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Civil War and Reconstruction

Has to do with the institution of slavery

Its really the slavery unit, essentially
Cotton plays huge role, major crop growing in the south
Not only a southern crop, north needed access to cotton for clothing
Huge demand for cotton from the British
Race became blurred
Many people against certain ideals
Whole thing begins with womens rights
Some reformers had to do with temperance
Other reformers, in many ways socialistic
Robert Owen created New Harmony, very socialistic
Horace Mann A human being is not attaining his full heights until he is educated
Compulsory education because of Horace Mann
Parents can be thrown in jail if children are not getting education
Transcendentalism- Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry David Thoreau
Ideals of enlightenment (reason), spirituality/reflection
Look for laws that should be unjust at moral and spiritual level
if unjust, ignore the laws. Civil disobedience
Individual and relationships in nature
anything that inhibits the individual should be banned
Transcendentalists were against slavery because it inhibited the individual
Speakers were coming from north and south to speak against slavery
David Walkers Appeal
-To the coloured citizens of the world, but in particular, and very expressly to those
of the United states of America
Sometimes you will have to use violence to overthrow, since they are using violence
against you
Overseer tended to work well with slave owner, was slave himself, and could read
Actually written in articles, similar to constitution
Americans are only the ones that treated slaves violently
British treated slaves well
Tells owners to repent while they can
If you are a Christian slave owner, you will go to hell if you do not clean up your act
Written not only for slaves, book also talks about slave owners
William lloyd garrison, newspaper the Liberator
Frederick Douglass The North Star
Later Douglass has one of his children join the military
Many people who were slaves didnt understand they were slaves
Anti-slavery society about colonization
Wanted to take slaves to major countries in Africa to colonize, like Ethiopia and
Women actually played big role in the abolitionist movement
Women would see slaves arrive and see slave auctions with families of slaves and
Women could not accept the families being divided

Women also push for female equality but it begins with anti-slave movement
Georgia had slaves escaping to Florida, which was under Spanish control
Native American attacks from Florida
Oregon purchased from British
Lewis and Clark explored Louisiana purchase, ended up in Oregon, The greenery
Southwest territory acquired from Mexicans
Gadsden Purchase to build railroads
Mexico didnt want to fight another war so they sold it to USA
60,000 residents to become a state, state constitution, and congress must approve
In Missouri Compromise of 1820, nothing is an issue until they want Missouri to be a
slave state
11 states in the north, 11 states in the south so balanced senate
Missouri would cause an imbalance, but southerners were ok with it because north
had power in house
North created Maine as a free state out of Massachusetts when Missouri made a
slave state
3630 line, any new states under it were slave states, anything above were free
Compromise of 1850- Has to do with California
Gold rush happens, so no slaves in California. Machinery used instead of slaves
Texas made slave state to balance
Popular sovereignty granted to Utah and New Mexico
Northerners complained that foreigners would see slave auctions when they came
to D.C.
No longer could sell or buy slaves in D.C.
Southerners made Northerners agree to 1000 dollar fine if found harboring slaves.
A.k.a. Fugitive slave act
Kansas-Nebraska Act
Steven(Stephen?) Douglas, Democrat Northerner from Illinois proposes popular
sovereignty for Nebraska and Kansas
Douglas knew that Nebraska and Kansas could not grow cash crops so they would
choose to become free states
In protest, Northern Democrats and Whigs split away and created Republican Party
in 1854
Region where you lived created problems within parties
1789- Democratic-Republicans/Federalists
Andrew Jackson held barbeques to get closer to American People, drops Republican
from party name Whigs represented merchants, rich
There was violence in the senate when Kansas was brought up
Charles Sumner beat senators on the head with a cane
Dred Scott decision- Lived in Missouri as a slave, owner takes him into a free state,
Scott claims he is free
Supreme court rules that Scott had no right to take owner to court since he was
private property

In Illinois, Abraham Lincoln goes for senate position against Douglas, loses
Lincoln begins to talk about slavery in the new territories
This house divided cannot stand a.k.a. House divided speech
His name becomes known nationally
When Lincoln becomes president, everyone knows he and his party are against
slavery in new states
1859- John Browns raid on Harpers Ferry, tries to seize weapons but caught, all
men caught and involved were hanged
Election of 1860- Lincoln dominates north, but nothing in constitution said anything
about ballots
Southerners took Lincolns name off of the ballot, but Lincoln still won, South
secedes from the union
Civil War started to regain the south. South nicknamed rebs or rebels since they
were in a state of open rebellion

Colonel Robert Gould Shaw 54th mass. Regiment

Fredrick Douglass son was in the military
There was very little fighting for men in 54 th infantry, was used mainly for manual
Irish vs. Black, Irish were discriminated against because they were Catholic, both
were lowest
Copperheads opposed civil war
Civil war 1861-1865
I. Northern Advantages
Critical cause of civil war was election of 1860
85% of US factories/manufactured goods in the north
Important for weapons and textiles

1.62 billion to 155 million in size of economy

War of Attrition when you try to outlast the enemy
70% of railroads in the north (wasnt really advantage because they were fighting in
the south)
65% of farmland (agricultural, not cash crops)
Well established government vs. CSA (new government)
Hard for south to allocate resources
logistics were important
U.S. Navy- Anaconda Plan
Most of the fighting took part in Eastern USA
Divided the East into East and West
In the East, McCloughan, In West, Grant
Richmond was capital of Confederacy
They wanted to surround the south and constrict all the way to Richmond
A.K.A the Anaconda Plan
Ration of free whites was 22 million to 5.5 million

180,000 former slaves became soldiers

When you win a battle, you seize property, aka contraband
slaves were considered property, the slaves were seized and emancipated, WIW
they are called contraband soldiers
U.S. Grant- West, keep attacking until worn down
Copperheads opposed northern Democratic
Copperheads were Irish, but not all Irish were copperheads
Irish and slaves fought over low paying jobs
Southern advantagesDefensive war, they knew the terrain
They used cotton as bargaining tool, northern textile mills needed southern cotton
they could also use cotton to bargain with other countries
British needed southern cotton, but fortunately, India supplied cotton
The coastline of the south was jagged, so boats could only come in so far
War of Attrition, south thought north would lose morale so they didnt want to fight

Southerners were fighting to defend their families

Leadership- Robert E. Lee, Thomas Jackson
Lee was the heart and soul of the south. Once he was captured, the war would end
Thomas Jackson known as stonewall, first battle (battle of bull run) (monasses
People were watching the battle with picnic baskets
Southern starts by losing, retreat, but rail brings reinforcements
Jackson commands troops to continue fighting, observers thought he was like a
stone wall
Battle of bull run was southern victory and embarrassing, north had to retreat 24
miles on foot to DC
Lincoln thought civil war would last 90 days, but instead 1861-1865
North had cautious leaders. So advantage for the south
I.E, McClellan (Mac) at Yorktown (May 1862)
Waited and tried to capture Robert E Lee to end the war
Sees a wall with cannons aimed at the ships
Waits for reinforcements, but sees soldiers from Georgia and North Carolina, waited
Gets telegrams from Lincoln rushing him
He realizes the cannons were paintings and soldiers were actually the same soldiers
changing clothes
Yorktown fell quickly, but Lee got away due to Macs cautiousness
Mac gets demoted anyway

General Pope at 2nd Battle of Bull Run (Aug. 1862)

North loses again, Pope removed from command
Armies of the east AKA Armies of Potomac
Meanwhile, victory after victory in the west for Grant
Mac given another chance
Mac at Antietam
Always knew where enemy troops were due to smoke plumes from campfires
Men go out, find cigar box.
Mac is about to smoke cigar, notices cigar has different colors

Inside of the cigar was the confederate battle plans

Lee knew battle plans were stolen, but it was too late since plans were already in
Mac was cautious, if the enemy knew the plans were stolen, he was afraid they
would get trapped
Mac did not completely utilize plans, victory but Lee got away again
Emancipation Proclamation after Antietam, Lincolns frustration
Freed slaves of southerners who were resisting the north
if southerner complied, slaves could be kept
More frustration, Mac fired again
Brought in Burnside at Fredericksburg (Dec. 1862)
battle was at Rappahanock river
Robert E Lee vs. Burnside
Both were waiting for reinforcements even though Burnside outnumbered them 3-1
Crossing the river would slow down and disable one side
Needed to build at least 3 bridges
Burnside tried to surprise Lee by sending everyone down the middle
Robert E. Lee laughed at Burnside when he sent al soldiers down the middle
Aimed cannons, etc. Funnel of death
Big loss at Fredericksburg

Joseph Hooker resumes command (Chancellorsville, May 1863)

brought women to keep morale high
These were Hookers girls
Stonewall Jackson sends men to gather intelligence
Confusion causes soldiers to shoot Jackson, dies a month later
Confederate Proclamation declares that colored troops and commanders would be
put to death
Lincoln was so impressed with Grant that he put him in command of both east and
War ends with Appomattox court house, Robert E Lee surrenders to Grant
Appomattox was in Richmond, Virginia (in the east)
Reconstruction 1865-1877
After North won, they had to rebuild what they destroyed in the south
Entire Infrastructure of the south destroyed (Economic, Political, transportation,

William Sherman destroyed most of the south

Famous march, burned everything in his path, Scorched Earth Policy
Nobody in the south will never name a child Sherman
Two reconstruction plans
1. Presidential Reconstruction
Lincoln forgave the south, was going to be lenient but is assassinated by John
Wilkes Booth
Shoot Lincoln, jumps off balcony onto the stage, breaks leg, drags leg all the way to
backstage and out
Lincoln survives original gunshot, dies in the morning, but possibly died
There should be possibility that president dies
then confirm with the nation (prepare the nation for the news)
Train from Washington, The old Nashville is funeral procession
Lincoln wanted 10% from each state to swear allegiance to the union, aka 10% plan
13th Amendment gets passed in congress, Lincoln pushes it through, Abolishes
Andrew Johnson (D) from Tennessee, was VP when Lincoln died
U.S. Grant (R)
2. Congressional Reconstruction
Thaddeus Stevens and Charles Sumner ere radical republicans
Their job was to punish the south, tried to make Democrats have no power
14th Amendment- grants freed slaves Citizenship
15th Amendment- Grants Suffrage to slaves
13,14,15 amendments were known as civil war amendments
South separated into 5 districts
Each district had 20,000 soldiers and one general in charge
Ensured Compliance in the south
on the state unoccupied was Tennessee, Johnson refuses to occupy his home state
Soldiers were to enforce compliance of Amendments as well
Military reconstruction act of 1867
People did not change their way of life overnight
Congress establishes Freedmens bureau
Designed to honor the promise for freed blacks
promised every freed man 40 acres of land and a mule to work the land
Even though it was promised, it wasnt really given to everyone
Southerners who were poor, since they had lost land and crops, got aid from the
freedmens bureau
Freedmens Schools established, ratios ridiculous, could be 200 students to one
Some Southerners were from the north who were trying to make money
Tried to take advantage of contracts in the south
Were called carpetbaggers
Opposition to Reconstruction included KKK
Ku Klux Klan, from Greek word Kuklos, which meant circle of family
Wore white hood, because they were trying to represent the ghosts of the dead
confederate soldiers
KKK was formed in Tennessee

Used terrorist methods

Terrorized republicans and blacks to keep them from voting
Anti-Republican because they freed the slaves
Southern Political Discrimination against African-Americans
1. Poll Taxes established
Freed slaves could not afford these taxes
2. Literacy Test
3. Grandfather Clauses
You could only vote if your grandfather could vote
Joining KKK is legal, but threats or terrorist activity is illegal
At Irvine, Asian guy receives hate mail for walking with his white girlfriend
Email traced, the person making the threats was registered member of KKK,
James Byrd in Texas had made a gesture to a white female as he was walking
She told her siblings, siblings congregated and got him
Tied him to a rope, other end tied to a truck
slowly accelerated in the truck (drove around 2 hours at 50 mph) until person
Person responsible recently executed after 12 years
6 flags dive devil
Interracial couple (white, black)
were sold video of dive devil experience
The recording of them had audio of six flag workers making racial comments
6 million dollar lawsuit followed
No negro or freedman shal be permitted to rent or keep a house within the limits of
the town under any circumstances -Black Codes
Discrimination was also at the state level
One sentence was always that the convicted had to work land for free
Other farms became sharecropping farms, they would rent it out to freed blacks
Sharecroppers had to pay a percentage of crops to the landowner
Problem was if you were a Tenant Farmer
They paid flat rate rather than percentage
Usually caused cycle of debt, locked worker into the land
Compromise of 1877 had to do with election of 1876
Grant(R) vs. Tilden (D)
Came down to a couple of states
Came down to Oregon, Congress (controlled by Republicans) declared that
Republicans won in Oregon
Democrats knew they won, but Republicans wanted presidency
In the compromise, Grant got presidency, all troops removed from the south.

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