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_--- Basic Info --Name: Eiji Yoshio

Kanji: (tba)
Meaning: (tba)
Alias/Nicknames: Eiji
Epithets/titles:Species: Tenshi
Gender: male
Sexual orientation: whateversexual
Birthday: 1 January
Age: 17(in human form)
Zodiac sign: Capricorn

--- Personal traits --Personality:

-His/her personal traits. Here you can give your caharacter a certain depth.
Good traits: kind, loyal, responsible
Bad traits: short-tempered
-foods and drinks: tropical fruit, susu
-colors: white, blue
-favourite animal: avian, ikan
-what he/she likes to do in his/her free time: terbang //YHA , berdoa (terkadang sambil
mempercikkan holy water / garam)
-foods and drinks: coklat
-colors: pink
-less favourite animal: semut
-what he/she doenst likes to do in his/her free time:ada orang minta dipijitin dia //siapajuga
Habbits: mengepakkan sayap di atap sekolah, menggumamkan bahasa Enochian saat
tidur(habis kecapekan)
Hobbies: bersih-bersih (apapun itu), menyapa orang lewat
Fears: tusuk gigi (pernah tangannya berdarah gara-gara ketusuk ama tusuk gigi)
Ambition: mempelajari semua hal yang baru dipelajari manusia dan berkomunikasi dengan
seluruh makhluk hidup di dunia

--- Relationships --(OPEN)


-Insert relationships name:

Best friend:

--- Other--Deffensive/Offensive type: deffense

Dominant hand: left hand

--- Abilities --Ray Hand:

Dengan mengarahkan telapak tangannya ke arah target, mampu melumpuhkan penglihatan
target untuk sementara (sebenarnya cuma mengeluarkan cahaya putih yang pekat dari telapak
tangannya). Efek tidak sampai buta kok.
Dengan menempatkan telapak tangannya pada ubun-ubun/dada target, mampu memberikan
perlindungan sementara dan menyembuhkan luka ringan. Kalo luka berat, sampai berjamjam. Efeknya mampu menguras mana nya Eiji.

--- Background & history --(TBA)

--- Trivia --(TBA)

_--- Basic Info --Name: Kisaragi Hibiki

Kanji: (tba)
Meaning: (tba)
Alias/Nicknames: Kisaragi, Hibiki. Nyan
Epithets/titles:Species: Half-Youkai
Gender: male
Sexual orientation: whateversexual
Birthday: 2 January
Age: 17(in human form) Real Age: ????
Zodiac sign: Capricorn

--- Personal traits --Personality:

-His/her personal traits. Here you can give your caharacter a certain depth.
Good traits: Baik, lucu, ramah, suka humor, cerewet
Bad traits: malas
-foods and drinks: ikan jenis apapun, susu
-colors: kuning
-favourite animal: ikan koi
-what he/she likes to do in his/her free time: jilat-jilat(?), nongkrong di pohon
-foods and drinks: coklat
-colors: cyan blue
-less favourite animal: kelinci
-what he/she doenst likes to do in his/her free time:diganggu
Habbits: menguap dimanapun, makan ikan sambil berdiri/ngobrol
Hobbies: tidur, jalan-jalan, loncat kesana-kemari
Fears: isi pensil
Ambition: mencicipi semua makanan yang ada

--- Relationships --(OPEN)

-Insert relationships name:
Best friend:

--- Parentage and genetics --Apperance traits inherited from father's side: -Hair color: was his hair color inherited from father?
-Eye color: was his eye color inherited from father?
-Body built: was the base body build inherited from father?
-Facial features: Like eye shape, nose, mouths etc.
-Unusual features: is there any unusual body features inherited from father? Like a mole for
example? Or any unusual features in appearance he haslike the father? For example there is
Kakashi's unusual similarity to his father.
Apperance traits inherited from mother's side: -Hair color: was his hair color inherited from mother?
-Eye color: was his eye color inherited from mother?
-Body built: was the base body build inherited from mother?
-Facial features: Like eye shape, nose, mouths etc.
-Unusual features: is there any unusual body features inherited from mother? Like a mole for
example? Or any unusual features in appearance he haslike the mother? For example the kid
chooses to use the exact same hairstyle like her mother did, maybe an unusual hair lenght
what is easy to notice. Like the mother had extraordinarly long blonde hair, but his son has
brown hair, but keeps it at the same extraordinary lenght. Couldnt come up with a better
example sorry ._.
Abilities inherited from father's side:
Notice: Write down the abilities inherited from parent, here devided. Sarada will be used as
-Lighting style
-Anyithing else what comes to your mind
Abilities inherited from father's side:
Write down the abilities inherited from parent, here devided. Sarada will be used as example.
-Inhuman strenght
-Observation skills
-Evading skills
-Anyithing else what comes to your mind
Used mixture of inherited abilities:
Notice: Write down how she makes use of the inherited abilities thanks to her parentage, by
mixing these abilities. Again Sarada as example.
-Foresight of the Sharingan combined with evading skills
-Lighting stile combined with inhuman destructive attacks
-Anything comes up in your mind
Appearance traits inherited not from parents, but other ancenstors, clan:
Notice: Not everything is inherited from only the parents. List here these features.
-This is a personal example: My father had black hair and blue eyes, my mother had brown
eyes and hair. Still, my younger brother has red hair with green eyes what was inherited from
my grandmother in father's side.

-Anything else what comes to mind regarding appearance traits inherinted from other than
Abilities inherited not from parents, but other ancenstors, clan:
Notice: Not everything is inherited from only the parents. List here these features.
-Anything what comes to mind regarding abilities inherinted from other than parents.

--- Other--Deffensive/Offensive type: Offensive. Attack Nyan!!

Dominant hand: right hand

--- Abilities --Illusion:

Menciptakan ilusi berupa pemandangan
Dengan menempatkan telapak tangannya pada ubun-ubun/dada target, mampu memberikan
perlindungan sementara dan menyembuhkan luka ringan. Kalo luka berat, sampai berjamjam. Efeknya mampu menguras mana nya Eiji.

--- Background & history --(TBA)

--- Trivia --(TBA)

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