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Handout # 1

Knights Panther,
Reports of your exploits in Kislev have reached our
ears and we are most interested in hearing your side of the
We have sent one of our most trusted servants, Ulf
Weisschlag, to bring you safely to Talagraad by river.
The roads have become more dangerous in your absence
and we wish your journey to Middenheim to be as safe as
When you arrive at Talagraad, you are to go to the
Hangmans Inn to the south side of town. We have
arranged for your accommodations there. In addition,
another one of our servants will meet you there to inform
you of recent developments. Due to the delicate nature of
the information, our servant will contact you in a manner
that is deemed to be appropriate.
May Ulric and Taal protect you on your journey.
His Grace the Graf and Elector of Middenheim,

Boris Todbringer


Handout # 2 - 8

I trust that this communiqu
finds you in excellent health.
It is my duty to inform you that
you must proceed to the city of
Bergsburg. Once you have
arrived, continue to the Bears
Bait in the Beilheim district of
that city. Be there on 18
Pflugzeit by 9:00 P.M One of
my men, Captain Franz von
Holzbeck, will contact you.
The watchword is discretion.
Your Eminence, Grand Master
of the Knights Panther,

Hermann von Plauen


Handout # 3 - 8

Everything is proceeding as planned.

You should be contacted by one of Herr
Wanners men around 20 Pflugzeit. The
Priest of Ulric from Ostland has agreed
to the terms of alliance and will join us in
our next strike against the Sigmarites.
You should also be receiving a visit
from one of our more enthusiastic fellows
around that same time. Beyond joining
our new allies along with other of our
fellows, he has a purpose in that spineless
town to strike a blow against the
appeasers in the cult. This should also
send a message to the powerful in
Middenheim that we consider those who
have not come to see the evil of the
Sigmarites as witless tools of that accursed cult.
One last thing: Youll need to
arrange for the departure of this man.
He is to join our new allies as they
travel south.
May Ulric grant us strength in our holy
war against the daemon-worshipping cult
of Sigmar.

The Heir


Handout # 4 - 8

Change in plans.
It has come to my attention that
agents in the employ of the Knights
Panther might be in Bergsburg. I have
no idea why they are there or their
purpose. It would be best to assume they
know of our plan and are making an
attempt to stop its success. Our plans
must not fail.
It is my will that you make all speed
possible to reach our comrades. I am
counting on you to ensure that the
ambush comes off as planned. Kill any
who get in your way.
One last thing, inform Baron von
Kutenholz to return to Middenheim
immediately. I have need of him to plan
our next venture.
May Ulric bless our efforts to send the
followers of the false god to the abyss.

The Heir


Handout # 5 - 8


Handout # 9


Handout # 10 - 12


Handout # 13


Handout # 14 - 15

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