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LA CAMANSKY: How many homeless people do you see everyday?


Mora: ALONE [imagen]
Cama: DEPRESSED [imagen]
So what is homelessness? Is the condition in which people live without a
permanent housing. Their quality of live is extremely low, meaning that their
only choice they can make is to sleep either on cardboard, benches, Styrofoam,
among other uncomfortable objects.
These people confront many problems in their daily lives. Both their immediate
and their long-term needs represent a constant struggle which they have to
fight off every day. Look at you you complain about having a physics test,
you complain about not getting the latest phone. You complain about your
breakfast, your lunch, your dinner. Panhandlers can sit up for almost the whole
day to get a few coins just to survive.
But how does someone end in this situation? In many countries, governments
are one of the key factors for homelessness. These are not consistent and
coherent in the way the impose levies to the population, especially the way the
estates usually tax low-income families. The methods they sometimes use do
not assure equity, as they do not make use of systems which assure fairness
for everyone. Some nations have not adopted progressive taxes. These is the
most unbiased way of taxing, as it is based on a very straightforward and
simple principle. The more you win, the more you will have to pay. The less you
can afford, the less your duties will be. Countries without this system
sometimes are not very benefited of this. Consider the following case
Normally, the number of rich people is very few compared to the number of
people with not a high income. This means that the state would receive less
money than normally he would receive in a regressive tax-based economy
(people with lower salary pays more taxes than wealthy people). This is the
case in the sales-tax in the United States of America. Underprivileged people
are forced to pay a higher percentage of their wage for things like clothing,
transport, food, and more daily essentials. This will make poor people
eventually bankrupt, therefore reaching homelessness.

Another issue which houseless people confront is healthcare. 70% of them

suffer from double Diagnosis, 12.1% of psychotropic substances-challenges and
12.1% from Mental illnesses. Now, it is clear that these group is likely to come
down with a serious affection. This is due to the fact that they are exposed to
an atrocious weather, to animals that carry maladies, to the lack of medical
assistance, to a shortage of sanitation But one thing is evident. HEALTHCARE
IS A CIVIL RIGHT. Private organizations have already taken the initiative to aid
homeless. Also countries such as Finland have taken measures to teach people
without a home about sanitation and they have given the opportunity to them
to go to certain places (such as specialized vans) where they can take showers,
shave themselves This is a great example of how to

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