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Rubik's Cube




How to Solve a Rubik's Cube (Easy Move

First LayerMiddle LayerLast layerNotations
Edited by NatK, Krystle, Mimi, BohemianWikipedian and 59 others
The Rubik's Cube can be very frustrating and may seem next to impossible to restore to its
original configuration. However, once you know a few algorithms, it is very easy to solve. The

method described in this article is the layer method: we first solve one face of the cube (first
layer), then the middle layer, and finally the last layer.

Method 1 of 4: First Layer

1. 1
Familiarize yourself with the Notations at the bottom of the page.
2. 2
Choose one face to start with. In the examples that will follow, the color for the first
layer is white.
3. 3

Solve the cross. Set into position the four edge pieces that contain white. (You should be
able to do this by yourself without needing algorithms.) All four edge pieces can be
placed in a maximum of eight moves (five or six in general).
o Place the cross at the bottom. Turn the cube over 180 so that the cross now on
the bottom.
4. 4
Solve the four corners of the first layer, one by one. You should also be able to place
the corners without needing algorithms. To get you started, here is an example of one
corner being solved:

o At the end of this step, the first layer should be complete, with a solid color (in
this case, white) at the bottom.
5. 5
Verify your first layer is correct. You should now have the first layer complete and look
like this (from the bottom side):

Method 2 of 4: Middle Layer

1. 1
Place the four edges of the middle layer. Those edge pieces are the ones that do not
contain yellow in our example. You need to know only one algorithm to solve the middle
layer. The second algorithm is symmetrical to the first.
o If the edge piece is located in the last layer :


symmetrical to (1.a)

o If the edge piece is in the middle layer but in the wrong place or with the wrong
orientation, simply use the same algorithm to place any other edge piece in its
position. Your edge piece will then be in the last layer, and you just have to use
the algorithm again to position it properly in the middle layer.

2. 2
Verify correct positioning. Your cube should now have the first two layers complete and
look like this (from the bottom side) :

Method 3 of 4: Last layer

1. 1
Permute the corners. At this step, our goal is to place the corners of the last layer in
their correct position, regardless of their orientation.
o Locate two adjacent corners that share a color other than the color of the top layer
(other than yellow in our case).
o Turn the top layer until these two corners are on the correct color side, facing you.
For instance, if the two adjacent corners both contain red, turn the top layer until
those two corners are on the red side of the cube. Note that on the other side, the
two corners of the top layer will both contain the color of that side as well (orange
in our example).

o Determine whether the two corners of the front side are in their correct position,
and swap them if needed. In our example, the right side is green, and the left side
is blue. Therefore the front corner on the right must contain green, and the front
corner on the left must contain blue. If it is not the case, you will need to swap
those two corners with the following algorithm:
Swap 1 and 2 :


o Do the same with the two corners at the back. Turn the cube around to place the
other side (orange) in front of you. Swap the two front corners if needed.

o As an alternative, if you notice that both the front pair and the back pair of corners
need to be swapped, you can do it with only one algorithm (note the huge
similarity with the previous algorithm):
Swap 1 with 2 and 3 with 4 :


2. 2
Orient the corners. Locate each top color facelet of the corners (yellow in our case). You
need to know only one algorithm to orient the corners:


o The algorithm will rotate three corners on themselves at once (from the side to the
top). The blue arrows show which three corners you are turning, and in which
direction (clockwise). If the yellow stickers are the way shown on the pictures and
you perform the algorithm once, you should end up with the four yellow stickers
on top :

o It is also convenient to use the symmetrical algorithm (here the red arrows are
counter-clockwise turns):
to (3.a)
o Note: performing one of these algorithms twice is equivalent to performing the
other. In some cases, you will need to perform the algorithm more than once :
o Two correctly oriented corners :

o No correctly oriented corner :

o More generally, apply (3.a) in those cases:

Two correctly oriented corners :

No correctly oriented corner :

3. 3

Permute the edges. You will need to know only one algorithm for this step. Check
whether one or several edges are already in the proper position (the orientation does not
matter at this point).
o If all the edges are in their correct positions, you are done for this step.
o If one edge only is correctly positioned, use the following algorithm :


o Or its symmetrical :
Symmetrical to
Note : performing twice one of these algorithms is equivalent to performing the
o If all four edges are incorrectly positioned, perform one of the two algorithms
once from any side. You will then have only one edge correctly positioned.
4. 4
Orient the edges. You will need to know two algorithms for that last step :
Dedmore "H" Pattern

Dedmore "Fish" Pattern

o Note the DOWN, LEFT, UP, RIGHT, sequence to most of the Dedmore "H" and
"Fish" algorithms. You really have only one algorithm to remember since :

(6) =

+ (5) +
o If all four edges are flipped, perform the "H" pattern algorithm from any side, and
you will have to perform that algorithm one more time to solve the cube.

5. 5
Congratulations! Your cube should now be solved.

Method 4 of 4: Notations
1. 1
This is the key to the notations used.
o The pieces that compose the Rubik's Cube are called Cubies, and the color
stickers on the Cubies are called facelets.
o There are three types of Cubies:

The centers (or center pieces), at the center of each face of the Cube.
There are six of them, each have one facelet

The corners (or corner pieces), at the corners of the Cube. There are eight
of them, and each have three facelets

The edges (or edge pieces), between each pair of adjacent corners. There
are 12 of them and each have 2 facelets

o Not all cubes have the same color schemes. The the colors used for these
illustrations is called BOY (because the Blue, Orange and Yellow faces are in
clockwise order).

White opposes yellow;

Blue opposes green;

Orange opposes red;

2. 2
This article uses two different views for the Cube:

o The 3D View, showing three sides of the Cube: the front (red), the top (yellow),
and the right side (green). In Step 4, the algorithm (1.b) is illustrated with a
picture showing the left side of the cube (blue), the front (red) and top (yellow).

o The Top View, showing only the top of the cube (yellow). The front side is at the
bottom (red).

3. 3
For the top view, each bar indicates the location of the important facelet. In the
picture, the yellow facelets of the top back corners are on the top (yellow) side, while the
yellow facelets of the top front corners are both located on the front side of the cube.

4. 4
When a facelet is grey, it means that its color is not important at the moment.
5. 5
The arrows (blue or red) show what the algorithm will do. In the case of the algorithm
(3.a) for instance, it will rotate the three corners on themselves as shown. If the yellow
facelets are as drawn on the picture, at the end of the algorithm they will be on top.

o The axis of the rotation is the big diagonal of the cube (from one corner to the
corner all the way on the other side of the cube).
o Blue arrows are used for clockwise turns (algorithm (3.a)).
o Red arrows are used for counter-clockwise turns (algorithm (3.b), symmetrical to
6. 6
For the top view, the light blue facelets indicate that an edge is incorrectly oriented.
In the picture, the edges on the left and right are both incorrectly oriented. This means
that if the top face is yellow, the yellow facelets for those two edges are not on the top,
but on the side.

7. 7
For the move notations it is important to always look at the cube from the front side.
o Rotation of the front side.

o Rotation of one of the three vertical rows:

o Rotation of one of the three horizontal rows:

o A few examples of moves:




Practice. Spend some time with your cube to learn how to move pieces around. This is
especially important when you are learning to solve the first layer.

Know the colors of your cube. You must know which color is opposite which, and the
order of the colors around each face. For instance, if white is on top and red in front, then
you must know that blue is on the right, orange in the back, green on the left and yellow
at the bottom.

Locate all four edges and try to think ahead about how to move them into position
without actually doing it. With practice and experience, this will teach you ways to solve
it in fewer moves. And in a competition, participants are given 15 seconds to inspect their
cube before the timer starts.

Understand how the algorithms work. While executing the algorithm, try to follow key
pieces around to see where they go. Try to find pattern in the algorithms. For instance :
o In the algorithms (2.a) and (2.b) used to permute corners of the top layer, you
execute four moves (at the end of which all bottom layer and middle layer cubies
are back in the bottom and middle layers), then turn the upper layer, and then
execute the reverse of the first four moves. Therefore, this algorithm does not
affect the first/bottom and middle layers.
o For the algorithms (4.a) and (4.b), note you are turning the top layer in the same
direction that you need to turn the three edges.
o For the algorithm (5), Dedmore "H" Pattern, a way to remember the algorithm is
to follow the path of the flipped edge on the top right and the pair of corners
around it for the first half of the algorithm. And then for the other half of the
algorithm, follow the other flipped edge and pair of corners. You'll notice that you
perform five moves (seven moves if counting half turns as two moves), then half
turn the top layer, then reverse those first five moves, and finally half turn the top
layer again.

You can either start with the same color to help you understand where each color goes,
or try to be efficient by choosing a color for which it is easier to solve the cross.

For those interested in speed cubing, or those who simply don't like how hard it is to
turn pieces, it is a good idea to buy a DIY kit. The pieces of speedcubes have rounder
inner corners and DIY kits allow you to adjust the tension, making it a lot easier to move
pieces. Consider also lubricating your cube with a silicon based lubricant.

Progress further. Once you know all the algorithms, you may want to find faster ways to
solve the Rubik's:
o Solve the first layer corner along with its middle layer edge in one move.[1]
o Learn algorithms to orient the last layer corners in the five cases where two
(3.a/b) algorithms are necessary.
o Learn algorithms to permute the last layer edges in the two cases where no edge is
correctly positioned.
o Learn the algorithm for the case where all last layer edges are flipped.

Progress even further. For the last layer, if you want to solve the cube fast, you will
need to do the last four steps two by two. For instance, permute and orient the corners in
one step, then permute and orient the edges in one step. Or you can choose to orient all
corners and edges in one step, then permute all corners and edges in one step.[2]

The layer method is just one of many methods out there. For instance, the Petrus method,
which solves the cube in fewer moves, consists in building a 222 block, then
expanding it to a 223, correcting edge orientation, building a 233 (two layers
solved), positioning the remaining corners, orienting those corners, and finally
positioning the remaining edges.[3]



Related wikiHows

How to
Make a Speedcube

How to
Make Awesome Rubik's Cube Patterns

How to
Make the "H" Pattern on a Rubik's Cube

How to
Solve a Rubik's Cube Using Commutators

How to
Solve a 2X2X2 Rubik's Cube

How to
Solve a Rubik's Cube with the Layer Method

Sources and Citations - algorithms, videos, cube solvers, world records and ranking.

Beginner Solution to the Rubik's Cube.

Solving the cross tips and examples.

Solution for solving the Rubik's Cube step by step illustrated method.

Petrus Method illustrated with java animations.

How to solve a Rubik's cube at the official Rubik's Cube website.

1. (Algorithms > First two layers)

2. (Algorithms > Final layer)

Article Info
Featured Article
Categories: Featured Articles | Rubik's Cube
Recent edits by: Kupiel, Stanley Bileschi, Anna Fraioli
In other languages:
Espaol: Cmo resolver un cubo de Rubik, Portugus: Como Resolver o Cubo
Mgico, Deutsch: Einen Rubik's Cube in einfachen Zgen lsen, Franais: Comment rsoudre un
Rubik's Cube, : , Italiano: Come Risolvere il Cubo di Rubik con
il Metodo a Strati, Nederlands: Rubiks kubus oplossen, :





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What Is The Easiest Way To Solve A Rubiks



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The Rubiks cube is one of those puzzles that are endlessly fascinating to people of all age
groups. But, trying to solve it for the first time can be an exercise in frustration. If only there was
an easy way to learn how.
Well, as it happens, there is. Im a first-time cuber myself, if you ignore my previous attempts to
solve the puzzle by idly twisting the cube this way and that, without applying an ounce of
thought or logic.
Driven by the desire to learn to solve the Rubiks cube, I decided to start afresh, this time with
more focus and practice. As expected, the Web provided endless interesting content on the topic.

Where I Began My Quest

I started my search for information with Saikats article on websites to solve the Rubiks cube.
Things just snowballed from there and I ended up with page after page of tricks and algorithms.

Finally, I narrowed down a few simple methods recommended for beginners and put them to the
test. As I found out, there is indeed a method that stands out for its simplicity and ease of
memorization. Using this method, I was not only able to solve the cube, but also repeat the
process several times over with surprising ease.

The Easiest Method

Here is a detailed look at that simple method to solve the Rubiks cube, as explained by Vince
Rocca in his YouTube video. Of course, you can always learn by watching the video. But for
those who prefer the written word and appreciate the inputs of a fellow newbie, the following
description can help. Pair it with the video and maybe you can even grasp the solution faster and

The Basics You Need To Know

Familiarizing yourself with the pieces of the cube and the standard notations used in various
Rubiks cube algorithms, including the one Im describing here, is important and quite easy.
The six faces of the cube are referred to as Front (F), Back (B), Up (U), Down (D), Left (L), and
Right (R). Moving any face in the clockwise direction is denoted by the letter corresponding to
that face. An anti-clockwise move is denoted by appending an apostrophe (called a prime) to the
face letter. For example, if youre moving the front face in the clockwise direction and then
moving the right face in the anti-clockwise direction, these two moves would be referred to as
This Wikihow article visually explains what you need to know about Rubiks cube notations.
No matter in which direction you turn the cube, the pieces that form the edges of the middle
layer are called edge pieces. Those at the corners of all faces are called corner pieces.
As Rocca explains in his video, edge pieces can replace only edge pieces and corner pieces can
replace only corner ones. Also note that the center/middle piece, which is the piece left on each
face after excluding the edge and corner pieces, cannot be swapped or twisted.

Phase 1 Solving The Upper Face Cross

To solve the cube using Roccas method, you need to create a cross of a single color on one the
faces. Pick a center piece, say the orange-colored one, and turn the cube so that this piece is on
the upper face. Notice the colors of the middle pieces on the front, back, left, and right faces. In
this case, they will be blue, green, white, and yellow.
Lets solve for the white center piece. To do that, you have to find one of the two pieces that have
orange on one side and white on another, and move that piece in such a way that it fits between
the orange and white center pieces. Obviously, the orientation should be such that the orange
portion of this piece is adjacent to the orange piece of the upper face and the white is above the
white center piece of the side face. This completes one edge of the cross were aiming for.

Solve for the remaining center pieces (green, blue, and yellow) using the same method, to
complete the orange cross on the upper face. At the end of this phase, the solved pieces will
appear like the ones shown below.
It helps to remember that the piece you want to insert to form the cross must appear on or
be moved to the middle layer i.e. the layer below the upper face.

Phase 2 Solving The Upper Face

Our next goal is to slide the orange corner pieces into place on the upper face. To do that, we will
use a method similar to the one we used to finish the orange cross. Only this time, well be
finding pieces with colors corresponding to three center pieces at a time, one of the colors being
orange, of course.
Manipulate the cube until the orange portion of a piece is facing a side i.e. not facing down. Then
bring that piece to the corner directly below the one where it needs to go.

There can be two possibilities at this point. If the orange section is facing you, DR'DR will put
the corner piece in the right place. If the unsolved orange section is facing right, RD'R will solve
the corner.
Keep using this technique until all the corner pieces of the top layer are in place. The upper face
should appear as shown below. The center pieces of the middle layer will automatically be in
place, while the edge pieces may or may not be placed correctly.

Phase 3 Solving The Middle Layer

Now, from the bottom layer, select an edge piece that does not match the color of the center piece
of the bottom face on any side. In this example, skip bottom layer pieces that contain the color
red, and pick a piece formed by any of the following colors: blue, green, yellow, white.
Twist the bottom layer such that the front-facing section of this piece lines up with its matching
color in the middle and top layers to form a T-shaped element. For example, the piece I have
chosen has white on the front face and green on the bottom face. I have moved the bottom layer
to make the piece line up to form the white T shown in the figure below.

Now, the white face of this piece has to fit in the edge position to its left, since the green face on
the bottom has to line up with the green pieces on the left face. Here, holding the cube with the T
facing you and using the moves DLDLD'FD'F solves the puzzle for the white and green piece
(see image below). If the white face had to appear at the edge position on its right, I would have
used the moves DR'DRDFDF instead.

Beginning with a new T-shaped section every time, repeat this procedure until all the edge pieces
of the middle layer are in place and the cube looks like this:

Phase 4 Solving The Bottom (Down) Face Cross

Turn the cube upside down, so that the bottom face is toward you. Going by this example, turn
the cube until youre looking down at the red center piece.
This is where things become a little tricky and you have to proceed intuitively. Repeat the moves
FURUR'F over and over again until you create a red cross on the top. The goal is to leave the
red cross and only one red corner piece facing upward at the bottom left corner as shown in the
figure below.

If there are more of those red corner pieces facing upward, move the cube so that one of the red
pieces on the side face is toward you and use the moves RURURUUR. Repeat this sequence
until the upper face has been solved for red.

Phase 5 Solving The Final Layer

At this point, the bottom layer (now the top layer since you have turned the cube upside down)
will have at least one set of corner pieces matching each other, like the yellow ones shown in the
image above.

If there are no such matching pieces, perform the moves RFRBBRFRBBRR till they appear
at least on one face. Then turn the cube till those matching corner pieces are on the back face,
and go through the same sequence again till there are matching corner pieces on every face. One
of the faces might even appear to be solved at this point. Now perform the moves
FFULRFFRLUFF repeatedly till the cube is solved.

The Takeaway
If you solve the cube once by taking an easy and logical approach such as this one, you know
you can solve it any number of times. As I have found out, you stop being afraid of twisting the
cube lest you cant get back a solved piece of the puzzle.
You get the confidence to experiment with new algorithms and apps, give speedcubing a shot,
and maybe even try to come up with an algorithm of your own. Suddenly, a whole new world
opens up to you.
But be warned. Once you solve the Rubiks cube, your brain will constantly crave such things
that spark your creativity.
Have you solved the Rubiks cube? Which method do you think is the easiest?
Image Credits: LaPetra

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20 Comments - Write a Comment

0 votes

January 17, 2014
As someone who solves regularly this is a fairly good way to start. Nice article. +1

January 18, 2014
Thank you, Jonathan :)

0 votes

Alan W
January 17, 2014
I always found that taking off all the buttons or whatever they are called and putting them back
on in the right order the easiest method.

January 18, 2014
It is, but not easy as detachable colored stickers :D

0 votes

January 17, 2014
I got a cube a christmas present back in the 1970s.. It never left my side for the first week.. I
managed to solve it by new years day.. The method I found was to get first the top 4 corners, then
the bottom 4 corners, then the top and bottom layer, and finally the middle layer.. this is the only
method I have ever used.. Never looked into the top,middle, bottom solution that most people
who have read up on a solution use..

Adam B
January 18, 2014
yes I too feel this is the easiest way as Mr. Mango has suggested. I solve the cube exactly as you
too do it. Top corners, Bottom Corners, Top and Bottom layers, and last middle layers.

January 18, 2014
I must give that a shot then. The good thing is now that I have got one method right, I dont
worry about messing up a solved portion of the cube to try something else.

0 votes

Brian M
January 18, 2014
I started speedcubing a bit more than half a decade ago. Since then, my times have improved
quite a lot. I prefer to use CFOP to solve cubes.

January 18, 2014

Im waiting to try speedcubing. Ill add CFOP to my growing list of methods to try. Thanks for
the tip, Brian.

0 votes

January 18, 2014
I had a cube as a kid. One day, some stranger walked over and asked to have a go at solving it.
He held it behind his back, twisted and turned it for about one minute, then presented me with a
completed cube. He walked away with no explanation just a smile. There is must be, a
simpler solution than Ive managed to find on the web.

January 18, 2014
I know a kid who does that (solving behind his back) and solves a 55 cube pretty quickly too.
Now Im more determined than ever to learn to solve it faster. I guess once the cube twists and
turns come intuitively, finding a different method of your own becomes easier.

January 18, 2014
If you do find a simpler solution (and the stranger someday), do let us know :)

January 18, 2014
It happened sometime in the eighties! The cube was distinctive so no trickery or dismantling
was involved it happened too quickly.

0 votes

January 18, 2014
I was able to solve 2 upper layers when I first picked up a rubiks cube. My brother could solve 1
layer (he was only 6 at that time).

January 20, 2014
Thats interesting. I dont know their secret, but somehow kids seem to get it right quicker than

0 votes

January 19, 2014
You can use F2L method to solve rubiks fast. Using this method you can solve 2 layers with a
single algorithm.

January 20, 2014
Oh. Im wondering if the CFOP method suggested by Brian above is another name for F2L. Will
try them all :)

0 votes

Robert O
January 19, 2014
I was introduced to the Rubiks Cube 30+ years ago (when I was a teen), and to this date have
never been able to solve more than one side. :-(
I remember when my aunt first brought over the cube; I took it and locked myself in the closet
for an hour before I sheepishly emerged with just one side solved.
This article makes it seem that even I can learn to solve the cube! The notation stuff is a bit
confusing, but I do have an unsolved cube near my bed, so I guess I can give it a go!
Thanks for the great article! Lets see if, after 30 years, I can finally conquer the Cube!

January 20, 2014
Thank you, Robert!
At least you were able to solve one side right away. I wasnt :)

The clockwise-anticlockwise moves can be a bit confusing in the beginning, but with a little
careful practice, you get used to it. Spend a Sunday focusing on the solution, and Im sure youll
get it right.
Let us know how it goes.

0 votes

February 7, 2014
well, i must admit, i havent come across many blogs whose author replies as much as
AKSHATA does and with such curiosity and respect.

Your comment

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