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"Psalms For A Better Life" By Nancy

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The original Psalms had Power words and definition of use, curious why they were removed. Read on!

Bullies, what psalm would you use!

Posted on June 26, 2016 by Nancy




In this day and age their is what seems to be an increase in bullying. I dont know whether that is true or that we
are becoming more aware of the harm that slander can cause to ourselves and others. Bullying is a serious
issue and to me a form of violent behavior that needs to be stopped. You can experience bullying at any age,
slander is bullying. My daughter recently experienced bullying on the the job and we used these prayers and
turned the situation around on the culprits within 24 hours much to their confusion and humiliation. I so love
watching the changes that the psalms can in this world without lifting finger, you just say the psalms and watch
the changes take place. Its astounding! If you are experiencing this issue their are psalms or a combination of
psalms that can bring about a reversal of this kind of behavior in others. Saying psalms 52,14, and 41, 42, 43 will
work in a powerful way to rid your life of this problem. Psalm 52 is to be free of disturbing slanders, psalm 14
said to gain trust freedom and be free of mistrust and slander, and finally psalm 41 will put enemies to shame
and restore good to you. Psalm 8 said (to bring good will of others) can add to the positive power.

Psalm 8: power word Rechmial pronounced ROCK -MEE-EL which means great and strong God of love, of
grace and mercy. purpose of psalm 8 to secure good will of others.
Psalm 14: power word Eel Enunet pronounced EE-EL-IN-U-ET which means God of truth, purpose of psalm pray
daily to be free from mistrust and slander and to find favor with all persons.
Psalm 41, 42, 43 power word Zawa pronounced ZAH-WAH which means Lord of Hosts, purpose to put your
enemies to shame and restore good to you.
Psalm 52 power word none, purpose of prayer say to be free of disturbing slanders.
I wanted to get this information out their because of our recent experience. I felt it needed to be out there for
others to use. I will be listing all of the psalms beginning to end as I did with the psalms listed above for all
those who wish to use the psalms properly and powerfully in their lives. Bless you all

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How powerful are words?

Posted on June 23, 2016 by Nancy




Word are powerful. Wars have begun over words spoken. Peace came about by the diplomacy of words well
spoken. Man is elevated, inspired or depressed and devastated by words. The very structure of Nations are built
on words. The Hebrews believed that the alphabet was the divine instrument of creation First there was the
word. This Hebrew logic really makes sense. Anything that has been created was first conceived in our
thoughts. These thoughts were then communicated in words to others, and then the thoughts were developed
and became the inventions of change in our world.
Unlike the English alphabet which is for communication, the Hebrew alphabet has a meaningful structure. The
Hebrew alphabet comprise twenty two letters and sounds which represent the foundation of all things. There are
three letters of the alphabet that represent the primordial substances of air, water and fire, which constitutes the
whole of creation. These three letters are Shin (fire), Mem (water), and Alph (air). These three letters also
represent the seasons: Shin (summer), Mem (winter), and Aleph (spring & Autumn).
Next there are the seven double letters which represent opposites and are used to make up the cosmos and
create balance in the universe. Each of these letters represent two different sounds, the one sound positive,
masculine and strong, (yang); the other sound negative, feminine, and soft, (yin). The seven double letters are
Beth , Gimel, Daleth, Kaph, Pe, Resh, and Tau. Each letter is a bipolar unit: life and death, peace and war,
knowledge and ignorance, wealth and poverty, grace and sin, fertility and sterility, and finally power and slavery.
they also represent seven positions in space: above, below, east, west, north south, with the holy palace in the
midst of them, and the seven gates of the soul which are the two eyes, two ears, two nostrils, and the mouth.
The remaining twelve simple letters correspond to the senses and their various states, and tho the points of the
compass. The twelve letters are: He (sight); Vau (hearing); Zain (smell); Cheth (speech); Teth (taste); Yod (sexual

love); Lamed (work); Nun (movement); Samkh(anger); Ain (mirth); Tzasddi (inmagination); and Goph (sleep).
Furthermore, they also represent the twelve sighns of the Zodiac.
You can see the Hebrews respected the power of words and tried to create balance of energy when speaking or
writing. They were especially careful in crafting the power of words when praying. That is why leaving the
psalms in their original form and adding the Hebrew power words is so important for the correct use of each
Over time I will be listing each psalm with their power word so that it will be available for your own use. If you are
interested however in having the original direct translation of the psalms with the power words and uses for
each psalm you my purchase them through Amazon, or Barnes and Noble. You may also purchase my book
from the site through Pay Pal.

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Prayer has a cosmic effect, do you agree?

Posted on June 23, 2016 by Nancy




My views of prayer is not only based on spiritual beliefs but also comes from the ever changing world of science.
Lynn Mc Taggart in her book The Intention Experiment stated , A sizable body of research exploring the nature
of consciousness, carried on for more than thirty years in prestigious scientific institutions around the world,
shows that thoughts are capable of affecting everything from the simplest machines to the most complex living
beings. It implies that reality is not fixed, but fluid, or mutable, and hence possibly open to influence.
What this means to me is that if you use prayer properly and or use the right psalm for a specific purpose you
can influence the out come in your life. Each psalm I believe has encoded in its ancient phrases the power to
address specific problems in your life and create a positive change for good.
The information was originally in the 6th and 7th books of Moses. Where the purpose of each psalm was listed
along with its Hebrew power word. You may asked what are the power words they represent the different
aspects of God. Such as Aha which means exalted and merciful God. Or Jehach which means Lord of
mysteries. As I said before the psalms have specific purposes. Such as Psalm 21 purpose is used to be
favorably received and receive grace when presenting an idea to those in power, also brings prosperity. Psalm
22 is for safety while traveling. You can already see how handy in this day and age the psalms are, if used

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The psalms are the direct re-translation from Aramaic to English

Posted on June 16, 2016 by Nancy




Over time the psalms have been diluted because of various religious translations from the original text.
Combining the pure direct translation from the original documents lends more power to the psalms and the
individual uses as laid out by Moses in the 6th and 7th book of Moses. I have seen this combination work for
many in a very powerful way. The Original Scholar and translator felt that the psalms had been diluted by various
religions and felt that going back to the core translation would bring back the true power and meaning of the
psalms. I do agree and hope you feel the same. Using these psalms with the Hebrew power words along with the
purpose of each psalm to address problems and issues is very powerful. I was very excited to bring these two
facets of prayer back together.

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Questions on direct purchase on this site

Posted on June 16, 2016 by Nancy




On my original site customers were able to purchase directly from the site. I have set up a pay pal button for
those who do not have access to Amazon or Nook to purchase my book. Hope this helps. Thank you

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How the Psalms were Changed

Posted on May 6, 2016 by Nancy


Psalms For a Better Life By Nancy Rodgers


Available on Amazon in hardcover and Kindle. Also available Barns and Noble on Nook.
This Blog is to introduce you to my book and answer questions.
The original power words and meanings of the psalms were contained in the Sixth and Seventh Books of
Moses. The removal of this information from the Bible weakened the use of the psalms. No longer was there a
guide for choosing a particular psalm which best suited a particular need. The psalms were relegated to general
solace and in many cases read like poetry without true direction. Consequently, a psalm was chosen for the
literal sense of the words, not its underlying meaning or power for change. The purpose of my Book Psalms For
A Better Life is to reinstate the meaning and the power word for each of the psalms giving readers a tool for
change in their lives.

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