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Perth Youth Futsal

Standard Warmup & Ball Control Drills

For ease of reference we will call one side of court Side A, the other Side B.
Players Start at Side A, with a ball per player.

1. Without Ball From side A, walk on toes court to the middle

2. Without Ball walk on heels court to Side B
3. Jog back from Side B to Side A
4. With Ball Static sole taps (increasing tempo, with coach clapping)
5. With Ball Static step-overs (increasing tempo, with coach clapping)
6. With Ball Static side to side taps
7. With Ball Side to side taps, moving forward from Side A to Side B
8. With Ball Right sole foot roll, moving forward from Side B to Side A
9. With Ball Left sole foot roll, moving forward from Side A to Side B
10. With Ball Alternating sole rolls, moving forward from side B to Side A
11. With Ball Alternating push out / sole roll in, from Side A to Side B
12. With Ball Dribble forwards sole changes of direction, Side B to Side A
13. With Ball Sole Drag backwards, from Side A to Side B
14. Without Ball From Side B to Side A, 2 step backwards shuffles with claps
15. Without Ball From Side A to Side B, 2 step forwards shuffles with claps
16. With Ball - Alternating push out / sole roll in, from Side B to Side A

End of Warmup & Ball Control Drills

Passing Drill Exercise

Ball circulation, helping pass, control, quick decision taking.


2 minutes

Number of Players
Players in pairs

1 Ball, 2 cones

Organization and Development

With the cones placed 5 meters apart and the players standing behind the
cones, the ball is passed from Player A to Player B, who controls the ball with
the sole of the foot and drags the ball across the body with the same foot so
that a pass can be played with the other foot. Limit to two touches on the ball.

On the command Change from the coach, the rotation of the passing
movement is reversed, thereby working on controlling and passing with the
opposite feet.

Combination Drill Exercise

Drill to combine dribbling, trick skill, passing, rotation, quick decision making.


5 minutes

Number of Players
Try to limit it to six players per set of cones

2 Balls, 6 cones of 1 colour and 1 cone of another colour.

Organization and Development

The Coach starts this routine by playing the first 2 passes to enable the
rotation to progress.
Player receives the ball and controls with the sole of the foot, moving towards
the line of cones. Player dribbles through the 2 cones and then must perform
a designated skill to go around the middle cone before continuing his dribble
around the last 2 cones. Player then heads to the last cone and passes the
ball sharply to the starting position and then runs to assume a position at the
back of the group.
The next player begins once the first player is at the centre cone.
Ensure the players use sole of the foot to dribble through the cones.

Allow the player to chose a skill to beat the middle cone..

Offensively - Ball circulation, quick decision taking, far post finishing.
Defensively Change of individual marking anticipation, guarding far post


5 minutes

Number of Players
Two teams of four players + GK

Balls, bibs (two colours)

Organization and Development

Playing with 2 or 3 touches on the ball, we have a situation of 2vs2 inside the
pitch. The other two players are situated at the corners of the baselines (pivot
players). A player has the option to pass to his team mate inside or to a pivot
but when passing to the pivot he has to switch roles with him. The pivot then
has the options to continue play or to pass to the other player who will try to
position himself at the far post area. The pivot does not have the option to
pass back to the player who played him. Balls are placed above the goalpost
net and the goalkeeper is starting the game with his throw in quickly in order
to maintain the exercise flow. There are no side kick ins or corner kicks.

Limitation of ball touches. Pivot playing only at the far post.

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