to act as teachers we all learn and

when you feel that your blood boil, remember this: the kids do not trust

teachers reactive and generally do not respect. Fear should never be the great

motivator in our classes. Staying calm means never raising his voice or talk over

the class. If students are talking, wait. Wait a little longer. Wait until it is so

uncomfortable that many students begin to silence others. Then, even if you feel

more angry, use a soft, gentle voice so you have to lean forward to hear. Now you

have controlled.

Although not feel the same for each student, they must never know or

realize this. Being fair means that all students must follow the same rules and

receive the same exceptions to those rules. To make sure you're right, remember

to do the following: Avoid calling or choose the same students over and over

again. Recognizes to the class that has made an exception (for a student, another

class periodor group). Keep a firm line between rules and routines. The rules

bring consequences, whereas routines are reminders. Consistency: If you have a

day of ups and downs, keep the course and not change the agenda for that day or

the structure of the class. This helps children feel safe.

Modeling positive behavior: While you are teaching, you must show

compassion, concern, patience and self-control in every chance you get. The eyes

of the students are on us at all times, even when we think we are mired in their

tasks. They watch, listen, learn and then repeat the behaviors they see.

6. Know Your Students

Meet your students and make your own this question: "What I know so

well my own," Think of this helps you to know and understand your students.

Looking your history (finance, culture, education and gender), you will recognize

the lens through which you see your students. For example, if you grew up in a

middle class home but teach students mainly families live below the poverty line,

you can take the time to learn about your specific challenges.

Take a moment to think about where you stand. Consider the following

characteristics of a culturally responsive educator:

Defies all stereotypes and faces in the curriculum and the educational


You strive to know their students and seek professional training and reading

materials to learn how to be a better teacher for them.

Help your students have hope and develop strategies to overcome academic and

social barriers.

Use texts that are relevant and relate to the lives and experiences of their

When we do our best to display all these qualities, we are including all

children, especially those most difficult to understand. How is it going in terms of

getting your class is culturally receptive. As a way to receive feedback, consider

asking a colleague or mentor to observe your class. Coalition for Essential Schools

(Coalition for Essential Schools) has developed an observation tool and discussion

guide for this process to be productive.

7. Faces Conflicts quickly and Intelligently

DO NOT LET THE CONFLICT GROW. This means you should be

sure to address a problem that you have with a student or between two students

have as quickly as possible. The negative feelings from your hand or students can

worsen quickly. Now, to handle these conflicts intelligently, you and the

student should be away from other students, maybe meet at the entrance of the

classroom. Make naive questions as:"How I can help?. Accuse not a child at all.

Act as if you really cared, but then feel the opposite. Usually, the student will be

expected to disarm because they are angry and have an aggressive attitude,

and always takes a positive approach. Say: It seems that you have a

question, instead of why are you talking about and you are not working?

8. Incorporates Positive Rituals in Class

It is more common in grades elementary school day begins with a

strategy to establish a sense of community activity. But a good start is important at

all ages. Here are some suggestions to achieve this. Morning Meeting: A brief

forum during which he greets each person in the group. Create a sense of "we're all

in this together. Good things: Ask them to volunteers to share something good that

happened to them. Students can also share a future event that is positive (such as a

birthday or a trip). A move: Ask them to students to say a word that describes how

they feel today. It begins with a volunteer and then "move" for class. Give students

the option of checking, if they want.

9. Keep The Sense Reality
Discover the things that appeal to your students trends, music, TV

shows and games and incorporate while you teach them the skills, concepts and

knowledge they need. It is good connected learning to their lives whenever

possible. Harnessing knowledge and previous schemes: Father of critical

pedagogy, Paulo Freire rejected the idea that children are empty vessels. On the

contrary, promoted the belief that students provide much-conventional knowledge

rather than conventionally teacher can take advantage of. Children with bad

behavior usually are treated and educated as if they need to be "filled" with

information and knowledge. This tactic actually results in more behavioral

problems. With a constructivist approach, the teacher encourages students to form

active new ideas or concepts based on their beliefs and knowledge current and

previous. Use essential questions: Substantial and extensive questions are a great

way to introduce a unit of study and help connect learning to students' lives.

Questions essential not have a right or wrong answer, and they are not easy to

answer. They give meaning and relevance to what they are studying students, and
aims to capture the attention and the thoughts of his heart and sometimes a group

of students. Should not solve, they are for discussion and reflection. Here are some

examples of essential:
How animals are human and how humans are animals? (science)
What is love? (poetry)
When is it acceptable to rebel? (story)
What would life be without the math?(mathematical)

To make an authentic assessment, you should plan backward, starting

with what you want the children know and can do to the evaluation. Grant

Wiggins, the acclaimed author of Understanding by design, refers to this as "begin

with the end in mind." If the start and end of a unit they seem "real" to your

students, then there is more likely to show interest in the

important intermediate trip.

10. Works with parents and guardians

This is the last advice for a good reason. Teachers know that working

together with parents is not easy and is completely under our control. Return a call

from a teacher cannot be a number one priority parents or guardian. They may be

more concerned to pay the bills, put food on the table, face the challenges of being

a dad single, and many other things even imagine. However, it is worth making an

extra effort to connect the house with the school for the benefits that this implies

for students. Here are some simples but foolproof to connect and work with

parents and guardians forms.

First, job inquiry: Ask them to children to complete a record like "About

Me" during the first week of school. Ask them about their favorite books and

materials and things that are nice. Also ask them for the phone numbers of their

parents or guardians.
Digital Age: Consider creating your own website, or wiki page on the

school website so that parents can look quickly and

catch up soon on the topics of study and classroom assignments and to do in the

house. Offers a free platform to create a secure social network for your students

and their families.

Face to face: In the days of open house (open to visitors school) and

back-to-school night (meeting back to school), or any other night for families,

make sure you have enough cards presentation or cards with contact information

including your e-mail, phone number (optional), the number of classroom and

telephone number of the school. This may seem basic, but the card not only allows

parents to easily communicate with you, but also shows them that you want to be

Calling home: make calls positive whenever you can. There is nothing

more depressing than having to sit after a day of classes and call home five

students to give bad news. Call the houses to tell something positive you will be

happy the day you and them, and opens the door to a relationship. When you need

to call with a problem, be sure to mention first something positive about the


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