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ACS Oldham Hall Celebration of Culture 2012 Emcee Script

Z: Dear boarders, we will be having our opening ceremony ribbon-cutting event
by our guest of honor near the booth at the glass door. Boarders, if you want to
witness this special event, please station yourself around the ribbon area, near
the Indonesia and China booth, as our GOH and guests will be arriving shortly.
Please help to give way after the ribbon cutting so that our GOH and guests can
make their way into the dining hall. Thank you.
P: Dear boarders, let's put our hands together to welcome the arrival of our
Guest of Honor, Prof Tommy Koh and all our special guests.
Nhi: This evening, we are celebrating the various culture and tradition of the
different nationalities we can find in Oldham Hall. To officiate this meaningful
event, we would like to invite our GOH, Prof Tommy Koh to cut the ribbon to
declare this event open! Prof Koh, please.
(Once ribbon is cut)
P: With this, ladies and gentlemen, ACS Oldham Hall Celebration of Culture 2012
officially begins! Let the fun start! Our boarders have set up booths of their
various countries with many interesting items and food.
Nhi: We would like to invite our guests to visit these booths and even take a
picture with our lovely boarders who are beautifully dressed in their fabulous
costumes. So, enjoy the event before we start our program at 6pm. Please give
way so that our GOH and guests can make their ways to the booths. Thank you!
(interview boarders)
Z: Ladies and Gentlemen, we invite all of you to take your seats. Our program for
the night is starting soon.
(Once everyone is seated)
P: our GOH Prof Tommy Koh, Chairman Mr Paul Koh, distinguished guests,
OHMC members, Staff and boarders. Good evening, and welcome to Celebration
of Culture 2012
ALL: Many but One.
P: I am I am... I am and we are your emcees for tonight.
P: COC is an annual event to showcase the different cultures we have in Oldham
Hall. This year, our theme is "Many but One". In Oldham Hall, our community is
made up of more than 10 different countries, as you can see if you look around,
there are the different national flags hanging from the pillars. Even as we are so
multi-national, we are one in Oldham Hall!

Nhi: COC has become a platform for our boarders to showcase their countries in
the form of booths and performances. I hope all of you have taken the chance
just now to visit the booths and learn about the different culture. Our boarders
have put in great effort to set up the booths and also to practice their
performances in hope to present the best for you all tonight.
Z: Without further ado, let's begin our program by first inviting our chairman, Mr.
Paul Koh on stage to give us his opening speech. Mr. Koh please. (Z to give mic)
P: Thank you Prof Koh for the inspiring speech. Now, may we please invite our
chairman, Mr Paul Koh, to present a token of appreciation for our GOH Prof
Tommy Koh. Mr Koh, please.
Z: Grrrr. Did you hear that? Hear what? Somebody's stomach was growling. Oh,
it's dinner time!
P: Before the dinner is served, may we invite Reverend Terence Yeo to lead us in
prayer. Reverend Yeo, please.
Z: Thank you Rev Yeo. Ok, let's enjoy the sumptuous dinner!
P: How was dinner? Are your stomachs filled? (convo continues)
Z: Yup! The dinner is really nice, so whats happening now?
Nhi: Hey! So here comes the highlight of our event for the night the series of
performance from the different countries.(Introducing performances)
P: To spice up the performance, we proudly present to you INDIA!!!
Z: Lets put our hands together for VIETNAM!!!
Z: Now, lets see what our THAI friends have in store for us.
Nhi: Now, the country performing next is none other than CHINA!!!
P: XIEXIE2. Next up, lets beat it for KOREA!!!
Z: Alright we have almost come to the end to the performance. Lets put it up
7.45pm (Filler)
P: Wow! What wonderful performances from all our boarders. I am sure you all
enjoyed them right? I did! Now is the time for the judges to decide which
countries deserve our TOP 3 awards for tonight.
Z: I am sure all the judges are having a hard time, just like all of you are having a
hard time deciding which performance you enjoy most.
Nhi: As all of you are nervous and excited to know the results, we are here to

help you ease the tension. Did you notice that some of our boarders tonight have
put in great effort in dressing up? I guess this is the time for us to acknowledge
these boarders.
Z: Indeed. This year, we will be choosing the best dressed boarders of the night the King and the Queen. The COC workgroup has already chosen 6 finalists and
lets put our hands together to welcome them on stage. The 6 finalists are
P: Alright I am sure all of you are eager to know whats so good about them to be
able to catch some of our AHMs attention. So lets cheer for them as they
sashay through all the available aisles. So the 6 finalists, you have it baby. Flaunt
P: And here we are, crowning our very first COC King and Queen. May we please
invite our Executive Director, Mr David Chua, to present the prizes as well as
crown our King and Queen.
Nhi: Are you excited? Coz I am very excited. Drumrolls please.
P: Ladies and Gentlemen, our very own COC King and Queen
(announce result)
Z: Congratulations to our king and queen!
P: Ok! It's the exciting moment now! I am so nervous! I have the results in my
hands now.
Z: May we invite our GOH, Prof. Tommy Koh, to present the prizes to the winners.
In no particular order, the top 3 countries are.... congratulations!!!
Nhi: Thank you Prof Tommy Koh, and congratulations for our top 3 countries.
P: Ladies and gentlemen, we are coming to the end of our event. May we please
invite chairman, Mr. Paul Koh, to present the token of appreciation to our judges.
Mr Koh, please.
P: Thank you Mr. Koh.
Nhi: We would like to take this opportunity to pray for every nation. Let's invite
the representatives of the different countries to come on stage to lead us in the
blessing of nation.
(after all the reps are on stage)
Let's quieten down and pray.
P: May we now rise for our ACS anthem, led by our student council.
Z: That marks the end of our event. We hope that all of you have enjoyed the
event tonight.
P: Boarders, please be seated as our guests take their leave.

(guests leave)
P: Boarders, we have specially prepared durians for all of you at the garden area.
Please help yourself.
ALL: Have a good night!

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