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Formal Methods for Service Composition

Maurice H. ter Beek
Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dellInformazione, CNR
Via G. Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa, Italy

Antonio Bucchiarone
IMT Lucca Institute for Advanced Studies
Piazza S. Ponziano 6, 55100 Lucca, Italy

Stefania Gnesi
Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologie dellInformazione, CNR
Via G. Moruzzi 1, 56124 Pisa, Italy

Abstract Current approaches to service composition In this paper, we first describe and compare these
range from industrial standards (like BPEL and OWL-S) approaches to service composition w.r.t. a selected set
to formal methods (like Petri nets and process algebras). of main characteristics to assess their quality, much in
In this paper, we survey a number of such approaches
and compare them with respect to a carefully selected the style of [49]. We then survey the increasing use of
set of characteristics (like exception handling and quality formal methods (mainly state-action models like Petri
of services). We conclude that formal methods, often nets or process models like the -calculus) to formally
including tool support, are ideal to assist designers and specify, compose and verify service compositions, and
developers because their use leads to increased confidence also compare these w.r.t. the selected set of characteris-
in the obtained compositions.
tics. Finally, we discuss the expected advantage of using
Index Terms Formal methods, Web Services, Service formal methodsin particular their tool supportto
perform appropriate mathematical analyses in order to
increase ones confidence in service compositions. By
I. I NTRODUCTION doing so, we hope to provide a reference for service

W EB services (WSs) are distributed and indepen-

dent computational elements that solve specific
tasks, varying from simple requests to complex business
composition designers and developers willing to use
formal methods and tools.

processes, and that communicate using XML messages II. S ERVICE C OMPOSITION A PPROACHES
following the SOAP standard. Current research studies
A main feature of services is the reuse mechanism
how to specify them (in a formal and expressive enough
to build new applications, which often need to be
language), how to (automatically) compose them, how
defined out of finer-grained subtasks that are likely
to discover them (on the Internet) and how to ensure
available as services again. Composition rules describe
their correctness. We focus on service composition.
how to compose coherent global services. In particular,
Several organizations are developing languages for
they specify the order in which, and the conditions
service composition, the most important ones being the
under which, services may be invoked. We distinguish
Web Services Business Process Execution Language
syntactic (XML-based) and semantic (ontology-based)
WS-BPEL [9] (BPEL for short) and the Web Services
service composition.
Choreography Description Language WS-CDL [74].
Many of these languages however have only a lim-
ited ability to support automatic service composition, A. Syntactic Service Composition
mostly due to the absence of semantic representations We recognize two main approaches. The first ap-
of the available services. The Semantic Web community proach, referred to as service orchestration, combines
and others have proposed several solutions to these available services by adding a coordinator (the orches-
limitations, among which the Web Ontology Language trator) that is responsible for invoking and combining
for Web Services OWL-S [3] and the Web Service the single subactivities.
Modeling Ontology WSMO [77]. ISSN 1109-9305
c 2007 AMCT

The second approach, referred to as service chore- languages like BPEL, in which such behavior is defined
ography, instead does not assume a coordinator but from the viewpoint of the orchestrator.
rather defines complex tasks via the definition of the
conversation that should be undertaken by each par-
B. Semantic Service Composition
ticipant; the overall activity is then achieved as the
composition of peer-to-peer interactions among the col- Current WS technologies address only the syntactic
laborating services. While several proposals exist for aspects of services and thus provide a set of rigid WSs
orchestration languages, the most important one being that cannot adapt to a changing environment without hu-
BPEL, choreography languages are still in a preliminary man intervention. The vision underlying semantic web
stage of definition. services [47] is to describe the various aspects of WSs
by using explicit, machine-understandable semantics,
1) BPEL: This XML-based language was designed and as such automate all stages of the service lifecycle.
to enable the coordination and composition of a set of The Semantic Web [66] provides a process-level
services. It is based on the Web Services Description description of WSs which, in addition to functional
Language WSDL [75], which is basically an interface information, models the pre- and postconditions of
description language for WS providers. BPEL is a processes so that the evolution of the domain can be
behavioral extension of WSDL using a workflow-based logically inferred. It relies on ontologies to formalize
approach. It expresses relationships between multiple the domain concepts that are shared among WSs. For
invocations by means of control and data flow links, and the Semantic Web, the Internet is viewed as a globally
it employs a distributed concurrent computation model linked database in which web pages are marked with
with variables. A main construct to model the flow of semantic annotations. Given this infrastructure, power-
services is a process, which is a concurrent description ful applications can be written that use the annotations
connecting activities that send/receive messages to/from and suitable inference engines to automatically discover,
external WS providers. Each provider can be seen as a execute, compose and interoperate services. These great
port of a particular port type, which has an appropri- potential benefits have led to major research activities,
ate WSDL description. A partner link specifies which both in industry and academia, with the aim of realizing
activity is linked to a particular port provider. semantic web services.
We consider two main initiatives. OWL-S [46] is an
effort to define an ontology for the semantic markup
2) WS-CDL: This XML-based specification lan-
of WSs, intended to enable the automation of service
guage is targeted at composing interoperable, long-
discovery, invocation, composition, interoperation and
running, peer-to-peer collaborations between service
execution monitoring by providing appropriate seman-
participants with different roles, as defined by a chore-
tic descriptions of WSs. The WS Modeling Ontology
ography description. Its most important element is the
WSMO [77] is an effort to create an ontology to de-
interaction activity, which describes an information
scribe various aspects related to semantic web services,
exchange between parties, with a focus on the receiver.
aiming to solve the integration problem. The goal of
It consists of three main parts, corresponding to the
both initiatives is to provide a standard for the semantic
participants involved, the information being exchanged
description of WSs.
and the channel over which the information is be-
ing exchanged. Exception handling and compensations
are supported through so-called exception and finalizer 1) OWL-S: This initiative defines a service ontology
work units. Messages that are exchanged between par- with four main elements. The service concept serves
ticipants are modeled with variables and tokens, whose as an organizational point of reference for declaring
types can be specified in XML schema or in WSDL. services. Every service is declared by creating a service
Channels are used to specify how and where message instance. It links the remaining three elements of a ser-
exchanges can take place. Synchronization among ac- vice through properties like presents, describedBy and
tivities can be achieved via a work unit, which defines supports. The service profile describes what a service
the guard condition that must be fulfilled to continue does at a high level, describing its functionality and non-
an activity. functional properties, which is used to locate services
based on their semantic description. Both the service
WS-CDL describes a global view of the observable offered by a provider and the service requested by a
behavior of message exchanges of all participating ser- consumer are described. The service model describes
vices, intended for abstract process specification (inde- how a service achieves its functionality, including a
pendent of the platform or programming language used detailed description of its constituent processes (if any)
to implement the services). WS-CDL thus complements as a process model. The service grounding, finally,

describes how to use a service (i.e. how clients can achieve the required functionality of the service. Since
actually invoke it). it is expected that there could be more than one way
to interact with a particular service, WSMO allows the
2) WSMO: This initiative defines a model to de- definition of multiple interfaces for a single service. To
scribe semantic web services, based on the concep- facilitate linkage of heterogeneous resources between
tual design set up in the WS Modeling Framework one another, various kinds of mediation are required.
WSMF [18]. The latter distinguishes four elements: on- Therefore WSMO explicitly defines mediators in the
tologies, services, goals and mediators. WSMO inherits conceptual model. OWL-S does not explicitly do so:
these elements and further refines and extends them The underlying infrastructure is assumed to handle this.
as follows. Ontologies are a key element, since they To summarize, OWL-S is more mature in certain aspects
provide (domain-specific) terminologies to describe the (like choreography), whereas WSMO provides a more
other elements. They moreover link machine and human complete conceptual model because it addresses aspects
terminologies by formal semantics. Services use the like goals and mediators.
standard web-based protocols to exchange and combine
data in new ways. They are described from three III. A S ELECTION OF S ERVICE C OMPOSITION
different perspectives: non-functional properties, func- C HARACTERISTICS
tionality and behavior. Goals specify the objectives of a In this section, we describe the set of character-
client when consulting a service, i.e. the functionalities istics w.r.t. which we compare the abovementioned
a service should provide from the user perspective. approaches to service composition and the formal ap-
Mediators, finally, aim to overcome the mismatches proaches that will be described later. We believe that
appearing between the different elements constituting any service composition approach should aim to support
a WSMO description. They allow one to link possibly these characteristics; we of course do not claim these
heterogeneous resources. to be all characteristics of importance. Our choice is
In addition to these core elements, WSMO introduces based on the related proposals [72], [77], [79] and in
a set of core non-functional properties that are defined particular on [49] and on the Ontology [68] developed
globally and that can be used by all its modeling in the EU project S ENSORIA in which we are involved.
elements. WSMO is moreover accompanied by a formal
language, the WS Modeling Language WSML [77],
A. Connectivity
which allows one to write annotations of WSs according
to the conceptual model, and by an execution environ- Reliable connectivity is needed to reason about ser-
ment WSMX [78] for the dynamic discovery, selection, vice interactions before composition, in order to guaran-
mediation, and invocation of services. tee the continuity of service delivery after composition.
Measures of interest include the following.
A significant difference between the abovementioned
1) Reliability: The ability to deliver responses con-
initiatives is that OWL-S does not separate what the
tinuously in time (service reliability) and the
user wants from what the service provides. The service
ability to correctly deliver messages between two
profile (such as its name, a human-readable description
endpoints (message reliability).
and contact information) is not explicitly based on
2) Accessibility: The responsiveness towards service
standard metadata specification. WSMO recommends
the use of widely-accepted vocabularies (such as the
3) Exception handling/Compensations: What hap-
Dublin Core [72]). Another difference is that non-
pens in case of an error and how to undo the
functional properties can be expressed in any WSMO
already completed activities.
element, whereas in OWL-S this is restricted to the ser-
vice profile. Furthermore, in OWL-S the service model The latter two measures in particular are receiving a
does not clearly distinguish between choreography and lot of attention nowadays. Services often make use of
orchestration; it is not based on any formal model, even external or third-party services (not owned and thus not
if some work on defining the formal semantics of OWL- under control) and hence one must take into account the
S processes has been done. OWL-S defines only one fact that the latter services can unexpectedly fail. Since
service model per service, so there is only one way to services are usually long-running processes that may
interact with the service. take hours or weeks to complete, the ability to manage
In WSMO, on the other hand, choreography and compensations of service invocations is critical.
orchestration are specified in the interface of a ser-
vice description. A choreography describes the external B. Correctness
visible behavior of the service and an orchestration Service composition may lead to large, complex sys-
describes how other services are composed in order to tems of concurrently executing services. An important

aspect of such systems is the correctness of their (tem- A. Connectivity

poral) behavior. The behavioral properties that a service All industrial approaches offer connectivity, each in
should satisfy are usually defined by a specification a slightly different way. As said before, in BPEL the
that precisely documents the desired behavior. Formal result of a service composition is a process, its con-
methods then provide rigorous mathematical means to stituting services are partners, message exchanges are
guarantee a systems conformance to a specification. activities and a process interacts with external partner
1) Safety/Liveness: Safety properties are assertions services through a WSDL interface. BPEL has several
that some undesired event never happens in the element groups that support connectivity, like invoke
course of a computation, while liveness properties and receive for reliable (synchronous and asynchronous)
assert that some event does eventually happen. By information exchange, sequence and flow for sequential
verifying such properties, one obtains measures of and parallel execution and switch for logic control. In
correctness of a service (composition). WS-CDL, the lowest level actions performed within
2) Security/Trust: The ability of a service (com- a choreography are described by basic activities like
positon) to provide proper authentication, autho- interaction, send and receive for the reliable exchange
rization, confidentiality and data encryption. This of information between the participants and participate
requires the means to validate the credentials of a to indicate a participants role. OWL-S distinguishes
WS client, to grant, deny and revoke access to ser- the process types atomic, simple and composite, and
vices, and to protect certain sensitive information constituent processes are specified by flow-control con-
or service functionality. A key property of trust structs like sequence, split and iterate. In WSMO, medi-
is the assurance that a service (composition) will ators can be used on the protocol level to communicate
perform as expected despite possible environmen- in a reliable way between services and on the process
tal disruptions, human and operator errors, hostile level to combine services.
attacks and design and implementation errors. Regarding exception handling, BPEL has a mecha-
nism to catch and handle faults, similar to common
programming languages like Java. We recall that in WS-
C. Quality of Services
CDL exception handling is supported through the excep-
There are several measures that determine the quality tion and finalizer work units. WS-CDL handles a lot of
of service (QoS). errors (e.g. interaction failures, protocol, timeout errors,
1) Accuracy: The error rate of a service, measured application failures, etc.) using the exception block of a
as the number of errors generated by a service in choreography [74]. WSMO explicitly models the error
a certain time interval. information of a service in the interface description
2) Availability: The probability that a service is of the service specification. OWL-S does not consider
available at any given time, measured as the these details directly, but errors can be captured by using
percentage of time a service is available over an conditional outputs. This characterization of errors is
extended period of time. not explicit, as the definition of a conditional output
3) Performance: The quality of service requests, does not necessarily imply that one of the possible
measured as response time, throughput and la- outputs is an error [82].
tency. Response time is the guaranteed maximum Regarding compensations, WS-CDL uses the excep-
time needed to complete a request, throughput the tion and finalizer work units. In BPEL, one may define a
number of completed requests over a period of compensation handler to enable compensation activities
time and latency the time needed to process a if actions cannot be explicitly undone. OWL-S cannot
request. be used to describe compensation operations. In fact, a
goal of the OWL-S specification is the ability to find
IV. C OMPARING S TANDARDIZATION A PPROACHES out where in the process the request is and whether any
unanticipated glitches have appeared [6]. In WSMO,
finally, when an invoked WS fails, the WS that invoked
Ideally, any approach to service composition should it may implement a strategy for compensation.
satisfy the set of characteristics we compiled in the
previous section. In this section, we compare the ap-
proaches of Section II w.r.t. these characteristics. The B. Correctness
outcome is summarized in Fig. 1, in which +, and Neither of the industrial approaches offer any direct
indicate that the particular characteristic is addressed, is support for the verification of service compositions at
hardly addressed or is not at all addressed, resp., by the design time, to evaluate in this way its correctness. As a
particular approach. matter of fact, in the next section we will see that this is

Syntax-based Semantics-based
Characteristics BPEL WS-CDL OWL-S WSMO

Connectivity + + + +
Exception handling + + +
Compensations + + +
QoS + +

Fig. 1. Comparing standardization approaches to service composition.

the main issue where formal methods (and tools) come are put together (unreceived messages, deadlocks, in-
into play. For instance, there have been many attempts compatible behaviors, etc.). These problems are well
to formally capture and analyze the (temporal) behavior known and recurrent in distributed applications, but they
of BPEL [14], [20], [24], [25], [29], [32][36], [38], become even more critical in the world of service-
[45], [56], [81]. oriented computing that is ruled by the long-term vision
of services used by services, rather than by humans,
and in which interactions shouldideallybe as trans-
C. Quality of Services parent and automatic as possible.
The management of QoS when composing services A major problem of the approaches we met in the
requires a careful consideration of the QoS charac- previous section, viz. the lack of software tools to verify
teristics of the constituent services. BPEL and WS- the correctness of service compositions, is at the same
CDL do not directly support the specification of most time the main advantage of most formal methods. In
QoS measures. To enable the specification and mon- particular, formal methods and tools can be used to
itoring of QoS aspects like accuracy, availability and decide whether services
performance, various approaches have been developed. 1) are in some precise sense equivalent and
Examples include IBMs Web Service Level Agreement 2) satisfy certain desirable properties.
WSLA [76] and HPs Open View Internet Services. The If one should discover that a service composition does
latter describes a theoretic QoS parameter specification not match an abstract specification of what is desired,
model and introduces SLAs for services in the form of or that a main property is violated, this can be of help
WSML. In OWL-S and WSMO, on the other hand, QoS to correct a design or to diagnose bugs in a service.
measures like accuracy and availability are specified Recently several formal methods, most of them with a
as service parameters in the service description, but semantics based on transition systems (e.g. automata,
the specification of metrics and guarantees is missing. Petri nets, process algebras), have been used to guaran-
Moreover, there is no way to specify functional relations tee correct service compositions.
between metrics and therefore quality-aware service Below we first present a selective overview of the
discovery is not feasible. use of well-known languages and models by the formal
methods community, to realize the approaches to service
V. F ORMAL M ETHODS FOR S ERVICE C OMPOSITION composition discussed in Section II. Subsequently we
indicate which of these approaches have been used to
Services are typically designed to interact with other
address the service composition characteristics selected
services to form larger applications. From a software
in Section III.
engineering point of view, the construction of new
services by composing existing services raises exciting
perspectives, which can significantly impact the way A. Automata
future industrial applications will be developed. It also Automata or Labeled Transition Systems (LTSs) are
raises a number of challenges, however, one of them a well-known model underlying formal system spec-
being the challenge to guarantee the correct interaction ifications. The intuitive way in which automata can
of independent, communicating pieces of software. Due model system behavior has lead to several automata-
to the message-passing nature of service interaction, based specification models, like (variants of) I/O au-
many subtle errors might occur when several services tomata [31], timed automata [2] and team automata [4].

Their formal basis allows automatic tool support and way of identifying basic aspects of concurrent systems,
as a resultautomata-based models are increasingly both mathematically and conceptually. This has con-
being used to formally describe, compose, and verify tributed greatly to the development of a rich theory of
service compositions. Below follow some exemplary concurrent systems based on Petri nets. Moreover, their
approaches. ease of conceptual modeling (largely due to an easy-to-
In [24], [25], the authors introduce a framework to understand graphical notation) has made Petri nets the
analyze and verify properties of service compositions model of choice in many applications.
of BPEL processes communicating via asynchronous In fact, Petri nets are very popular in BPM-related
XML messages. This framework first translates the fields due to the large variety of process control flows
BPEL processes to a particular type of automaton whose they can capture [37]. In particular, the dead-path-
every transition is equipped with a guard in the form elimination technique that is used in BPEL to bypass
of an XPath [80] expression, after which these guarded activities whose preconditions are not met, can be
automata are translated into Promela, the input language readily modeled in Petri nets. In [56], it is shown how to
of the model checker SPIN [30]. Also in [21] automata map all BPEL control-flow constructs into labeled Petri
are used to translate BPEL processes to Promela. SPIN nets (thus including control flows for exception handling
can then be used to verify whether service composi- and compensations). This is automated by the open-
tions satisfy certain properties expressed in the Linear source tool BPEL2PNML, whose output can be used to
Temporal Logic LTL. In [35], a (composition of) WSs is verify BPEL processes by means of the open-source
modeled by a (composition of) so-called state transition tool WofBPEL [55] (including reachability analysis).
systems, after which LTL is again used to verify prop- We now give some examples of such approaches.
erties that such compositions should satisfy by means In [53], the authors define the semantics of a relevant
of the NuSMV model checker [12]. This approach is subset of DAML-S (now OWL-S) in terms of a first-
extended in [34], [36] by using so-called extended state order logic, viz. the situation calculus [61]. Based on
transition systems and by performing (and comparing) this semantics they describe WS compositions in a
verifications with both SPIN and NuSMV. Petri-net-based formalism, complete with an operational
In [14], a case study shows how descriptions of semantics. They discuss the implementation of a tool to
services written in BPEL/WS-CDL can be automat- describe and automatically verify service compositions.
ically translated to timed automata and subsequently In [27], the authors introduce a Petri-net-based alge-
be verified by the model checker UPPAAL [43]. This bra to compose services, based on control flows, and
technique is consequently used in [15] to model check show how to use it for performance analysis.
the time requirements of WS compositions specified in In [81], a Petri-net-based design and verification
WS-CDL by using UPPAAL. framework for service composition is proposed, which
In [32], the authors provide an encoding of BPEL can be used to visualize, create and verify existing
processes into WS timed state transition systems, a BPEL processes. The authors still need to develop a
formalism that is closely related to timed automata, and graphical interface, with a Petri-net view and a BPEL
discuss a framework in which timed properties (both view, to assist the creation of WS compositions.
qualitative and quantitative) expressed in the Duration In [83], a Petri-net-based architectural description
Calculus DC [11] can be model checked. These analysis language, in which service-oriented systems can be
capabilities are consequently extended in [33] by using modeled and analyzed in an automatic way, is intro-
the quantified discrete-time duration calculus [57]. duced and a small case study is presented. To deal with
In [16], a framework to automatically verify systems real-life applications and to eliminate manual transla-
modeled in the orchestration language Orc [54] is tion errors, the authors intend to develop an automatic
proposed. To this aim, the authors define a formal translation engine from WSDL to their language.
timed-automata semantics for Orc expressions, which In [29], a complete and formal Petri-net seman-
conforms to Orcs operational semantics. UPPAAL can tics for BPEL is presented, thus including exception
then be used to model check Orc models. handling and compensations. Furthermore, the authors
In [52], services are modeled as I/O Automata, af- present their BPEL2PN parser which can automatically
ter which the supervision of service composition by transform BPEL processes into Petri nets. As a result,
a choreographer is verified by simulations over I/O a variety of Petri-net verification tools are applicable
automata, using a so-called universal service automaton. to automatically analyze BPEL processes. Yet another
framework for modeling and analyzing BPEL processes
B. Petri Nets by means of Petri nets is presented in [45], including an
Petri nets are a framework to model concurrent effective algorithm to verify usability-based properties.
systems [59], [60]. Their main attraction is the natural In [63], Orc is translated into colored Petri nets,

which is a generalization of Petri nets that can deal in order to consider additional issues like the exchange
with recursion and data handling. The authors extend of data during service interactions and dynamic service
their framework in [62] to deal with QoS aspects in a compositions. In [20], e.g., a two-way mapping is
sound way. defined between BPEL and the more expressive process
Finally, a very recent Petri-net-based approach to for- algebra LOTOS [7]. An advantage of the translation is
mally model service composition can be found in [28]: the inclusion of compensations and exception handling,
It contains a rigorous account of the composition of thus permitting the verification of temporal properties
services, represented as so-called open Petri nets, thus with the CADP [19] model-checking toolbox.
permitting correctness analyses. Finally, in [64] the authors introduce the BPEL2EC
tool that can automatically transform BPEL processes
C. Process Algebras into the Event Calculus EC [39]: It takes a WS compo-
Like Petri nets, process algebras are precise and well- sition as input and outputs its behavioral specification
studied formalisms that allow the automatic verifica- in the EC, after which such a specification is turned into
tion of both functional and non-functional properties. a format that the theorem prover SPIKE [69] accepts to
They come with a rich theory on bisimulation analysis, check for behavioral properties expressed in the EC.
i.e. to establish whether two processes have equivalent
behaviors. Such analyses are useful to establish whether 1) S ENSORIA Calculi for Service Composition:
one service can substitute another service in a service The remainder of this section is dedicated to recent
composition or to verify the redundancy of a service. process-algebraic approaches to model and verify ser-
The -calculus [51] is a process algebra that has vice compositions (through orchestration and choreog-
inspired modern service composition languages like raphy) that have been proposed in the context of the
BPEL. As with Petri nets, the rationale behind us- EU project S ENSORIA [67] in which we are involved.
ing the -calculus to describe processes lies in the In particular, we briefly discuss a number of advanced
advantages that a formal calculus with a rich theory process calculi that are equipped with basic primitives
provides for the automatic verification of behavioral used to execute complex service applications (like long-
properties expressed in such a calculus. From a com- running transactions).
positional perspective, the -calculus offers constructs We divide these calculi in two different categories.
to compose activities in terms of sequential, parallel, The first one consists of calculi that use an explicit
and conditional execution, combinations of which can notion of session, while the second one contains calculi
lead to compositions of arbitrary complexity. We now that are based on correlation information. The resulting
give some examples of process-algebraic approaches to principal difference between these two categories is the
specify and verify service compositions. way in which an orchestrator manages service com-
In [22], [23], a verification process is described and munication. In the first category, the orchestrator must
applied on several case studies. It is based on translating activate a set of different sessions that are related to the
a BPEL model of a WS composition into a process number of services in the orchestration. In the second
calculus called Finite State Processes FSP [44] and one, the orchestrator runs only one process instance and
subsequently into LTSs. Consequently, one can check a correlation information set is declared, which is used
the resulting FSP composition for correctness based on to allow services to interact with the right session.
behavioral (trace) equivalence as well as model check
the resulting LTS for safety and liveness properties. a) Session-based Calculi: When a service is
In [65], the authors advocate the use of process called, the calculi of this first category create a new
algebras to describe, compose and verify services, with session, i.e. a private bidirectional channel between
a particular focus on their interactions. Therefore they caller and callee. In order to establish a communication,
present a case study that uses CCS [50] to specify each side of the channel has a communication protocol
and compose services as processes, and the Concur- installed. This category contains the Service Centered
rency Workbench [13] to validate properties like correct Calculus SCC [8], which was introduced as a com-
service composition. The Concurrency Workbench is bination of Orcs service-oriented characteristics and
also used in [38]: This time as a verification environ- the name-passing communication mechanisms provided
ment for the BPE-calculus, a small CCS-like language by the -calculus. Essentially, SCC is a name-passing
containing the main control flow constructs of BPEL process calculus in which services can be created and
while abstracting from many details (including fault and invoked. A service invocation produces a new session
compensation handlers). in which interaction between clients and services can be
To be of use in real-life applications one needs to use modeled. Moreover, a session can be explicitly closed
more advanced calculi than CCS (e.g. the -calculus) using the mechanism of process interruption (i.e. close).

SCC offers just a basic mechanism for service orches- defined and updated. COWS is extended with time
tration, which has been inspired by Orcs pipeline con- in [42], while a logical verification framework to check
struct and which is expressive enough to encode most of functional properties of service compositions specified
Van der Aalsts orchestration patterns [1]. Nevertheless, with COWS is presented in [17].
it can be very useful to have some more sophisticated
and flexible inter-session communication mechanism as VI. C OMPARING A PPROACHES TO S ERVICE
a primitive construct in the language. For this reason, C OMPOSITION IN F ORMAL M ETHODS
a number of variants of SCC were introduced (like
In Fig. 2 we compare the formal methods surveyed
SSCC [40] and CSCC [70], which make use of stream-
so far according to their ability to deal with the charac-
oriented communication and message passing, resp.).
teristics of Section III. The entries correspond to papers
Regarding exception handling, these session-based in the references. Each such paper appears only in the
calculi provide primitives to deal with the proper closure column of the formal method used in that paper, while
of a session, to install a termination handler andin it appears in a row if the respective characteristic is
case of SCCto signal the decision to close a session addressed in the paper.
to partners. Note that not many of the considered formal methods
deal with connectivity in a satisfactory way, even though
b) Correlation-based Calculi: This second cate- a growing lot of them deal with exception handling and
gory contains SOCK: A Calculus for Service Oriented compensations. As said before, their solid mathematical
Computing [26] and COWS: A Calculus for Orchestra- basis does make formal methods very well suitable
tion of Web Services [41]. Both calculi use correlation to verify the (behavioral) correctness properties under
information to compose services. Correlation informa- consideration. In fact, most of the considered formal
tion (such as Internet cookies used by web sites) permits methods have the advantage of being accompanied
a flexible mechanism to manage relationships among by tools that allow simulation and verification of the
collaborating partners. Recall from Section II that we behavior of a model at design time, thus enabling the
distinguish two approaches to assemble services, viz. detection and correction of errors as early as possible.
orchestration and choreography. In both SOCK and As such, these formal approaches can be used to in-
COWS, a choreography consists of three main ele- crease the correctness of service compositions.
ments: the roles, the initial state constraints and the In industry, various tools are being developed to sup-
conversations. Each role has a name and contains a set port the specification and composition of services. Ex-
of variables and operations. An orchestration, on the amples include IBMs WebSphere Choreographer [71]
other hand, consists of several orchestrators in parallel, and Oracles BPEL Process Manager [10]. For verifica-
each of which identifies a process by an identifier tion, however, formal methods are the means to use.
and memorizes the current values of its variables in a Finally, QoS issues like performance (analysis) are
storage. also rather well supported by formal methods, again
The principal difference between SOCK and COWS largely due to their solid mathematical basis and their
is that the latter is stateless as it bases correlation on tool support. Obviously, some quantitative information
values, while SOCK is stateful as it bases correlation from the actual use of services is needed for proper
on variables. Moreover, in SOCK the correlation infor- performance analyses.
mation can change during run-time and a process might
dynamically change partners (which is not permitted in VII. C ONCLUSION
COWS). Finally, while SOCK associates a new process
Several papers compare and analyze service compo-
with its state, in COWS it is added in parallel with the
sition languages [5], [48], [49], [58], [73]. Of these,
other processes.
[5] discusses service composition from the architectural
Both these correlation-based calculi contain mech- viewpoint, both [48] and [73] contain comparisons
anisms to define fault and compensation handlers. In conducted almost at the micro level, focusing on spe-
COWS one can force the immediate termination (by cific language structures and control patterns, and [58]
means of a kill activity) of concurrent threads, pro- hardly addresses service composition, focusing more
gram ad-hoc fault and compensation handlers, and on service-oriented computing as a whole. We instead
protect some sensitive activities. SOCK, on the other provide a general overview, remaining closer to [49]:
hand, distinguishes among fault handlers and termina- Seven exemplary approaches to service composition are
tion/compensation handlers. In SOCK, it is possible to compared against a carefully selected set of characteris-
associate handlers to any portion of code using the tics that any approach should aim to support to facilitate
scope construct and these handlers can be dynamically service composition.

Semantic models
Characteristics Automata Petri nets Process algebras
Connectivity [14, 15, 21, 24, 25, 3436] [2729, 37, 53, 56, 62, 63, 81, 83] [8, 20, 22, 23, 26, 38, 40, 41, 64, 65, 70]
Exception handling/
[21, 32] [29, 37, 45, 56, 63, 81] [8, 20, 26, 40, 41, 70]

Correctness [1416, 21, 24, 25, 3236, 52] [2729, 45, 53, 81] [17, 20, 22, 23, 38, 64, 65]

QoS [15, 16, 24, 25, 32, 33] [53, 56, 62] [20, 23, 42, 65]

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