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The St.

Regis Shanghai Standard & Procedure 上海瑞 吉红塔 大酒店 标准与程序

Position: Butlers 职位:专职管家
Department: Housekeeping Dept. Head: Jevons Yang 部门:客房部 部门经理:仰平
HM Approval: Paul Nash Date: Dec 1, 01 酒店经理批准:黎瑞邦 日期:2001 年 12 月 1

Task: How to Handle Code: RM-BU-A053 任务:怎样处理保养问题 序号: RM-BU-A053
Maintenance Problems
Standard: Butlers will have basic knowledge on how to answer questions about 标准:
Maintenance problems in the Guest room, and able to complete some basic steps in 专职管家要有如何回答有关客房内保养问题的基本知识,能完成解决问题的
resolving them. 一些基本步骤。

Procedures: 程序:
1. 专职管家将由工程部员工培训,掌握最基本的客房内主要部分的知识,
1. Butlers will be trained by Engineering Associates to have basic knowledge of 以便于回答和解决一些简单的问题。
key areas in Guest Room in order to answer and resolve some simple
2. 下面列出的一些问题最初要由专职管家来处理:
2. Such problems of the following will be handle initially by the Butlers: B.空调/取暖器和空气交换机
A. Safe Deposit Box not working D.电视机
B. Air Conditioning/Heater Controls and Atmosphere E. 电源插座
C. Lighting Controls F. 电话
D. Television
E. Electrical Outlets
F. Telephones H.水压
G. Toilet
H. Water Pressure

Printed Date:1/18/2001 PAGE: 1/3

The St. Regis Shanghai Standard & Procedure 上海瑞 吉红塔 大酒店 标准与程序
Position: Butlers 职位:专职管家
Department: Housekeeping Dept. Head: Jevons Yang 部门:客房部 部门经理:仰平
HM Approval: Paul Nash Date: Dec 1, 01 酒店经理批准:黎瑞邦 日期:2001 年 12 月 1

Task: How to Handle Code: RM-BU-A053 任务:怎样处理保养问题 序号: RM-BU-A053
Maintenance Problems

3. If problem is serious and cannot be solved, a request for an Engineer will be 3. 如果问题严重无法解决,则需要找一名工程师帮助,然而当客人在场时
requested, however the Butler will always be with the Engineering Associate 专职管家需陪同工程部员工。当旁观正确的解决办法时,专职管家也能
whilst Guest is present. The Butler will also gain more technical knowledge 获得更多的专业知识和经验。
and experience whilst observing the correct action taken.
A.“对不起,Jones 先生,我将找工程部的同事协助我解决这个问题。
A. “I am Sorry, Mr. Jones, I will require my associate from the
Engineering Department to assist me in solving this. I will return 我会和他/她在几分钟内回来,这样您认为如何?”
with him/her in a few minutes, would this be fine with you?”

4. Mandarin will be spoken while communicating to Engineer especially when 4. 特别当客人在场时使用国语与工程师交流。

Guests in present.
5. 回到客房时:
5. Upon return to Guest Room:
A.“Jones 先生,让您久等了,这位是我的同事工程部的 Bill,我们可
A. Mr. Jones, thank you for waiting, this is my associate Bill from 以进来解决问题吗?”
Engineering. May we come in to correct the problem?”
6. 在解决问题之后,当着客人的面感谢你的工程部同事(用客人的语言),
6. Upon completion of problem, thank your Engineering Associate in front of
the Guests (in the language of the Guests), and apologize to the Guests for the
inconvenience caused.
A.“Bill 谢谢您的帮助。”
A. “Thank you Bill for your assistance.” B.“Jones 先生,我们为由此造成的不便向您道歉!我们感谢您的理解。
B. “Mr. Jones, We do apologize for the inconvenience! We appreciate ”
your understanding.” C.“还有其他我能为你效劳的吗?”
C. “Is there anything else I can do for you?” D.“祝您今天过的愉快。”
D. “Have a Great Day!”

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The St. Regis Shanghai Standard & Procedure 上海瑞 吉红塔 大酒店 标准与程序
Position: Butlers 职位:专职管家
Department: Housekeeping Dept. Head: Jevons Yang 部门:客房部 部门经理:仰平
HM Approval: Paul Nash Date: Dec 1, 01 酒店经理批准:黎瑞邦 日期:2001 年 12 月 1

Task: How to Handle Code: RM-BU-A053 任务:怎样处理保养问题 序号: RM-BU-A053
Maintenance Problems
7. After leaving the Guest Room, Again thank your Engineering Associate for
his/her assistance. 7. 在离开客房后,再次向你的工程部的同事表示感谢。
8. 在交班表和客人喜好单上记录下问题并更新客人资料库。
8. Record problem in Log and Guest Preference sheet to be updated in Guest 9. 第二天再次检查情况,通过观察并/或询问客人确认问题已解决。
A.“Jones 先生,您的电视机还有问题吗?”
9. Next day check situation again to ensure problem in solved by observation
and/or asking the Guests.

A. “Mr. Jones, Are you still having any problems with your

Printed Date:1/18/2001 PAGE: 3/3

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