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Criada pelo Decreto n 8.245 de 18/02/1928

Praa Gov. Magalhes Pinto, 59 Centro Telefone (38)3671-6025 CEP 38600-000 Paracatu MG.


Disciplina: Lngua Inglesa
Aluno (a)
Turma (s):
Turno: Matutino

Valor: 30,0
Professor (a):

1. Verifique se o seu exemplar est completo.
2. Leia atentamente todas as questes. Procure escrever tudo o que sabe sobre o assunto abordado, pois cada detalhe tem seu valor.
3. Esta prova um documento, portanto evite rasuras e responda-a usando tinta preta ou azul.
4. Para uma possvel reviso, necessrio que todas as instrues acima tenham sido seguidas.

01 - Match the names and the correct subject pronoun. (Match relacione ) (1,0)
_____ 1. Pat and I

a. he

_____ 2. Joseph

b. she

_____ 3. Alyssa

c. we

_____ 4. the big car

d. they

_____ 5. Kevin and Martin

e. it

2. Conjugate the verb TO BE in the affirmative form affirmative














3. Conjugate the verb TO BE in the interrogative form interrogative (1,0)








4. Conjugate the verb TO BE in the negative form negative










5. What number is this? ( Que nmero este ?) (1,0)

a) nineteen:______
e) twenty one:______

b) eleven:_______
d) forty six :_______
f) thirty:_______

6. Qual a opo com o plural incorreto? (1,0)

a) wolf wolfs
b) person people
c) box boxes
7. O plural dos substantivos: potato e child so: (1,0)
a) potatoes e childs
b) potatos e children
c) potatoes e children
8. O plural dos substantivos : Body , ,e Foot so: (1,0)
a) bodies / feet
b) bodies / foot
c) bodys / feet.
9. O plural de woman women e

man men . Que regra esta? (1,0)

a) regra geral
b) plural irregular
c) palavras de origem estrangeira.
10. Complete with Simple Present of the verbs. (3,5)
g) Divina_________________at school . ( work )
h) Clara_________________to the park today. ( go )
i) You _______________ at school . ( work )
j) We ________________apple. ( like )
l) You _________________Curitiba today . ( go )
m) Suely_________________History. ( teach )
n) They_________________History. ( teach )
11. Rewrite sentences in the Simple Present. (1,0)
a) John plays volleyball.
b) They like chocolate.

12. Rewrite the sentences. (1,0)
a) Giulia studies Spanish twice a week.
b) We watch TV every day.
13. Write the plural form of the words in the correct place. (3,5)

14. Complete with dont


doesnt. (3,0)

a) They____________ like chess.

b) Leo___________want to stay home.
c) We_____________like to eat Italian food.
d) He ____________ want to drink orange juice.
e) I ____________ play soccer.
f) The cat _________________eat banana.
15. Rewrite sentences. (1,0)

Did + sujeito+ verbo no infinitivo ( normal )

a) Isabela opened a new restaurant last week.

b) She sent an e-mail to her mother last night.

16. Rewrite the sentences. (1,0)

Negative : Sujeito + did + not + verbo no infinitivo ( normal )
a) Julio arrived late at home.

b) They met their friends last night.


17. Regular Verbs (1,5)

Simple past


1. to plan



2. to stay



3. to watch



4. to visit



5. to open



6. to start



7. to close



8. to study



9. to listen



10. to travel



11. to marry



12. to prepare



13. to play



14. to arrive



15. to wash



18. Irregular Verbs (1,5)

Simple past
1. to be
2. to go



3. to drink



4. to read



5. to eat



6. to see



7. to buy



8. to meet



9. to have



10. to speak



11. to teach



12. to send



13. to take



14. to wake



15. to find



19. Mark the correct short answer. (2,0)

a)Did they read a book ?

b) Did you drink a milkshake?

) Yes, they did.

( ) Yes, you did.

) Yes, he did.

( ) No, I didnt.

c) Did Mary buy a car?

d) Did the boys go to the club?

) Yes , she did.

( ) yes, the boys did.

) No, she did.

( ) yes, they did.

20. Tendo como base o estudo do Present Continuous e as frases a seguir, responda. (1,0)
I Many people are using bicycles for exercises.
II Bikes are popular.
III Exercises is only one of the reasons.
IV Many people prefer bicycles to cars.
Quantas frases esto no Present Continuos?
a) todas.
b) nenhuma.
c) uma.
d) duas.
21. Para formar o gerndio em ingls, acrescenta-se a terminao ING no final dos verbos,
porm h algumas regras e excees. Marque a alternativa que tenha todos os verbos na
forma correta do gerndio. (1,0)
a) to play playing / to love loving / to stop stopping / to agree agreeing
b) to play plaing / to love loveing / to stop stoping / to agree agreeing
c) to play plaing / to love loving / to stop stopping / to agree agreing
d) to play playing / to love loving / to stop stoping / to agree agring

Good Luck!

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