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What is Asperger's syndrome?

When humans meet they make judgments about each other. People's body language, facial
expressions and tone of voice give out information regarding whether they are happy, sad,
angry or in a hurry. How we respond depends on how we process these signals.

For a person with Asperger's syndrome, reading these signals instinctively is more difficult.
Consequently, they find it more difficult to communicate and interact with others. According
to the National Autistic Society in the UK, this can lead to anxiety and confusion.

Asperger's syndrome differs from other ASDs in that the symptoms are less severe and
there is no language delay.A child with AS generally has good language and cognitive
(thinking, intelligence) skills. They tend to have average or above-average vocabularies
and reach speech milestones at the same time as children in the general population
The Autism Society in Maryland, USA, says that most people who are unfamiliar with AS

may just think that the individual is behaving differently.

A child with autism is usually perceived as aloof and not interested in mixing in with others.
Children with AS, however, generally want to interact with others. The problem is that they
find it hard.

The individual with AS may find it hard to understand conventional social rules and may
come over as lacking empathy. Their usage of gestures may appear either lacking or
inappropriate, and eye contact may be very limited.

Unlike other children (and adults) with an ASD, those with AS (Asperger's syndrome) have
average IQs and are pretty much just as likely to have learning disabilities as those without
AS. However, their learning requirements may be different from other childrens'.

Asperger's syndrome was named after Austrian pediatrician Hans Asperger, who first
described the disorder in 1944. However, the syndrome was not recognized as a unique
disorder until later on.
Autism Awareness Ribbon - awareness and recognition of Asperger's syndrome continues to grow

A child with AS may show signs of the disorder during the first year of life. Parents or
caregivers may sense that there is something unusual about their infant - their motor skills
may appear uncoordinated, the way they crawl or walk might be awkward or clumsy, or just
slightly different. As the baby grows into a toddler, there may be a certain amount of

Experts at Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children in London says that in many

cases, the AS child's difficulties are not formally recognized until the demands of their
environment increase, as may be the case when they leave primary and start secondary

Experts say that Asperger's syndrome is much more common in males than females.

Asperger's syndrome is not a disease, it is a syndrome. A syndrome is a collection of

symptoms that occur together with a condition.

People with AS have the same life expectancy as in the general population, and are no
more or less susceptible to diseases or infections as others.

The likelihood of developing depression later on in life is higher for those with AS, but this
is probably a consequence of years of living with the stresses and anxieties that come with
coping with life in a "non-AS" world.
What are the signs and symptoms of Asperger's syndrome?
What is the difference between a sign and a symptom? A symptom only the patient feels
and describes, such as aheadache or blurry vision, while a sign can be detected by other
people, such as inflammation, dilated pupils, or a rash.

Asperger's syndrome is a wide spectrum disorder. This means that not all people have
the same symptoms; they vary enormously from person-to-person. Below are some of the
most common signs and symptoms:

Obsessive interests. Some children with Asperger's syndrome have become

experts in a single object or topic. This often excludes any other subject. This compulsive
interest can range from vacuum cleaners, car models, trains, computers or even objects
as strange as kitchen equipment or lawn mowers. These activities usually involve
collecting, numbering or listing.

Some are exceptionally knowledgeable in their chosen field of interest. The topic of
conversation with others will focus on their special interest. While individuals with AS may
present many facts about their interest, theNational Library of Medicine mentions that

"there will seem to be no point or conclusion."

Speech is formal or distinct - there may be a lack of rhythm or intonation in how a

person with AS speaks. Their utterances may come out as flat, monotonous, or unusually
slow or fast.

Children with AS commonly lack the ability to modulate the pitch of their voice to match
their immediate surroundings. Sometimes there may be a problem in using the right
amount of volume.

They may often sound much older than they are. Teachers or family members may
describe their speech as that of a "little professor".

Routines. In an effort to lessen confusion, people with AS may have rules and rituals
which they methodically maintain. They are anxious and upset if there is a disruption to
their set of patterns. Parents and adults with AS say that the ability to adapt to change is
there, even a change of routine, as long as the person knows well in advance. A surprise
change in routine can sometimes cause upset or anxiety.

Non-functional routines are also common in people with Asperger's syndrome. A child
may insist on going to school using exactly the same route every time, or dress in a
specific order. According to NAMI , "These nonfunctional routines can be of critical

importance to the child with Asperger. Given a choice in clothing, the child might create
what seems like a uniform that is worn day after day."

Social isolation. Adults and children with Asperger's syndrome are often isolated
because of their poor social skills and narrow interests, i.e. they end up alone a lot. They
can become withdrawn and seem uninterested in other people, appearing distant or
aloof. Normal conversation may be challenging, because of inappropriate and/or odd
behavior. There is a tendency to only talk about their singular interest. Making friends, as
well as keeping them is often a problem.

In many cases, the person wants to have friends and mix in, but finds it hard. After trying
and trying without much success, there is a risk the child (and adult) may find it safer and
less troublesome to be alone. However, being alone might not be ideal. Contact with
others, "brushing" with others in our herd, helps people with AS overcome some of their

Delay in motor skills. Usually, children with Asperger's syndrome have

developmental delays in motor skills, such as pedaling a bike, running, catching a ball,
playing ball games, or climbing. They are often clumsy and poorly coordinated. Carrying
out specific detailed tasks, such as tying shoelaces may require extra effort. The way
they walk can appear either stiff or bouncy. Arms may not swing while walking, but just
hang down (like they would if one were carrying shopping).

Researchers from Sweden wrote in the journal Physiotherapy Theory and

Practice that people with Asperger's syndrome who were physically active tended to

have better gross motor function compared to those who were less active.

Social skills and communication. Sometimes, people with Asperger's syndrome

have difficulty to express themselves emotionally and socially. They find it difficult to
understand and interpret gestures, facial expressions or tone of voice. They lack the
basic social skills most other people take for granted. The natural ability of knowing when
to start or end a conversation may be weak. They do not easily understand jokes, humor,
figures of speech and irony.

Childhood banter (or adult's too) may cause distress and confusion. They are not aware
of the commonly accepted social rules such as the appropriate distance to stand next to
another person or choosing suitable topics of conversation. Also, they may intrude into
other people's personal space unintentionally.

The Asperger's Association of New England explains that people with AS do not pick

up much of the non-verbal social cues conveyed to them. They may simply not be aware
of this information, while the cues that they do notice are commonly misinterpreted. This
can result in "frustratingly awkward social interactions and ineffective behavioral

Imagination. People with this syndrome can have difficulty with social imagination.
They may have trouble imagining alternative outcomes to situations. Make-believe
games may seem pointless, impossible to do, or ridiculous.

Topics based on logic, memory and systems are more interesting (mathematics,
computer science and music). Many children with Asperger's syndrome are exceptionally
talented or skilled in those particular areas.

Two researchers from the University of Cambridge in England wrote in the Journal of
Autism and Developmental Disorders that children with AS could offer imaginative

suggestions to a situation presented to them, but they tended to be reality-based

imaginings, rather than creative ones.

For example, when presented with a rectangular foam shape, they might say that it could
be squashed into a flat rectangle, rather than imagining something like a kite floating in
the sky among the clouds and seagulls, with a goblin sitting on top.

Sensory difficulties. In some individuals, the sensory sensitivity is distorted. One or

all of the senses (sight, sound, smell, touch, or taste) can be altered. The senses are
either intensified or underdeveloped. People with the syndrome might have different
perceptions of loud noises, bright lights, intense smells, food textures and materials.
Many people with AS say that if they know a noise or smell is going to come, they can
cope with them well - often, it is an unexpected sensation that causes distress.

A team of Finnish researchers wrote in the journal Neuroscience Letter that auditory

sensory processing is weak in children with AS. They suggested that this weakness
"might be implicated in the perceptual problems encountered by children with AS."

Related conditions. In early childhood, children with Asperger's syndrome are often
extremely active. Later, in young adulthood they may develop anxiety or depression.
Other conditions related with the syndrome are Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
(ADHD), depression, tic disorders (such as Tourette syndrome), anxiety disorders, and
Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD).

What causes Asperger's syndrome?

The exact cause of Asperger's syndrome is unknown. Research suggests that a
combination of genetic and environmental factors may account for changes in brain
development. The fact that Asperger's syndrome tends to run in families suggests that a
predisposition to develop the disorder may be inherited. The syndrome may be passed on
from parent to child.

In 2009 a team of scientists at the University of Cambridge in England identified 27 genes

linked to either:

Asperger's syndrome.

Autistic traits.

Empathy problems.

Some researchers suggest environmental factors during pregnancy may have an impact
(viral or bacterial infection, mother smoking during pregnancy, the age of the father, air
contamination and exposure to pesticides).

The State Government of Australia states adamantly that Asperger's syndrome is not

caused by choices of parenting styles, junk food, television, tantrums, or family situations.
Kids Health , part of the Nemours Foundation, among the world's largest non-profit

organizations dedicated to children's health, says that researchers believe brain

abnormalities may be linked to AS. Advanced brain imaging technology has identified
structural and functional differences in specific regions of the brain among people with AS.

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