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technical paper


Simplified analysis of creep in prestressed concrete beams*

RF Warner
School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering,
The University of Adelaide, Adelaide, South Australia

ABSTRACT: This paper describes a simple, step-by-step method for evaluating long-term creep
effects in prestressed concrete beams. The method has also been used in a parallel study of shrinkage
in prestressed slabs and beams. By introducing several simplifying assumptions into a one-step
analysis, approximate, closed-form equations are derived for the loss of prestress and the curvature
in a prestressed concrete beam section due to long-term creep. The long-term creep curvature is
obtained by applying a correction term to the free creep curvature, which is the initial elastic
curvature multiplied by the long-term creep coefficient. This correction allows for the restraining
effect of the tendon and the reinforcing steel on concrete creep in the section. Creep deflections
are obtained by integrating creep curvatures in key cross-sections. A numerical study shows that
corrections to the free creep curvature of up to about 30% are needed to account for the presence of
the reinforcing steel and tendon. This suggests that the free creep curvature is adequate for many
preliminary design calculations, and for detailed calculations where the design is not deflectionsensitive. The calculations also show that reinforcement has an important effect on loss of prestress
and long-term deformations.
KEYWORDS: Step-by-step analysis; creep; prestressed concrete; deflections; curvature.
REFERENCE: Warner, R. F. 2014, Simplified analysis of creep in prestressed concrete
beams, Australian Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 15, No. 1, January, pp. 89-96,


In the design of prestressed concrete members it is

important to take proper account of the long-term
effects of concrete creep and shrinkage, particularly
with regard to loss of prestress and increased overall
deflections. Simple but very approximate empirical
equations are available to designers to estimate
long-term effects, but a more accurate, rationally
based approach is often needed. Step-by-step analysis
provides a simple and rational method for studying
time effects in concrete structures. The step-by-step
method is used in the present paper to evaluate
long-term creep behaviour in prestressed concrete
beam sections. It is also used in a companion paper
(Warner, 2014) to study shrinkage in pre-stressed slab
and beam sections.

Paper S12-060 submitted 27/11/12; accepted for publication

after review and revision 26/03/13.

Corresponding author E/Prof Robert Warner can be contacted


Institution of Engineers Australia, 2014

The step-by-step section analysis allows the

long-term behaviour of complete flexural members
to be determined. Local deformations at key
cross-sections are first evaluated, and curvatures are
then integrated to obtain deflections. If the member
is continuous, a trial-and-error approach is needed to
determine the hyperstatic reactions and the changes
they undergo over time (Kawano & Warner, 1996).
An advantage of the step-by-step method over other
more sophisticated methods, such as viscoelastic
analysis (Bazant & Wittmann, 1982; Bazant & Carol,
1988), is that it only uses the fundamental structural
concepts of equilibrium, strain compatibility and
elastic behaviour, in conjunction with the free creep
properties of the concrete.
By introducing several simplifying assumptions
into a one-step analysis, simple but approximate
closed-form equations are derived in section 4 of
this paper for the loss of prestress due to creep and
for the long-term creep curvature in a prestressed
section with tensile reinforcement.
Australian Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol 15 No 1

Simplified analysis of creep in prestressed concrete beams Warner



In this discussion we restrict attention to a rectangular

prestressed concrete section with compressive and
tensile reinforcement, as shown in figure 1(a). The
creep process commences at time to, when the section
is subjected to a prestressing force Po and a constant
sustained moment MG.
The initial conditions of stress and strain at to are
obtained from an elastic analysis. Figure 1(b) shows
the concrete strains due to prestress only, and also
those due to the prestress plus the moment MG. The
elastic strains in the top and bottom fibres are cea and
ceb. The concrete elastic modulus at to is Eco and the
extreme fibre stresses are ea = Ecocea and eb = Ecoceb.
With D denoting the overall section depth, the initial
elastic curvature in the section is:

o = (cea ceb)/D


Compressive strains and stresses in the concrete are

taken as positive. The tendon is in the lower portion
of the section and the prestressing moment Mp =Poe
is negative. The sustained applied moment MG is
positive, so that the initial curvature o is positive if
MG is larger than Mp.

obtained from creep tests on concrete specimens,

conducted with various initial times to. To evaluate
(t, to) the creep strain observed at time t is divided
by the initial elastic strain at to. The final value of the
creep function at time infinity (t = t*) is written as o*,
and is equal to the long-term creep strain divided by
the initial elastic strain. In lieu of creep tests, data
provided in AS 3600 (Standards Australia, 2009) can
be used to estimate values of (t, to) and o*.
The free creep strains in the top and bottom fibres of
the concrete at time t are:

cca(t) = (t, to)cea


ccb(t) = (t, to)ceb


It follows that the free creep curvature at time t, c(t),

is obtained by multiplying the initial elastic curvature
by the creep function:

c(t) = (t, to)o


The creep function acts here as a multiplying factor in

every fibre in every section along the beam. The creep
deflection curve at time t, yc(x, t), is therefore equal to
the initial elastic deflection curve, y(x, to), multiplied
by (t, to). The maximum long-term creep deflection,
yc*, is obtained from the initial elastic deflection, yo, as:
yc* = o*yo

Free creep analysis ignoring the

steel and tendon in the section


and the long-term creep curvature in any section is:

If we initially ignore the presence of the tendon and
the reinforcing steel in the section and consider only
the free creep of the concrete, we obtain a very simple,
approximate, but useful analysis. The free creep
strain in any fibre at time t depends on the constant
sustained stress and the concrete creep properties.
According to linear creep theory, which is applicable
at working loads, the creep strain at time t is the
original elastic strain at to multiplied by a creep
function, (t, to). Numerical values of (t, to) are

c* = o*o


This analysis is oversimplified and in error to the

extent that it ignores the restraining effect the steel and
tendon have on creep in the adjacent concrete. It also
ignores a gradual decrease in the sustained concrete
stress caused by the progressive loss of prestress.
A step-by-step analysis can be used to obtain more
accurate results, and also to estimate the magnitude
of the error inherent in this simplified analysis.

c o m p s tra in s p o s itiv e


Figure 1:

c e a

D e

D e

D e



e la s tic s tra in
d u e to
p re s tre s s
a lo n e


c e a

e la s tic s tra in
d u e to
p re s tre s s + M



c e b

D e

D e



D e

D e

D e
c e b

D s

c e a

c e a

c e st

c c p

c e p

c e st

c e b

(d) D s

c e b

One-step creep analysis (a) cross-section, (b) initial elastic strains in concrete, (c) additional
strains in concrete due to creep at t*, and (d) tensile stress increments in concrete at t*.

Australian Journal of Structural Engineering

Vol 15 No 1

Simplified analysis of creep in prestressed concrete beams Warner


Step-by-step creep analysis

We assume that the cross-section in figure 1 remains

uncracked under the effects of prestress and external
load. With the initial conditions due to prestress
and MG determined at time to from an initial elastic
analysis, the subsequent changes in stress and strain
over time are evaluated in discrete steps.
Within any time step the concrete is first allowed to
creep freely under the conditions pertaining at the
start of the time step. These conditions will have been
determined at the end of the previous time step, or,
for the first time step, from the initial elastic analysis.
The free creep strain increments in the concrete at
the end of the time step are evaluated using the
creep function. To allow free creep to occur under
constant stress during the time step, the concrete
has to be uncoupled from the reinforcing steel and
prestressing tendon. During the time step, there is
therefore a progressive loss of strain compatibility
between the creeping concrete and the inert tendon
and steel reinforcement. The strain incompatibility at
the levels of the tendon and the steel is in each case
equal to the increment in creep strain in the concrete.
To complete the time step calculation, strain
compatibility is restored by applying an equilibrating
force system to the cross-section to compress the
steel and tendon and to stretch the concrete. A tensile
force increment Xc is applied to the concrete at some
depth dxc, and compressive force increments, Xp,
Xst and Xsc, to the tendon, the tensile steel and the
compressive steel. For force equilibrium:
Xc = Xp + Xst + Xsc


dxcXc = dpXp + dstXst + dscXsc


An elastic analysis is used to evaluate the force

system and the corresponding increments in elastic
strain and stress. The change in strain in each concrete
fibre during the time step is the compressive free
creep increment minus the elastic strain increment
which is applied at the end of the time step.
The tensile increment Xc is the loss of compressive
prestress in the concrete during the time interval. It
is equal to the loss of tensile prestress in the tendon,
Xp, if there is no reinforcement in the section. With
reinforcement present, Xc may be much larger
than Xp, because compressive force is transferred
directly from the concrete to any adjacent steel as
the concrete creeps.
The steps (to to t1), (t1 to t2), etc. up to (tn1 to tn), vary
in size and are best chosen so that about the same
amount of creep strain occurs within each step. If
the final time point is at infinity, then the last time
step must be of infinite size. In practice, just several
time steps will be sufficient to obtain accurate results,
and a one-step analysis will usually be adequate
Australian Journal of Structural Engineering

for routine design calculations. Additional steps

sometimes become necessary, for example if the
sustained load changes over time.


A one-step analysis consists of an initial elastic

analysis at time to, a free creep analysis in the period
to to t*, and a final elastic analysis at t* to evaluate the
conditions at the end of the process.

Initial conditions at to

The initial compressive concrete strains in the

extreme fibres due to Po and MG, shown in figure 1(b),
are obtained by elastic analysis as follows:


P e MG y a D
Eco Ac
Eco I c



P e MG yb D
Eco Ac
Eco I c


At the level of the tendon, the initial elastic strain in

the concrete is:


P e MG e
Eco Ac
Eco I c


The initial stress in the tendon is po = Po/Ap. The

initial stresses in the steel layers are obtained by
multiplying the concrete strains at these levels, cest
and cesc, by Es.

For moment equilibrium:


Free creep from to to t*

In the time from to to t* the free creep in any concrete

fibre is obtained by multiplying the initial elastic
strain by o*. For example, in the top fibre:

cca* = o*cea


Restoration of compatibility at t*

The force increments needed to restore compatibility

at t* must satisfy the equilibrium requirements of
equations (7) and (8). The tensile increment Xc
induces tensile strains in the concrete, with values
of cea and ceb in the top and bottom fibres. To
determine the final conditions at time t*, we first
express the force increments in terms of the extreme
fibre strain increments, cea and ceb, and then
substitute into equations (7) and (8) and solve the
resulting linear equations in cea and ceb.
Commencing with Xc we have:
Xc = AcEc*(cea + ceb)/2


The depth dxc at which Xc acts is also expressed in

terms of cea and ceb:
Vol 15 No 1

Simplified analysis of creep in prestressed concrete beams Warner


Ac Ec * cea ceb 1 cea 2 ceb
3 3

D (14)
cea ceb

Considering now the tendon, the elastic strain

increment in the concrete at this level is:
cep cea

D dp




The compressive strain increment needed in the

tendon to restore compatibility, is seen from figure
1(c) to be:
p = ccp* cep


The increment in compressive force in the tendon

is therefore:
Xp = ApEp(ccp* cep)


Similar expressions apply at both steel levels, where

the strain increments in the concrete are cest and cesc:
Xst = AstEst(



Xsc = AscEsc(ccsc* cesc)



Linear equations in cea and ceb are obtained from

equations (7) and (8):
a11cea + a12ceb = c1


a21cea + a222ceb = c2


Solving these equations gives:


a22 c1 a12 c2
a11 a22 a21 a12



a11c2 a21c1
a11 a22 a21 a12


The parameters appearing in equations (20) to (23) are:

D dp
D dst
D dsc
Ast Es
Asc Es
a11 Ac Ec* Ap Ep
a12 Ac Ec* Ap Ep
Ast Es st Asc Es sc


c1 = ApEpccp* + AstEsccst* + AscEsccsc*


D dp

Ap Ep dp
D dst
D dsc
Ast Es dst
Asc Es dsc



Ap Ep dp
Ast Es dst st Asc Es dsc sc (28)

c2 = ApEpdpccp* + AstEsdstccst* + AscEsdscccsc*

Australian Journal of Structural Engineering


Final conditions at t*

The total strains in the extreme concrete fibres at

time infinity are obtained by adding the initial
compressive elastic strains and free creep strains, and
subtracting the final elastic tensile strain increments:

ca* = cea + cca* cea


cb* = ceb + ccb* ceb


The increment in curvature at t* is (ceb cea)/D.

Although this is an elastic quantity, we denote it
here as c*, rather than e, to indicate that it is a
component of the long-term creep curvature:
c* = (ceb cea)/D


The improved estimate of the long-term creep

curvature at t* is:

c** = c* + c*


These equations can be incorporated into a

spreadsheet for convenient calculation. Since we
have ignored the gradual decrease in concrete stress
due to the loss of prestress, the creep strains and
deformations will be slightly overestimated.



By introducing several simplifications into the

one-step analysis, useful, but approximate closed
form expressions can be derived for the curvature
correction, c*, and the creep loss in the concrete,
Xc. It will be seen that the one-step analysis in
section 3 is enormously simplified when the section
contains no reinforcement, only the tendon. The
equilibrium requirement then simplifies to Xc =Xp,
and with all terms in Ast and Asc eliminated from
equations (22) to (29), a closed-form expression for
Xc is obtained:
Xc = 1AcEc*ccp*


The term ccp* is the free creep strain at the level

of the tendon: ccp* = o*cep, where the elastic strain
cep is given by equation (11). The term 1 is a
non-dimensional function of the section properties
and elastic material properties:

a21 Ac Ec*

a22 Ac Ec*


e 2 Ac
1 *
np p p


Note that np* is the modular ratio at t*, Ep/Ec*, and Ec*
is the concrete elastic modulus at time infinity. The
term pp is the ratio of areas, Ap/Ac. The tensile strain
increments in the top and bottom fibres are elastic
and hence determined as:
Vol 15 No 1

Simplified analysis of creep in prestressed concrete beams Warner


Xc Xc e D

Ec* Ac Ec* I c 2


Xc Xc e D

Ec* Ac Ec* I c 2


Substituting equations (36) and (37) into equation

(32) and rearranging, the correction c* becomes:

c* 1 2



The term 2 is another non-dimensional function of

the section properties:

2 = AceD/Ic


A simplification is now introduced to take account of

the tensile reinforcement in the section. Provided the
steel area Ast and the tendon area Ap are reasonably
close together, we can replace Ap by an equivalent
area Aeq at depth deq, where:
Aeq = Ap + Ast

Ap dp Ast dst


Assuming also that the elastic moduli of the tendon

and steel are equal, say with the value Eeq, we now
replace the terms e, np* and pp in equations (35)
and (39) by their equivalents based on Aeq, so that
equations (34) and (38) can be used to determine the
creep loss, Xc, and the curvature correction, c*, for
a section with tensile reinforcement. The equivalent
terms to be used in equations (35) and (39) are:
eeq = deq D/2, neq* = Eeq/Ec*, and peq = Aeq/Ac.
Adding c* to the free creep curvature, c*, as in
equation (33), and using the appropriate expressions
in equations (6) and (38), we obtain a closed-form
expression for the long-term creep curvature:



To investigate the accuracy of the single-step analysis,

calculations were made using one-step and threestep analyses for the simple case of an unreinforced,
axially prestressed section, 400 mm square, with an
initial prestressing force of Po = 1600 kN, and e = 0.
For the one-step analysis the following values were
used: to = 14 days, o* = 3.0, Eco = 28,000 MPa, Ec* =
32,000 MPa, and Ap = 1430 mm2. For the three-step
analysis the time points chosen were (in days) 14,
40, 200 and t*. The additional creep data required
for the three-step calculations were obtained from
AS 3600-2009 (Standards Australia, 2009). Full
details of the calculations are available elsewhere
(Warner, 2012). The prestress loss obtained from the
one-step analysis was Xc = Xp = 286 kN, or 17.9%.
As would be expected, the three-step analysis gave
a slightly lower value: Xc = Xp = 264 kN or 16.5%.
The closeness of the results suggests that a one-step
analysis will usually give adequate results.
The creep curvature was calculated for a rectangular
beam cross-section 400 mm wide by 800 mm deep,
with prestress eccentricity e = 250 mm, Ap= 1000mm2,
Po = 1200 kN, MG = 400 kNm, * = 2.5, Eco = 30,000MPa
and Ec* = 32,000 MPa. With zero reinforcement in
the section, a one-step analysis gave the following
results, where curvatures are in 106 mm1:
Initial elastic curvature o = +0.195
Free creep curvature c* = +2.5 0.195 = +0.488
Elastic creep correction c* = +0.017
Corrected creep curvature c** = +0.488 + 0.017 =
The correction c* is very small, only 3.5% of c*,
and would be ignored in practice. However, the
section contains no reinforcement and the tendon
area is a very small proportion of the concrete area,
Ap/ Ac=0.003. Larger corrections occur with larger
steel and tendon areas.

The terms in equation (42) depend implicitly on

the properties of the section, the elastic properties
of the tendon and concrete, the sustained moment,
and the long-term creep value o*. Unfortunately,
equation (42) does not take account of compressive
reinforcement, although a modification is presently
being sought to allow for Asc. If Asc is significant, then
equation (42) should not be used and a full one-step
analysis needs to be undertaken.

To see how the curvature correction, c*, is affected

by Ast and Asc, additional calculations were carried
out for the 400800 mm beam section. Two values
were used for MG: 100 and 400 kNm. The results
are summarised in table 1. Values of Ast and Asc
were chosen to show trends, and do not always
represent realistic sections. They were used with
dst = 750 mm and dsc = 50 mm. Values of the free
creep curvature c* do not depend on Ast and Asc,
and are 1.256106 mm1 for MG = 100 kNm, and
+0.628106mm1 for MG = 400 kNm.

A note on signs is appropriate. The external moment

MG is positive, and the initial elastic curvature o
is positive if MG is greater than Mp. The free creep
curvature, c*, always has the same sign as o.
Provided the equivalent tendon area Aeq (and hence
the tensile force Xc) is below the concrete centroid,
the tensile strain increment in the bottom fibre, ceb,
is greater than in the top fibre and c* is positive.

The curvature increment c* is positive when there

is a preponderance of reinforcement and tendon
in the lower fibres of the section, as in cases 1 to 9.
Upper fibre reinforcement tends to reduce c*, but
the magnitude of MG is also relevant. This can be seen
by comparing cases 6 and 12, for which there is only
top reinforcement and tendon. In case 12, with MG =
400 kNm and Asc = 2700 mm2, o and c* are positive.

c** = o*o + 12(ccp*)/D

Australian Journal of Structural Engineering


Vol 15 No 1

Simplified analysis of creep in prestressed concrete beams Warner


Table 1:

Table 2:

Curvature corrections, as influenced by MG, Ast and Asc.

Case no.

Ast [mm2]

Asc [mm2]

MG [kNm]

c* [106 mm1]

Correction % of c*

















































Comparison of equation (44) with step-by-step calculation for c*.

Case no.

Ast [mm2]

Asc [mm2]

c* [106 mm1]

Table 1 c* [106 mm1]













The compressive free creep strain in the top fibres

is large, so that the compressive force increment in
the compressive steel is also large: Psc = 211 kN,
as compared with only 40 kN in the tendon. The
resultant force increment thus lies above the concrete
centroid, and the correction c* is negative, and
large. In case 6, for which MG is 100 kNm and Asc =
2700 mm2, c* is negative, and the correction c* is
positive, but quite small.

routine design calculations a one-step analysis should

give sufficient accuracy, tending to overestimate the
creep deformations, and hence to err on the safe side.

Table 1 shows how c* is usually reduced by c*, but

in not unusual circumstances can also be increased. In
cases 7, 8 and 9, MG is large and c* is positive. With a
preponderance of steel and tendon in the lower fibres,
c* is also positive. The steel reinforcement is not
having a braking effect here, but is accelerating
the creep deformation and deflection.

The creep curvature is expressed here purely in terms

of section properties, elastic material properties,
and the long-term creep value o*. The free creep
curvature, c*, is obtained by multiplying the initial
elastic creep curvature, o, by the long-term creep
value o*. The curvature increment, c*, corrects for
the restraining effect of the tendon and the tensile
steel on creep in the adjacent concrete.

The correction term c* was re-calculated using the

closed form expression in equation (38) for cases 1,
2, 3 and 4 in table 1. The results, in column 4 of table
2, are compared with values from table 1 in column
5. The values from equation (38) are within about
15% of the one-step analysis, even for case 3, where
compressive steel is present and equation (38) does
not strictly apply.


The step-by-step method provides a relatively simple

and rational method for evaluating long-term creep
effects in prestressed concrete beam sections. For
Australian Journal of Structural Engineering

A simple, closed-form expression for the long-term

creep curvature in a prestressed section with tensile
reinforcement is given by equation (42):

c** = c* + c* = o*o + 12 (ccp*)/D

The increment c* is positive when there is a

preponderance of reinforcement and tendon in the
lower part of the beam. Since the free creep curvature
c* is positive if MG > Mp, and negative if MG < Mp, it
follows that c* can either magnify or attenuate c*.
It is important therefore to check signs.
Calculations show that the correction c* can be
up to about 30% of the free creep curvature c*
when reinforcement is present in the section. This
suggests that c* could be used without correction
as an estimate of long-term curvature in preliminary
design calculations, and possibly also in final design
calculations for non-deflection-sensitive members.
Vol 15 No 1

Simplified analysis of creep in prestressed concrete beams Warner

An improved estimate of the creep curvature can

usually be obtained from a single-step analysis,
but always from a multi-step analysis. A multi-step
analysis will be required in special circumstances, for
example where the sustained load changes over time.
When a full analysis is not warranted, equation (42)
can be used to estimate c*. Numerical examples
show that equation (42) gives results within about
15% of the one-step analysis. However, it does not
take account of compressive reinforcement, and
works best when the tensile reinforcement is close
to the tendon.
It is emphasised that the work described in this
paper is purely analytic. It does not rely on fitting
equations to test data. To check on the accuracy of
the analyses, results from available long-term beam
tests are currently being compared with theoretical
predictions. The work is also being extended to deal
with cracked sections and varying sustained loads,
and an improvement is being sought for equation
(42), to take account of compressive reinforcement.


commented critically on the analyses, and undertook

check calculations for the results presented in section
5 of this paper.
Bazant, Z. P. & Carol, I. 1988, Mathematical modelling
of creep and shrinkage for concrete, John Wiley & Sons,
New York.
Bazant, Z. P. & Wittmann, F. 1982, Creep and shrinkage
in concrete structures, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Kawano, A. & Warner, R. F. 1996, Model formulations
for numerical creep calculations for concrete, ASCE
Journal of Structural Engineering, Vol. 122, No. 3, March.
Standards Australia, 2009, AS 3600-2009 Concrete
Warner, R. F. 2012, Step-by-step analysis of creep and
shrinkage effects in prestressed concrete, Research
Report No 179, School of Civil, Environmental and
Mining Engineering, The University of Adelaide.

I wish to acknowledge assistance provided by my
colleague and friend, the late Ken Faulkes, who

Australian Journal of Structural Engineering

Warner, R. F. 2014, Analysis of shrinkage in prestressed

concrete slabs and beams, Australian Journal of
Structural Engineering, accepted for publication.

Vol 15 No 1


Simplified analysis of creep in prestressed concrete beams Warner

Robert F Warner is Emeritus Professor of Civil Engineering at the University of
Adelaide, where he has taught structural engineering and planning and design
since 1979. He was previously a professor of civil engineering at the University of
New South Wales. He has been a Fellow of the Academy of Technological Sciences
and Engineering since 1998. He has co-authored numerous research papers and
text books on reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete and engineering planning
and design. A text book on reinforced concrete, co-authored with B V Rangan
and A S Hall, received the Book Award from the Building Science Forum of
Australia in 1977, when it was first published. This book has been in print ever
since, in various editions and with additional co-authors, and has been used
by many generations of students in Australia studying reinforced concrete
design. A text book on prestressed concrete, co-authored with K A Faulkes,
was first published in 1979. It played an important role in modernising design
practice for prestressed concrete in Australia, paving the way for the subsequent
unified concrete structures standard. In 1998 Robert was the first recipient of
the John Connell Gold Medal of the Institution of Engineers, Australia. He was
awarded both the Chapman Medal and the Warren Medal of the Institution
of Engineers for the same research paper. He has received each medal on
two occasions. His current activities include revising texts on reinforced and
prestressed concrete, presenting introductory lectures on prestressed concrete
design to undergraduates, and studying the long-term behaviour of prestressed

Australian Journal of Structural Engineering

Vol 15 No 1

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