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Hi All, I gave my 4th attempt on 19th July 2016 from EDI Qusais
and I passed with 0 minor/major mistakes. . Lessons learnt from
my mistakes and from my exam mates:
1. Always keep the speed limit. If you are driving at a reduced
speed, it sends out a message that you are not confident about
your driving. Little speed above the limit( 0-6 km/hr) should be ok.
many of my exam mates failed because of this, even though they
did not make any other mistakes.
2. Gain speed as soon as you finish a U-turn or merging matching
with the Road Speed.
3. Safety is most important. They count a lot on your judgement
skills. While moving off from the Parking, U-turn, Stop sign, Lane
Change, Round about etc... ensure that the it is safe to move.
Otherwise it will result in immediate fail. However if there is
sufficient gap, proceed. Work this out with your instructor and
have an idea and understand how much gap is safe and unsafe.
The speed of the other vehicle also matters a lot. You need to
practice a lot on this.
4. Following Examiner's instructions carefully. Be very attentive. If
you fail to follow it is immediate fail.
5. Make sure you check the mirrors and headchecks properly at all
required times. You need to check the center mirror every 5-10
seconds and before braking. Make it a habit in your training so

you will not forget during the exam. This will help in reducing your
minor mistakes.
6. Scan the road in front for any possible dangers like pedestrians/
sudden stoppage of vehicles/ cars moving off from the parking.
You need to act accordingly. Otherwise it is immediate fail.
7. Practice the parking.
Mostly examiner will ask you to Park in a short-notice. Be
prepared for that.
Hope it helps. Good Luck to everyone.

1. Failure to stop at RED Signal
2. Failure to stop at STOP Sign
3. Failure to stop at STOP Line
4. Colliding with any mobile or immobile objects.
5. Causing intervention of the examiner
6. Causing other drivers to swerve to avoid collision
7. Not adhering to TRAFFIC SIGNS.
8. Not following Examiners Directions
9. Driving on the WRONG SIDE OF THE ROAD.
11. Failure to follow REQUIRED MANEUVER.
12. Failure to ensure the ROAD is clear before entering.
13. Failure to ensure the LANE is clear before entering.

14. Failure to ensure the ROUNDABOUT clear before entering.

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