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NOTES 2/3/17
Our Indivisible Revolution Meeting

Useful Links:

Our Revolution (Bernie Sanders post-election movement national chapters we are one)
Indivisible (you can download the Indivisible Guide here national chapters we are one)
@OurRevolutionSherwood (Facebook link you can share so others can find us easily)
Congresswoman Bonamici (1st District Oregon official site)
Washington County Democrats

Organizing Ourselves and Finding Our Focus:

Group Identity/Attitude
o Always assume the best amongst ourselves (democracy is a messy business; we will have some
disagreement and this is good)
o Create safe space for people to learn to become civically engaged model the kind of government we
o Not lose sight of the work of resisting Trump and advancing progressive values
o Soft on people, hard on issues

Create Mission Statement

o Indivisible: Influence local member of Congress to resist Trump/GOP agenda
o Other, i.e. A local community group united in common resistance to Trumps vision for America.We
seek to create a safe space for everybody in the community (particularly first-timers) to "take to the
streets" (congressional offices, city council meetings, public meeting halls, talks over-the-fence, and
certainly in the streets themselves) in support of social justice and peace actions. We believe
democracy only works when you participate."

Outward Facing
o Meetings with elected officials, especially Bonamici
o Street presence/protest (non-violent, peaceful)
o Letters to the Editor
o Phone calls
o Tabling at outside events
o Education forums with local elected officials/experts
o Communicating (and listening) one-on-one with those we may disagree with

Inward Facing
o Learning about political system of Democratic Party, State Legislature, local city councils, voting districts
o Book group (i.e. Heart of Democracy, others)
o Issues education

Develop sub-group specializations (subcommittees)

o Media (journalism, press)
o Issues (local, state, national)
o Outreach
o Social media
o Tabling
o Speakers group (to speak at other organizations)
o Rapid Response
o Other?

Collaborate and leverage other groups

o Democratic Party
o Other Indivisible or Our Revolution Groups

o Faith/Secular groups

Develop communication tools, i.e., online forum (i.e. Google Group)

o Find most efficient means to minimize number of emails

o Scheduling regular meetings (weekly, bi-weekly)
o Determine locations for meetings (may vary depending on public space availability)

o Expand group by telling friends about us and bringing them to meetings (to increase our groups ability
to influence)

Issues Our Group Could Take On

ACA protection
Climate Change
o April 22nd Earth Day
Sanctuary Cities (symbolic push back against Trump)
Support local politicians
Bannon out
Net Neutrality
Popular vote compact -- supersedes electoral college
Create dialogue with opposition regarding shared interests (safe streets, good schools, health care)
Create tally of representatives voting records to leverage with our local member of congress
Praise our representatives when they are doing well
Redistricting Oregon (Dennis Richardson)
Listening and compiling ways to push the Democratic Party towards our progressive goals
Looking for ways to rebuild faith in institutions through dialogue
Issues that can be agreed upon by both sides (safe streets, good schools, healthcare)

Additional Highlights of What We Heard at Meeting

Making it safe to organize and dissent
Feeling like the country has been turned over to an unfit custodian
Seeing the ways Trump/GOP undermine our form of government and our society -by so-called patriots
Bannon looking for a holy war
Russian involvement
Important to raise spirits and relieve anxiety in a constructive way
Precinct Committee Person (PCP) - walking neighborhoods to activate Democrats
Getting like-minded individuals to run for office
Talk to people about what affects their lives the most
Worried that Trump administration is throwing so much at us, we will miss the important things they are doing to
undermine our government (Russians)
Citizens United resolution (300 plus cities have)
Making activism safe for anybody /Create sense of community
Assemble a repository of local events (Members of Congress)
Researching the goings on at the State legislature
Establish an educational environment to teach / share values of democratic society
Fact sheets to create a real sense of confidence (for public speaking purposes and for group members)
Reach out to non-traditional allies (Mormons?)
Get on Bonamicis mailing list
News sources we can share amongst ourselves (podcasts, political blogs, online video)
2/17 General Strike
National Parks (protection)
Sherwood Community page (locate online?)

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