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BS Medical Technology

Botany-study of plants (Greek word). 50%(foods on our table)

derived from plant.
Theophrastus-father of botany, flower (Phanerogams) or not
Caius Pilnius Secundus-Piny the Elder, biological, medicicinal and
agricultural aspects of plants.
Stamen- firs used by Pliny
Pedanios Dioscorides-physician of the Roman Army.
-Work Materia Medica 600 species plants.
-(Aloe, Anemone, Phaseolus, and Arisolochia
Herbals-recording medicinal plants and where to find them.
Philosophy Theories Changeable
(Love) Sophia Philosophers (Hipocrates, Plato, Aristotle)
(wisdom) SCIENCE (W.Wundall, Danoin)
Living (Rational Reason, Irrational Beast)
Scientific Method


(1)Living things are composed of cells.

-shared by all organisms.
(2)Living things have different levels of organization.
-biological hierarchy of life roots
(3)Living things reproduce
-ensure survival of the species, organisms produce offspring
-reproduction (Sexual, Asexual)
(4)Living organisms use energy
-Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) energy currency of the living
(5)Living things respond to their environment.
-Stimuli organisms responds to. Tropism- plant bend towards
(6)Living organisms are able to grow & develop.
-replace old & dying cells, perform different function Cellular
(7)Living things adapt to their environment
-adaptation allows certain individuals to be better than the rest
-the fit are able to reproduce and pass their genetic information
-onset of evolution

Characteristics of Plants

(1)Plants have multicellular eukaryotes

(2)Plants are capable of Photosynthesis
(3)Plant Cell walls have cellulose
(4)Plants have two adult forms that alternate in producing each
other(alteration of generations)
(5)Plants have a multicellular embryo protected within the female

The Microscope
-magnify Objects too small for the naked eye.
Lenses & mirrors-reflect and refract light from the object to the
Microscopic Resolution-provides details two points from each other
within the field of sight.
Anton Van Leewenhoek-father of Microscopy
Types of Microscopes:
Simple Microscope-one lens to magnify an object.
Compound Microscope-Objective lens & Eye piece or Ocular.
-magnifies the object twice, re-magnifies an already magnified object.
Light Microscope-light as the source of illumination.
Electron Microscope-uses beam of electrons to pass through an object.
2 Types of electron microscope:
a)SEM (Scanning Electron Microscope)
-scans the objects then magnifies it.
b)TEM (Transmission Electron Microscope
-allows beam of electrons to pass through an object,
provides a clear 3D image
Scientific Method-step by step procedure in answering problems or
questions in the environment.
Hypothesis-tested in the process of experimentation
-performed in a series of trials.
-results obtained (statistics to falsify hypo) Conclusion is
Plant Pathology-plant diseases and their possible cure.

Chemical Basis of Life

Matter-Occupy space and has mass
Element-substance that cannot be broken down into another substance.
Atom-unique building block.
-chemical union of two or more elements
-characteristics of individual elements are lost
-can be separated by chemical means
-physical union takes place (alloys, colloids, solutions,
-characteristics of individual elements are retained
-can be separated by physical means ( filtration, decantation)
Chemical Bonds (Covalent, Ionic)
Covalent-formed 2 elements, shared electrons. (water) (polar/non
Ionic-transfer electron to another atom, electrical charged atoms are
Water-70-95% living organisms.
-High Surface Tension,Capillary Action,High Heat of Vaporization.
-vital component of the plant
-Photosynthesis, water provide the needed electron pump and
releasing oxygen as by product.

Carbon-important life structure and process. 4 electrons in bonding.

-Octet Rule (elements tend to combine other elements to have
8 electrons in its valence shell.
-Monomers (single unit), Polymer (Long Chains)
-4 important classes of macromolecules necessary for life
(1)Carbohydrates (2)Proteins (3) Lipids (4)Nucleic A.
Carbohydrates(carbon oxygen hydrogen atoms) (example:glucose fructose)
-sometimes called as sugars
-primary energy giver of the body
-glucose + fructose = Sucrose
Monosaccharide-one unit of sugar
Polysaccharides-starch & glycogen
Starch-is an important food storage by plants
Glycogen-energy storage for animals, fungi, and bacteria.
Lipids(large proportion of C-H bonds, less oxygen)
-providing insulation and secondary energy
Glycerol-building block of lipids bonded with fatty acids
-commonly called fats and oils
-insoluble in water
-form the basic structure of cell membranes.
Proteins(Large polymers: carbon oxygen nitrogen & Sulphur)
-greek word proteios means first of importance
-essential to all life process.
Amino Acids-building block of Protein (20 Amino Acids)
-building blocks of many organism (muscles, hair, nails, hooves)
-vital in transporting blood (hemoglobin)
Enzymes-hasten chemical reaction in the body
Nucleic Acids
-storage of genetic information of organinisms
Nuceleoide-smaller sub unit. (5 carbon or pentose sugar backbone,
Nitrogenous base, Phosphate group)
2 Important types of NA:
(1)Deoxyribonucleic acid(DNA)
-holds instruction how an organisms will look like
(2)Ribonucleic acid (RNA)
-creates a copy of the DNA to be use in protein synthesis.
Galileo Galilei
-put lenses inside the cylinder
-first person to observe and record observation using a
Robert Hooke (Curator of Instrumentation of the Royal Society of Eng.)
-observed under the microscope thin layers of cork in storing
-coin the word cell to denote empty spaces

Hans & Zacharias Janssen
-Dutch Lens grinders, father & son.
-produces the first compound microscopes (2 Lenses)
Robert Hooke
-thin slice cork (oak cork)
-observed tiny,hollow,room-like structures
Anton van Leewonhoek
-dutch fabric merchant and amateur scientist
-look at blood,rainwater,scrapings from teeth through simple
microscope (1 lens)
Barthelemy Dumortier
-described binary fission in plants
Matthias Schleiden
-German botanist
-discovered the plant parts are made up of cells
Theodor Schwann
-German zoologist
-animal parts are made up of cells
Rudolph Virchow
-German physician
-living cells comes from another living cells
Cell Theory States
(1)All organisms are made up of cell
(2)Cells are the basic unit of life
(3)All cells came from pre-existing cells
Cell Theory
-explain how cells arise, all living organism regardless of shape
and sizes are made up of cells.
Organelles-small membrane-bound compartments found inside most type of
-found in a gel-like substance called cytoplasm
Cell Membrane
-outermost layer of the cell
-protector from unwanted materials outside the cell
-regulates the entry and exit of cellular products
-important in cellular recognition and communication
-composed of double layer of phospholipids ad protein channels
scattered throughout the membrane
-control center of the cell
-house genetic material of the cell, DNA, coiled in structure
called chromosomes
-known as the little nucleus, found inside the nucleus holds RNA
-site for cellular respiration for the provision of energy for
the cells.

-powerhouse of the cell. Has its own DNA.

Endoplasmic Reticulum
-super highway of the cell
-synthesis of proteins,lipds,and membranes. Protein modification
-freely floating in the cytoplasm, attached to an endo.reti.
Rough ER-processes proteins
Smooth ER-processes Fats and lipids
-assembles and packages cellular products for transport to the
-Animal cell this refer to Golgi Bodies after Camio Golgi
discovered this organelle
-digestive sac of the cell
-digest food and waste materials
-cells malfunctioning, the Lysosomes burst and digests the cell
to avoid further damage to adjacent cells
-provides cellular integrity
Microfilaments-attached to the cell membrane
-responsible for cell shape and constriction
Microtubules-serve as anchorage of organelles inside the cell
-small membrane bound organelle that carry substance in and out
of the cell
-food particles needed by the cell to be transported and carry
Cells are divided into 2 types:
-do not have a membrane bound nucleus and organelles
-with membrane bound organelles and a distinct nucleus.
Complexity of the Eukaryotes
-gained levels of multicellularity and physiological interactions
Chloroplast-contains green pigment chlorophyll traps sunlight
70-80%-cellular space to store water and prevent wilting of plants
Centrioles-usually absent in plant cells except those that are motile
Plasmodesmata-cellular Junction allows cellular transport between
adjacent cells.
-intercellular cytoplasmic connections found among plants and
allied organisms such as the algae.
Plasmodesma(singular for plasmodesmata)
-series of pores, or channels lying between plant cells.
-bridges between two plant cells
Complex Cell Membrane
-movement of molecules in and out of the cell
-regulates the passage of substances needed or excreted by the
Cellualr organelles

2 types of Transport:
(1)Passive Trasport
-movement of the molecules without the need of energy
2)Active Transport
-movement against the gradient, energy investment is required
Cell Membrane
-also known as the plasmalema allows small uncharged particles
to pass easily without spending energy.
-movement of particles from high concentration
-provides the pressure osmotic pressureneeded by plant cells to
maintain shape
Phagocytosis (cell eating)
Pinocytosis (cell drinking)
Exocytosis (excreting large molecules)

Plant Tissues and Development

Plant cells-develop into tissues to perform complex function
Emergent Propertise-new characteristic arise
Multicellular organisms (Locomotion Respiration Reproduction)
Cell Cycle-series or universal pattern and processes of cells
-birthreproductionmetabolic activitiesdeath
Different phase of the cell cycle:
(1)Resting phase (G0)
Sub-phaseGap 0
ProcessesResting stage,cell (non dividing)
Gap 1 (G1)Growth phase
Synthesis(S)DNA in chromosomes are replicated
Gap 2 (G2)Synthesis,production of Microtubules
(3) M Phase
Karyokinesis(karyo means nucleusThe cell
nucleus Divides
CytokinesisThe cell itself divides into daughter
Chromosomes-supercoiled DNA carries genetic information.
Chromatid-replicate exact copies of DNA
Sister Chromatid-2 chromatid attached via centromere
Non-Sister chromatids-different chromosomes

-refers to cell division
-nuclear division among somatic cells
-process by which eukaryotic cells divide or separate the
chromosomes into two identical nuclei
Somatic Cells (blood cells,epithelial cells,bone cells)
-do not participate in the sexual reproduction
Germ/Reproductive Cells (undergo meiosis)
-sperm (male) female (ovum)
-a course of double division producing four daughter cells with
half number of chromosomes

Key events in Mitosis

-Nuclear membrane begins to disintegrate, nucleoli disappear
-DNA begins supercoil and appear as chromosomes

-chromosomes appear as sister chromatids attached at the
centromere containing kinetochore.
-sister chromatids are pulled towards opposite poles
-nuclear membrane reappears, DNA begin to diffuse into
nucleus, nucleoli appear
-the cell nucleus divides
-cell itself divides into daughter cells
Sub-stages of Prophase 1
-individual chromosomes condense to form visible strands
-homologous chromosomes
-Crossing tover happens
-chromosomes separate a little
-nucleolus disappear, spindle fibers begin to form
-cell itself divides into daughter cells

Plant tissues
3 Main Types:
(1)ground tissue
(2)vascular tissue
(3)dermal tissue
2 Categories:
(1)Meristematic Tissue
-tissues that can differentiate
(2)Permanent Tissue
-cannot differentiate
Ground Tissue
-main components of the young plants
-integral packaging and supportive system of the plant
-manufacture food and storage
3 Types of Cells:
-proliferative cells of the plant
-found in all plant tissue system
-further cell dividion, cell wall is thin
-majority of the fruit and vegetable weights are parenchyma
cells acting as storage cells
Mesophyll Cells-specialized parenchyma cells
Vascular Tissue
-extensive tissue system mainly for transport of water and
nutrients from roots to leaves, from leaves different parts
of the plant
2 main types of V. tissues:
Sap-contents transported by phloem and xylem
-conducts water and nutrients from the roots to the leaves
Tracheids-long tampered cells
-similar to schlerenchyma dead at maturity
Vessel Element-conducting cells in most flowering plants

-the food, conducting tissue system among vascular plants
-active and alive during maturity
Sieve-tube elements
-carries food materials from leaves to different parts of
-do not have nucleus at maturity
Dermal Tissue
-coverings of the plant
-protection against unwanted materials from entering the
-prevent loss of water, nutrients and important compounds
-usually begins as parenchymal cells
-first layer of the dermal tissue among young plants
-as plant ages from epidermis
-mostly nonliving cork cells for added protection
-hair like structures on leaf surfaces
-mechanism against water loss
Plant as a Whole
2 Main System:
(1)Root System
-underneath the soil
-main anchorage of the plant
-absorbs water and nutrients from the soil
(2)Shoot System
-parts above the ground
-conducts nutrients and water, photosynthesis
Flower-serves as the reproductive system of the plant and fruits
-adaptation to specific environment
Water Availability
-plants in dry condition
-normal terrestrial condition
-lives in water

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