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Niall Armstrong

Age Regulations
The body that regulates film age ratings, here in the U.K, is the British
Board of Film Classification (BBFC). Every film that is issued in the U.K is
age rated by the BBFC, they do this to ensure the film is viewed by the
appropriate demographic. There are approximately 6 age ratings.
The U stands for Universal, which
means it is suitable for all. This
means that all U films are set in a
positive framework to ensure that it
will not upset any audiences. U
films never promote violence or
horror because it may encourage
the younger target audience. Any
scene of negative behaviour is likely
to be unacceptable and will not
pass for U. References to illicit
drugs are disapproved of unless
very infrequent. Mild language (E.g
bloody and damn) is tolerable but
has to be rare throughout the film
and it has to be in context. Nudity is
disallowed as well as sexual
content. In general, there is no
violence towards each other and if
there is violence it highlights what
is right and what is wrong. Shrek
Forever After: The Final Chapter
has been age rated U because of its
minor mentions to drugs, sex and
violence and the fact that it is an
animated production this means
that it is unrealistic and does not
encourage the audience to carry out
any acts of violence.

Niall Armstrong

PG stands for Parental Guidance,
which means general viewing, but
some scenes may be unsuitable for
a younger audience. Accompanied
children of any age are allowed to
watch. Parents are advised to
consider whether some scenes are
suitable for a child, to avoid any
unsettling nature. Mild bad
language (E.g Buggar) is allowed in
the category of PG, but it cannot be
frequent, otherwise it is likely that it
will be rated higher. The language
also has to be somewhat childish to
appeal to the child target audience
and no mentioning of explicit
language. Unless in historical or
educational context, the misuse of
any discriminatory language is
condemned and will unlikely feature
in the PG age rating. References to
drugs may also be condemned
unless it carries out an anti-drugs
message. Imitable behaviour is
allowed but cannot go into detail
about the behaviour in order to
prevent younger audiences
imitating this behaviour. Frequent
use of bad language is not accepted
but if seldom used, it is allowed.
Sexual activity or erotic innuendos
may be implied but not acted upon.
Sequences where characters are in
peril danger should not be lengthy
to ensure it doesnt cause any
problems for the younger children.
Moderate violence is allowable if it
is justifiable by the context. Home
Alone is rated PG, because of its
comedic values and therefore puts
the violence into context.

Niall Armstrong

12 and 12A
Films classified as 12 and 12A
contains material that is unsuitable
for people under the age of 12
years old. The main difference
between these age descriptions is
that 12A is only viewed in the
cinema, whereas 12 are on DVD.
You are not allowed to go to a
cinema screen to watch a 12A if you
are underage but if accompanied by
an adult, it is legal. Aggressive and
discriminatory behaviour should not
be endorsed at all by the film.
Language used 12A and 12 can be
moderate, with infrequent use of
strong language (E.g Bitch and
S**t). However, it has to be taken
into consideration who is saying the
language and whether the strong
language is used in context and
frequently but it isnt allowed to be
directed at people. Drugs are
allowed to appear in 12 and 12A
productions if there is no
instructional detail or promotion of
drugs. Sexual sequences or nudity
has to brief and cannot be too
intense. 12 and 12A films are
allowed to include scenes of
disturbing nature if the overall
atmosphere of the movie isnt
disturbing itself and violence
shouldnt be dwelled upon but can
be approved of if infrequent.
Avengers: The Age Of Ultron has
been rated 12 because of its mild
conflict between humans and
discrepancy of sexual scenes.

Niall Armstrong

No one under the age of 15 is
legally allowed to watch in the
cinema. Homophobic, racist and
discriminatory behaviour or remarks
are permitted to a certain extent
but are not accepted if they are
endorsed. The use of drugs is
acceptable by the BBFC, however if
drugs are promoted it is unlikely to
be accepted. Language in 15 rated
films is a bit more explicit compared
to lower age ratings, it is a bit
stronger but not overly strong.
Dangerous behaviour is allowed
without huge amounts of detail, in
order to avert the possibility of the
audience copying the behaviour.
Sexual content is acceptable even
in some detail, however if the entire
work revolves around sexual
content it is unlikely to be
acceptable. A focus on violence is
allowed without dwelling on
inflicting pain or injury. Weapons are
acceptable too. DCs Suicide
Squad has been rated 15 because
of the use of weapons, the language
used and the behaviour of the
criminals. On the other hand, it
does not endorse drugs nor does it
dwell on injuries.
No one younger than 18 is allowed
to watch 18 rated films at the
cinema, neither are you allowed to
buy or rent if you are younger than
18. In these films, you are allowed
any kind of behaviour,
discrimination, language and
violence is allowed because at 18,
you are classed as an adult and
therefore able to understand the

Niall Armstrong

content. However, youre not

allowed to have literal penetrative
sex but only allowed to simulate
this. An example of an 18 rated film
is, Stanley Kubricks A Clockwork
Orange. This is rated 18 because
of its violent and sexual nature. It
includes near acts of rape and acts
of assault but doesnt film sex.
My opening sequence is going to be aimed to be 15 years old. This is because
my film shows scenes of violent nature, including mild bad language and
sequences of imitable behaviour. I also believe that 15 is the perfect audience to
view my thriller because theyre at an age where they will have prior knowledge
and understanding of thrillers.

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