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Prepared by:

Nurindah Ayu Pradani

Putri Mega Susanti
Vena Wahyuni A
Linda Arini


Supervised by :
Nyong Etis, M.Fil.I.
Lecturer of Education in Islamic Perspective Course

Departement of English Education

Faculty of Education and Teacher Training
Universitas Muhammadiyah Sidoarjo
March, 2016

A. Introduction
This study was to investigate the phenomenon of the students motivation to
study among stundents in sixth semester of elementary school teacher departement A-

2 and A-3 in muhammadiyah university sidoarjo. This project was focused on

motivation and the rusult of study.
The purpose this research is give explanantion about motivation especially
how the student get good score in their study or the spirit of study. Motivation is
overall good momentum it from outside and within the students by creating a series of
efforts to prepare for certain conditions that lead to learning activities so that the goal
can be achieved. Infants and young children appear to be propelled by curiosity,
driven by an intense need to explore, interact with, and make sense of their
environment. As one author puts it, "Rarely does one hear parents complain that their
pre-schooler is 'unmotivated' " (James Raffini 1993).
According to Jere Brophy (1987), motivation to learn is a competence
acquired "through general experience but stimulated most directly through modeling,
communication of expectations, and direct instruction or socialization by significant
others (especially parents and teachers)."
Motivation is important in determining how many students will be learning
from a learning activity or how much to absorb the information presented to them.
Students are motivated to learn something will use higher cognitive processes in
learning the material, so that students will absorb and precipitate the material was
Student motivation naturally has to do with students' desire to participate in
the learning process. But it also concerns the reasons or goals that underlie their
involvement or noninvolvement in academic activities. Although students may be
equally motivated to perform a task, the sources of their motivation may differ.
There are two factor that influence students motivation to learn, they are such as:
1. Internal factor
include fascination with the subject, a sense of its relevance to life and
the world, a sense of accomplishment in mastering it, and a sense of calling to
it. Motivation that become active or function they do not need to be stimulated
from the outside, because inside every individual do not urge to do something.
Some definitions of motivation that has been described referring to factors
personal, necessary , interests, curiosity, and pleasure.
There are any two types of internal motivation:
a. Self Determination

In this case, the students want to believe that they are doing something
for their own desire and not only of the success or external rewards. Here, the
internal motivation and the interesting in school work increase ,if students
have a choice and an opportunity to take personal responsibility over their
b. Personal Selection
This optimal experience is a feeling pleasure and happy were great.
The most optimal experience occurs when people feel able to master and fully
concentrate when performing an activity. This optimal experience occurs when
individuals involved in the challenges that they think is not too hard but not
too easy.
2. External Factor
External factor that influence by enviroment. There are such as gifts,
praise, social pressure, or punishment. Beside that, the influence of the outside
individual of person happened because the condition of the student dynamic
changing and also possibly other components in the learning process is
nothing less attractive to students. So that, students do not get excited in the
process of teaching and learning both at school and at home. Furthermore,
each students does not the same level of learning motivation, the extrinsic
motivation is necessary and can be administered . in learning activities both
intrinsic and extrinsic motivation is needed. With motivation, students can
develop activities and initiatives so as to steer and maintain harmony in
learning activities.

Strategies for Motivating Students

1. Become a role model for student interest.
2. Get to know your students.
3. Use examples freely.
4. Place appropriate emphasis on testing and grading.
B. Objectives
the overall objective of this research project was to provide information about :
What the based motivation that applied by student to study.

The correlation between motivation and the result of study.

C. Procedure
The first step was to design this research project that would be presented and
assessed in the class discussion. The next step was to develop a survey instrument that
would be use to collect data. The third step was to distribute that survey to be target
informants. They were umsidas students sitting on sixth semester of elementary
school teacher departement. The number of completed surveys is reported in table 1.

Elementary school teacher

Number of Survey

50 %

departement A-2
Elementary school teacher


50 %

departement A-3


100 %

D. Finding of The Study

After collecting the data from Elementary school teacher department A-2 and
Elementary school teacher departement A-3. In this analysis, the researcher find three
categories students motivation:
1. Internal Motivation At Campuss.
If the maximum value of students motivation. It can be seen from the lack of
student interest in discussing the lesson that is considered difficult, and students
rarely ask the lecturer about the difficult questions.
2. Internal Motivation At Home
The lack of internal motivation of students not only at campus. This
phenomena was proved by the lack of interest of students to repeat the lessons
that have been given. Side another, almost all the students want to improve
their test scores were ugly. It becomes irrelevant between effort and results to
be achieved.
3. External Motivation
The majority of students make their parents as motivation in their
studies. It is intended to make the students' parents are proud of the
achievements of their children. not a few others, who made friends and even
girlfriends as their motivation in learning.
Picnic is the most widely chosen students to increase motivation or
refresh their mind after students feel bored with a task that was given. Besides,
there are some students choose to share their problems to their close friends.




Ask question to lecturer about difficult



Ask question to lecturer after he explained
Ask question to friend about difficult lesson
Read a note about lesson
Read Handbook
Pay attention to the lecturer explained the


Make a note about material that was given



by lecturer
Effort repair bad score
Study hard to get good score
Study without force everyday
Person who support you to learn
Activities to restore the spirit


E. Conclution
After collecting the data from Elementary school teacher department A-2 and
Elementary school teacher departement A-3. The researcher made conclution about the
term and the conclution are Motivation very important in determining how many
students will be learning from a learning activity or how much to absorb the information
presented to them. Beside that, motivation has two categories, there are Internal
motivation and external motivation. From the analysis, the researcher find about student
motivation in Elementary school teacher department A-2 and Elementary school teacher
departement A-3 Muhammadiyah of Univesity, Sidoarjo that students motivation there
very less. This can be proved through a questionnaire which proved that many students
who choose answers sometimes in doing the teaching and learning activities both on
campus and at home.
F. References / Appendix

Isilah Pertanyaan Ini Dengan Memberi Tanda (X) Pada Pilihan Ganda Yang Sudah
Disediakan dan Jika Menurut Anda Jawaban yang Akan Anda Pilih Tidak Tersedia
Dalam Pilihan Tersebut, Anda Bisa Mengisi Jawaban Anda Pada Kolom (E).
1. Apakah anda mendiskusikan dengan teman-teman jika anda mengalami kesulitan belajar?
a. Selalu
b. Sering
c. Kadang-kadang
d. Tidak pernah
e. .....................................................................................................................
2. Apabila anda bertanya pada dosen bila anda kurang jelas dalam menerima pelajaran?
a. Selalu
b. Sering
c. Kadang-kadang
d. Tidak pernah
e .........................................................................................................................
3. Apakah anda berusaha mengajukan pertanyaan setelah dosen selesai menerangkan pelajarn di
a. Selalu
b. Sering
c. Kadang-kadang
d. Tidak pernah
e. .........................................................................................................................

Apakah anda bertanya pada teman jika ada hal-hal yang tidak mengerti?
a. Selalu

b. Sering
c. Kadang-kadang
d. Tidak pernah
e. .....................................................................................................................

Apakah anda mengulang membaca catatan atau buku pelajaran yang telah diterangkan?
a. Selalu
b. Sering

c. Kadang-kadang
d. Tidak pernah
e. ........................................................................................................................
6. Apakah anda membaca buku pelajaran setiap hari di rumah?
a. Selalu
b. Sering
c. Kadang-kadang
d. Tidak pernah
e. ........................................................................................................................
7. Apakah anda selalu memperhatikan pelajaran yang diberikan oleh dosen?
a. Selalu
b. Sering
c. Kadang-kadang
d. Tidak pernah
e. .....................................................................................................................
8 Apakah anda mencatat pelajaran yang diterangkan oleh dosen?
a. Selalu
b. Sering
c. Kadang-kadang
d. Tidak pernah
e. ..........................................................................................................................

9. Apabila nilai ulangan anda jelek apakah anda berusaha memperbaikinya pada waktu ulangan
a. Selalu
b. Sering
c. Kadang-kadang
d. Tidak pernah
e. ........................................................................................................................

10. Untuk mendapat nilai yang baik apakah anda rajin belajar?
a. Selalu
b. Sering
c. Kadang-kadang
d. Tidak pernah
e. ......................................................................................................
11. Saya belajar setiap hari tanpa paksaan.
a. Selalu
b. Sering
c. Kadang-kadang
d. Tidak pernah
e. ......................................................................................................
12. siapa orang yang selalu mendukung anda dalam belajar?
a. Orang tua
b. Dosen
c. Teman
d. Musuh
e. ....................................................................................................
13. Apa yang akan anda lakukan jika anda merasa down?
a. piknik
b. curhat ke teman
c. Bolos kuliah

d. Tidur
e. ..........................................................................................................

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