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Neurological basis of Patanjali’s Ashtänga Yoga

Dr. King

Abstract: The ancient practice of Yoga enunciated by Patanjali way back in B.C.200 is
neurologically well founded. This paper discusses the brain mechanisms that are
behind the working of various Yoga processes. It also briefly indicates the role of each
step of Yoga in neurological terms.

Introduction: While the first listed things can be termed as

Yoga as an ancient practice is well known and worldly achievements, the later ones have
popular. But what is lesser known is the fact spiritual connotation.
that most things propagated today as Yoga are The beauty of the entire system is that all
actually well designed physical exercises and these achievements – worldly as well as
body postures that don’t really belong to the spiritual - are attained by systematic
original Yoga enunciated by Patanjali way modulation of the mind through a well
back in B.C. 200. defined process.
The original Yoga of Patanjali that all modern While many other Yoga variants propagated
Yoga variants claim to be the basis is a well today have mysterious theories about how
defined system of mind modulation to achieve they actually achieve things that they are
the ultimate realization. Health benefits are supposed to achieve, often these theories are
only a byproduct of this elaborate eight step neither scientifically verifiable nor falsifiable.
process. Scientific verifiability or falsifiability is very
Some of the benefits of this Yoga process much essential to ensure that these practices
include- are well grounded and actually beneficial.

Surprisingly, the original practice of Yoga as

 Reduction of stress.
proposed by Patanjali is quite verifiable, even
 Improvement of health.
with our current limited understanding of
 Better metal focus and ability to working of the mind and the scientific gadgets
achieve better results in day-to-day we have at our disposal.
 Experience of bliss that is beyond This paper views the entire eight step Yoga
sense pleasures. process of Patanjali, purely from a
 Attainment of ultimate realization. neurological perspective – to which it actually
 Cessation of endless cycles of worldly belongs – and provides the neurological
sufferings. underpinnings of this ancient system. This
would pave way to future scientific research in various regions of the brain with or without
Yoga and enable us to reap its full potential. any direct connectivity.

Before we delve into how Yoga actually How do various functional regions of the
works, let us first look into some recent brain exchange information even when they
scientific findings in the area of neuroscience are not directly connected?
that are relevant to explaining the working of
various Yoga processes. Global workspace theory:
Sometime in late 1980s Bernard Baars came
Compartmentalized view of mental up with a theory called Global workspace theory
processing: (11) (12) (13) to explain how this complex
Recent advances in neuroscience is gradually interaction between various components of
shifting the way we understand the working of the brain takes place. He used a theatre
the mind – from a totally philosophical view metaphor to explain his theory.
of some abstract unexplainable phenomena,
to a more or less objectively verifiable He compared the brain to a theatre with
working of the brain with neurons as its basic audiences sitting and watching the play, and
workhorses. the actors who enact the play. The special
feature of this theatre is that there is no fixed
Initial lesion based guesses on the working of stage or gallery, but sometimes some audience
the brain was in terms of a collection of become the actors and vice versa. A spot light
specialized functional units or regions as focused on the actors and audience indicated
shown in Figure 1 who are currently active. The entire play takes
place in the setting of pre stored context.

Figure 1 Brain as a collection of specialized

processing regions

But this view is being largely refined by recent Figure 2 Bernard Baars' mind theatre
research findings (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Our brain is the place where the action takes
(9) (10). It is now generally accepted that any place. Different components of this mental
complex mental processing involves various drama are as follows.
brain regions not necessarily located in few
adjacent regions but could span the entire 1. A set of neural networks that produce
cerebral cortex. In essence, any complex information (actors in the metaphor)
mental activity is the coordinated effort of
2. A set of neural networks that receive Figure 3 Global workspace setup
this information (audience in the
metaphor) Either the attention system selects the
3. A mental context in which the functional units that interact through the
processing takes place (the setting in connection mechanism or alternatively,
the metaphor) various functional units compete among
4. An attention mechanism (the spot themselves for the attention of the attention
light in the metaphor) system and whoever wins in this competition
5. A mechanism to support the
succeeds in getting into the final setup.
interaction between them. (audio
system in the metaphor) Some scientists term the process involving
competition, selection and succeeding of the
Viewed from the functional level, the
fittest in a global workspace as Neural
actor/audience could be sense input
Darwinism (14) (15) striking an analogy with
processors, speech production networks,
the Darwin’s theory of biological evolution.
motor region, memory, thoughts, various
evaluators and so on. These disjoint Global workspace theory is of late gaining
functional units are dynamically connected acceptance and some research results seem to
among themselves, as needed, through a show evidence for such a mechanism in our
network of connections setup by the attention brain.
Possible brain mechanisms supporting the
The attention system does the following workspace theory
The structures we are looking for are the
1. Selects the functional units to be
functional units that use the global workspace
setup, the attention system, and the
2. Enhances the activities in these
interconnecting mechanism. Some of the
chosen units
possible candidates are the following.
3. Sets up the connections between them
appropriately 1. Users of the Global workspace: Various
functional units spread all over the cerebral
The entire arrangement could be as shown in
cortex that can potentially produce or
Figure 3.
consume information.

These could be vision processing networks,

audio processing networks, speech processing
networks, speech production networks, neural
networks that implement motor functions,
various types of memories, thoughts, different
networks that evaluate reward/cost, and so

2. The attention mechanism: Various

neural circuits rooted in the thalamus are
believed to be working as the attention Thoughts as sporadic neural activity
system. There are many neural networks that keep
forming in our brain that may not directly
This view is supported by the observation that depend on the external inputs. Thoughts are
thalamus has bidirectional connections – believed to be one of them.
thalamo-cortical as well as cortico-thalamic -
to almost the entire cerebral cortex as shown Using fMRI scanner, scientists have observed
in Figure 4. These bidirectional connections that certain regions of our brain get activated
can either aide in selecting the functional when we are not performing any task and this
units, enhance their activities or could even activity gets reduced when we are performing
help the functional units in drawing the some task. Scientists suspect that these
attention of the attention system. activities are due to thoughts that get
generated in our mind (16) (17) (18).
3. The interconnection mechanism: It is
known that a large number of neurons called The exact neural mechanisms underlying the
inter neurons are distributed throughout the formation of these thoughts are not yet clear.
cerebral cortex. These neurons may be playing However, scientists suspect that the contents
the role of the interconnection mechanism of various memories could be influencing the
between various functional units. These creation of these thoughts.
neurons may be relaying the information from
one functional unit to another. Most neurons in our cerebral cortex are spare
in the sense that they are neither part of any
The attention system dynamically sets up pre-connected specialized networks nor they
these inter neurons so that the appropriate are involved in memory storage, nor they play
connection is made. the role of messengers between different
neural networks. Layers of these neurons are
pre-connected in a random fashion but the
synaptic strengths between them are not
strong enough to perform any function. They
become meaningful networks only when these
connections become stronger.

These neurons are surrounded by other

neurons in the vicinity that could be very
active. This activity induces activity in these
spare neurons and they tend to form clusters
of strongly connected neurons.

These sporadically formed neural networks

Figure 4 Possible brain implementation of Global encode our thoughts. Their content is decided
Workspace theory by our past experiences, emotions, and
existing condition of our mind. However,
formation of these networks is governed by Root cause of psychological stress
the following considerations. Various thought networks that we discussed
in the previous section not only compete
 When they are in the process of among themselves but also vie to draw the
forming, the activity within them has attention of the attention system.
to be sustained either by the activity of
other already formed networks, or by The attention system could get overloaded by
the boosting provided by the attention constant switching between these networks.
system. This probably is the neural mechanism
 Their activity should not be dampened underlying psychological stress. To
by other networks that may compete summarize, the psychological stress is caused
with them. due to
 The attention system can guide the
 Flurry of uncontrolled thoughts.
formation of these networks by
 Conflict between rivaling thought
selectively choosing existing networks
that can influence – either positively
or negatively - the network being  Overloading of the attention system,
formed. due to rapid switching between
rivaling groups of thoughts.
If all conditions are favorable, then the
synaptic strengths between the neurons in Three pronged strategy to eliminate
these new networks become stronger and a stress:
longer lasting network that encodes a specific We can broadly group the thoughts into those
thought gets formed. Or else the activity in that get interpreted as a threat to our very
these yet to be formed networks gradually dies existence, and those that directly or indirectly
down. trigger a feeling of well being. The former can
be looked at as ‘negative thoughts’ and the
Several such sporadically formed networks latter as ‘positive thoughts’. The thought
can get formed. They either compete among conflict is basically between these two types of
themselves or support each other, depending thoughts. The way the harmful effects of this
on the content encoded in them. Thus they conflict can be minimized is the following.
form ‘coalitions’ of networks that support
like-networks and suppress networks of 1. Minimize the cause of negative
opposite kind. thoughts.
2. Reinforce the positive thoughts so
The activity in a newly formed network that they eventually dampen all
induces further generation of new networks of negative thoughts.
like content. This proliferation of networks 3. Train the attention system in such a
can go on unless checked by networks that way that it focuses only on desired
oppose them. thoughts. This would
 Starve off those unneeded Though most Yoga proponents hardly
thoughts (no attention paid to emphasize aspects of Yoga other than body
them) so that they die gradually. postures, Yoga is actually an eight step
 Prevent flurry of thoughts. process called Ashtänga Yoga. Patanjali
 Minimize the load on the attention defines Yoga as a process of systematic
system. modulation of the mind from a near chaotic
state to a completely calm state.
Stress minimization is a powerful tool to
prevent several of our health problems as well
as manage them without getting them beyond
control (19).( click for preview)

Beyond stress minimization:

Yoga is not just about stress minimization and
improvement of health. It is also beyond
improving our mental capabilities.

Though most people rarely go beyond these Figure 6 Patanjali's 8 step Yoga process
goals, Yoga has vast potential to take one to
new mental and spiritual levels. The way Yoga works:
Each step of Yoga is a step in refining the
With this brief discussion on neurological mental processes in such a way that the
mechanisms, let us next move on to the Yoga mental activity is gradually reduced and the
system and see how Yoga achieves various final calm state is reached. How this process
results using these neural mechanisms. actually works and the neurological
underpinnings of each step are described in
Ashtänga Yoga of Patanjali:
great detail in (19). (click for preview)
Patanjali does not talk in neurological terms
but he definitely describes several abstract Here we will briefly look at what happens at
mental states through which a Yoga each step in neurological terms.
practitioner gradually moves as he progresses.
More on these states can be found in (20) Step 1. Yama: In this step, the source of
(19).(click for preview) negative thoughts is gradually blocked.

Step 2: Niyama: This step reinforces positive


Step 3: Asana: Asana is the practice of

attaining a firm and comfortable sitting
posture so that one can sit in that posture for
prolonged duration.
Figure 5 States of the mind Though it is just a preparatory step for
succeeding steps, modern Yoga proponents
give an altogether different structure to it. Step 8: Samädhi: This is a series of ultimate
What they actually do is combine various stages of meditation. The mind finally gets
body postures – not necessarily useful for into a state where most cortical activities
sitting comfortably – with controlled including the thoughts stop, the
breathing which is actually the next step of semiautonomous functions of the body such
Yoga. They claim that this combination as breathing, heartbeat etc. slow down to bare
improves health. minimum, while the attention system gets
more and more sharply focused.
(19) shows how this could be a misconception
and why more research is needed before What happens in this state is beyond
concluding either way. Though various description since the mind has almost stopped
stretching exercises may work as in that state precluding any conscious
physiotherapy in many skeleto-muscular experience. (19) explains this state by taking
problems, the research findings point to the recourse to scriptural texts. In common
fact that major contribution could be from parlance it is called ultimate self realization.
controlled breathing that has the potential to
minimize stress (see (19) for detailed Though the samädhi is beyond objective
discussion). validation, the after effects of samädhi can be
probably studied. Patanjali talks about certain
Step 4: Pränäyäma: This is the most impressions left behind on the mind as a
important step of Yoga. This is a process of result of prolonged samädhi. Assuming that
training the attention system to improve its these impressions have corresponding neural
ability to focus. Improvement of focus not correlates, it should be possible to verify them
only minimizes stress, it also enables one to by studying the structural changes that may
achieve better results in life in general. take place as a result of prolonged samädhi.

Step 5: Pratyähära: This is actually a state In a nut shell, each step of Yoga can be
where most of the cortical activity related to verified based on our current neurological
sense input processing stops. The main cause understanding of the mind, using the gadgets
of this stoppage is the deprival of attention to available at our disposal.
these processes since the mind is diverted to
some other meditative object.
Works Cited
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