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Online teacher training solutions

for Teaching English as a Foreign Language

Module 1
The Roles of the Teacher and Learner, Approaches and Methods



As you embark upon your new career of

teaching English around the world, you will
see the value of reflecting upon the Role of
the Teacher and the Learner. It's important
to understand the nature of the relationship
and how one affects the other. With proper
consideration and preparation, you will be
able to enter the classroom for the first time
with confidence in yourself as a teacher and
an understanding of what your students will
expect of you. In a similar way, you will
know what to expect of your students!
Moreover, by researching alternative methods of teaching, you will be able to come to
some conclusions about what will work for you and your students in the classroom in
terms of technique, approach and philosophy.
At Bridge-Linguatec, we espouse the Direct Method along with many aspects of CLT.
These will provide the format for your TEFL training as they are generally the most
accepted today in classrooms and have provided the framework for our schools' classes
resulting in thousands of satisfied students from around the world. Today's English
learners need to be able to communicate in their new language for their jobs, for school
and to participate more effectively in the global village. This is our goal and yours!


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1. Developing a productive relationship between the teacher
and the learner aids
A. Metacognition. is brought
to you by BridgeTEFL a division
of Bridge Linguatec, Inc.

B. the learning process.

C. the counseling/enabling role.
2. Traditionally the role of the teacher was that of
A. counselor.
B. guide.
C. lecturer.
3. Why is the role of the teacher today usually described as that
of a counselor, enabler, or guide?
A. because students learn better through lecture.
B. because students learn better by doing.
C. because students learn better when the teacher is at the front of
the class.
4. The aim of the counseling/enabling role of the teacher is
A. to enable the student to become a teacher.
B. to enable the student to learn from the teachers mistakes.
C. to enable the student to become independent of the
5. The organizational role of the teacher
A. allows students to organize their own classroom activities
without a teachers instructions.
B. allows students opportunities to practice and develop
their language skills.
C. allows students to join groups.
6. An example of using metacognition in teaching is
A. telling students what they will learn and why.
B. telling your students to think for themselves and not ask
so many questions.
C. allowing students to evaluate their school.
7. When speaking in class
A. teachers should speak formally.
B. teachers should speak casually.
C. teachers should speak concisely.
8. Being aware of student errors means
A. correcting all mistakes immediately.

A. correcting all mistakes immediately.

B. correcting errors politely.
C. having a plan for dealing with them.
9. If a supervisor tells a teacher there is excessive TTT in his
class, she probably means
A. students are talking too much.
B. students need more breaks.
C. the teacher is talking too much.
10. A student who is more aural
A. probably likes to speak more.
B. likes to see everything written out on the board.
C. comprehends quickly by listening and doesnt necessarily
need to see it.
11. Which is a stronger language student, an extrovert or an
A. both have strengths as students.
B. the extrovert is always better.
C. the introvert is always better.
12. The roles of teacher and learner can properly be seen as
A. integrated and symbiotic.
B. separate and independent.
C. interactive and dependent.
13. Which of these best describe the grammar-translation
A. student centered, lots of role play.
B. teacher centered, explanation in L1.
C. students act out stories.
14. Which of these best describe the direct method?
A. characterized by students learning naturally with less
emphasis on grammar and more on error correction.
B. characterized by respect for students feelings as well as their
reasoning skills.
C. emphasis on the learning conditions with music used to aid
student relaxation so they absorb more information.
15. A Total Physical Response (TPR) exercise might ask

A. students to mime an activity such as cooking.

B. student to translate everything.
C. teachers to use gesture and Cuisenaire rods.




To continue, click on Assignments.

Bridge Linguatec, Inc

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