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Bear Crawls


Come to the ground, placing your knees below your hips and your hands below your shoulders.
Elevate your hips up, extending your legs and arms. Keep the head in a neutral position.


Move the right hand forward as you simultaneously move the left foot forward. Afterwards, move
the left hand and right foot forward.


Continue in this back and forth pattern, always moving the opposite hand and foot. Remember to
brace the core throughout the movement.

Bench Flutter Kicks


Lie face down on a flat bench with your hips on the edge of the bench. Fully extend your legs and raise your feet up from the floor so
that they are in line with your body .


Place your arms on top of the bench, using them to hold on to the front edge of the bench for stability.


Squeeze your glutes and hamstrings and straighten your legs until they are level with your hips. This is
the start position.


Start the exercise by raising you left leg higher than your right leg.


Then lower the left leg as you lift the right leg and so on.


Alternate in this manner until you have done all repetitions for each leg.


Note: When performing this exercise, breathe normally.


As your strength increases, you can add ankle weights.

Bicycles / Elbow-to-Knee Crunches / Cross-body Crunches


Lie flat on an exercise mat on the floor keeping your lower back straight with no arching of your spine and with your knees bent and
feet flat on the floor.


Place your hands lightly on the sides of your head.


Curl your torso upwards so your shoulders are slightly raised off the floor..


Raise your knees until your thighs are at a right angle to the floor and your calves are parallel to
the floor. This is the start position.


Slowly move your legs in a pedaling action as if you are riding a bicycle.


As you do so, exhale and bring your opposing elbow close to each knee by crunching to one side. Left elbow to right knee. Right elbow
to left knee.


After each crunch, return to the start position inhaling as you do so.


Without pausing, repeat the movement to the other side.


Repeat without pausing for the desired number of repetitions to each side.

10. Note: Do not use your hands to pull your head and neck up during this exercise. Doing so may cause injury.
11. Concentrate on a slow rhythmic cycle from side to side with perfect form for each repetition.

Bird Dogs / Alternating Reach & Kickbacks


Position yourself on all fours with knees underneath the hips and wrists under the shoulders.


Engage your abs and keep your spine neutral, pulling the shoulder blades towards the hips.


Lengthen the left leg until it is straight out and in line with your hips while simultaneously raising
and straightening your right arm until it is parallel to the floor. Keep your head and shoulders aligned
at all times.


Gently lower your arm and leg back to the starting position and alternate with the other arm and leg.

Burpees / Squat Thrusts


Stand straight with your feet shoulder width apart and hands by your sides. This is the start position.


In one smooth motion, squat down and place your hands palms down on the floor in front of your feet.


Lean forward, so your weight is on your hands, at the same time jumping your legs out behind
you until they are fully extended. Your body should form a straight line with your weight
supported on your toes and the balls of your feet and your arms fully extended. (In a push up


Jump your feet out by spreading your legs, so that they are wider than hip width apart, then
immediately jump them back together.


Complete 1 full push up.


Jump your feet forward to just behind your hands.


Use an explosive motion to push through your heels and return to the start postion.

Clamshells / Clams

On a mat or comfortable surface, lie on your left side. Place your left hand behind your head while
placing your right hand across your body.


Bend your stacked knees so that your feet are behind you. Begin the movement by lifting the left
knee up while keeping the feet together.


Pause at the top of the movement and slowly lower your left knee down to the starting position.

Cobra Abdominal Stretch / Old Horse Stretch


Lie face down with your hands under your shoulders.


Point your feet downwards to lengthen your spine.


Slowly push your torso up as far as you comfortably can try to get your hips to rise off the
floor slightly.


Hold the stretch and then lower down to starting position.

Warning: Avoid this stretch if you have back problems.


Lie flat on your back with your feet flat on the ground, with your knees bent at 90 degrees. Alternatively, you can place your feet up on
a bench a few inches apart with your toes turned inwards and touching.


Place your hands lightly on either side of your head.


Keep your elbows in so that they are parallel to your body.


Push your back down flat into the floor to isolate your abdominal muscles.


Gently curl your shoulders forward and up off the floor.


Continue to push down into the floor with your lower back.


Raise your shoulders about four to six inches only.


Hold and squeeze your abdominal muscles for a count of one.


Return to the start position in a smooth movement.

Dead Bug

Lie on your back. Extend hands straight above towards the ceiling. Bring your knees up to a 90degree angle. Shins should be parallel to the floor. Exhale and bring hips off the floor.


Begin by extending one leg forward. The foot should be hovering just above the ground.


Pause then return the leg to its starting position while extending the opposing leg. Keep
alternating legs while maintaining a tight core.

Double Crunches

Lie on your back. Bring your knees up to a 90-degree angle. Shins should be parallel to the floor.
Place your hands behind your head and bring your shoulders off the ground.


Exhale and contract your abdominals. Bring your head towards your knees while moving your
knees toward your chest.


Pause and return to the starting position.

Double Side Jackknifes

Bring yourself to the ground and lie on your left side. Be sure to stack your feet.

Place your left hand on your side while raising your right arm above your head so that the elbow is
pointing towards the sky.

Focusing all of the tension and contraction in the obliques, bring your feet up while you raise your
upper body. Lead with the right elbow.

Hold the contraction and slowly return to the starting position. Do not allow your feet or shoulder to
touch the ground.

Flutter Kicks


Lie on a mat with your hands under your buttocks and raise your legs slightly, keeping knees straight
and ankles together.


Keep abs engaged and perform short kicks in an alternating fashion.


Repeat as needed and then lower legs to the ground.

Hanging Leg Raises


Grip a chin up or pull up bar with a firm overhand grip.


Hang from the bar with your legs straight.


Raise your legs by flexing your hips forward and bending your knees up towards your chest.


Continue to raise your knees towards your chest by flexing your waist forward. Dont swing your
body to use momentum. Use your abdominals to pull your legs up.


Return to the starting position, lowering your legs slowly until they are straight.

Note: For added resistance you can wear a dip belt with weight suspended from.

High Knees / Front Knee Lifts / Run / Jog on the Spot


Begin jogging in place, lifting the knees as high as you can.


Try to lift your knees up to hip level but keep the core tight to support your back.


For a more advanced move, hold your hands straight at hip level and try to touch the knees to your
hands as you lift them.


Bring the knees towards your hands instead of reaching the hands to the knees!

Hindu / Judo Push-up / Dive Bombers


Place your hands flat on the floor shoulder width apart.


Keep your back straight and fully extend your legs behind you into a regular push up position, but
with your feet spread slightly wider than shoulder width. Your body should be supported on your
toes and hands only.


Keeping your arms straight, move your hands back towards your feet, until your back arches
upwards and you are looking between your feet. (Your body should form an upside down V
shape) This is the start position.


As you slowly exhale, bend your elbows, so that your chest and body arc forward and your hips move towards the floor.


As you reach the start position, continue the movement by arching your back and straightening your arms. This will push your torso
upwards so that your head and chest raise and you are looking above you.


Slowly inhale and push through your arms to return to the start position.

Notes: Hindu push ups are sometimes referred to as Dive Bombers. However a dive bomber incorporates a traditional push up at the midway
point of the movement.
Beginners: You can perform this exercise in a modified push up stance. That is, with your knees on the floor so the movement is completed using
mainly your upper body.

Inchworms / Walkouts


Stand tall with your legs extended straight.


Bend over from the hips and touch the floor with your palms flat on the floor.


Keep your legs straight as you walk your hands as far forward as you can. Dont let your hips sag.


Take small steps and walk your feet to your hands.


Continue for the desired amount of repetitions and then straighten up to the starting position.

Jackknife Sit-up / Crunch / Toe Touches


Lie flat on an exercise mat, extending your arms straight back behind your head.


Fully extend your legs also.This is the start position.


Bend at your waist and at the same time, raise your legs and arms to meet in a closed jackknife
position. Exhale as you do this.


At this point, your legs should remain fully extended at between 35-45 degrees from the floor.


Your arms should be fully extended, parallel to your legs.


Your upper body should be raised off the floor.


Return to the start position by lowering your arms and legs back to the floor, exhaling as you do so.

Knee Plank

Lie face down on the ground with your legs together and your arms at your sides. Position your
hands beneath your shoulders.


Tighten your core and elevate your upper body off the ground, stabilizing yourself with your
forearms. Your feet, shins, and knees will remain on the ground.


Do not allow your hips to drop down. Hold the tension in your core for the prescribed amount of time. Slowly release back to the
starting position.

Leg Pull-In Knee-ups


Lie flat with hands under your buttocks.


Keep your knees together and pull them in towards you while moving your torso towards them (lift
your head, neck and shoulders up).


Hold and then slowly return to starting position.

Lying Leg Raises / Lifts


Lie on your back on a mat with hands under your lower buttocks on either side to support
your pelvis.


Legs straight out in front of you, ankles together and feet slightly off the floor.


Keep your knees straight and raise your legs by flexing the hips until they are completely


Return to starting position.

Mountain Climbers / Alternating Knee-ins


Place your hands flat on the floor, shoulder width apart.


Extend your torso and legs fully behind you with only your toes and balls of your feet touching the floor.


Your body should be in a straight line, with your weight supported on your hands and
toes only.


Starting with either leg, flex your knee and hip at the same time to bring your knee up
and under your hip. Your other leg should remain fully extended. This is the start


Using an explosive movement, reverse the position of your legs, by extending the bent
leg back and simultaneously flexing the straight leg until it is in the startposition.


Continue alternating in this manner for the desire amount of time.


Get into a face down position on the floor supporting your upper body on your forearms. Your elbows should be bent at
90 degrees.


Extend your legs straight out behind you, supporting them on your toes and balls of your


Keep your body in a straight line by tightening your abdominal and oblique muscles.


Hold for as long as possible.

Note: For extra balance training and core strengthening, you can lift one arm or leg.
Plank Jacks / Extended Leg

Get into a pushup position with hands under shoulders and body straight from head to toes.


Engage your core and bend your elbows, keeping them in towards the body.


Lower your body towards the floor.


Straighten your arms and quickly jump the feet forward to outside of the hands.


Jump back to starting position.

Plank Knee to Elbow

Lay face down on the ground with extended legs.

Point your toes while you place your hands beneath your shoulders.

Push yourself up into the plank position.

Maintaining a tight core and flat back, bring your left knee to your right elbow.

Pause and slowly return each to the starting point.

Repeat with the other side and keep alternating.

Plank Leg Lifts


Lie on a mat and position yourself in a plank position. Place your elbows on the floor beneath your
shoulders. Your toes should touch the floor and your torso should be lifted in a straight line.


Engage your core muscles and lift one foot off the floor. Keep the rest of your body as still as you
can. Your heel should lift until it is in line with your buttocks.


Slowly lower the leg to the starting position and repeat with the other leg.

Plank to Push-Up / Pushups / Walking Plank Up-Downs


Start in the plank position with your elbows shoulder-width apart.


Press yourself up from the floor one arm at a time into a push-up, maintaining your body in a straight


Slowly return to the starting plank position the same way, one arm at a time.


Repeat the movement alternating sides.

Reverse Bench Crunches

Lie on your back on a flat bench.

Reach overhead and grab the top of the bench with both hands.

Brace your abdominal muscles.

Straighten your legs and lift them up. Stop when they are above parallel.

Contract your abdominals as you bend your knees and bring your legs up and towards the top of the bench.

Pause then slowly release your legs to the starting position, making sure to keep the contraction in your abdominals.

Reverse Crunch

Lie flat on an exercise mat on the floor.


Extend your legs fully and place your hands palms down, flat on the floor beside you.


Keeping your feet together, draw your knees up towards your chest, until your thighs are at
90 degrees to the floor and your calves are parallel to it. This is the start position.


As you inhale, curl your hips up off the floor while bringing your knees further towards
your chest.


Continue the movement until your knees are touching your chest, or as far as comfortable.


Hold for a count of one.


In a controlled movement, return your legs to the start position, exhaling as you do so.

Russian / Mason / V-Sit Twists


Lie on an exercise mat and place your feet your under something that will not move or ask a spotter
hold them down for you. Keep your knees bent.


Raise your upper body from the mat to form V-shape with your thighs.


Keep your arms fully extended in front of your chest, clasping your hands together.This is the start


In a smooth motion, twist your upper body to the right until you feel a stretch in your back and sides. Keep your arms
parallel to the floor and exhale as you do this. Hold for a count of one and inhale.


Return to the start position while breathing out.


Repeat the movement,this time to the left side of your body

Note: As your strength increases, you can hold a weight plate or medicine ball in front of you to increase resistance and engage
other muscle groups.
Seated Bench Leg Pull-Ins / Flat Bench Knee-ups

Sit on the end of a bench with your legs fully extended in front of you angled towards the floor slightly.


Grip the sides of the bench for stability.


Leaning back to about a 45-degree angle from the bench. This is the start position.


Pull your knees in toward you at the same time moving your torso towards them. Make sure
you exhale as you perform this part of the movement. Hold for a count of one.


Return to the start position by extending your legs out and relaxing your abdominal muscles.
Breathe in as you do this. Pause and repeat.

Note: This exercise can also be performed on the floor by placing your arms to the sides and raising your legs off the floor slightly.
slightly over the floor.
More advanced athletes can use a dumbbell between their feet or attach a pulley to them for added resistance .
Seated Vacuum

Sit up straight on a bench or chair with your hands on your thighs.

Take a breath in for three to four seconds.

Exhale while focusing on drawing your navel towards your spine.

Keep exhaling for a minimum of five seconds.

Relax and repeat.

Shadow Boxing

Stand tall with a tight core. Keep your gaze straight ahead. Bring your hands up to
shoulder level. Make a tight fist with the thumb on the outside of your hand. Do not wrap
your fingers around your thumb.


Begin in a left lead stance. Your left foot should be in front. Your right foot should be
behind. Throw a left lead jab by extending your left hand straight out in front of you and
immediately retracting.


Follow up the left jab with a right cross. Twist your foot and drive your right hip forward as you throw a straight punch
with your back right hand. Alternate these two punches. Switch sides when finished with the prescribed repetitions.


Lie with knees bent and feet flat on the floor. You can have someone hold your feet or
place them under something to keep them steady.


Place your hands behind your head, elbows pointing out.


Engage your abs and lift your head, neck and shoulders up. Pretend you are holding a small ball under your chin.


Hold and then return to starting position.

Staggered Hand Push-Ups / Pushups


Lying face down, place your hands below your shoulders and your feet directly behind you.
Brace your core and maintain a flat back. Shift your left hand slightly above shoulder height
while you shift your right hand back towards your ribs.


Push yourself up to the starting position, feeling the contraction in your core, chest, and


Slowly lower yourself and once your upper arms are parallel with the floor, pause, and return to the starting position.
Repeat by switching the hand positions.

Standing Cross-body Crunches

Standing up straight, bring your hands behind your head so that your elbows are pointed to the

Twisting your body, bring your left elbow down and across your body. At the same time, raise
your right knee up and across to meet the left elbow.

Return to the starting position.

Repeat on the other side and continue alternating.

Standing Rest / Water Break

Between exercises, do not sit or lie down. Stand straight up and maintain proper form. Your
chest should be up. Your lower back should be flat. Do not allow your shoulders to hunch.

Take periodic sips of water or a sports beverage. Do not chug or drink too much too fast.

Stand in this position for your prescribed rest break then begin your next exercise.

Static Push-up / Pushup Hold


Position yourself in a plank position, supporting your body with your toes and place your
hands underneath your shoulders with elbows extended. Keep your abs engage and prevent
letting your hips sag.


Lower your chest to the floor and hold for 30 seconds.


Straighten up to starting position.

Walking High Kicks / Soldier March


Begin by standing tall with your feet placed shoulder-width apart.


Maintain this posture as you raise your right knee as high as you can and step forward. Try
not to round your lower back.


Repeat with the left leg and continue to alternate legs as you walk.

Weighted Russian / Mason Twists

Warning: When performing this exercise, use smooth controlled movements. Jerking or using
momentum to swing the weight can cause serious lower back injury.

Sit on an exercise mat with your legs fully extended and your upper body upright.


Grip a weight plate between both hands.


Hold the plate out in front of your abdominals keeping your arms bent slightly.


Cross your your ankles and raise them off the floor slightly.


Bend your knees towards you slightly.


Lean back about 15 degrees to balance your body. This is the start position.


In a smooth motion,turn your torso to the left and touch the plate on the floor. Make sure you exhale as you do this.


Return to the start position inhaling as you do so.


Repeat the same movement, this time to your right side, again exhaling as you do so.

10. Return to start position and repeat.

Windshield Wipers

Lie on an exercise mat, keeping your back flat with no arching of the spine.


Extend your arms out beside you at shoulder level, with your palms pressed firmly to the floor. Your upper body should
form a T shape.


Raise your feet off the floor by bending your hips and knees to 90 degree angles. This is the start position.


As you exhale, rotate both your thighs to one side until the outer thigh touches the ground or until you feel a stretch in
your abs and lower back.


Pause briefly, then rotate to the other side without pausing in the start position.


When you have rotated to both sides, that is one repetition.


Repeat for the desired number of repetitions.

Note: This exercise has 3 levels of difficulty:

Beginner: With the knees and hip bent as described above.

Intermediate: Feet up with knees at 90 degrees but the hips remaining in a neutral position.

Advanced: Legs straight and hips bent at 90 degrees so your body forms an L

With weights

Hold a pair of dumbbells at your sides and keep them in a horizontal position.

While maintaining a tight core and flat back, pull the dumbbells out and upwards,
leading with your elbows.

Pause when your upper arm is parallel with the floor.

Flip the dumbbells up so that they are above your shoulders and next to your head.

Pause and return to the starting position.

Standing Front Shoulder Plate / Dumbbell / Kettlebell Raises


Stand tall with a tight core and flat back. Hold a weight plate, dumbbell or kettlebell with
both hands in front of your hips. Be sure to use an overhand grip. You can also use a
resistance band secured under your feet. Your feet should be shoulder-width apart.


With a slight bend in the elbows, raise the weight plate up and in front of you. Pause and
squeeze the shoulders when you reach chest level.


Slowly lower the plate to the starting position, immediately moving into the next repetition.

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