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Manual to use the Program of

the Modified Joint Hypocenter Determination Method (MJHD14s)

for Teleseismic Events
Mod: 2007.11.26 from MJHD03.doc to MJHD07.doc
Mod: 2005.6.22 from MJHD95.TXT to MJHD03.doc
Mod: 1999.4.26, Original: 1997.1.28
N. Hurukawa, IISEE
Mod: 2016.01.27 from MJHD07 to MJHD14s (Yanuarsih)
Mod: 2016.03.19 from MJHD07 to MJHD14 (Yanuarsih)
Part 1. List of Files
1. Program Files
File 1. station.f
File 2. mjhd14.f

FORTRAN77 program to make station list used in mjhd14s.f

FORTRAN77 program of MJHD

File 1. station.f
Input Files
1. station.inp
Input (parameter) data
2. station2016.bmkg2
List of stations in the world used by BMKG
Phase Data (in MJHD format)
Output Files
1. station.out
List of stations selected, which is used in mjhd07.f
File 2. mjhd14.f
Input Files
1. mjhd.inp
2. station.out
Output Files
1. mjhd.out1
2. mjhd.prn1

Input (parameter) data

List of stations selected (output file of station.f)
Phase Data (same file as for station.f)
List of hypocenters
List of hypocenters and phases in detail
(For these two, out2, prn2, out3, prn3,,,, )

2. iaspei travel time

1. iasp91.hed
2. iasp91.tbl
3. Sample Data
2. sumatra.dat3

2007.11.14 ANTOFAGASTA, CHILE earthquake

2004 Sumatra earthquake

4. Others
1. MJHD14.doc

Manual in Word format (this file)

Part 2. Procedure
1. Selection of station list
1.1 Prepare input data for prog=station.f
$ vi station.inp
Input minimum of observed events et al.
Input output file names, if necessary
1.2 Run prog=station.f


$ vi station.f
Input input file name (station.inp), if necessary
$ g77 station.f
$ cp a.exe station
$ ./ station
(In this example: Station selected is NST=52)
2. Calculation of hypocenters
2.1 Change parameters in prog=mjhd14.f
$ vi mjhd14.f
Parameter NST should be changed in MAIN and Sub=JHDT2.
(In this example, NST=52)
2.2 Prepare input data for prog=mjhd14.f
$ vi mjhd.inp
Input input and output file names, minimum of stations, iform et al.
1. input file name
First run:
iform .ne. 1, (depend on data format, see Part 3)
iform=1, input file = routine output file (
Second run:
iform=0, input file = output file of previous run (mjhd.prn1)
cf. When iform=1 (first step), itrt=0 (only residuals are calculated).
After this step, mjhd.out and mjhd.prn file names should be changed.
2.3 Run prog=mjhd14.f
$ g77 mjhd14.f
$ ./a
Part 3. Explanation
1. Description of Input Parameters in station.inp
Minimum number of earthquakes at each station.
MNST: Minimum number of stations at each event.
IFORM: Input data type
=1: Standard (Default), ISC CD-ROM, mchedr
=2: ISC MT
=3: EIM (Earthquake Information Message from USGS)
=4: QED
X0, Y0: Origin of (longitude, latitude) coordinates
RMAX: Stations within RMAX degrees from the center of analyzed area are used.
2. Description of Input Parameters in mjhd07.inp
X0, Y0: Origin of (longitude, latitude) coordinates
ZFIX(i): Upper (i=1) and lower (i=2) limits of the focal depth in km.
When getting out of this limit, it is fixed at this value.
Minimum number of earthquakes at each station.
MNST: Minimum number of stations at each event.
RESS: Maximum travel-time residual.
Maximum iteration number in JHD.
STD1: Upper limit of standard deviations. Earthquakes under this value are used.
NAST: A number of stations not used even if R is less than RMAX.
ASTN(i): Station name above. i=1, NAST.
NEXC: Number of unused earthquakes in SAMPLE.DATA file.
Earthquake number of above earthquake. i=1, NEXC.
RANKAB: Reading accuracy used.
=A: A rank
=B: A and B ranks

=C: All events

RMAX: Stations in RMAX degrees from the center of analyzed area are used.
IPRINT: Design of printing results (hypocenters).
=0: No print
=1: Print hypocenters
=2: Print hypocenters and station data.
AMGM: Minimum magnitude. Earthquakes under this value are not used.
SLOPE(i): Change of centroid. i=1, 2, 3 correspond to x, y, z.
=0.0: No change (Usually these should be zero)
Notice to run the program.
Since we use following PARAMETER statements in the program, we must give proper
values before running the program.
Parameters defined in PARAMETER statements
A number of stations used in calculation. NST should be equal to MST, which is
equal to NST1-NAST. Where NST1 and NAST are a number of stations in
station.out and a number of unused stations given in input file mjhd03.inp. Since
this appears in MAIN and subroutine JHDT as parameter statements, this should
be changed when NST is changed.
Maximum number of events. You may put very large number. This appears in
PRHYPT, and PRSC. (Default: NQ=2000)
A maximum number of stations appeared. You may put very large number. This
PRHYPO, PRSC, STNSLT, and DATSL1. (Default: N1=2000)
1. In subroutine STNSL1, we define a number of used stations, MST. MST is a difference between a
number of stations in the station file, NST1, and that of unused stations. We should give a value
NST in PARAMETER statement as NST=MST, that is a number of used stations. NST will appear
in MAIN and subroutine JHDT.
Request to users: When you use this program and publish research results, please refer one of the
following references.
Hurukawa, N. and Imoto, M., 1990, Fine structure of an underground boundary between the
Philippine Sea and Pacific plates beneath the Kanto district, Japan, Zisin (J. Seismol. Soc.
Jpn.), 43, 413-429 (in Japanese with English abstract).
Hurukawa, N. and Imoto, M., 1992, Subducting oceanic crusts of the Philippine Sea and Pacific
plates and weak-zone normal compression in the Kanto district Japan, Geophys. J. Int., 109,
Hurukawa, N., 1995, Quick aftershock relocation of the 1994 Shikotan earthquake and its fault
planes, Geophys. Res. Lett., 22, 3159-3162.
I'm afraid there still remain some bugs in the program. When you find bugs, please inform me.
International Institute of Seismology and Earthquake Engineering (IISEE)
Building Research Institute
Tatehara 1, Tsukuba-shi, Ibaraki-ken, 305-0802





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