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1. A raz de un seminario sobre matemticas y bilingismo realizado en

la ciudad de Albacete, votantes annimos de Twitter manifestaron su
desaprobacin con el 67% de los votos a la imparticin de
matemticas en un idioma no materno. En su opinin, es necesario
aprender y ensear matemticas a travs del ingls?
2. Considera que la enseanza de matemticas a travs del ingls es
efectiva para el aprendizaje de ambas materias (matemticas e
3. Qu beneficios puede aportar ensear matemticas a travs del
ingls y que dificultades conlleva?
4. Piensa que para alumnos con un mayor nivel de ingls les ser ms
fcil de aprender la asignatura de matemticas, y por ende, a usted
le sera ms fcil de impartir?
(Explanation of CLIL (Explanation of CLIL: Content +Language
Instruction a EMI)
5. Cree usted que un profesor de matemticas que tenga un nivel alto
de ingls va a tener una mayor facilidad con respecto a otro con un
nivel menor en la lengua extranjera cuando ensee matemticas?, es
decir, una ventaja enseando el contenido de la asignatura.
6. Al impartir sus clases en ingls, da algn tipo de apoyo con el
aprendizaje de la lengua?, si fuera posible, nos gustara saber de
algn caso/ ejemplo.
7. Participa usted en reuniones en su centro entre los distintos
departamentos y de qu tipo?, alguna relacionada con el aprendizaje
del ingls por parte de los alumnos?
8. Sabe si la escuela procura algn tipo de apoyo para la enseanza del
ingls en asignaturas de contenido?
9. Conoce usted los programas de formacin en CLIL ofrecidos por el
Ministerio de Educacin y el British Council? Ha participado en
dichos cursos? Podra comentarnos alguna de las tcnicas? Las
considera tiles? Las ha aplicado en sus clases?
10.Ha tenido que limitar o reducir sus contenidos alguna vez para as
lograr cumplir los requisitos de CLIL? si este fuera el caso, considera
que CLIL, por ende, resulta un mtodo efectivo de enseanza?
11.Por ltimo, podra explicar brevemente y en sus propias palabras
qu es CLIL?
Agradecemos su colaboracin

1. In a seminar about mathematics and bilingualism conducted in

Albacete, a 67% of anonymous voters on Twitter revealed their
disapproval of teaching mathematics in a language that is not their
mother tongue. Do you think is necessary to learn and teach
mathematics in English?
2. Do you believe that teaching mathematics through English language
is effective for the learning of both subjects (mathematics and
3. What benefits can be obtained teaching Mathematics through English
and what difficulties can be involved in the process?
4. Do you believe that students with a high English proficiency will find
easier learning mathematics through English, and thus, would it be
easier for you as a teacher to teach them?
5. Do you believe that a mathematics teacher with a high level of
English proficiency will have an advantage over another teacher with
a lower proficiency when it comes to teaching mathematics?, that is,
teaching the content of the subject.
6. While teaching in class, do you give any type of additional support to
overcome any difficulties the students may encounter with the
learning of the English language? If possible, we would appreciate
reading about a personal experience/ example.
7. Do you take part on meetings among the different departments of
your school? And what purpose do these hold?
8. Are you aware of any support given by the school for the teaching of
content courses given through English?
9. Have you ever heard or known about the training programs on CLIL
offered by the Ministry of Education and The British Council in Madrid?
Have you ever participated in any of these courses? What types of
teaching techniques have you learned? and have you ever used them
in class?
10.Have you ever had to reduce the courses content to meet the
requisites of the CLIL program? If this were the case, do you think
CLIL is an effective method of teaching?
11.Lastly, could you define in your own words what is CLIL?
We are grateful for your participation

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