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The flood is a type of the baptism. God washes away our sins.

The Ark (Noah's) is a symbol of Christ's body.

*There was a door on the side of the Ark through which everyone who entered was
saved. Image of the wound on the side of Christ.
God cleanses the world of sin by the waters of the flood; He cleanses our souls
of sin by the waters of baptism.
We must maintain our end of the bargain: renounce Satan and his works (sin).
Lent is a battle against the fallen man's trinity: me, myself and I.
Through the grace received at baptism, we are equipped to win the spiritual warf
How can we have a clear conscience? By doing all that God asks of us. Many don't
have a clear conscience because their mind is muddled with false doctrines. The
y listen to the world and to the flesh.
All who prepared themselves for a mission went into the desert and made penance.
Jesus will begin His public ministry.
His precursor (John) lives no longer. He has to go out and preach the Gospel Him
O dilvio prefigura o que ocorrer no Juzo Final.
The great flood is a testament to God s hatred of sin and determination to wipe it
from the face of the earth.
From the beginning, Christians have seen in this story a hint of a greater work
of God that would come later. The first flood swept away the evil from the surf
ace of the earth, but not from the hearts of the ark s passengers. The Red Sea cl
osing in upon Pharaoh and his armies had much the same limitation
it did not cle
anse the soul of Israel.
So an even greater act of salvation was needed, one that was more radical, that
penetrated to the very root of evil. God himself enters into our world in the for
m of a man, and engages in hand to hand combat with the father of lies. First J
esus himself is immersed in the waters, a sign of the destruction of sin, though
he himself has no sin. Next he goes into the wilderness to strike at sin s agent
The first Letter of Peter (3:20) points out something that we can easily miss
ere happened to be 8 persons in the ark. Jesus rose from the day after the Sabb
ath, the Eighth Day.
God created the old world in six days, rested on the seventh
, and performed the new creation on the eighth.
Smaller buildings called baptistries were erected next door to the church. It i
s notable that they were generally octagonal (eight-sided). Why? Because bapti
sm means burying the old man with Christ and emerging from the womb of the Churc
h as a new creation, sharing in Christ s resurrection.
A Criao se ordena como em procisso litrgica; ao final, surge seu sumo-sacerdote e re
i, Ado. Tributa graas e honra ao Senhor e administra sua herana.

Essa bela ordem estabelecida por Deus destruda pelos homens (o pecado deforma aqu
ilo que recebera sua forma de Deus). O dilvio evoca o poder destrutivo do pecado,
que desfaz a boa ordem da Criao.
No interpretemos o dilvio como resultado da ira divina, mas como "fsica espiritual"
: consequncia inevitvel do pecado e da destruio da ordem natural.
Salvao: homem est situado no contexto da Criao - Deus preserva, na Arca, um microcosm
o da ordem original e boa da Criao - Arca tipo do Templo e da Igreja
Igreja: porto seguro no qual um resto da ordem divina da Criao preservada em meio
a um mundo em runas
Catedrais: construdas como navios - corredor central: nave
Ao oferecer o po e o vinho no ofertrio, oferece-se toda a Criao de volta ao Senhor

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