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Conspiracy Theory The Bermuda Triangle

Potential areas to cover:

Compass reading anomalies

UFOs and abductions
Time warps/worm holes/portals
Gravitational fields not natural
Lost Atlantis
Electric fog

Evidence accounts:
Christopher Columbus
The Bermuda Triangles bad reputation started with Christopher Columbus.
According to his log, on October 8, 1492, Columbus looked down at his compass and
noticed that it was giving weird readings. He didnt alert his crew at first, because
having a compass that didnt point to magnetic north may have sent the already on
edge crew into a panic.
1) Columbus and his men saw a bright, disc shaped object rise out of the ocean
and fly into the sky, 2) They also, on a different occasion, saw what they
interpreted as stars spinning in the sky above them... now assumed to be a
historic UFO sighting, and 3) They also saw what was described as a candlelight floating up and down out at sea where there could not be a fire.
Surprisingly, these events are indeed based on occurrences in Columbus' log,
but have been interpreted in highly questionable ways
Bruce Gernon
Bruce Gernon claims that he encountered a cylindrical-shaped cloud in his light
aircraft, and upon exiting the cloud, he found he was over the mainland - a trip that
usually took 1.5 hours (in this case, Bruce Gernon claims the trip took only 30
Bruce Gernon claims that he encountered a cylindrical-shaped cloud in his light
aircraft, and upon exiting the cloud, he found he was over the mainland - a trip that
usually took 1.5 hours (in this case, Bruce Gernon claims the trip took only 30
Flight 19
Mass UFO sighting in 2014
Strange lights spotted in 2009


set up idea of the Bermuda triangle and its strangeness

introduce time warping and space portals
specific account of Bruce Gernon with footage and images
add dramatic and mysterious music

Clearer Plan:
Introduction to Bermuda triangle dangers

Introduction to flight 19 who they were what happened how they

disappeared completely - show evidence for this

Introduction to Bruce Gernon who he is what he was doing what

happened show evidence
The Mystery Of The Bermuda Triangle (covers all aspects, has narration, good visual

Bermuda Triangle, The Bruce Gernon Story, Time Travel ? (voice of Bruce, reconstruction,

good visual footage) (voice of bruce better
reconstruction + cgi)

Flight 19 The Bermuda Triangle Mystery (very cut up + reconstruction) (good intro to Bermuda triangle)

Bermuda Triangle Documentarys (too much about ships) (HD good shots mostly about
underwater however) (45:08 time stuff) (good
reconstruction cgi) (more about planes lost) (very old style) (flight 19 stuff) (34 mins bruce gernon +
narration good reconstruction cgi talk about flight time)

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