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British Medical Bulletin (1981) Vol. 37, No. 1, pp.



but they do not, in any way, distinguish causes in the same

manner that the term protein-energy malnutrition quite
specifically suggests a dietary cause.
We can therefore make clinical distinctions between kwashi-
THE BIOCHEMISTRY AND orkor and marasmus, but the object of many experimental
PHYSIOLOGY OF KWASHIORKOR studies, and of dietary surveys in different parts of the world,
has been to find differences in their dietary aetiology. It is well
AND MARASMUS known that it is necessary to feed experimental animals
unrestricted amounts of diets low in protein to produce a
W A COWARD PhD syndrome resembling kwashiorkor; restricting the intake of any
diet will result in severe wasting. Survey work in Uganda
P G LUNN PhD (Whitehead et al. 1977) also showed that, when diets with a
wide range of protein: energy ratios are available within a
University of Cambridge
and community, it is the children who habitually consume diets from
Medical Research Council the low end of the range (protein: energy, 0.04-0.06) who are at
Dunn Nutritional Laboratory, Cambridge risk of developing kwashiorkor. These observations contrast
with others typified by those of Gopalan (1968). He showed
that, in Indian children eating cereal-based diets with a relatively
Concepts and definitions: protein-energy malnutrition, constant protein: energy ratio (0.08), either kwashiorkor or
kwashiorkor and marasmus marasmus could emerge if energy intakes were low. Taking
Adaptation to a deficiency of energy: the pathogenesis of extreme views would therefore suggest that kwashiorkor and
marasmus marasmus represent different aspects of the same disease (as the
Failure of adaptation to protein deficiency: the pathogenesis
term protein-energy malnutrition suggests) or that they are
of kwashiorkor
Pathogenesis of intermediate forms of protein-energy different diseases with distinguishable aetiologies.
malnutrition Protagonists of each idea have ample support for their
Regulation of body fluid volumes in protein-energy arguments but it is unrewarding to initiate a discussion of the
malnutrition aetiology of kwashiorkor and marasmus by emphasizing one
a The distribution of extracellular fluid volume theory to the exclusion of the other. A more realistic approach
b Sodium and water balance is to accept that each idea makes a worthwhile contribution in a
c Membrane defects and the sodium pump
worldwide context but that causes can differ in individual,
Plasma proteins in kwashiorkor and marasmus
References regional circumstances.

It is just four years since Alleyne et al. (1977) published their 2 Adaptation to a Deficiency of Energy: the Pathogenesis
comprehensive treatise on protein-energy malnutrition. In this of Marasmus
paper we will focus on a few developments in biochemistry and
physiology that we believe are important for our understanding It is now widely accepted that the severe wasting seen in
of how the clinical features of the disease emerge in children marasmic children represents the end-product of metabolic
subjected to a hostile environment and inadequate diet. adaptation to an inadequate energy intake, mediated by changes
in hormonal pattern. Although a child is not clinically identified
as a case of marasmus until weight-for-age falls below 60%, the
1 Concepts and Definitions: Protein-Energy Malnutrition,
relevant metabolic changes can be detected, within a community
Kwashiorkor and Marasmus
where marasmus occurs, well before this stage is reached.
In recent years it has been customary to use the term Whitehead et al. (1977) and Lunn et al. (1979a) showed that
"protein-energy malnutrition" to describe a group or spectrum fasting plasma cortisol and growth hormone (GH) levels were
of diseases that often affect children living in poor communities high but insulin concentrations were low in Gambian children
in most developing countries. The expression suggests impor- with faltering growth rates, and insulin: cortisol ratios were
tant concepts. These are that inadequate intakes of energy or strongly correlated with growth velocities (Lunn et al. 1979a).
protein, or both, are causative factors and that there is a The changes seen when children are admitted to hospital
continuous connection in terms of biochemistry and physiology (reviewed by Alleyne et al. 1977) are only more exaggerated
between the extreme forms of protein-energy malnutrition, examples of the same pattern.
which are kwashiorkor and marasmus. A reduction in plasma insulin concentration is a normal
For comprehensive clinical descriptions of the two syndromes response to a reduced food intake and extremely low values are
the reader may refer to Alleyne et al. (1977), but for the present seen in marasmic children admitted to hospital. Cahill (1970)
it will be sufficient to use a series of internationally accepted suggested that a decreased level of this hormone is the main
definitions suggested by a Wellcome Trust Working Party regulator for the release of energy metabolites from endogenous
(Lancet, 1970). The crucial diagnostic features are the degree sources. Raised plasma cortisol concentrations will augment
of body wasting and the presence of oedema. Thus, when the effect on the mobilization of skeletal muscle protein,
Harvard weight standards (Stuart & Stevenson, 1959) are used, releasing amino acids for gluconeogenesis and perhaps for the
children of 60-80% expected weight-for-age are called cases of hepatic synthesis of plasma proteins. Adipose tissue
kwashiorkor if oedema is present. Below 60% the diagnosis is mobilization will be enhanced by changes in GH concentra-
marasmic kwashiorkor if they have oedema or marasmus if tions, and free fatty acids will become available as alternative
oedema is absent. These definitions have the merit of simplicity sources of energy (Parra et al. 1973).


Vol. 37 No. 1

Reductions in the plasma concentration of thyroid hormones cance of a high variability in the unrelated individual require-
have also been reported for marasmic children admitted to ments for protein and energy.
hospital (Alleyne et al. 1977). This change can be regarded as A child admitted to hospital with kwashiorkor is usually
an effective adaptation, since lowering the basal metabolic rate described as apathetic and anorexic and the hormone profile is
will conserve the meagre supplies of energy available. very different from that which existed earlier in his illness but
much more like that found in marasmus. The considerable
variation that exists between reports is not surprising, as values
3 Failure of Adaptation to Protein Deficiency: the will be influenced by the duration and severity of the clinical
Patbogenesls of Kwashlorkor phase of the illness. In general, plasma insulin concentrations
The study of Lunn et al. (1973) in Uganda remains the most are reduced but can be normal; cortisol values are often elevated
complete source of information on the hormonal profiles of and correlate with the degree of wasting and the severity of
pre-school children living in an area where kwashiorkor is intercurrent infections (Abbassy et al. 1967; Lunn el al. 1973).
endemic. Fasting plasma insulin concentrations in these GH concentration is elevated and thyroid hormone concentra-
children were higher than in children who had recovered from tions are either normal or reduced (Alleyne et al. 1977). The
malnutrition, and much higher than those found in Gambian changes described are in most cases the expected responses to
pre-school children of the same age (Whitehead et al. 1977). anorexia and hypoglycaemia, but there are some features not
Plasma cortisol and GH levels were not elevated, but no fully understood.
information on thyroid hormone concentrations was obtained. Children with all forms of protein-energy malnutrition have a
When the low protein content of a diet limits growth there poor insulin response to a glucose load (Alleyne et al. 1977). It
must be a relative excess of energy, even when energy intakes could be argued that this might be expected in a child whose
are lower than recommended requirements. There need, metabolism is geared to survival, and certainly it has been
therefore, be no hypoglycaemic stress and consequently no shown that short-term fasting in healthy subjects results in
elevation of plasma cortisol or GH to cause wasting. The impaired glucose tolerance (Vance et al. 1968). However,
problem of adaptation is how to deal with the energy excess. Mann et al. (1975) have shown that, in South African children,
There can be only two options: energy can be stored as fat or it potassium supplementation of rehabilitation diets results in a
can be removed by oxidation. The course taken may ultimately faster return to a normal insulin respose. Data from Jordan
determine the kind of protein-energy malnutrition that even- (Hopkins et al. 1968) and Turkey (Giirson & Saner, 1971)
tually develops (see MacLean & Graham, 1979). indicate that adding chromium to the diet produces a similar
The endocrine pattern in non-hospitalized Ugandan pre- effect, but this was not found to be the case in Egyptian children
school children indicates that the first of these possible pathways (Carter et al. 1968).
is the one adopted. If the excess energy is not removed, blood Although plasma cortisol concentrations are elevated in
glucose concentrations will tend to rise and result in hyper- children with kwashiorkor, they are usually lower than those
insulinaemia and fat deposition. By promoting muscle protein found in marasmic children with the same degree of anorexia
synthesis, high insulin concentrations will deplete the plasma of and infection, and stimulation of the adrenal cortex with
essential amino acids, already in short supply, and by inhibiting Synacthen (synthetic P'~24 adrenocorticotrophic hormone)
gluconeogenesis will cause an accumulation of alanine and other results in a poor response (Jaya Rao et al. 1968). These
non-essential amino acids typical of the developmental phases of results suggest that a defect in the adrenals' ability to produce
kwashiorkor (Grimble & Whitehead, 1970). Locking away cortisol may be a feature of kwashiorkor. Jaya Rao (1974)
essential amino acids in muscle when protein intake is low is proposed that some children develop kwashiorkor rather than
likely to produce a fall in hepatic synthesis of export proteins, marasmus because they fail, from an early stage, to produce
including albumin and apo-proteins for (J-lipoprotein synthesis. amounts of cortisol adequate for adaptation to protein-energy
Hypoalbuminaemia could lead to defects in body fluid homo- malnutrition. This view is substantially different from the
eostasis and oedema, and deficiencies in (J-lipoprotein synthesis dietary ideas we have already outlined. If true, it would explain
to a fatty liver. the appearance of kwashiorkor in children who, because of in-
Rats do not respond to low-protein diets in this way and adequate food intakes, might otherwise be expected to become
instead have a much reduced plasma insulin concentration marasmic. We believe, however, that there are other more
(Coward et al. 1977) and a markedly elevated tri-iodothyronine likely explanations (see section 4).
level (Edozien et al. 1978; Tulp et al. 1979). This latter Plasma GH concentrations are high in children with
response enables the animals to "burn-off' any energy excess kwashiorkor and are not reduced by glucose loads (Pimstone et
and will prevent the development of changes we have described al. 1967). However, it has been demonstrated that they fall after
in children. Thus the rat is a poor model for kwashiorkor and a few days of feeding meals containing protein (Pimstone el al.
only by feeding diets virtually free of protein (Edozien, 1968; 1968). Robinson et al. (1973) showed that this response occurs
Enwonwu & Sreebny, 1971; Philbrick & Hill, 1974; Anthony & even after a single meal. There is also an inverse relationship
Edozien, 1975; Fiorotto & Coward, 1979) can this adaptation between GH levels and the severity of protein deficiency as
be overcome. assessed by plasma albumin concentrations (Pimstone el al.
The mechanisms we have discussed are clearly similar to 1968; Lunn et al. 1973; Kajubi & Okel, 1974). The
those involved in the development of obesity and, if the mechanisms regulating plasma GH concentrations in kwashi-
considerable degree of individual variation to over-eating orkor have not been identified, but a number of possibilities are
(James & Trayhurn, 1981) also exists in the response of children discussed by Pimstone et al. (1973). Although plasma
to low-protein diets, then the situation described by Gopalan somatomedin concentrations are low in children with kwashi-
(1968) in India, where children can develop either kwashiorkor orkor, there is no evidence to support the suggestion (Grant el al.
or marasmus on identical diets, becomes easier to understand. 1973) that impaired somatomedin production might cause a
Waterlow (1974) has previously pointed out the likely signifi- feedback stimulus for GH release (Mohan & Jaya Rao, 1979).


Br. hied. Bull. 1981


Since plasma GH concentrations rise only in the terminal stages lost. Active renal salt and water retention might then occur to
of the development of kwashiorkor (Lunn et al. 1973), it is prevent plasma volume contraction but, in the face of the
unlikely that GH-mediated changes are directly involved in the circulation's reduced ability to hold retained fluid, further
early pathogenesis of this disease. interstitial volume expansion will occur. This idea indicates that
blood and plasma volumes will be reduced in kwashiorkor and
the most recent observations with labelled erythrocytes (Viart,
4 Pathogenesis of Intermediate Forms of Protein-Energy
1977) show that this is the case, contradicting much of the
earlier work. The differences could be attributed to different
We have suggested that the endocrine response to a diet can methodologies; Viart suggested that in malnutrition plasma
determine how available nutrients are used, and it is theoretically volumes measured with protein-bound tracers could be mis-
possible that, as a result of the alternating dominance of energy leadingly large.
or protein deficiencies, marasmic kwashiorkor might emerge The development of these ideas was stimulated by an
(Whitehead & Alleyne, 1972). However, in practice, it is more insistence that changes in plasma albumin concentration are
likely that non-nutritional factors modulate the effects of the functionally important in the development of kwashiorkor and
diet. by the recognition that the contribution of albumin to the total
A conventional view was outlined by Whitehead & Lunn colloid osmotic pressure of plasma (>50%) is greater than that
(1979). It was proposed that the incidence of infections that of any other plasma protein, but other abnormalities occur and
elevate plasma glucocorticoid concentrations will alter the their importance has to be considered.
effects of diet and accelerate wasting in children developing
marasmus. Alternatively, severe wasting could be induced in b Sodium and Water Balance
children who are otherwise likely to present as cases of The alternative, or perhaps complementary, idea begins with
kwashiorkor. the concept that children with kwashiorkor are over-hydrated
We have also recently suggested (Lunn et al. 1979b) that and suggests that, when a malnourished child develops sodium
there may be another important way in which marasmic and water retention, plasma albumin concentrations will fall
kwashiorkor can develop. We believe that many children with the development of oedema, because albumin synthesis
admitted to hospital with oedema have the underlying rates are unalterably low (Patrick, 1979). In these cir-
metabolic features of marasmus. Superimposed on these, cumstances the task is to identify the reasons for phases of
oedema and hypoproteinaemia have appeared precipitously as a sodium retention in malnourished children.
result of an increased gastrointestinal loss of plasma proteins, not In a review of the effects of protein-energy malnutrition on
compensated for by increased rates of protein synthesis. Likely renal function, Klahr & Alleyne (1973) identified factors that
causes of such losses are a measles infection or the presence of could impair the ability of malnourished children to excrete
intestinal helminths. sodium loads. With only one exception (Srikantia, 1968),
published data show that renal plasma flow (RPF) and
glomerular filtration rate (GFR) are decreased but, while these
5 Regulation of Body Fluid Volumes In Protein-Energy
changes will undoubtedly limit the potential for salt and water
excretion, they are not specifically associated with the presence
The appearance of oedema in malnourished children is an of oedema in children (Alleyne, 1967). In addition, experi-
example of a failure of homoeostasis that specifically dis- ments with sheep (Rabinowitz et al. 1973) and baboons (M
tinguishes kwashiorkor from other forms of malnutrition, but Fiorotto and W A Coward, in preparation) have shown that
until recently little progress had been made in identifying its reductions in RPF and GFR are early effects of feeding
cause. However, two distinctly different views can now be low-protein diets and are not associated with evidence of
identified. excessive salt and water retention.
At the tubular level, sodium retention could result from
a The Distribution of Extracellular Fluid Volume elevated plasma aldosterone levels and increased plasma renin
Coward & Fiorotto (1979) and Fiorotto & Coward (1979) activity but, again, evidence for a specific association with the
believe that the most important factors are those that determine presence of oedema is ambiguous. For example, Migeon et al.
the distribution of extracellular fluid between the vascular and (1973) found either normal or increased aldosterone secretion
interstitial spaces. They observed that, when plasma protein rates in malnourished children but plasma concentrations were
concentrations fall in protein-deficient rats, a normal balance of normal in children with marasmus and elevated in only half of
transcapillary colloid osmotic pressures, preventing excessive those with kwashiorkor. Furthermore, although Van der
water filtration, was maintained by a reduction in the colloid Westhuysen et al. (1975a) found increased plasma renin
content of interstitial fluid that matched the changes in plasma. activity in oedematous malnourished rats but not in non-
This represented a proportionally larger change in interstitial oedematous animals, the same group of workers (Van der
fluid protein concentration, because in normal animals the Westhuysen et al. 1975b) showed that children suffering from
plasma: interstitial fluid concentration ratio is about 2. While protein-energy malnutrition have elevated plasma renin ac-
this adaptation to hypoproteinaemia is effective over a large tivities, irrespective of the presence of oedema. Worthington et
range of plasma protein concentrations, the homoeostatic mech- al. (1977) measured plasma aldosterone concentrations in
anism does not possess infinite gain because, when plasma monkeys fed low-protein diets and found elevated levels when
protein concentration is reduced by half, interstitial fluid protein oedema was present, but our own serial studies with baboons
concentrations reach values close to zero. At this stage any (M Fiorotto & W A Coward, in preparation) showed that
further reduction in plasma protein content will produce an changes in aldosterone concentration and plasma renin activity
imbalance of the transcapillary forces and the organism's can precede the appearance of oedema by many months.
control over the distribution of extracellular fluid volume will be Finally, Srikantia (1968) postulated a role for antidiuretic


Vol. 37 No. 1
hormone in oedema formation, but this idea has not been 1965). It is unlikely that changes in only one aspect of
universally accepted, essentially because urine osmolality is regulative physiology will be able to explain these findings.
never elevated in malnourished children.
The connection between these observations and those
6 Plasma Proteins in Kwashiorkor and Marasmus
showing that fractional sodium reabsorption can be decreased in
malnourished oedematous children (Alleyne, 1965; Nichols et There are a multitude of reports on the usefulness of the
al. 1973) is not clear. It could be argued (Fiorotto, 1980) that measurement of plasma protein concentrations for the assess-
hypoproteinaemia and low plasma oncotic pressure in the ment of nutritional status, but before discussing them it is
peritubular capillaries would limit sodium reabsorption in the necessary to develop a concept that describes an ideal marker
proximal tubules, and in protein deficiency reduced rates of urea for malnutrition. In the first instance it should be responsive to
synthesis would lead to the dissipation of the hypertonic changes in nutrient intake and, secondly, changes in its plasma
environment in the renal medulla needed for salt and water concentration should be meaningful in terms of the ultimate
reabsorption in later segments. Thus excessive sodium and pathology of protein-energy malnutrition. Thus, if we accept
water losses could be prevented only by reductions in RPF and that a low plasma albumin concentration specifically contri-
GFR; Wright & Briggs (1979) have recently reviewed the butes to oedema formation, it is clear that its measurement is
evidence for the existence of a mechanism by which GFR in a useful in communities where kwashiorkor is the predominant
single nephron is regulated by the composition or rate of flow of form of malnutrition. We have therefore often found it
distal tubule fluid. In these circumstances the manner in which convenient to classify children according to their albumin
the kidney regulates salt and water balance in relationship to concentration and to relate other biochemical changes to these
intake may not have the precision of response available in values (Whitehead et al. 1973). In this way it is possible to build
normal children. up a comprehensive picture of the development and resolution of
In contrast to this situation, where the functional significance
c Membrane Defects and the Sodium Pump of changes in the concentration of a plasma protein is
In following up lines of thought developed by Metcoff (1975), recognized, we can describe the "sensitivity" of a particular
Patrick (1979) commented on the significance of changes in protein in malnutrition without simultaneously considering
membrane permeability and the activity of the sodium pump in nutrient intake or the final form of malnutrition that emerges.
malnutrition. There is no information on this aspect of renal This strategy is inevitably empirical, since the plasma con-
tubule cell physiology in malnutrition, but it is suggested that centration of any protein is dependent not only on rates of
findings for leucocytes (Patrick, 1979) and erythrocytes synthesis (the diet- and substrate-dependent component) but
(Kaplay, 1978; Fondu et al. 1979) may be relevant. For also on utilization and catabolism, rates of intravascular-
leucocytes it was shown that there were dramatically increased extravascular exchange and the degree of hydration. It is the
transport rates of sodium in kwashiorkor, which could be balance between these processes that determines whether the
achieved only by an increase in membrane permeability to concentration of a specific protein reflects the degree of
sodium and subsequent stimulation of the sodium pump. The protein-energy malnutrition. However, three plasma proteins
results obtained for erythrocytes, where it was found that have consistently attracted attention: these are transferrin,
ouabain-sensitive Na-K adenosinetriphosphatase activity is thyroxine-binding prealbumin (TBPA) and retinol-binding pro-
increased (compared with normal and recovery values) in tein (RBP).
kwashiorkor but not in marasmus, are compatible with these McFarlane et al. (1969), McFarlane et al. (1970) and Gabr et
observations and, if mirrored at the level of the renal tubule, al. (1971) showed that low transferrin concentrations were
could cause increased fractional sodium resorption. There associated with a poor prognosis in children with kwashiorkor,
remains, however, the problem of the relationship of these and Reeds & Laditan (1976) extended this observation to
changes to dietary and environmental causes of kwashiorkor. include those with marasmus. Furthermore, the latter workers
Trace element deficiencies1 could provide the link (Patrick, showed that serum transferrin concentrations were linearly
1980) or, if an energy intake in excess of requirements is a related to deficits in weight- and length-for-age in under-
significant dietary component, a thermogenic response involving nourished children although albumin concentrations were not
increased sodium pumping might be relevant Others have also advocated the use of plasma transferrin
It will be clear that we are some way from integrating all these concentration as a most sensitive index of protein-energy
observations into a concise framework. Our general view is that malnutrition because of its rapid response to refeeding in
there is a need to separate the influence of those factors malnourished children, and sensitivity to reduced protein intake
responsible for the distribution of body water between plasma, in experimental animals (Olusi et al. 1975). However, the
the interstitium and cells, and those controlling the general frequency with which iron-deficiency anaemia2 occurs in
degree of hydration. Observations made by Patrick et al. malnourished children can complicate the situation to the extent
(1978) illustrate the problem. Children with kwashiorkor can that a decrease in transferrin concentration caused by mal-
lose their oedema and decrease their total body water from 77% nutrition can be masked by an increase due to a lack of iron
to 63% of body weight when they are fed diets not known to (Ismadi et al. 1971; Ingenbleek et al. 1975; Delpeuch et al.
produce substantial changes in rates of plasma protein synthesis. 1980), and in these circumstances other indices of malnutrition
However, marasmic children fed high-energy diets increase their are likely to be less ambiguous.
total body water from 64% to over 70% of body weight in 14 Plasma RBP and TBPA have also been proposed as sensitive
days but oedema does not appear; other workers report even indicators of nutritional status (Ingenbleek et al. 1972, 1975;
higher values in oedema-free marasmic children (Hansen et al. Delpeuch et al. 1980), because their concentrations are greatly

1 1
See Golden & Golden, pp. 31-36 of this Bulletin.ED. S Nirumg* Ro. PP- 23-30 of thiiBuBttm.ED.


Br. hied. Bull. 1981

reduced in malnourished children admitted to hospital and tion and more appropriate to suggest instead that they are
rapidly return to normal with refeeding. Ogunshina & Hussain different indices from the dietary and metabolic points of view.
(1980) have also shown that TBPA concentrations decrease Another group of proteins that has recently attracted
with increasing severity of malnutrition assessed anthropo- attention are the plasma proteinase inhibitors. Workers in
metrically. Experimental studies on obese women (Shetty et al. Thailand (Schelp et al. 1977, 1978, 1979) attach crucial
1979) indicate that TBPA and RBP concentrations are sensitive metabolic importance to changes in the plasma concentration of
to changes in either energy or protein intake and this finding a1-antitrypsin and a1-antichymotrypsin in the development of
supports the observations that TBPA and RBP concentrations malnutrition. The theory, most concisely outlined by Schelp et
are equally low in kwashiorkor, marasmic kwashiorkor and al. (1978), recognizes that kwashiorkor and marasmus are
marasmus (Smith et al. 1975). However, Large et al. (1980) metabolically distinct diseases, but suggests that proteinase
have recently investigated RBP and TBPA in children suffering inhibitor levels determine the extent to which a malnourished
the combined effects of vitamin A deficiency and protein-energy child can mobilize endogenous proteins to provide amino acids
malnutrition and have shown that, following intramuscular for the synthesis of proteins (e.g. albumin) essential for
injection with vitamin A, plasma levels of holo-RBP (native homoeostasis. When proteinase inhibitor levels are high as a
protein with the ligand retinol attached) increased, peaking at 3 result of infection, it is possible that a balanced relationship
hours after treatment. The peak levels were lowest in kwashi- between proteinases and their inhibitors is destroyed; this leads
orkor and highest in marasmus; children with marasmic to disturbances in homoeostasis such as those found in
kwashiorkor had intermediate values. The values achieved are kwashiorkor. This is an intriguing, novel idea, but it needs
related to the accumulated surplus of native RBP in the liver experimental investigation and further studies on malnourished
before dosing, since vitamin A deficiency inhibits the release of children in other developing countries.
RBP from the liver, so the authors considered that the peak
concentrations provided some measure of the liver's ability to
synthesize RBP from the outset. This result therefore indicates
that RBP synthesis is less affected in marasmus than in We recognize that marasmus, rather than kwashiorkor, is the
kwashiorkor. nutritional problem most frequently encountered by doctors
In reviewing the relationship between diet and plasma protein working in developing countries. In this respect, we accept the
concentrations, Olson (1975) found it possible to distinguish view (McLaren, 1974) that in a universal context it is necessary
groups of proteins on the basis of the responsiveness to dietary to appreciate that a lack of nutrients in general, with an energy
therapy. The immunoglobulins (IgA, IgG and IgM) were gap rather than a protein gap, is most important. However,
identified as diet-independent plasma proteins; diet-dependent although we may have an adequate knowledge of how and why
proteins were subdivided into those that increased in concentra- marasmus appears, many aspects of the biochemistry and
tion when only 1 g protein/kg body weight per day was fed physiology of kwashiorkor have not yet been explained. For
(prothrombin, proconvertin, RBP and TBPA) and those this reason we have biased our discussions towards re-
requiring larger protein intakes (albumin, transferrin, (3- awakening an interest in the latter disease, even though only a
lipoprotein and complement). It was not possible convincingly minority of the world's malnourished children are likely to suffer
to relate these differences in responsiveness to normal fractional from it. Elucidation of the mechanisms involved will not only
or absolute rates of synthesis, or to their sites of synthesis, but lead to improvements in the prevention and treatment of
the differences illustrate the difficulties that exist when the nutritional disease, but will also provide a more complete
usefulness of an index for malnutrition is defined only in terms of understanding of how nutritional and other environmental
sensitivity to a dietary change. It would be wrong to suggest stresses interact to produce the diseases identified as kwashi-
that RBP and TBPA are better indices than albumin concentra- orkor, marasmus and marasmic kwashiorkor.


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Vol. 37 No. 1
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