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Lngua Inglesa para ANVISA

Teoria e exerccios comentados

Prof. Ena Glucia Smith


03: Gramtica e

Questes Comentadas



1 Determinantes e Conjunes


2 Quantificadores e Preposies


3 Texto 1, Questes Comentadas e Traduo


4 Texto 2, Questes Comentadas e Traduo


5 Texto 3, vocabulrio e Traduo


6 Sumrio e Vocabulrios


7 Lista de Questes Comentadas e Gabaritos


1 Determinantes e Conjunes
Os Determinantes (Determiners) so palavras que so usadas antes
de um substantivo para mostrar particularidades do substantivo que voc
est falando. Eles incluem os artigos, os pronomes: possessivos,
demonstrativos, indefinidos e interrogativos. Como j estudamos os
Possessivos e Demonstrativos na aula 02, vamos estudar na presente
aula os Artigos e os Pronomes: Indefinidos e Interrogativos. Observe os
exemplos abaixo:
We asked our analysts to make a few predictions about what you can
expect to see from CES. (TCE/SP - FCC- 2009)
Pedimos aos nossos analistas para fazer algumas previses sobre o que
voc pode esperar para ver do CES.
Globalization is both a cause and a result of the modern information
A Globalizao tanto uma causa como um resultado da moderna
revoluo na informao.

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Teoria e exerccios comentados
Prof. Ena Glucia Smith
It is driven by these improvements in telecommunications.
Ela impulsionada por estas melhoras nas telecomunicaes.









determinantes. Sendo que our um pronome Adjetivo, the artigo

definido e these pronome demonstrativo.
Os Artigos (The Articles)
Os artigos em Ingls so trs: The (o, a, os, as) e a (um, uma) e
an (um, uma), no singular, sendo que o a vem antes de palavras que
comeam com consoante e o an antes de palavras que comeam com
vogal ou som de vogal, quando se expressa uns, umas, usa-se o adjetivo
(determinante): some. Vamos nos concentrar no momento nos artigos
indefinidos, pois eles que so considerados determinantes. A regra
bsica que o a ou an so usados para expressar substantivos contveis,
quando os introduzimos pela primeira vez ou quando existe mais de um
elemento. Observe os exemplos seguintes:
HP is no stranger to the all-in-one market, having churned out a number
of multi touch-capable machines under the Touch Smart line. ( TCE/SP 2009 FCC)
HP no estranho para o mercado de todos em um, tendo produzido
uma srie de mquinas com a capacidade multi toque sob a linha Smart
Not all clamshells will have an Intel processor, though. (TCE/SP- 2009FCC)
No entanto, nem todos clamshells tero um processador Intel.

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Teoria e exerccios comentados
Prof. Ena Glucia Smith
Esta a primeira vez que a srie mencionada, ento o ouvinte ou leitor
no sabe de que srie o autor est falando. Por isso, foi usado a = um
(a). Na ltima frase usou-se an por que no existe apenas um
processador Intel. J o The foi usado para referir-se ao mercado todos
em um e linha Smart Touch, pois ambos so elementos nicos e/ou j
foram mencionados antes no texto.
The tambm usado quando nos referimos a algo que j foi mencionado
antes. Portanto, j esperamos que o ouvinte saiba de que coisa estamos
I have a friend who comes from Taiwan, but she isnt as lively as the
friend we have from Brazil.
Eu tenho uma amiga que de Taiwan, mas ela no to animada como
a amiga que temos do Brasil.
Foi usado the em the friend we have from Brazil, pois o ouvinte j a
conhece, sabe a quem se refere.
I visited a restaurant yesterday but it wasnt as dirty as the restaurant we
inspected last week.
Eu visitei um restaurante ontem, mas ele no estava to sujo como o
restaurante que ns inspecionamos na semana passada.
Ns usamos the restaurant, por que no novidade; refere-se a um
restaurante do qual ns j sabemos (locutor e interlocutor) por que j foi
visto por ns na semana passada.
Tambm usamos the em sentenas como:

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Teoria e exerccios comentados
Prof. Ena Glucia Smith
But the leaders of Brazil, Russia, India and China, stopped short of
criticising the worlds dominant currency, the US dollar. ( ATRFB - 2009
Mas os lderes do Brasil, Rssia, ndia e China, decidiram parar/diminuir
as crticas moeda dominante do mundo, o dlar americano.
Voc sabe a que moeda estou me referindo? Claro, pois s existe uma
moeda americana: o dlar, e este conhecido mundialmente, visto que
a moeda dominante. Ento usamos tambm o the quando nos referimos
a algo que nico. Ainda no mesmo exemplo, voc observa o the como
artigo masculino no plural: the leaders = os lderes.
A seguir observe dois exemplos do uso do The, o ouvinte j sabe a quem
voc se refere, pois so coisas bvias e singulares: uma Organizao, o
tempo e o clima.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has conducted a qualitative risk
A Administrao de Medicamentos e Alimentos (FDA) realizou uma
avaliao qualitativa dos riscos.
Do you have much free time during the day?
Voc tem muito tempo livre durante o dia?
What's the time in London now? It's 7.15 am. What's the weather like?
~ It's quite good.
Que horas so em Londres agora? 7.15 da manh.

Como est o

tempo? ~ Est timo.

O uso dos artigos e suas regras so complexos.

Voc s conseguir

realmente entend-los com a prtica, mas no se preocupe, conhecendo

as regras bsicas e estudando com certa freqncia, desenvolver
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gradualmente um feeling (intuio) de que momento usar o artigo correto
e isso o ajudar na interpretao e traduo de textos.
Pronomes Indefinidos (Indefinite Pronouns)
Os Pronomes Indefinidos (Indefinite Pronouns) podem ser substantivos
(indefinite pronouns), quando os substituem, ou adjetivos (indefinite
adjectives), quando qualificam os substantivos. Veja no quadro abaixo os
Pronomes Indefinidos (Indefinite Pronouns) existentes na Lngua Inglesa:
anyone - anybody

algum, qualquer pessoa

everyone - everybody

todos, todo o mundo

no one nobody - none

ningum, nenhum(a)

somebody someone


Somebody/someone refuse to permit ANVISA investigators access to

Algum se recusa a permitir que os investigadores da ANVISA tenham
acesso aos registros.
Everybody/everyone is in the hospital.
Todos esto no hospital.


qualquer coisa



nothing - none

nada, nenhum(a)


alguma coisa

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Teoria e exerccios comentados
Prof. Ena Glucia Smith
I need something to drink.
Eu preciso beber alguma coisa.
They do anything to keep lower their prices.
Eles fazem qualquer coisa para manter os preos deles baixos.
Em geral:

em algum lugar


de alguma maneira, de qualquer

jeito, de algum modo

As a Food Technologist for the past 20 years, I could work somewhere

regarding Food Health and Safety.
Como um tecnlogo do alimento durante os ltimos 20 anos, eu poderia
trabalhar em algum lugar relacionado a Sade e Segurana Alimentar.
Somehow, I will visit you.
De alguma maneira, eu vou visitar voc.
Booster Vocabulary





melhoria, desenvolvimento




desde, visto que


dele(a) s

Substantivos em massa:

Prof. Ena Glucia

algum(s)(a),algo, um (s)(a), um

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Prof. Ena Glucia Smith
pouco de






Indefinidos em massa - Substantivos (ou pronomes) que expressam

grande quantidade ou que no tm plural.
Some e Any: Ambos


podem ser um pronome adjetivo

(indefinite adjective) ou um pronome substantivo (indefinite pronoun).

Some e seus compostos so usados em frases afirmativas. Some
tambm pode ser usado em frases interrogativas quando se trata de um
oferecimento ou pedido ou quando se espera uma resposta positiva.
We expected some rain this weekend again and really it's been raining
since early morning.
Espervamos um pouco de chuva neste fim de semana de novo e
realmente tem chovido desde cedo da manh.
SmartBooks will run some variant of an ARM processor, with Qualcomm
being a heavy favorite. (TCE/SP- FCC- 2009)
Os Smartbooks vo executar alguma variante do processador ARM, com
o Qualcomm sendo um forte favorito .









significando qualquer. 3. Em interrogativas na sua maioria

Negativas: Quando na frase j existe a um auxiliar negativo(DO, DOES,
DID) ou o NOT
There arent any mistakes.
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No h nenhum erro.

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Prof. Ena Glucia Smith

I do not have any doubt.

No tenho nenhuma dvida.
Nas frases afirmativas, any usado quando:
a) aparecer aps a palavra if;
b) significar qualquer;
c) houver palavra de sentido negativo na frase como seldom
(raramente), never (nunca), rarely (raramente), without (sem),

The New York Times has won 108 Pulitzer Prizes, more than any other
news organization.
A New York Times ganhou 108 prmios Pulitzer, mais do que qualquer
outra organizao de notcias.
Pests are any plant or animal whose activities interfere with human
health, convenience, comfort, or profits.
Pragas so qualquer planta ou animal cujas atividades interferem na
sade humana, comodidade, conforto, ou lucros.
are there any mice in your kitchen cabinet?
H alguns ratos no seu armrio de cozinha?
Do you need any/some help?

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Voc precisa de alguma ajuda?

Pronomes Interrogativos (Interrogatives Pronouns)

Os pronomes interrogativos so usados:
a) para fazer perguntas;
b) em oraes de contedo interrogativo;
c) como pronomes relativos em certas oraes relativas;
d) em algumas oraes adverbiais
No decorrer deste tpico sobre os pronomes interrogativos, voc
observar diversos exemplos do uso dos pronomes interrogativos e o
destaque deles dentro dos quadros:



qual deles(as)


de quem

Who gave them those pesticides?

Quem lhes deu esses pesticidas?
Which guest brought the wine?
Que convidado trouxe o vinho?
Which como pronome relativo : refere-se a algo que j foi mencionado
antes. Veja o exemplo abaixo.
The Athenians imposed a tax referred to as eisphora which was used to
pay for special wartime expenditures. (AFRF Receita Federal 2001)

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Teoria e exerccios comentados
Prof. Ena Glucia Smith
Os atenienses impuseram um imposto referido como eisphora o qual foi
usado para pagar despesas especiais em tempo de guerra.



de quem , com quem

The tech industry is gearing up for January's Consumer Electronics Show

(CES) in Las Vegas, but what should we expect? (TCE/SP-FCC-2009)
A indstria tecnolgica est se preparando para a exposio dos
eletrnicos para consumo (CES) de Janeiro em Las Vegas, mas o que ns
deveramos esperar?
The woman whom I was talking to is my mom.
A mulher com quem eu estava falando minha me.

por que

What about

que tal



When does the pest inflict injury?

Quando que a praga causa prejuzo?

What about having some coffee?

Que tal tomar um caf?
Why do that system multinational corporations wield vast power?
Por que esses sistemas de corporaes multinacionais exercem vasto

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Teoria e exerccios comentados
Prof. Ena Glucia Smith
O uso do How (como) com adjetivos e outros determinantes muito
comum em frases interrogativas. Observe na tabele abaixo as formas
compostas do How:
How are

Como est

How deep

Quo profundo

How far

Quo longe

How heavy

Qual o peso

How high

Qual a altura

How large

Qual a rea

How long




How many

Quantos ( contveis )

How much


How often

Qual a frequncia

How old

Que idade

How soon

Quo cedo

How tall

Quo alto

How well

Quo bem

How wide

Qual a largura

Observe abaixo o uso do How exemplificado para que seja mais fcil a
sua fixao:
How well will the control option fit into the total management system?
Quo bem a opo de controle se encaixar no sistema de gesto total?
How do you call an ambulance?
Como voc chama uma ambulncia?
How often do you have unhealthy food?
Com que frequncia voc tem uma alimentao no saudvel?
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Teoria e exerccios comentados
Prof. Ena Glucia Smith

Booster Vocabulary

propaganda, publicidade


escolher, optar


prejuzo, leso, ferimento


gesto, administrao




razo, motivo


no saudvel, insalubre, nocivo

Conjunes (conjunctions) so palavras que precisam juntar-se a
outras. Simplesmente no so felizes sozinhas. Elas conectam partes de
uma sentena. Existem alguns tipos diferentes de conjunes, vamos
comear pelas menores.
1. Conjunes Coordenativas (Coordenating Conjunctions)
As conjunes coordenativas so conjunes pequenas e simples.
Mas que tm um importante papel no texto e consequentemente na
interpretao. So elas:
And (e), but (mas), nor (nem), yet (ainda), or (ou), for (para), so
Raw materials and food products from 11 Japanese cities will no longer
be submitted to health control related to the radioactivity level. (ANVISA)
As matrias-primas e os produtos alimentares provenientes de 11 cidades
japonesas deixaro de ser submetidos ao controle de sade relacionado
com o nvel de radioatividade.

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These boys are doctors or nurses.

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Prof. Ena Glucia Smith

Estes rapazes so mdicos ou enfermeiros.

These boys are not singers yet.
Estes rapazes no so cantores ainda.
These boys are neither singers nor actors
Estes rapazes no so cantores nem atores.
Are there any hobbies you can do in other countries, but not your own?
Existem alguns passatempos que voc pode fazer em outros pases, mas
no no seu prprio?
2. Conjunes Subordinadas (Subordinating Conjunctions)
As conjunes subordinadas estabelecem uma relao entre a
orao subordinada (dependente) e o resto da sentena (orao).
Observe no quadro abaixo algumas das principais delas:





apesar de



if only

se apenas


at que



in order that

a fim de


a no ser que

as if

como se

now that

agora que



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as long as

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Prof. Ena Glucia Smith
to logo quanto


uma vez que



When will you buy beverages?

Quando voc vai comprar bebidas?
Unless these boys sing at the show, they wont be famous.
A menos que os rapazes cantem no show, eles no sero famosos.
Now that she is my teacher, I will learn English language.
Agora que ela minha professora, eu aprenderei a Lngua Inglesa.
Although they are

multinational corporations, they dont wield vast

Apesar de elas serem corporaes multinacionais, elas no exercem
vasto poder.
These technologies are helping us, in order to overcome the barriers of
physical distance.
Estas tecnologias esto nos ajudando, a fim de superar as barreiras da
distncia fsica.
When you decided to buy the beverages alone, you upset your husband.
Quando voc decidiu comprar as bebidas sozinha, voc chateou seu
3.Conjunes Correlativas (Correlative Conjunctions)
Conjunes correlativas a combinao de algumas conjunes com
outras palavras, elas andam em pares. Observe abaixo algumas das mais

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Both ... and

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Prof. Ena Glucia Smith

Not only ... but

No apenas...mas









Whether ... or

Se...ou, seno

As ... as

to....quanto; desde que

Both my mom and I clean the room carefully.

Ambas minha me e eu limpamos o quarto com cuidado.
I washed not only your car but also mine.
Eu lavei no apenas o seu carro, mas tambm o meu.
Whether you win this race or lose it doesnt matter as long as you do
your best.
Se voc ganhar esta corrida ou perder no importa, desde que voc faa
o seu melhor.
Booster Vocabulary

bebida (alcolica e no




escolher, optar


superar, vencer




vencer, ganhar



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Prof. Ena Glucia Smith
3. Conjunctive Adverbials (Conjunes adverbiais)
As conjunes adverbiais servem para criar relaes complexas
entre ideias. So criaturinhas que no se decidem se so advrbios ou
conjunes.Vimos em detalhes este tipo na aula passada (aula 02)
quando estudamos os advrbios. Mas vamos relembrar observando o
quadro abaixo e alguns exemplos:
adittion (adio)




comparison (comparao)

In the same way (do mesmo




Granted (permitido), naturally



Although ( apesar de que,



( enfse)

Certainly, indeed ( de fato )



After all (depois disso),



Time sequence


Finally, in short ( em breve)

Meanwhile ( enquanto isso)

Although drugs are produced to prevent, alleviate or cure diseases, they

may cause undesirable and harmful effects. (ANVISA)
Embora/Apesar de as drogas sejam produzidas para prevenir, aliviar ou
curar doenas, podem provocar efeitos indesejveis e prejudiciais.
The car is indeed in the rain.
O carro est de fato na chuva.
Meanwhile the house is being redecorated.
Enquanto isso a casa est sendo redecorada.

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2 - Quantificadores e Preposies

Lngua Inglesa para ANVISA

Teoria e exerccios comentados
Prof. Ena Glucia Smith

Os Quantificadores (Quantifiers ) so expresses usadas para

indicar e fornecer informaes a respeito da quantidade de algo. Uma








substantivos. Observe no quadro abaixo os principais exemplos de

quantifiers, lembrando que alguns so contveis e outros incontveis:




as A table (uma mesa)

Every teacher (cada professor)

Many cats (muitos gatos)

An orange (uma laranja)

A few days (poucos dias)

Each book ( cada livro)

Enough laws (leis suficientes)

A lot of desks ( muitas carteiras)

Quite a lot of cockroaches

(muitas baratas)

Too many umbrellas (muitas

Very few houses (poucas casas)

None of the kids (nenhuma das

Some of the boys (alguns dos



Any of the girls ( algumas das

Several mice (muitos ratos)

Too few cakes ( poucos bolos)

No ants ( Nenhuma formiga)

Enough water (gua o bastante)

Much juice

(muito aucar)

Some honey (algum mel)

Too little wine

Any juice orange (algum suco de A lot of honey

(pouco vinho)
(muito mel)

A little vinegar

(um pouco de No sugar

(nenhum acar)


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None sugar

(nenhum aucar)

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Prof. Ena Glucia Smith
None of vinegar (nenhum

All water

(toda gua)

the honey (o mel)

Importante! A menos que o much venha seguido de of, ele ser usado
em frases interrogativas e negativas.
Much of the snow has already melted.
Muito da neve j derreteu.
How much is a littering fine in Ohio?
Quanto a multa por jogar lixo na rua em Ohio?
Do you have much free time in the evenings?
Voc tem muito tempo livre noite?
Existe uma diferena relevante entre o uso do few e a few e tambm
entre o uso do a little e little:
Paul has a little experience in management.
Paulo tem um pouco de experincia em gesto.
No exemplo acima embora Paulo tenha pouca experincia, mas essa
Paul has little experience in management.
Paulo tem pouca experincia em gesto.
J neste exemplo, quando se usa apenas little significa que ele tem
pouca experincia e esta no bastante para que ele gerencie.

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O Most of the usado tanto para referir-se a substantivos contveis
como incontveis. Sendo que quando no se refere a algo especfico, o of
the suprimido.
Most of the water has evaporated.
A maioria da gua evaporou.
Most homes have a private balcony.
A maioria das casas tem um ptio particular.

Preposies (Prepositions)
Preposition a palavra que mostra o relacionamento entre um
substantivo ou pronome e outras palavras em uma sentena. Para que
fique mais esclarecido para voc, eu separei as preposies em trs
a) Lugar
b) Movimento
c) Variaes
Veja nos quadros abaixo as principais preposies:
At the back - atrs (no fundo)


At the front - frente


em, no, a

Above - acima


em cima

In front of


atravs de



em frente de

below/beneath - abaixo de, debaixo


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In the middle of - no meio de

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Prof. Ena Glucia Smith
Beside - ao lado de, junto de, ao p

Next to

- junto a

Between - no meio de (entre dois)

Amid - entre (se fazer parte Out -


de um grupo)
Among - entre os (fazendo

By - perto de, junto a, ao lado de, ao

parte de um grupo)

p de

Around - ao redor

Over - sobre, em cima de, por cima



Away from

- longe de



- dentro de

- dentro


Near -



- fora

Outside - do lado de fora


- em baixo de


- acima

On the left - esquerda

On the right - direita

Underneath - debaixo de, por

Within - dentro de

baixo de, sob


atravs de, de


ao longo de


em volta


away from -

para longe de


para baixo


de (origem)


para dentro


para dentro de




para cima de

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out of

para fora de


por cima de


em frente, junto


em volta de


atravs de


em direo a


para cima




O que chamei de variaes refere-se ao modo variado

como usamos o ON, AT e IN nas preposies de lugares, pois isto implica

em como vemos os objetos quanto altura, largura, profundidade, rea;
quando se refere a um tempo especfico, a movimento, etc. Observe os
exemplos abaixo:
Salmonella is also a bacterium that is widespread in the intestines of
birds, reptiles and mammals.
Salmonela tambm uma bactria que comum no intestino de aves,
rpteis e mamferos.
Do you think too much money is spent on campaigns?
Voc acha que dinheiro demais gasto nas campanhas?
In most countries, compulsory education is targeted at five to sixteen
year olds.
Na maioria dos pases, a educao obrigatria objetivada dos cinco aos
dezesseis anos.
Put cooked meat on a clean platter, rather back on one that held the raw

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Coloque a carne cozida em um prato limpo, em vez de pr de volta no
prato que continha a carne crua.
What time are you leaving for So Paulo?~~ I will leave at 3 p.m.
Que horas voc parte para So Paulo?~~ Eu vou partir s 3 horas da
Observe no ltimo exemplo acima que at usado ao falarmos de tempo,
na resposta. Usa-se tambm o at nas expresses:
a) at the weekend (no final de semana)
b) at Christmas (no natal )
c) at Easter (na Pscoa)
d) at night ( noite).
O uso do at night acontece quando refere-se a uma noite qualquer e in
the night refere-se a uma noite especfica, observe a diferena nos
exemplos abaixo:
I usually watch movies at night.
Eu usualmente assisto filmes noite.
I watched a movie in the night that you traveled to Recife.
Eu assisti um filme na noite em que voc viajou para Recife.
Observe a seguir o uso do at quando se refere a um lugar especfico:
What kind of vegetables and fruits do you buy at the supermarket?
Que tipo de vegetais e frutas voc compra no supermercado?
He failed to stop at the traffic lights and went through the light on red.
Ele no conseguiu parar no semforo e atravessou a luz vermelha.
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I was waiting for at least half an hour at the station, but no train came.
Eu estava esperando por pelo menos meia hora na estao, mas
nenhum trem veio.
I never seem to have any money at the end of the month and you never
have any at the beginning of the month.
Eu pareo nunca ter algum dinheiro no final do ms e voc nunca parece
ter algum no incio do ms.
Bacteria can grow quickly at room temperature.
Bactrias podem crescer rapidamente em temperatura ambiente.
Veja a seguir os exemplos com as preposies lugar e movimento:
Isnt my pet rabbit sleeping out of home?
No est o meu coelho de estimao dormindo fora de casa?
What is the general feeling towards police in your country, is it positive
or negative?
Qual o sentimento geral com respeito polcia no seu pas, positivo
ou negativo?
Arent we playing among friends?
No estamos ns jogando entre amigos?
There is no evidence to suggest that you can become infected with bird
flu by eating properly cooked poultry and eggs.
No h nenhuma evidncia para sugerir que voc pode ser infectado com
a gripe aviria por comer aves devidamente cozidas e os ovos.

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Teoria e exerccios comentados
Prof. Ena Glucia Smith

Booster Vocabulary
bird flu

gripe aviria




Jogar lixo na rua






prato de servir


cru (a)


comum, muito difundido

Para tempos como Sbado de manh (Saturday morning) ou Domingo

tarde (Sunday evening), ns usamos on para referir-se a partes do dia:
Certainly, you can borrow my car on Saturday morning.
Certamente, voc pode pegar emprestado meu carro no Sbado de
We are arriving in New York city on 15 th November.
Ns chegaremos em Nova Iorque em 15 de Novembro.
Para falar de sculos, estaes, meses, semanas e para frases de tempo,
usamos in :
We are arriving in New York in the Spring.
Ns chegaremos em Nova Iorque na Primavera.
I am going to have lunch in one hour.
Eu estarei indo almoar em uma hora.
Do you have much free time in the mornings?
Voc tem muito tempo livre pela manh?

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Teoria e exerccios comentados
Prof. Ena Glucia Smith
Whereas in the 70s and 80s most men worked until they were 60 or 65,
nowadays most retire when they are in their fifties.
Enquanto que nos anos 70 e 80 a maioria dos homens trabalhava at a
idade de 60 ou 65, hoje em dia a maioria se aposenta aos cinquenta
Brazil first won the World Cup in 1958 and then again in 1962, but in
1966 it was England's turn.
O Brasil ganhou primeiro a Copa do Mundo em 1958 e ento novamente
em 1962, mas em 1966 foi a vez da Inglaterra.
I prefer to take my holidays in the spring and autumn and work in
summer when everybody else is on holiday.
Eu prefiro tirar minhas frias na primavera e outono e trabalhar no
vero quando todos esto de frias.
Observe as duas expresses in time (antes do tempo determinado) e on
time (exatamente no tempo determinado), veja a diferena nos exemplos
a seguir:
The 4.30 train is always on time, but yesterday it was late.
O trem das 4.30 est sempre no horrio, mas ontem chegou tarde.
Our friends couldnt arrive in time for the beginning of the concert.
Nossos amigos no puderam chegar a tempo para o incio do concerto.
Quanto ao uso do in e on para lugares:
a) usamos in para especificar uma posio dentro de uma rea larga
tal como containers, salas, cidades, pases, etc ;
b) usamos on para especificar posio em uma linha ou algo contnuo.
Observe os exemplos abaixo:

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Lngua Inglesa para ANVISA

Teoria e exerccios comentados
Prof. Ena Glucia Smith
wanted to live in the

countryside. As the summer in the north east can be quite harsh, we

decided to move to the south.
Ns nos mudamos para



que ns queramos viver

no campo. Como o vero no Nordeste muito severo, decidimos nos

mudar para o Sul.
Have you seen my medication? ~ Yes, it's in the wardrobe ~
Whereabouts in the wardrobe? ~ It's on the fourth shelf at the front.
~ Did you find it? ~ Yes, it was on the bottom shelf at the back.
Voc viu meu remdio? ~ sim, est no guarda- roupa ~ onde no
guarda-roupa? ~~ na quarta prateleira na frente. ~~ Voc o
encontrou? ~~ sim, estava no fundo da prateleira atrs.
DICA: Voc deve agora ir para a parte final da aula na Lista de
Questes e tente resolver sozinho (a). Leia PRIMEIRO as questes
procurando as respostas nos textos , s depois confira os
gabaritos e os comentrios, assim voc estar fazendo uma
autoanlise e saber onde deve melhorar.

3 Texto 1, Questes Comentadas e Traduo

Especialista Farmcia - ANVISA CESPE 2004 Adaptado ao CETRO
Food control systems: integrated farm-to-table concept
1 The objective of reduced risk can be achieved most
Prof. Ena Glucia

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Teoria e exerccios comentados
Prof. Ena Glucia Smith
effectively by the principle of prevention throughout the
production, processing and marketing chain. To achieve
4 maximum consumer protection, it is essential that safety and
quality be built into food products from production through
to consumption.
This calls for a comprehensive and integrated farm-to-table approach in
which the producer, processor, transporter, vendor, and consumer all play
a vital role in ensuring food safety and quality.
10 It is impossible to provide adequate protection to
the consumer by merely sampling and analyzing the final
product. The introduction of preventive measures at all
13 stages of the food production and distribution chain, rather
than only inspection and rejection at the final stage, makes
better economic sense, because unsuitable products can be
16 identified earlier along the chain. The more economic and
effective strategy is to entrust food producers and operators
with primary responsibility for food safety and quality.
19 Government regulators are then responsible for auditing
performance of the food system through monitoring and
surveillance activities and for enforcing legal and regulatory
22 requirements.
Food hazards and quality loss may occur at a
variety of points in the food chain, and it is difficult and
25 expensive to test for their presence. A well-structured,
preventive approach that controls processes is the preferred
method for improving food safety and quality. Many but not
28 all potential food hazards can be controlled along the food
chain through the application of good practices i.e.
agricultural, manufacturing and hygienic.
Internet: <> (with adaptations).

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Teoria e exerccios comentados
Prof. Ena Glucia Smith
14. Based on the text above, the following assertions were made:
I. To improve food quality, it is really crucial that safety measures be
implemented at the processing stage.
II. In the farm-to-table approach, products are sold directly by farmers to
III. Transporters and vendors wont play any significant role along the
food production and distribution chain.
IV. Primary responsibility for food safety and quality should rest with
producers and operators.
The correct assertions are:

I and III, only.


I and IV, only.


I, III and IV, only.


II and III, only.


II, III and IV, only

14. Based on the text above, the following assertions were made:
Com base no texto acima, foram feitas as seguintes afirmaes:
I. To improve food quality, it is really crucial that safety measures be
implemented at the processing stage.
I. Para melhorar a qualidade dos alimentos, realmente crucial que as
medidas de segurana sejam implementadas na fase de transformao.
To achieve maximum consumer protection, it is essential that safety and










Para conseguir uma proteo mxima do consumidor, essencial que a
segurana e qualidade sejam incorporadas em produtos alimentares,
desde a produo at ao consumo.
Prof. Ena Glucia

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Lngua Inglesa para ANVISA

Teoria e exerccios comentados
Prof. Ena Glucia Smith
essential = essencial, necessrio = crucial = crucial, importante
build into = incorporar = implement = implementar, levar prtica
from production through to consumption = desde a produo at o
consumo = at the processing stage = na fase de transformao
Observe acima os meus destaques em negrito que a assertiva reflete a
mesma informao textual usando palavras e expresses sinnimas.
Portanto, a assertiva verdadeira.
II. In the farm-to-table approach, products are sold directly by farmers to
II. Na abordagem do campo mesa, os produtos so vendidos
diretamente pelos agricultores aos consumidores.
This calls for a comprehensive and integrated farm-to-table approach in
which the producer, processor, transporter, vendor, and consumer
all play a vital role in ensuring food safety and quality.
Isto exige uma abordagem global e integrada do campo mesa em que o
produtor, processador, transportador, fornecedor e consumidor,
todos desempenham um papel vital para garantir a segurana e qualidade
Como voc pode observar no segmento do texto, existem vrias etapas
at chegar ao consumidor, ou seja os intermedirios que esto entre o
produtor e o consumidor so o processador, transportador e fornecedor.








produtor/agricultor para o consumidor, o enunciado no reflete o que diz

o texto e por isso, a opo incorreta.

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Teoria e exerccios comentados
Prof. Ena Glucia Smith
III. Transporters and vendors wont play any significant role along the
food production and distribution chain.
III. Transportadores e fornecedores no vo representar nenhum papel
significativo junto produo de alimento e cadeia de distribuio.
This calls for a comprehensive and integrated farm-to-table approach in
which the producer, processor, transporter, vendor, and consumer
all play a vital role in ensuring food safety and quality.
Isto exige uma abordagem global e integrada do campo mesa em que o
produtor, processador, transportador, fornecedor e consumidor,
todos desempenham um papel vital para garantir a segurana e qualidade
Como voc pode observar, tanto o transportador como o consumidor
fazem parte da cadeia de distribuio e produo do alimento. Portanto a
opo no condiz com a mensagem textual. Incorreta.
IV. Primary responsibility for food safety and quality should rest with
producers and operators.
IV. A responsabilidade principal pela segurana alimentar e de qualidade
deve ficar com os produtores e operadores.
The more economic and effective strategy is to entrust food producers
and operators with primary responsibility for food safety and quality.
A estratgia mais econmica e eficaz a de confiar aos produtores de
alimentos e operadores a responsabilidade principal pela segurana e
qualidade alimentar.
rest = depender, deixar com, designar = entrust = confiar, depender,
incumbir, delegar, encarregar

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Teoria e exerccios comentados
Prof. Ena Glucia Smith
A assertiva usa uma palavra sinnima para concordar com o texto. Se
trocarmos uma pela outra no vai alterar a compreenso textual. Portanto
este item est correto.
The correct assertions are:
As afirmaes corretas so:

I and III, only.= I e III, apenas.


I and IV, only. = I e IV, apenas.


I, III and IV, only = I, III e IV, apenas.


II and III, only. = II e III, apenas


II, III and IV, only = II, III e IV, apenas

15 According to the text,
(A) Prevention eliminates all potential food hazards.
(B) The sentence it is essential that safety and quality be built into food
products (R.4-5) follows the same structure as its vital that he go
straight to the house.
(C) their presence (R.25) refers to variety of points.
(D) achieve (R.3) is to accomplish as hazards (R.23) is to security.
(E) calls for (R.6) means requite.
15 According to the text,
15 De acordo com o texto,
(A) Prevention eliminates all potential food hazards.
(A) A preveno elimina todos os potenciais riscos alimentares.

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Teoria e exerccios comentados
Prof. Ena Glucia Smith
Many but not all potential food hazards can be controlled along the food









manufacturing and hygienic.

Muitos, mas no todos os potenciais riscos alimentares podem ser
controlados ao longo da cadeia alimentar por meio da aplicao de boas
prticas, ou seja, agrcola , processo de produo e higinico.
A assertiva diz que todos os potenciais riscos podem ser eliminados com a
preveno, ao invs disso o texto diz que nem todos os potenciais riscos
alimentares podem ser evitados ou controlados. Portanto, errada.
Booster Vocabulary
call for

solicitar, requerer


fazenda, stio, chcara

food chain

cadeia alimentar




melhorar, aprimorar

quality loss

perda de qualidade


solicitao, requerimento



(B) The sentence it is essential that safety and quality be built into food
products (R.4-5) follows the same structure as its vital that he go
straight to the house.
(B) A frase " essencial que a segurana e a qualidade sejam
incorporadas em produtos alimentares" (R.4-5) segue a mesma estrutura
que vital que ele v direto para casa.
Cuidado !
Algum tempo atrs, quando resolvi esta questo, teve gente que me falou
que achou que a assertiva estava errada por que faltou um s no verbo go
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Lngua Inglesa para ANVISA

Teoria e exerccios comentados
Prof. Ena Glucia Smith
da frase em negrito. Estaria mesmo faltando um s visto que he terceira
pessoa do singular, mas isso se a frase estivesse no tempo verbal
Presente Simples do modo Indicativo, o que no o caso, a frase est no
modo Subjuntivo (Subjunctive Mood).
O tempo verbal Subjuntivo em Ingls tradicionalmente usado para
expressar desejo, necessidade, sugesto, condio que contrria ao fato
ou conselho. Na assertiva em questo temos um exemplo de conselho ou
recomendao. Est se recomendando que a segurana e qualidade
sejam incorporadas nos produtos

da mesma forma que

est se

recomendando que ele v direto para casa. Nestes casos o Subjuntivo

requer a forma infinitiva do verbo (bare infinitive). Observe outros
exemplos abaixo:
He recommended that she hire an attorney.
Ele recomendou que ela contrate um advogado.
They demanded that he come immediately.
Eles exigiram que ele venha imediatamente.
Portanto, esta a opo correta.
(C) their presence (R.25) refers to variety of points.
(C)"a sua presena " refere-se a variedade de pontos.
Food hazards and quality loss may occur at a variety of points in the food
chain, and it is difficult and expensive to test for their presence.
Os riscos alimentares e perda de qualidade podem ocorrer em uma
variedade de pontos na cadeia alimentar, e difcil e caro comprovar a
sua presena.

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Teoria e exerccios comentados
Prof. Ena Glucia Smith
DICA: Cuidado: Esta uma questo tpica de concursos, cai aos
Esta assertiva explora o conhecimento do candidato quanto aos pronomes
possessivos, os quais indicam posse ou propriedade e so usados para
substituir um substantivo que o antecede. Imagine se no existisse o
pronome possessivo, veja como ficaria a frase em questo:
Food hazards and quality loss may occur at a variety of points in the food
chain, and it is difficult and expensive to test for the presence of the
food hazards and quality loss.
Os riscos alimentares e perda de qualidade podem ocorrer em uma
variedade de pontos na cadeia alimentar, e difcil e caro comprovar a
presena dos riscos alimentares e da perda de qualidade.
Percebe-se que no h necessidade de citar novamente o antecedente, j
que o possessivo serve para substitui-lo. Preste ateno, o their no
poderia estar se referindo a variedade de pontos ( variety of points), visto
que esses pontos (etapas) da cadeia alimentar existem de fato, no
preciso comprov-los. Portanto, a opo incorreta.
(D) achieve (R.3) is to accomplish as hazards (R.23) is to security.
(D) "alcanar" (R.3) est para realizar assim como "perigos" (R.23) est
para segurana.
To achieve maximum consumer protection, it is essential that safety and
quality be built into food



production through to


Prof. Ena Glucia

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Lngua Inglesa para ANVISA

Teoria e exerccios comentados
Prof. Ena Glucia Smith
Para conseguir a mxima proteo ao consumidor, essencial que a
segurana e a qualidade sejam incorporadas em produtos alimentares a
partir da produo at ao consumo.
achieve = realizar, alcanar, cumprir, conseguir = accomplish =
realizar, efetuar
Food hazards and quality loss may occur at a variety of points in the food
chain, and it is difficult and expensive to test for their presence.
Os riscos alimentares e perda de qualidade podem ocorrer em uma
variedade de pontos na cadeia alimentar, e difcil e caro para testar a
sua presena.
hazard = risco, perigo, obstculo
security = segurana estabilidade, proteo
A primeira parte do enunciado est correta pois achieve sinnimo de
accomplish mas a segunda parte no, a equivalncia nesse caso no de
sinnimo mas sim de antnimo, visto que hazard e security so
substantivos opostos. Portanto, opo incorreta.
(E) calls for (R.6) means requite.
(E) exigir (l6) significa retribuir.
This calls for a comprehensive and integrated farm-to-table approach in
which the producer, processor, transporter, vendor, and consumer all play
a vital role in ensuring food safety and quality.
Isto exige uma abordagem global e integrada do campo mesa em que
o produtor, processador, transportador, fornecedor e consumidor, todos

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Teoria e exerccios comentados
Prof. Ena Glucia Smith
desempenham um papel vital para garantir a segurana e qualidade
call for = exigir, requerer, pedir, solicitar =

require = demand =

requite = retribuir, quitar, recompensar, remunerar
Observe acima que o verbo frasal corresponde a vrios verbos formais,
procure gravar pois este um dos verbos frasais mais frequentes em
textos de Lngua Inglesa. No entanto no tem o mesmo significado do
verbo mencionado na assertiva. Se trocarmos um pelo outro deixaria o
texto incoerente. Portanto, errada.
16. Choose the answer that describes correctly the grammatical function
of the words in the text:
(A) rather than (R.13-14) could be correctly replaced by instead of
with no change in meaning.
(B) Because (l.15) means on the other hand.
(C) then (l.19) can be correctly replaced by what.
(D) may (l.23) have the sense of moral obligation.
(E) but (l.27) is a verb.
16. Choose the answer that describes correctly the grammatical function
of the words in the text:
16. Escolha a resposta que descreve corretamente a funo gramatical
das palavras no texto:

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Teoria e exerccios comentados
Prof. Ena Glucia Smith
(A) rather than (R.13-14) could be correctly replaced by instead of
with no change in meaning.
(A) em vez de (l-13-14) poderia ser substitudo por em lugar de sem
nenhuma mudana no significado.
The introduction of preventive measures at all stages of the food
production and distribution chain, rather than only inspection and
rejection at the final stage, makes better economic sense, because
unsuitable products can be identified earlier along the chain.
A introduo de medidas preventivas em todas as fases de produo de
alimentos e cadeia de distribuio, em vez de inspeo e de rejeio
apenas na fase final, faz melhor sentido econmico, porque os produtos
imprprios podem ser identificados mais cedo ao longo da cadeia.
Rather (advrbio) = bastante, mais, um tanto, preferncia, antes
Rather than (preposio) = em vez de, em lugar de = Instead of = em
vez de, ao invs de
Observe que se substituirmos a preposio do texto pela citada no
enunciado, o mesmo no sofre nenhuma alterao na sua interpretao.
Cai como uma luva, substitui perfeitamente visto que os vocbulos so
sinnimos. Esta a opo correta.
(B) Because (l.15) means on the other hand.
(B) Por que (l.15) significa por outro lado.
The introduction of preventive measures at all stages of the food
production and distribution chain, rather than only inspection and
rejection at the final stage, makes better economic sense, because
unsuitable products can be identified earlier along the chain.

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Teoria e exerccios comentados
Prof. Ena Glucia Smith
A introduo de medidas preventivas em todas as fases da produo de
alimentos e cadeia de distribuio, ao invs de apenas inspeo e rejeio
na fase final, faz melhor sentido econmico, porque os produtos
inadequados podem ser anteriormente identificados ao longo da cadeia.
Because = por que
On the other hand = Por outro lado
O Because um conectivo que expressa a causa ou razo de algo.
Enquanto que On the other hand uma expresso de contraste ou
oposio. Portanto, os dois no tem o mesmo significado. Opo Errada.
(C) then (l.19) can be correctly replaced by almost.
(C) ento (l.19) pode ser corretamente substitudo por quase.
Government regulators are then responsible for auditing performance of
the food system through monitoring and surveillance activities and for
enforcing legal and regulatory requirements.
Os reguladores do Governo so, ento, responsveis pela auditoria o
desempenho do sistema de alimentao atravs da monitorizao e
vigilncia, e pelo cumprimento dos requisitos regulatrios e legais.
Then = ento, da, consequentemente
Almost = quase, aproximadamente
Os conectivos no so sinnimos. Se trocarmos um pelo outro, vai alterar
a compreenso textual. Opo errada.
(D) may (l.23) have the sense of moral obligation.
(D) pode (l.23) tem o sentido de obrigao moral.
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Teoria e exerccios comentados
Prof. Ena Glucia Smith
Food hazards and quality loss may occur at a variety of points in the food
chain, and it is difficult and expensive to test for the presence of the food
hazards and quality loss.
Os riscos alimentares e perda de qualidade podem ocorrer em uma
variedade de pontos na cadeia alimentar, e difcil e caro comprovar a
presena dos riscos alimentares e da perda de qualidade.
may = poder ( verbo modal que exprime possibilidade)
O texto diz que pode ou no ocorrer riscos alimentares e perda de
qualidade, ou seja, uma probabilidade e no uma obrigao. Por isso
que foi usado o verbo auxiliar may. Opo incorreta.
(E) but (l.27) is a verb.
(E) mas (l.27) um verbo.
Many but not all potential food hazards can be controlled along the food









manufacturing and hygienic.

Muitos, mas no todos os potenciais riscos alimentares podem ser
controlados ao longo da cadeia alimentar por meio da aplicao de boas
prticas, ou seja, agrcola , processo de produo e higinico.
Na Lngua Inglesa, assim como na Portuguesa, o verbo uma palavra que
indica uma ao. O but no verbo e sim um conectivo, que indica
contradio ou exceo. Opo incorreta.

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Teoria e exerccios comentados
Prof. Ena Glucia Smith


Food control systems: integrated farm-to-table concept

Sistemas de controle de alimentos: conceito do campo mesa
The objective of reduced risk can be achieved most effectively by the
principle of prevention throughout the production, processing and
marketing chain.
O objetivo da reduo do risco pode ser alcanado de forma mais eficaz
pelo princpio da preveno em toda a cadeia de produo, transformao
e comercializao.
To achieve maximum consumer protection, it is essential that safety and










Para conseguir uma proteo mxima do consumidor, essencial que a
segurana e qualidade sejam incorporadas em produtos alimentares,
desde a produo at ao consumo.
This calls for a comprehensive and integrated farm-to-table approach in
which the producer, processor, transporter, vendor, and consumer all play
a vital role in ensuring food safety and quality. It is impossible to provide
adequate protection to the consumer by merely sampling and analyzing
the final product.
Isto exige uma abordagem global e integrada do campo mesa em que o
produtor, processador, transportador, fornecedor e consumidor, todos
desempenham um papel vital para garantir a segurana e qualidade

impossvel proporcionar uma proteo adequada para o

consumidor, por somente amostragem e anlise do produto final.

Prof. Ena Glucia

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Lngua Inglesa para ANVISA

Teoria e exerccios comentados
Prof. Ena Glucia Smith
The introduction of preventive measures at all stages of the food
production and distribution chain, rather than only inspection and
rejection at the final stage, makes better economic sense, because
unsuitable products can be identified earlier along the chain.
A introduo de medidas preventivas em todas as fases de produo de
alimentos e cadeia de distribuio, em vez de inspeo e de rejeio
apenas na fase final, faz melhor sentido econmico, porque os produtos
imprprios podem ser identificados mais cedo ao longo da cadeia.
The more economic and effective strategy is to entrust food producers
and operators with primary responsibility for food safety and quality.
A estratgia mais econmica e eficaz a de confiar aos produtores de
alimentos e operadores a responsabilidade principal pela segurana e
qualidade alimentar.
Government regulators are then responsible for auditing performance of
the food system through monitoring and surveillance activities and for
enforcing legal and regulatory requirements.
Os reguladores do governo so, ento, responsveis pelo desempenho de










acompanhamento e fiscalizao e pela aplicao dos requisitos legais e

Food hazards and quality loss may occur at a variety of points in the food
chain, and it is difficult and expensive to test for their presence.

Prof. Ena Glucia

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Lngua Inglesa para ANVISA

Teoria e exerccios comentados
Prof. Ena Glucia Smith
Os riscos alimentares e perda de qualidade podem ocorrer em uma
variedade de pontos na cadeia alimentar, e difcil e caro para testar a
sua presena.
A well-structured, preventive approach that controls processes is the
preferred method for improving food safety and quality. Many but not all
potential food hazards can be controlled along the food chain through the
application of good practices i.e. agricultural, manufacturing and hygienic.
Uma bem estruturada abordagem preventiva, que controla os processos
o mtodo preferido para a melhoria da segurana alimentar e qualidade.
Muitos, mas no todos os potenciais riscos alimentares podem ser
controlados ao longo da cadeia alimentar por meio da aplicao de boas
prticas, ou seja, agrcola, processo de produo e higinico.

4 Texto 2, Questes Comentadas e Traduo







Administrador(a) Jnior CETRO - 2012

Read the text below to answer questions 11-20.
Underlying the definition of risk is the concept of hazard. The word
hazard comes from al zahr, the Arabic word for dice that referred to an
ancient game of chance. We typically define a hazard as a characteristic

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Teoria e exerccios comentados
Prof. Ena Glucia Smith
or group of characteristics that provides the potential for a loss.
Flammability and toxicity are examples of such characteristics.
It is important to make the distinction between a hazard and a risk
because we can change the risk without changing the hazard. When a
person crosses a busy street, the hazard should be clear to that person.
Loosely defined, it is the prospect that the person must place himself in
the path of moving vehicles that can cause him great bodily harm were he
to be struck by one or more of them. The hazard is therefore injury or
fatality as a result of being struck by a moving vehicle. The risk, however,
is dependent on how that person conducts himself in the crossing of the
street. He most likely realizes that the risk is reduced if he crosses in a
designed traffic-controlled area and takes extra precautions against
vehicle operators who may not see him. He has not changed the hazard
he can still be struck by a vehiclebut his risk of injury or death is
reduced by prudent actions. Were he to encase himself in an armored
vehicle for the trip across the street, his risk would be reduced even
furtherhe has reduced the consequences of the hazard.
Risk is most commonly defined as the probability of an event that
causes a loss and the potential magnitude of that loss. By this definition,
risk is increased when either the probability of the event increases of the
potential loss (the consequences of the event) increases. Transportation
of products by pipeline is a risk because there is some probability of the
pipeline failing, releasing its contents, and causing damage (in addition to
the potential loss of the product itself). A risk is often expressed in
measurable quantities such as the expected frequency of fatalities,
injuries, or economic loss. Monetary costs are often used as part of an
overall expression of risk; however, the difficult task of assigning a dollar
value to human life or environmental damage is necessary in using this
metric. Related risk terms include acceptable risk, tolerable risk, risk
tolerance, and negligible risk, in which risk assessment and decision
making meet. A complete understanding of the risk requires that three

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questions be answered: 1. What can go wrong? 2. How likely is it? and 3.
What are the consequences?by answering these questions, the risk is
Answering the question of what can go wrong? begins with
defining a pipeline failure. The unintentional release of pipeline contents is
one definition. Loss of integrity is another way to characterize pipeline
failure. However, a pipeline can fail in other ways by not meeting that do
not involve a loss of contents. A more general definition is failure to
perform its intended function.
By the commonly accepted definition of risk, it is apparent that
probability is a critical aspect of all risk assessments. Some estimate of
the probability of failure will be required in order to assess risks. This
addresses the second question of the risk definition: How likely is it?
Inherent in any risk evaluation is a judgment of the potential
consequences. This is the last of the three risk-defining questions: If
something goes wrong, what are the consequences? Consequence
implies a loss of some kind and many of the aspects of potential losses
can readily quantified. In the case of a hydrocarbon pipeline accident
(product escaping, perhaps causing an explosion and fire), we could
quantify losses such as damaged buildings, vehicles, and other propriety;
costs of service interruption; cost of the product lost; cost of the product
cleanup; and so on.
Several methodologies are available to identify hazards and threats
in a formal and structural way. A hazard and operability (HAZOP) study is
a technique in which a team of system experts is guided through a formal
process in which imaginative scenarios are developed using specific guide
words and analyzed by the team.
It is generally recognized that, unlike most other facilities that
undergo a risk assessment, a pipeline usually does not have a constant
hazard potential

over its entire length. As conditions along the lines

route change, so too does the risk picture. Because the risk picture is not
constant, it is efficient to examine a long pipeline in shorter sections. The
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risk evaluator must decide on a strategy for creating these sections in
order to obtain an accurate risk picture. Each section will have its own
risk assessment results. Breaking the line into many short sections
increases the accuracy of the assessment for each section, but may result
in higher costs of data collection, handling, and maintenance (although
higher costs are rarely an issue with modern computing capabilities).
Longer sections (fewer in number), on the other hand,
MUHLBAUER, W. K., Pipeline Risk Management, 2004.

11. According to the text,
(A) a hazard can be prevented; a risk is intrinsic to certain situations.
(B) a hazard is intrinsic to certain situations; a risk can be prevented.
(C) hazard and risk are both intrinsic to certain situations and both can be
(D) hazard and risk are both intrinsic to certain situations and both can be
(E) hazard and risk are both intrinsic to certain situations, but the latter
can be curtailed.
11. According to the text,
11. De acordo com o texto,
(A) a hazard can be prevented; a risk is intrinsic to certain situations =(A)
um perigo pode ser evitado; um risco intrnseco a certas situaes. E
(B) a hazard is intrinsic to certain situations; a risk can be prevented =
(B) um perigo intrnseco a certas situaes; um risco pode ser evitado.
Segundo o texto, nem o perigo nem o risco podem ser evitados. No se
pode omitir a existncia deles. Opo incorreta.
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(C) hazard and risk are both intrinsic to certain situations and both can be
(C) perigo e risco so ambos intrnsecos a certas situaes e ambos
podem ser evitados.
Ambos so intrnsecos a certas situaes mas no podem ser evitados.
Opo incorreta.
(D) hazard and risk are both intrinsic to certain situations and both can be
(D) perigo e risco so ambos intrnsecos a certas situaes e ambos
podem ser reduzidos.
A primeira parte da assertiva est correta. No entanto, apenas o risco
pode ser reduzido. Por isso a assertiva incorreta.
(E) hazard and risk are both intrinsic to certain situations, but the latter
can be curtailed.
(E) perigo e risco so ambos intrnsecos a certas situaes, mas o ltimo
pode ser reduzido.
He most likely realizes that the risk is reduced if he crosses in a
designed traffic-controlled area and takes extra precautions against
vehicle operators who may not see him. He has not changed the
hazardhe can still be struck by a vehiclebut his risk of injury or death
is reduced by prudent actions.
Ele provavelmente percebe que o risco reduzido se cruza em uma
rea de trfego controlado projetado e toma precaues extras contra
operadores de veculos que no podem v-lo. Ele no mudou o perigo,

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ele ainda pode ser atingido por um veculo, mas o risco de ferimentos ou
morte reduzido por aes prudentes.
Intrinsic = intrnseco, inerente, natural
O texto deixa bem claro que tanto o perigo com o risco so inerentes a
certas situaes. Ao citar o exemplo de quando se atravessa uma
avenida, tanto existe o perigo como o risco. Mas, o risco pode ser
reduzido quando se atravessa a rua de modo prudente, mas o perigo no.
Esta a opo correta.
12. Based on Muhlbauers text, the following assertions were made.
I. Etymologically, the word hazard derives from a strategy board game
originated in the Middle East.
II. The concept of hazard is the foundation upon which risk is defined.
III. If a pipeline has a leak, this failure will be evaluated by posing and
answering the question of what went wrong.
IV. Probability should not be taken in consideration when one is doing risk
assessment, for nothing should be left to chance.
The correct assertions are
(A) I and III, only.
(B) I, II and IV, only.
(C) I, III and IV, only.
(D) II and III, only.
(E) II, III and IV, only.
12. Based on Muhlbauers text, the following assertions were made.

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12. Baseado no texto de Muhlbauer, as seguintes assertivas foram feitas.
I. Etymologically, the word hazard derives from a strategy board game
originated in the Middle East.
I. Etimologicamente, a palavra "risco" deriva de um jogo de tabuleiro de
estratgia originado no Oriente Mdio.
Underlying the definition of risk is the concept of hazard. The word hazard
comes from al zahr, the Arabic word for dice that referred to an ancient
game of chance.
Subjacente definio de risco o conceito de perigo. A palavra risco
vem de al Zahr, a palavra rabe para "dados" que se refere a um antigo
jogo de azar.
Strategy estratgia, um elaborado plano de ao, esboo, esquema
Chance chance, possibilidade, probabilidade, ao acaso, risco, sorte
A assertiva expressa o oposto do que diz o texto, ao usar palavras que
so antnimas. A origem da palavra Hazard no vem de um jogo
planejado e estratgico, mas sim de um jogo de azar, que se joga ao
acaso. Assertiva incorreta.
II. The concept of hazard is the foundation upon which risk is defined.
II. O conceito de perigo o fundamento sobre o qual o risco definido.
Underlying the definition of risk is the concept of hazard.
Subjacente definio de risco o conceito de perigo.





fundao, constituio, base

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A assertiva reflete a mesma informao textual usando um sinnimo de
palavra. Se trocarmos uma pela outra no altera a compreenso textual.
III. If a pipeline has a leak, this failure will be evaluated by posing and
answering the question of what went wrong.
III. Se um oleoduto tem um vazamento, esta falha ser avaliada,
apresentando-se e respondendo pergunta sobre o que deu errado.
A complete understanding of the risk requires that three questions be
answered: 1. What can go wrong? 2. How likely is it? and 3. What are the
consequences?by answering these questions, the risk is defined.
Uma compreenso completa do risco requer que trs perguntas sejam
respondidas : 1. O que pode dar errado? 2. Qual a probabilidade? e 3.
Quais so as consequncias?-A responder a estas perguntas, o risco
A assertiva expressa de maneira a mesma informao textual. O texto
mostra a apresentao das perguntas e diz que a definio do risco vem
com as respostas. Correta.
IV. Probability should not be taken in consideration when one is doing risk
assessment, for nothing should be left to chance.
IV. A Probabilidade no deve ser levada em considerao quando se est
fazendo a avaliao dos riscos, pois nada deve ser deixado ao acaso.
By the commonly accepted definition of risk, it is apparent that probability
is a critical aspect of all risk assessments. Some estimate of the
probability of failure will be required in order to assess risks. This
addresses the second question of the risk definition: How likely is it?

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Pela definio comumente aceita de risco, evidente que a probabilidade
um aspecto crtico de todas as avaliaes de risco. Alguma estimativa
da probabilidade de falha ser necessria a fim de avaliar os riscos. Isso








A Probabilidade deve sim ser levada em considerao, a assertiva no
concorda com o que diz o texto. Incorreta.
The correct assertions are
As assertivas corretas so

I and III, only = I e III, apenas


I, II and IV, only = I, II e IV, apenas


I, III and IV, only = I, III e IV, apenas


II and III, only = II e III, apenas


II, III and IV, only = II, III e IV, apenas

13. Read the sentence below.
Were he to encase himself in an armored vehicle for the trip across the
street, his risk would be reduced even further. Rewritten, this sentence
will read as:
(A) if, to cross the street, he shielded himself in a tank, his risk would be
reduced even more.
(B) had he protected himself in a tank for his trip down the street, his risk
would be reduced much further.
(C) if, to protect himself, he had a gun in his car to cross over the street,
his risk would have decreased even further.
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(D) he were to cross the street in a tank. His risk would have been then
(E) his risk would have been considerably less if he used an armor and a
tank to cross the street.

13. Read the sentence below.

13. Leia a sentena abaixo.
Were he to encase himself in an armored vehicle for the trip across the
street, his risk would be reduced even further. Rewritten, this sentence
will read as:
"Se ele fosse encaixotar-se em um veculo blindado para a viagem ao
outro lado da rua, seu risco seria reduzido ainda mais". Reescrita, esta
frase ser lida como:
(A) if, to cross the street, he shielded himself in a tank, his risk would be
reduced even more.
(A) Se, ao atravessar a rua, ele protegeu-se em um tanque, seu risco
seria reduzido ainda mais.
armored vehicle = veculo blindado = tank = tanque
A assertiva transmite a mesma informao textual, usando um sinnimo
de palavra. Esta a opo correta.
(B) had he protected himself in a tank for his trip down the street, his risk
would be reduced much further.
(B) se ele tivesse se protegido em um tanque para sua viagem pela rua,
seu risco seria reduzido muito mais.
down the street= frente, seguir em frente para o Sul, descer a rua
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across the street = atravessar a rua, do outro lado da rua
A assertiva no concorda com o texto no que diz respeito direo a ser
tomada pelo sujeito da ao. O texto fala sobre ele atravessar a rua para
o lado oposto. Ao invs disso, a questo diz continuar andando no mesmo
sentido da rua, descer a rua. Incorreta.
(C) if, to protect himself, he had a gun in his car to cross over the street,
his risk would have decreased even further.
(C) se, para se proteger, ele tinha uma arma em seu carro para
atravessar a rua, o risco teria diminudo ainda mais.
O texto no menciona arma (gun), por isso a assertiva no est de
acordo com o texto. Incorreta.
(D) he were to cross the street in a tank. His risk would have been then
(D) se ele fosse atravessar a rua em um tanque. Sua risco teria sido
reduzido, em seguida.
O risco seria logo reduzido ao ele entrar no tanque, e no apenas depois.
(E) his risk would have been considerably less if he used an armor and a
tank to cross the street.
(E) o seu risco teria sido consideravelmente menor se ele usou uma
armadura e um tanque para atravessar a rua.
O texto no menciona armadura (armor), por isso a assertiva no est de
acordo com o texto. Incorreta.
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14. Read the paragraph below.
Monetary costs are often used as part of an overall expression of risk;
however, the difficult task of assigning a dollar value to human life or
environmental damage is necessary in using this metric. Without
changing the meaning of the original text, the underlined word can be
replaced by
(A) anyhow.
(B) lest.
(C) yet.
(D) therefore.
(E) hence.
14. Read the paragraph below.
14. Leia a sentena abaixo.
Monetary costs are often used as part of an overall expression of risk;
however, the difficult task of assigning a dollar value to human life or
environmental damage is necessary in using this metric. Without
changing the meaning of the original text, the underlined word can be
replaced by
"Os custos monetrios so muitas vezes utilizados como parte de uma
expresso geral de risco; no entanto, a difcil tarefa de atribuir um valor
monetrio vida humana ou dano ambiental necessria no uso dessa
mtrica ". Sem alterar o sentido do texto original, a palavra sublinhada
pode ser substituda por
Opo A: anyhow = de qualquer modo

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O anyhow usado para se terminar uma conversa, ou voltar a um tpico
que se tinha falado antes ou pra mudar de assunto. No se encaixa para
substituir o conector da frase. Errada.
Opo B: lest = para que no
Este tambm no serve para substituir aquele da frase, se posto em seu
lugar deixaria o texto confuso e sem coerncia. Errada.
Opo C: yet = contudo
Monetary costs are often used as part of an overall expression of risk;
yet, the difficult task of assigning a dollar value to human life or
environmental damage is necessary in using this metric.
"Os custos monetrios so muitas vezes utilizados como parte de uma
expresso geral de risco; contudo, a difcil tarefa de atribuir um valor
monetrio vida humana ou dano ambiental necessria no uso dessa
mtrica ".
Yet = contudo, porm, todavia, mas = however = no entanto, contudo
A assertiva traz um conectivo que expressa contradio, oposio e
substitui perfeitamente aquele do texto, sem causar nenhuma alterao
na compreenso textual. Correta.
Opo D: therefore = portanto = Opo E: hence = por isso
therefore = portanto, logo, assim = hence = por isso, por esse motivo

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Os conectivos so sinnimos e s por isso nenhuma das opes pode ser
a correta. Ambos expressam concluso e no servem para substituir o
conectivo grifado no texto.
15. Read the sentence below.
Related risk terms include acceptable risk, tolerable risk, risk tolerance,
and negligible risk, in which risk assessment and decision making meet.
Four assertions were made based on it.
I. Tolerable risk means acceptable risk; tolerance risk means risk of
II. The adjective tolerable can be replaced by the adjective tolerant
without any change of meaning.
III. The verb to make is used in its gerund form: making.
IV. The word risk has two different grammatical functions in the
sentence: it is used both as an adjective and a noun.
The correct assertion(s) is(are)
(A) I, only.
(B) II and III, only.
(C) IV, only.
(D) I, III and IV, only.
(E) II, only.
15. Read the sentence below.
15. Leia a sentena abaixo.

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Related risk terms include acceptable risk, tolerable risk, risk tolerance,
and negligible risk, in which risk assessment and decision making meet.
Four assertions were made based on it.
Termos de risco relacionados incluem risco aceitvel, o risco tolervel, a
tolerncia ao risco, e o risco insignificante, em que a avaliao de riscos e
tomada de deciso se encontram".
Quatro afirmaes foram feitas com base nela.
I. Tolerable risk means acceptable risk; tolerance risk means risk of
I. "risco tolervel" significa "risco aceitvel", "tolerncia ao risco" significa
"risco de aceitao".
A segunda parte da assertiva est errada. Significa se ter tolerncia ao
risco( aceitao de riscos) e no ser o risco de aceitao. Errada.
II. The adjective tolerable can be replaced by the adjective tolerant
without any change of meaning.
II. O adjetivo "tolervel" pode ser substitudo pelo adjetivo "tolerante",
sem qualquer alterao de sentido.
Tolerant tolerante, flexvel, permissivo, liberal, aquele que tolera
Tolerable tolervel, aturvel, suportvel, aquele/aquilo que tolerado
por outros
No adjetivo tolerant (tolerante), o sujeito tolera e no adjetivo tolerable
(tolervel), o sujeito algum que se pode tolerar. No podem ser
substitudos um pelo outro. Errada.
III. The verb to make is used in its gerund form: making.
III. O verbo fazer usado na sua forma de gerndio: fazendo.
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decision making = tomada de deciso
O verbo to make tem como gerndio making. Mas acontece que, no
segmento citado no enunciado, making no est na funo de verbo.
Portanto no o gerndio de make. Sua funo substantivo. Errada.
IV. The word risk has two different grammatical functions in the
sentence: it is used both as an adjective and a noun.
IV. A palavra "risco" tem duas funes gramaticais diferentes na frase:
ela usada tanto como um adjetivo como um substantivo.
Related risk terms include acceptable risk, tolerable risk, risk tolerance,
and negligible risk, in which risk assessment and decision making meet.
Os termos de risco relacionados incluem risco aceitvel, o risco
tolervel, a tolerncia ao risco, e o risco insignificante, em que a
avaliao de riscos e tomada de deciso se encontram".
Acceptable (adj.) risk (subs.)
Tolerable (adj.) risk (subs.)
Negligible (adj.) risk (subs.)
Risk (subst.) tolerance (subs.)
Temos a palavra risk sendo usada apenas como substantivo. A Banca
aponta esta alternativa como sendo correta. Mas o fato de risk vir antes
de tolerance no indica que um adjetivo. A funo gramatical das duas
substantivo (noun). O adjetivo risky, com y no final. Portanto a
assertiva incorreta. Analisando ento as opes A at E no tem
nenhuma correta.
The correct assertion(s) is(are)
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A(s) assertiva(s) correta(s) (so)

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(A) I, only. = I, apenas.

(B) II and III, only. = II e III, apenas.
(C) IV, only. = IV, apenas.
(D) I, III and IV, only. = I, III e IV, apenas.
(E) II, only. = II, apenas.


Fonte de referncia:
2. Parecer unnime dos professores de Ingls da Faculdade Sinclair
em Dayton, Ohio- USA
16. Read the paragraph below.
A pipeline can fail in other ways that do not involve a loss of contents. A
more general definition is failure to perform its intended function. The
underlined word relates to
(A) loss.
(B) definition.
(C) failure.
(D) function.
(E) pipeline.
16. Read the paragraph below.
16. Leia o pargrafo abaixo.

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A pipeline can fail in other ways that do not involve a loss of contents. A
more general definition is failure to perform its intended function. The
underlined word relates to
"Um oleoduto pode falhar em outras maneiras que no envolvem a perda
de contedo. A definio mais geral a incapacidade de executar sua
funo pretendida ". O termo sublinhado refere-se a
Opo A: loss. = perda e Opo B: definition. = definio e Opo C:
failure. = incapacidade
No tem sentido dizer que vai se executar a funo da perda, definio ou
incapacidade. So abstratos. O texto refere-se funo de algo concreto.
Opo incorreta.
Opo D: function = funo
Geralmente o pronome possessivo refere-se a algo que j foi mencionado
antes. A palavra function (funo) vem depois do pronome. Errada.
Opo E: pipeline. = oleoduto
s voc fazer a pergunta ao verbo, executar a funo de quem? Do
oleoduto (pipeline). Se estivesse se referindo a uma pessoa seria his
(dele) ou her (dela). Mas como refere-se a um objeto (pipeline), ento
por isso foi usado o its (pronome neutro). Esta a correta.
17. Read the sentence below.

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Inherent in any risk evaluation is a judgment of the potential
consequences. Choose the item that changes this sentence into Simple
Future tense.
(A) In any inherent risk evaluation there will be a judgment of the
potential consequences.
(B) A judgment of the potential consequences will be inherent in any risk
(C) Risk evaluation shall be a judgment inherent in any potential
(D) Any inherent evaluation will risk a judgment of the potential
(E) In any potential consequences of risk evaluation, a judgment shall be
17. Read the sentence below.
17. Leia a sentena abaixo.
Inherent in any risk evaluation is a judgment of the potential
consequences. Choose the item that changes this sentence into Simple
Future tense.
"Inerente a qualquer avaliao de risco um julgamento das potenciais
consequncias". Escolha o item que muda esta frase para o tempo verbal
Futuro Simples.
(A) In any inherent risk evaluation there will be a judgment of the
potential consequences.
(A) Em qualquer avaliao de risco inerente, haver um julgamento das
potenciais consequncias.

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Essa assertiva mudou o verbo, ao invs de colocar o verbo TO BE (ser,
estar) colocou o verbo THERE TO BE (haver, existir). Portanto, embora
esteja no Futuro, est errada pois no permaneceu com o mesmo verbo.
(B) A judgment of the potential consequences will be inherent in any risk
(B) Um julgamento das potenciais consequncias ser inerente a qualquer
avaliao de risco.
Inherent in any risk evaluation is a judgment of the potential
"Inerente a qualquer avaliao de risco um julgamento das potenciais
Fazendo a pergunta ao verbo para descobrir o sujeito: Quem inerente a
qualquer avaliao de risco? Um julgamento. Observe que no enunciado a
frase est invertida, o sujeito aparece depois do verbo. Mas na assertiva
ele vem na sequencia normal e est no futuro simples, pois usa o auxiliar
will + be (infinitivo do verbo ser, estar). Esta a opo correta.
(C) Risk evaluation shall be a judgment inherent in any potential
(C) A avaliao de riscos deve ser um julgamento inerente a quaisquer
consequncias potenciais.
O sujeito julgamento, o julgamento que ser e no a avaliao de
riscos. Incorreta.
(D) Any inherent evaluation will risk a judgment of the potential
(D) Qualquer avaliao inerente correr o risco de um julgamento das
potenciais consequncias.
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O que deve est no Futuro o verbo TO BE (ser, estar). No o verbo
risk. Assertiva incorreta.
(E) In any potential consequences of risk evaluation, a judgment shall be
(E) Em quaisquer consequncias potenciais de avaliao de riscos, um
julgamento ser inerente.
Potencial consequncias faz parte do sujeito. A assertiva coloca como
sendo do predicado. Incorreta.
18. Read the paragraph below and choose the item that describes
correctly the grammatical function of the underlined words.
By the commonly accepted definition of risk, it is apparent that
probability is a critical aspect of all risk assessments. Some estimate of
the probability of failure will be required in order to assess risks. This
addresses the second question of the risk definition: How likely is it?
(A) Commonly is an adverb; critical is an adjective; estimate is a
noun; addresses is a verb; likely is an adjective.
(B) Commonly is an adjective; critical is an adjective; estimate is a
verb; addresses is a verb; likely is an adverb.
(C) Commonly is an adverb; critical is an adjective; estimate is a
noun; addresses is a noun; likely is an adverb.
(D) Commonly is an adjective; critical is an adverb; estimate is a
verb; addresses is a verb; likely is an adverb.
(E) Commonly is an adverb; critical is an adjective; estimate is a
verb; addresses is a verb; likely is an adjective.
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18. Read the paragraph below and choose the item that describes
correctly the grammatical function of the underlined words.
18. Leia o pargrafo abaixo e escolha o item que descreve corretamente a
funo gramatical das palavras sublinhadas.
By the commonly accepted definition of risk, it is apparent that
probability is a critical aspect of all risk assessments. Some estimate of
the probability of failure will be required in order to assess risks. This
addresses the second question of the risk definition: How likely is it?








probabilidade um aspecto crtico de todas as avaliaes de risco.

Alguma estimativa da probabilidade de falha ser necessria a fim de
avaliar os riscos. Isso direciona a segunda questo da definio do risco:
"Quo provvel isso?"
(A) Commonly is an adverb; critical is an adjective; estimate is a
noun; addresses is a verb; likely is an adjective.
(A) "Comumente" um advrbio, "crtico" um adjetivo, "estimativa"
um substantivo, "direciona" um verbo, "provvel" um adjetivo.
Commonly = comumente, geralmente = advrbio de modo
Critical = crtico, exigente = adjetivo do substantivo aspect (aspecto)
Estimate = estimativa, clculo = substantivo
Addresses = direcionar, visar, enderear, falar = verbo na 3 pess. do
sing., cujo sujeito this (isto)
Likely = provvel, possvel = adjetivo
A assertiva descreve corretamente as funes gramaticais dos vocbulos
no texto. Esta a opo correta.

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(B) Commonly is an adjective; critical is an adjective; estimate is a
verb; addresses is a verb; likely is an adverb.
(B) "Comumente" um adjetivo, "crtico" um adjetivo, "estimativa"
um verbo, "direciona" um verbo, "provvel" um advrbio.
Commonly no adjetivo, e sim advrbio. Estimate no verbo e sim
substantivo. Likely no advrbio e sim adjetivo. Incorreta.
(C) Commonly is an adverb; critical is an adjective; estimate is a
noun; addresses is a noun; likely is an adverb.
(C) "Comumente" um advrbio, "crtico" um adjetivo, "estimativa"
um substantivo, "direciona" um substantivo, "provvel" um advrbio.
Addresses no um substantivo, um verbo. Likely no advrbio,
adjetivo. A assertiva portanto incorreta.
(D) Commonly is an adjective; critical is an adverb; estimate is a
verb; addresses is a verb; likely is an adverb.
(D) "Comumente" um adjetivo, "crtico" um advrbio, "estimativa"
um verbo, "direciona" um verbo, "provvel" um advrbio.
Commonly no adjetivo, advrbio. Critical no um advrbio,
adjetivo. Estimate no verbo substantivo. Likely no advrbio, e sim
adjetivo. Por essas razes a assertiva est errada.
(E) Commonly is an adverb; critical is an adjective; estimate is a
verb; addresses is a verb; likely is an adjective.
(E) "Comumente" um advrbio, "crtico" um adjetivo, "estimativa"
um verbo, "direciona" um verbo, "provvel" um adjetivo.
Estimate no verbo e sim substantivo. Por isso, errada.

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19. Read the last paragraph of Muhbauers text and choose one item to fill
in the blank. Breaking the line into many short sections increases the
accuracy of the assessment for each section, but may result in higher
costs of data collection, handling, and maintenance (although higher costs
are rarely an issue with modern computing capabilities). Longer sections







(A) will largely improve the whole pipeline system, especially when both
hazard and risks were taken in consideration and carefully evaluated in
each section.
(B) may increase costs, especially if the risk assessment done by the
team of experts relies on hazard and probability, which cannot be
(C) area feasible solution, because they improve the accuracy of
assessments and reduce data costs significantly.
(D) may reduce data costs but also reduce accuracy, because average or
worst case characteristics must govern if conditions change within the
(E) will improve data assessment and the overall management of the
whole system, because, having it broken into larger sections, there will be
less risks to be evaluated.
Dica: Se na prova cair uma questo como essa, deixe pra resolvla por ltimo, principalmente se voc tiver pouco tempo, d
prioridade s outras questes, j que essa a que demanda mais
tempo para se ler e encontrar a resposta correta.
19. Read the last paragraph of Muhbauers text and choose one item to fill
in the blank. Breaking the line into many short sections increases the
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accuracy of the assessment for each section, but may result in higher
costs of data collection, handling, and maintenance (although higher costs
are rarely an issue with modern computing capabilities). Longer sections







19. Leia o ltimo pargrafo do texto de Muhbauer e escolha um item para
preencher o vazio. "Quebrando a linha em vrias sees curtas aumenta a
preciso da avaliao para cada seo, mas pode resultar em custos mais
elevados de coleta de dados, manuseio e manuteno (embora os custos
mais altos so raramente um problema com capacidades de computao
modernas). Sees mais longas (em menor nmero), por outro lado,
(A)will largely improve the whole pipeline system, especially when both
hazard and risks were taken in consideration and carefully evaluated in
each section.
(A) melhorar grandemente todo o sistema de dutos, especialmente
quando tanto o perigo como os riscos foram levados em considerao e
cuidadosamente avaliados em cada seo.
Breaking the line into many short sections increases the accuracy of the
assessment for each section, but may result in higher costs of data
collection, handling, and maintenance (although higher costs are rarely an
issue with modern computing capabilities). Longer sections (fewer in
number), on the other hand, will largely improve the whole pipeline
system, especially when both hazard and risks were taken in
consideration and carefully evaluated in each section.
"Quebrando a linha em vrias sees curtas aumenta a preciso da
avaliao para cada seo, mas pode resultar em custos mais elevados de
coleta de dados, manuseio e manuteno (embora os custos mais altos
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so raramente um problema com capacidades de computao modernas).


longas (em menor

nmero), por outro lado, melhorar

grandemente todo o sistema de dutos, especialmente quando tanto o









cuidadosamente avaliados em cada seo.

Preste ateno! Para se avaliar cuidadosamente os riscos, as sees
precisam ser curtas (accuracy = preciso), dito no incio do pargrafo; ao
fazermos a montagem do que diz essa assertiva como o texto, vemos que
o texto passa a se contradizer. Pois os riscos so levados cuidadosamente
em considerao nas seces curtas, no nas longas. Portanto, essa
assertiva no nos serve: incorreta.
(B) may increase costs, especially if the risk assessment done by the
team of experts relies on hazard and probability, which cannot be
(B) pode aumentar os custos, especialmente se a avaliao de risco feita
pela equipe de especialistas se baseia em risco e probabilidade, que no
pode ser medido.
Breaking the line into many short sections increases the accuracy of the
assessment for each section, but may result in higher costs of data
collection, handling, and maintenance (although higher costs are rarely an
issue with modern computing capabilities). Longer sections (fewer in
number), on the other hand, may increase costs, especially if the risk
assessment done by the team of experts relies on hazard and probability,
which cannot be measured.
"Quebrando a linha em vrias sees curtas aumenta a preciso da
avaliao para cada seo, mas pode resultar em custos mais
elevados de coleta de dados, manuseio e manuteno (embora os custos
mais altos so raramente um problema com capacidades de computao
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modernas). Sees mais longas (em menor nmero), por outro lado,
pode aumentar os custos, especialmente se a avaliao de risco feita
pela equipe de especialistas se baseia em risco e probabilidade, que no
pode ser medido.
Veja que quando encaixamos os dois trechos, depois que usada a
expresso de contradio (por outro lado) espera-se que se diga algo
oposto, mas o texto no diz nada o contrrio, continua dizendo a mesma
coisa. Ento est bem claro que essa assertiva no tem nada a ver, no
nos serve para dar continuidade ao com o texto. Incorreta.
(C) area feasible solution, because they improve the accuracy of
assessments and reduce data costs significantly.
(C) soluo vivel de rea, uma vez que melhoram a preciso das
avaliaes e reduz significativamente os custos de dados.
Breaking the line into many short sections increases the accuracy of
the assessment for each section, but may result in higher costs of data
collection, handling, and maintenance (although higher costs are rarely an
issue with modern computing capabilities). Longer sections (fewer in
number), on the other hand, area feasible solution, because they improve
the accuracy of assessments and reduce data costs significantly.
"Quebrando a linha em vrias sees curtas aumenta a preciso da
avaliao para cada seo, mas pode resultar em custos mais elevados
de coleta de dados, manuseio e manuteno (embora os custos mais
altos so raramente um problema com capacidades de computao
modernas). Sees mais longas (em menor nmero), por outro lado,
soluo vivel de rea, uma vez que melhoram a preciso das
avaliaes e reduz significativamente os custos de dados.

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O texto ficou confuso. No incio ele diz que as sees curtas fazem a
preciso da avaliao aumentar, no final ele diz que as sees mais
longas fazem o mesmo. Veja a incoerncia. Assertiva incorreta.
(D) may reduce data costs but also reduce accuracy, because average or
worst case characteristics must govern if conditions change within the
(D) pode reduzir os custos de dados, mas tambm reduzir a preciso, por
que as mdias ou piores caractersticas do caso devem governar, se as
condies mudam dentro da seo.
Breaking the line into many short sections increases the accuracy of
the assessment for each section, but may result in higher costs of data
collection, handling, and maintenance (although higher costs are rarely an
issue with modern computing capabilities). Longer sections (fewer in
number), on the other hand, may reduce data costs but also reduce
accuracy, because average or worst case characteristics must govern if
conditions change within the section.
"Quebrando a linha em vrias sees curtas aumenta a preciso da
avaliao para cada seo, mas pode resultar em custos mais elevados
de coleta de dados, manuseio e manuteno (embora os custos mais
altos so raramente um problema com capacidades de computao
modernas). Sees mais longas (em menor nmero), por outro lado,
pode reduzir os custos de dados, mas tambm reduzir a preciso, por
que as mdias ou piores caractersticas do caso devem governar, se as
condies mudam dentro da seo.
O trecho da assertiva se encaixa muito bem quele do enunciado, pois d
continuidade ao que j se estava falando de maneira coerente. Correta.

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(E) will improve data assessment and the overall management of the
whole system, because, having it broken into larger sections, there will be
less risks to be evaluated.
(E) vai melhorar a avaliao dos dados e a gesto global de todo o
sistema, pois, t-lo dividido em sees maiores, haver menos riscos de
ser avaliado.
Breaking the line into many short sections increases the accuracy of
the assessment for each section, but may result in higher costs of data
collection, handling, and maintenance (although higher costs are rarely an
issue with modern computing capabilities). Longer sections (fewer in
number), on the other hand, will improve data assessment and the
overall management of the whole system, because, having it broken into
larger sections, there will be less risks to be evaluated.
"Quebrando a linha em vrias sees curtas aumenta a preciso da
avaliao para cada seo, mas pode resultar em custos mais elevados
de coleta de dados, manuseio e manuteno (embora os custos mais
altos so raramente um problema com capacidades de computao
modernas). Sees mais longas (em menor nmero), por outro lado,
vai melhorar a avaliao dos dados e a gesto global de todo o sistema,
pois, t-lo dividido em sees maiores, haver menos riscos para serem
Observe o conectivo On the other hand (Por outro lado), que usado
quando se passa a falar de algo contrrio. No entanto, veja que quando
fazemos a montagem dos dois trechos, ele diz novamente que haver
uma melhor (mais precisa) avaliao de dados em sees mais longas, do
mesmo jeito que ele disse que h em sees curtas. O texto fica ento
incoerente. Assertiva incorreta.
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20. Read the paragraph below.
A hazard and operability (HAZOP) study is a technique in which a team
of system experts is guided through a formal process in which
imaginative scenarios are developed using specific guide words and
analyzed by the team.
Choose the item that presents a replacement, without changing the
meaning of the original text, for the underlined words.







So that



20. Read the paragraph below.

20. Leia o pargrafo abaixo.
A hazard and operability (HAZOP) study is a technique in which a team
of system experts is guided through a formal process in which
imaginative scenarios are developed using specific guide words and
analyzed by the team.
"Um estudo de operabilidade e perigo (HAZOP) uma tcnica na qual
uma equipe de especialistas do sistema guiada atravs de um processo
formal no qual cenrios imaginativos so desenvolvidos utilizando
palavras-guia especficas e analisadas pela equipe."
Choose the item that presents a replacement, without changing the
meaning of the original text, for the underlined words.
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Escolha o item que apresenta uma substituio, sem alterar o sentido do
texto original, para as palavras sublinhadas.
Opo A: That = que
A hazard and operability (HAZOP) study is a technique that a team of
system experts is guided through a formal process that imaginative
scenarios are developed using specific guide words and analyzed by the
"Um estudo de operabilidade e perigo (HAZOP) uma tcnica que uma
equipe de especialistas do sistema guiada atravs de um processo
formal que cenrios imaginativos so desenvolvidos utilizando palavrasguia especficas e analisadas pela equipe."
Observe que o texto fica truncado e no flui com leveza ao substituirmos
o conectivo do texto pelo da assertiva. Incorreta.
Opo B: Whereby = pelo qual









which/whereby a team of system experts is guided through a formal

process in which /whereby imaginative scenarios are developed using
specific guide words and analyzed by the team.
"Um estudo de operabilidade e perigo (HAZOP)

uma tcnica na

qual/por meio da qual uma equipe de especialistas do sistema guiada

atravs de um processo formal no qual/por meio da qual cenrios
imaginativos so desenvolvidos utilizando palavras-guia especficas e
analisadas pela equipe."
whereby = pelo(a) qual, por meio do(a) qual = in which = na qual
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Os conectivos so sinnimos entre si, se trocarmos um pelo outro no
altera a compreenso textual. Esta a opo correta.
Opo C: Where = onde
where = onde , aonde
O que conectivo usado em ingls para referir-se a lugares. No
sinnimo daquele do texto. Incorreta.
Opo D: So that = de modo que
Esta expresso explicativa e no nos serve para substituir o conectivo
do texto, sem alterar seu sentido. Incorreta.
Opo E: Whereas = enquanto que
Whereas = enquanto que, ao passo que
Este indica contradio. Geralmente usado quando se contrasta duas
frases com ideias opostas.No substitui o outro sem alterar o sentido do
texto. Incorreta.


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Underlying the definition of risk is the concept of hazard. The word
hazard comes from al zahr, the Arabic word for dice that referred to an
ancient game of chance. We typically define a hazard as a characteristic
or group of characteristics that provides the potential for a loss.
Flammability and toxicity are examples of such characteristics.
Subjacente definio de risco o conceito de perigo. A palavra risco
vem de al Zahr, a palavra rabe para "dados" que se refere a um antigo
jogo de azar. Ns normalmente definimos um perigo como uma
caracterstica ou um grupo de caractersticas que oferece o potencial para








It is important to make the distinction between a hazard and a risk
because we can change the risk without changing the hazard. When a
person crosses a busy street, the hazard should be clear to that person.
Loosely defined, it is the prospect that the person must place himself in
the path of moving vehicles that can cause him great bodily harm were he
to be struck by one or more of them. The hazard is therefore injury or
fatality as a result of being struck by a moving vehicle. The risk, however,
is dependent on how that person conducts himself in the crossing of the
importante fazer a distino entre um perigo e um risco, porque
podemos mudar o risco sem alterar o perigo. Quando uma pessoa
atravessa uma rua movimentada, o risco deve ser claro para essa pessoa.
Vagamente definida, a perspectiva de que a pessoa deve colocar-se no
caminho dos veculos em movimento que podem causar-lhe grande dano
fsico caso fosse atingida por um ou mais deles. O risco , portanto, leso
ou morte como resultado de ser atingido por um veculo em movimento.
O risco, no entanto, depende de como a pessoa se comporta na travessia
da rua.
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He most likely realizes that the risk is reduced if he crosses in a designed
traffic-controlled area and takes extra precautions against vehicle
operators who may not see him. He has not changed the hazardhe can
still be struck by a vehiclebut his risk of injury or death is reduced by
prudent actions. Were he to encase himself in an armored vehicle for
the trip across the street, his risk would be reduced even furtherhe has
reduced the consequences of the hazard.
Ele provavelmente percebe que o risco reduzido se cruza em uma rea
de trfego controlado projetado e toma precaues extras contra
operadores de veculos que no podem v-lo. Ele no mudou o perigo, ele
ainda pode ser atingido por um veculo, mas o risco de ferimentos ou
morte reduzido por aes prudentes. Se ele tivesse se escondido em um
veculo blindado para o trajeto de atravessar a rua, o risco dele seria
reduzido mais ainda ele reduziu as consequncias do perigo.
Risk is most commonly defined as the probability of an event that causes
a loss and the potential magnitude of that loss. By this definition, risk is
increased when either the probability of the event increases of the
potential loss (the consequences of the event) increases. Transportation
of products by pipeline is a risk because there is some probability of the
pipeline failing, releasing its contents, and causing damage (in addition to
the potential loss of the product itself).
O risco mais comumente definido como a probabilidade de um evento
que provoca uma perda e a magnitude potencial da perda. Por esta
definio, o risco maior quando ou a probabilidade do evento aumenta
ou a perda potencial (as conseqncias do evento) aumenta. O transporte
de produtos por tubulao um risco, porque existe alguma probabilidade
de falha na tubulao, liberando o seu contedo, e causando danos (para
alm da potencial perda do produto propriamente dito).
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A risk is often expressed in measurable quantities such as the expected
frequency of fatalities, injuries, or economic loss. Monetary costs are
often used as part of an overall expression of risk; however, the difficult
task of assigning a dollar value to human life or environmental damage is
necessary in using this metric. Related risk terms include acceptable risk,
tolerable risk, risk tolerance, and negligible risk, in which risk assessment
and decision making meet.
Um risco muitas vezes expresso em quantidades mensurveis, como a
freqncia esperada de mortes, ferimentos ou perdas econmicas. Custos
monetrios so frequentemente utilizados como parte de uma expresso
geral de risco, no entanto, a difcil tarefa de atribuir um valor monetrio
vida humana ou dano ambiental necessria ao usar essa mtrica. Os
termos de risco relacionados incluem risco aceitvel, o risco tolervel, a
tolerncia ao risco, e o risco insignificante, em que a avaliao de riscos e
tomada de deciso se encontram".
A complete understanding of the risk requires that three questions be
answered: 1. What can go wrong? 2. How likely is it? and 3. What are the
consequences?by answering these questions, the risk is defined.
Uma compreenso completa do risco requer que trs perguntas sejam
respondidas : 1. O que pode dar errado? 2. Qual a probabilidade? e 3.
Quais so as consequncias?-A responder a estas perguntas, o risco
Answering the question of what can go wrong? begins with defining a
pipeline failure. The unintentional release of pipeline contents is one
definition. Loss of integrity is another way to characterize pipeline failure.
However, a pipeline can fail in other ways by not meeting that do not

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involve a loss of contents. A more general definition is failure to perform
its intended function.
Respondendo pergunta "o que pode dar errado?" Comea com a
definio de uma falha em um oleoduto. A liberao no intencional de
contedos de tubulao uma definio. A perda de integridade uma
outra forma de caracterizar a falha do oleoduto. No entanto, uma
tubulao pode falhar em outras maneiras que no envolvem a perda de
contedo. A definio mais geral a incapacidade de executar sua funo
By the commonly accepted definition of risk, it is apparent that probability
is a critical aspect of all risk assessments. Some estimate of the
probability of failure will be required in order to assess risks. This
addresses the second question of the risk definition: How likely is it?
"Pela definio comumente aceita de risco, evidente que a probabilidade
um aspecto crtico de todas as avaliaes de risco. Alguma estimativa
da probabilidade de falha ser necessria a fim de avaliar os riscos. Isso
direciona a segunda questo da definio do risco: "Quo provvel










consequences. This is the last of the three risk-defining questions: If

something goes wrong, what are the consequences?
"Inerente a qualquer avaliao de risco um julgamento das potenciais
consequncias". Esta a ltima das trs perguntas de definio de risco:
Se alguma coisa der errado, quais so as consequncias?
Consequence implies a loss of some kind and many of the aspects of
potential losses can readily quantified. In the case of a hydrocarbon
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pipeline accident (product escaping, perhaps causing an explosion and
fire), we could quantify losses such as damaged buildings, vehicles, and
other propriety; costs of service interruption; cost of the product lost;
cost of the product cleanup; and so on.
A consequncia implica uma perda de algum tipo, e muitos dos aspectos
das perdas potenciais podem ser facilmente quantificadas. No caso de um
acidente em uma tubulao de hidrocarboneto (produto escapa, talvez
provocando uma exploso e fogo), poderamos quantificar as perdas, tais
como edifcios danificados, veculos e outra propriedade; custos de
interrupo de servio; o custo do produto perdido; o custo do produto de
limpeza, e assim por diante.
Several methodologies are available to identify hazards and threats in a
formal and structural way. A hazard and operability (HAZOP) study is a
technique in which a team of system experts is guided through a formal
process in which imaginative scenarios are developed using specific guide
words and analyzed by the team.
Diversas metodologias esto disponveis para identificar os riscos e as





operabilidade e perigo (HAZOP)





uma tcnica na qual uma equipe de

especialistas do sistema guiada atravs de um processo formal no qual







especficas e analisadas pela equipe."

It is generally recognized that, unlike most other facilities that undergo a
risk assessment, a pipeline usually does not have a constant hazard

over its entire length. As conditions along the lines route

change, so too does the risk picture. Because the risk picture is not
constant, it is efficient to examine a long pipeline in shorter sections. The

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risk evaluator must decide on a strategy for creating these sections in
order to obtain an accurate risk picture. Each section will have its own
risk assessment results.
geralmente reconhecido que, ao contrrio da maioria das outras
instalaes que se submetem a uma avaliao de risco, um oleoduto
geralmente no tm um potencial perigo constante ao longo de todo o
seu comprimento. Como as condies de mudana de rota ao longo da
linha, o mesmo acontece com a imagem de risco. Como a imagem de
risco no constante, no eficiente para analisar um longo oleoduto em
sees mais curtas. O

avaliador de risco deve decidir sobre uma

estratgia para a criao dessas sees, a fim de obter uma imagem

precisa dos riscos. Cada seo ter seus prprios resultados de avaliao
de risco.
Breaking the line into many short sections increases the accuracy of the
assessment for each section, but may result in higher costs of data
collection, handling, and maintenance (although higher costs are rarely an
issue with modern computing capabilities). Longer sections (fewer in
number), on the other hand, may reduce data costs but also reduce
accuracy, because average or worst case characteristics must govern if
conditions change within the section.
MUHLBAUER, W. K., Pipeline Risk Management, 2004.
"Quebrando a linha em vrias sees curtas aumenta a preciso da
avaliao para cada seo, mas pode resultar em custos mais elevados de
coleta de dados, manuseio e manuteno (embora os custos mais altos
so raramente um problema com capacidades de computao modernas).
Sees mais longas (em menor nmero), por outro lado, pode reduzir os
custos de dados, mas tambm reduzir a preciso, por que as mdias ou

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piores caractersticas do caso devem governar, se as condies mudam
dentro da seo.

5 Texto 3, Vocabulrio e Traduo

FDA: U.S. Marshals seize food at New York-based food facility







instalao alimentar situada em Nova Iorque

For Immediate Release: April 15, 2013
Para divulgao imediata: 15 abr 2013
Agency acts to prevent food distribution from rodent-infested warehouse
Agncia age para impedir a distribuio de alimentos estocados em
armazm infestado de roedores
U.S. Marshals have seized food products at a Ridgewood, N.Y.
warehouse that manufactures and distributes kosher food products,
after investigators from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration found
widespread rodent infestation in the facility.
Agentes Federais Americanos apreenderam produtos alimentcios em
um armazm em Ridgewood, Nova Iorque, o qual fabrica e distribui
produtos alimentares kosher, depois que investigadores da FDA
Administrao de Medicamentos e Alimentos encontrou infestao de
roedores generalizada na instalao.

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various food products in the

manufacturing facility and warehouse operated by V.I.P. Foods Inc., on

April 12, 2013, under a warrant issued by the U.S. District Court for
the Eastern District of New York.
A FDA iniciou a apreenso de vrios produtos alimentares na fbrica e
armazm operado pela VIP Foods Inc., em 12 de abril de 2013 sob um
mandado emitido pelo Tribunal Distrital dos EUA para o Distrito Leste
de Nova York.
During an inspection in late February 2013, FDA investigators found
unsanitary conditions throughout the facility in violation of the Federal
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The conditions included live rodents, a
dead, desiccated rodent, and what appeared to be rodent tracks,
rodent gnaw holes, and rodent excreta pellets in or near food
Durante uma inspeo no final de fevereiro de 2013, investigadores da
FDA encontraram condies insalubres em toda a instalao, em
violao da Lei Federal de Alimentos, Medicamentos e Cosmticos . As
condies incluam roedores vivos, um morto, roedor dessecado, e o
que parecia ser trilhas de roedores, buracos feitos por mordidas de
roedores, e pelotas de fezes de roedores perto ou nos produtos
V.I.P. Foods housed various dried mixes and bases, such as chicken
soup base, blueberry muffin mix and bread crumbs; and the conditions
inside this warehouse were just deplorable, said Melinda K. Plaisier, the
FDAs acting associate commissioner for regulatory affairs. We will
continue to take aggressive action to protect public health.

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"A V.I.P. Alimentos guardava vrios ingredientes e misturas secas , como
base de canja de galinha, mistura para bolinho de fruta e migalhas de








deplorveis ", disse Melinda K. Plaisier, comissria adjunta interina da

FDA para assuntos regulatrios. "Continuaremos a tomar medidas
agressivas para proteger a sade pblica".
Some of V.I.P. Foods products are distributed under the name VIP Foods
Inc., VIP, V.I.P., or KoJel, but V.I.P. Foods distributes other products
under private label.
Alguns dos produtos alimentcios V.I.P. so distribudos sob o nome VIP
Foods Inc., VIP, VIP, ou KoJel, mas VIP Alimentos distribui outros
produtos sob marca prpria.
The FDA, an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human









effectiveness, and security of human and veterinary drugs, vaccines and

other biological products for human and animals use, and medical
devices. The agency also is responsible for the safety and security of our
nations food supply, cosmetics, dietary supplements, products that give
off electronic radiation, and for regulating tobacco products.
A FDA, agncia do Departamento de Sade e Servios Humanos dos EUA,
protege a sade pblica por garantir a segurana, eficcia e segurana
dos medicamentos de uso humano e veterinrio, vacinas e outros
produtos biolgicos para uso humano e animais, e aparelhos mdicos. A
agncia tambm responsvel pela segurana de abastecimento de
alimentos, cosmticos, suplementos alimentares, e produtos da nossa
nao que emitem radiao eletrnica , e pelo regulamento dos produtos
de tabaco.

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Booster Vocabulary



interino (a), substituto (a)



bread crumbs

migalhas de po

chicken soup base

canja de galinha em p








aparelho, dispositivo





excreta pellets

fezes, excrementos


instalao, prdio

food product

produto alimentcio


roer, mastigar, corroer


vivo (a), viver





private label

marca prpria


roedores: rato, camundongo


confiscar, apreender


apreenso, confisco, embargo




armazm, depsito, almoxarife


mandado, ordem legal


muito difundido, generalizado

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6 - Sumrio Terico e Vocabulrios

1. Determinantes: artigos, pronomes possessivos, demonstrativos,
indefinidos e interrogativos.
2. Os artigos em ingls so trs: the (o, a, os, as); a, an (um,uma)
3. Os pronomes interrogativos pessoais so: Who (quem), which
(qual deles), whose (de quem )
4. Pronomes interrogativos em geral: why (por que), what about
(que tal) e when (quando)
5. How long (quanto tempo), how deep (que profundidade), how
far (quo distante) so exemplos do uso do how
6. As conjunes coordenativas so: and (e), but (mas), nor (nem),
yet (ainda), or (ou), for (para), so (ento)
7. Algumas das conjunes subordinativas so: if (se), unless (a
menos que), once (uma vez que), when (quando)
8. Algumas das conjunes correlativas so: also (tambm), whether
9. So exemplos de conjunes adverbiais: again (novamente),
certainly (certamente), even (at mesmo)

Alguns exemplos dos quantificadores contveis so: each

(cada), many (muitos), every (cada um)









bastante), little (pouco)


Algumas preposies de lugar: above (a cima), behind

(detrs de), around (ao redor);


Alguns exemplos de preposies de movimento: across

(atravs de), along (ao longo de), towards (em direo a)


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Accuracy exatido, preciso
Approach abordar, aproximar-se
Assessment - avaliao
Auditing - auditoria
Available - disponvel
Average em mdia, mediano
Content - contedo
Cost - custo
Damage dano, estrago
Death - morte
Ensure - assegurar
Entrust - confiar
Environmental - ambiental
Expensive- caro, oneroso
Food chain cadeia alimentar
Handling manejo, tratamento, manipulao
Higher mais alto
Increase crescer, aumentar
Injury ferida, leso
Loss - perda
Maintenance - manunteno
Role papel, funo
Safety - segurana
Several - vrios
Stage estgio, fase
Surveillance fiscalizao, vigilncia
Threat - ameaa
Unsuitable imprprio, inadequado

Sinnimos (Synonyms)

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Accuracy precision, fidelity
Approach - approximation
Assessment survey, jugment
Auditing -checking
Available - suitable
Average - typical
chain - stream
Content substance, matter
Cost - expenditure
Damage harm, injury
Death -passing
Ensure - assegurar
Entrust rely on, depend
Environmental - surronding
Expensive - costly
Handling - manipulation
Higher - upper
Increase - grow
Injury wound, harm
Loss waste, damage
Maintenance - conservation
Role - function
Safety - security
Several - various
Stage estgio, fase
Surveillance inspection, supervision
Threat - menace
Unsuitable inappropriate

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7 - Lista de Questes Apresentadas e Gabaritos:

Food control systems: integrated farm-to-table concept
1 The objective of reduced risk can be achieved most
effectively by the principle of prevention throughout the
production, processing and marketing chain. To achieve
4 maximum consumer protection, it is essential that safety and
quality be built into food products from production through
to consumption.
This calls for a comprehensive and integrated farm-to-table approach in
which the producer, processor, transporter, vendor, and consumer all play
a vital role in ensuring food safety and quality.
10 It is impossible to provide adequate protection to
the consumer by merely sampling and analyzing the final
product. The introduction of preventive measures at all
13 stages of the food production and distribution chain, rather
than only inspection and rejection at the final stage, makes
better economic sense, because unsuitable products can be
16 identified earlier along the chain. The more economic and
effective strategy is to entrust food producers and operators
with primary responsibility for food safety and quality.
19 Government regulators are then responsible for auditing

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performance of the food system through monitoring and
surveillance activities and for enforcing legal and regulatory
22 requirements.
Food hazards and quality loss may occur at a
variety of points in the food chain, and it is difficult and
25 expensive to test for their presence. A well-structured,
preventive approach that controls processes is the preferred
method for improving food safety and quality. Many but not
28 all potential food hazards can be controlled along the food
chain through the application of good practices i.e.
agricultural, manufacturing and hygienic.
Internet: <> (with adaptations).
14. Based on the text above, the following assertions were made:
I. To improve food quality, it is really crucial that safety measures be
implemented at the processing stage.
II. In the farm-to-table approach, products are sold directly by farmers to
III. Transporters and vendors wont play any significant role along the
food production and distribution chain.
IV. Primary responsibility for food safety and quality should rest with
producers and operators.
The correct assertions are:


I and III, only.


I and IV, only.


I, III and IV, only.


II and III, only.


II, III and IV, only

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15 According to the text,

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Prevention eliminates all potential food hazards.


The sentence it is essential that safety and quality be built into

food products (R.4-5) follows the same structure as its vital
that he go straight to the house.


their presence (R.25) refers to variety of points.


achieve (R.3) is to accomplish as hazards (R.23) is to


(E) calls for (R.6) means requite.

16. Choose the answer that describes correctly the grammatical function
of the words in the text:
(A) rather than (R.13-14) could be correctly replaced by instead of
with no change in meaning.
(B) Because (l.15) means on the other hand.
(C) then (l.19) can be correctly replaced by what.
(D) may (l.23) have the sense of moral obligation.
(E) but (l.27) is a verb.

Underlying the definition of risk is the concept of hazard. The word
hazard comes from al zahr, the Arabic word for dice that referred to an
ancient game of chance. We typically define a hazard as a characteristic
or group of characteristics that provides the potential for a loss.
Flammability and toxicity are examples of such characteristics.
It is important to make the distinction between a hazard and a risk
because we can change the risk without changing the hazard. When a
person crosses a busy street, the hazard should be clear to that person.
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Loosely de fined, it is the prospect that the person must place himself in
the path of moving vehicles that can cause him great bodily harm were he
to be struck by one or more of them. The hazard is therefore injury or
fatality as a result of being struck by a moving vehicle. The risk, however,
is dependent on how that person conducts himself in the crossing of the
street. He most likely realizes that the risk is reduced if he crosses in a
designed traffic-controlled area and takes extra precautions against
vehicle operators who may not see him. He has not changed the hazard
he can still be struck by a vehiclebut his risk of injury or death is
reduced by prudent actions. Were he to encase himself in an armored
vehicle for the trip across the street, his risk would be reduced even
furtherhe has reduced the consequences of the hazard.
Risk is most commonly defined as the probability of an event that
causes a loss and the potential magnitude of that loss. By this definition,
risk is increased when either the probability of the event increases of the
potential loss (the consequences of the event) increases. Transportation
of products by pipeline is a risk because there is some probability of the
pipeline failing, releasing its contents, and causing damage (in addition to
the potential loss of the product itself). A risk is often expressed in
measurable quantities such as the expected frequency of fatalities,
injuries, or economic loss. Monetary costs are often used as part of an
overall expression of risk; however, the difficult task of assigning a dollar
value to human life or environmental damage is necessary in using this
metric. Related risk terms include acceptable risk, tolerable risk, risk
tolerance, and negligible risk, in which risk assessment and decision
making meet. A complete understanding of the risk requires that three
questions be answered: 1. What can go wrong? 2. How likely is it? and 3.
What are the consequences?by answering these questions, the risk is
Answering the question of what can go wrong? begins with
defining a pipeline failure. The unintentional release of pipeline contents is
one definition. Loss of integrity is another way to characterize pipeline
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failure. However, a pipeline can fail in other ways by not meeting that do
not involve a loss of contents. A more general definition is failure to
perform its intended function.
By the commonly accepted definition of risk, it is apparent that
probability is a critical aspect of all risk assessments. Some estimate of
the probability of failure will be required in order to assess risks. This
addresses the second question of the risk definition: How likely is it?
Inherent in any risk evaluation is a judgment of the potential
consequences. This is the last of the three risk-defining questions: If
something goes wrong, what are the consequences? Consequence
implies a loss of some kind and many of the aspects of potential losses
can readily quantified. In the case of a hydrocarbon pipeline accident
(product escaping, perhaps causing an explosion and fire), we could
quantify losses such as damaged buildings, vehicles, and other propriety;
costs of service interruption; cost of the product lost; cost of the product
cleanup; and so on.
Several methodologies are available to identify hazards and threats
in a formal and structural way. A hazard and operability (HAZOP) study is
a technique in which a team of system experts is guided through a formal
process in which imaginative scenarios are developed using specific guide
words and analyzed by the team.
It is generally recognized that, unlike most other facilities that
undergo a risk assessment, a pipeline usually does not have a constant
hazard potential

over its entire length. As conditions along the lines

route change, so too does the risk picture. Because the risk picture is not
constant, it is efficient to examine a long pipeline in shorter sections. The
risk evaluator must decide on a strategy for creating these sections in
order to obtain an accurate risk picture. Each section will have its own
risk assessment results. Breaking the line into many short sections
increases the accuracy of the assessment for each section, but may result
in higher costs of data collection, handling, and maintenance (although

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higher costs are rarely an issue with modern computing capabilities).
Longer sections (fewer in number), on the other hand,
MUHLBAUER, W. K., Pipeline Risk Management, 2004.
11. According to the text,
(A) a hazard can be prevented; a risk is intrinsic to certain situations.
(B) a hazard is intrinsic to certain situations; a risk can be prevented.
(C) hazard and risk are both intrinsic to certain situations and both can be
(D) hazard and risk are both intrinsic to certain situations and both can be
(E) hazard and risk are both intrinsic to certain situations, but the latter
can be curtailed.
12. Based on Muhlbauers text, the following assertions were made.
I. Etymologically, the word hazard derives from a strategy board game
originated in the Middle East.
II. The concept of hazard is the foundation upon which risk is defined.
III. If a pipeline has a leak, this failure will be evaluated by posing and
answering the question of what went wrong.
IV. Probability should not be taken in consideration when one is doing risk
assessment, for nothing should be left to chance.
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The correct assertions are
(A) I and III, only.
(B) I, II and IV, only.
(C) I, III and IV, only.
(D) II and III, only.
(E) II, III and IV, only.
13. Read the sentence below.
Were he to encase himself in an armored vehicle for the trip across the
street, his risk would be reduced even further. Rewritten, this sentence
will read as:
(A) if, to cross the street, he shielded himself in a tank, his risk would be
reduced even more.
(B) had he protected himself in a tank for his trip down the street, his risk
would be reduced much further.
(C) if, to protect himself, he had a gun in his car to cross over the street,
his risk would have decreased even further.
(D) he were to cross the street in a tank. His risk would have been then
(E) his risk would have been considerably less if he used an armor and a
tank to cross the street.
14. Read the paragraph below.
Monetary costs are often used as part of an overall expression of risk;
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however, the difficult task of assigning a dollar value to human life or
environmental damage is necessary in using this metric. Without
changing the meaning of the original text, the underlined word can be
replaced by
(A) anyhow.
(B) lest.
(C) yet.
(D) therefore.
(E) hence.










Related risk terms include acceptable risk, tolerable risk, risk tolerance,
and negligible risk, in which risk assessment and decision making meet.
Four assertions were made based on it.
I. Tolerable risk means acceptable risk; tolerance risk means risk of
II. The adjective tolerable can be replaced by the adjective tolerant
without any change of meaning.
III. The verb to make is used in its gerund form: making.
IV. The word risk has two different grammatical functions in the
sentence: it is used both as an adjective and a noun.
The correct assertion(s) is(are)

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(A) I, only.
(B) II and III, only.
(C) IV, only.
(D) I, III and IV, only.
(E) II, only.
16. Read the paragraph below.

A pipeline can fail in other ways that do not involve a loss of contents. A
more general definition is failure to perform its intended function. The
underlined word relates to
(A) loss.
(B) definition.
(C) failure.
(D) function.
(E) pipeline.
17. Read the sentence below.
Inherent in any risk evaluation is a judgment of the potential
consequences. Choose the item that changes this sentence into Simple
Future tense.
(A) In any inherent risk evaluation there will be a judgment of the
potential consequences.
(B) A judgment of the potential consequences will be inherent in any risk
(C) Risk evaluation shall be a judgment inherent in any potential
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(D) Any inherent evaluation will risk a judgment of the potential
(E) In any potential consequences of risk evaluation, a judgment shall be
18. Read the paragraph below and choose the item that describes
correctly the grammatical function of the underlined words.
By the commonly accepted definition of risk, it is apparent that
probability is a critical aspect of all risk assessments. Some estimate of
the probability of failure will be required in order to assess risks. This
addresses the second question of the risk definition: How likely is it?
(A) Commonly is an adverb; critical is an adjective; estimate is a
noun; addresses is a verb; likely is an adjective.
(B) Commonly is an adjective; critical is an adjective; estimate is a
verb; addresses is a verb; likely is an adverb.
(C) Commonly is an adverb; critical is an adjective; estimate is a
noun; addresses is a noun; likely is an adverb.
(D) Commonly is an adjective; critical is an adverb; estimate is a
verb; addresses is a verb; likely is an adverb.
(E) Commonly is an adverb; critical is an adjective; estimate is a
verb; addresses is a verb; likely is an adjective.
19. Read the last paragraph of Muhbauers text and choose one item to fill
in the blank.
Breaking the line into many short sections increases the accuracy of the
assessment for each section, but may result in higher costs of data
collection, handling, and maintenance (although higher costs are rarely an
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issue with modern computing capabilities). Longer sections (fewer in
number), on the other hand, _______________________________.
(A) will largely improve the whole pipeline system, especially when both
hazard and risks were taken in consideration and carefully evaluated in
each section.
(B) may increase costs, especially if the risk assessment done by the
team of experts relies on hazard and probability, which cannot be
(C) area feasible solution, because they improve the accuracy of
assessments and reduce data costs significantly.
(D) may reduce data costs but also reduce accuracy, because average or
worst case characteristics must govern if conditions change within the
(E) will improve data assessment and the overall management of the
whole system, because, having it broken into larger sections, there will be
less risks to be evaluated.
20. Read the paragraph below.
A hazard and operability (HAZOP) study is a technique in which a team
of system experts is guided through a formal process in which
imaginative scenarios are developed using specific guide words and
analyzed by the team.
Choose the item that presents a replacement, without changing the
meaning of the original text, for the underlined words.







So that

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FDA: U.S. Marshals seize food at New York-based food facility
For Immediate Release: April 15, 2013
Agency acts to prevent food distribution from rodent-infested warehouse
U.S. Marshals have seized food products at a Ridgewood, N.Y. warehouse














widespread rodent infestation in the facility.












manufacturing facility and warehouse operated by V.I.P. Foods Inc., on

April 12, 2013, under a warrant issued by the U.S. District Court for the
Eastern District of New York.
During an inspection in late February 2013, FDA investigators found
unsanitary conditions throughout the facility in violation of the Federal
Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. The conditions included live rodents, a
dead, desiccated rodent, and what appeared to be rodent tracks, rodent
gnaw holes, and rodent excreta pellets in or near food products.
V.I.P. Foods housed various dried mixes and bases, such as chicken soup
base, blueberry muffin mix and bread crumbs; and the conditions inside
this warehouse were just deplorable, said Melinda K. Plaisier, the FDAs
acting associate commissioner for regulatory affairs. We will continue to
take aggressive action to protect public health.
Some of V.I.P. Foods products are distributed under the name VIP Foods
Inc., VIP, V.I.P., or KoJel, but V.I.P. Foods distributes other products
under private label.
The FDA, an agency within the U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services, protects the public health by assuring the safety, effectiveness,

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and security of human and veterinary drugs, vaccines and other biological
products for human and animals use, and medical devices. The agency
also is responsible for the safety and security of our nations food supply,








radiation, and for regulating tobacco products.


GABARITO TEXTO 1: 14-B; 15-B; 16-A;

GABARITO TEXTO 2: 11-E; 12-D; 13-A; 14-C; 15-X; 16- E; 17-B;
18-A; 19-D; 20-B;
Conclui-se ento este nosso encontro com a aula 03. Em breve nos
encontraremos na aula 04, sucesso nos estudos!
Um abrao cheio de f, otimismo e esperana!
Ena G. Smith

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