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Jessica Dodson

Annotated Bibliography
Primary Sources
Source 1
Alcatraz Occupation. N.d. Civil Rights in the United States. N.p.: Macmillan Reference
USA, 2000. N. pag. U.S. History in Context [Gale]. Web. 27 Nov. 2016.

This photo shows that the Native Americans carried the United States flag
while occupying Alcatraz in an attempt to grab the attention of the government.
This photo can be used as a visual reference of how the Native Americans lived
while occupying the island. This source is a primary source since the photo was
taken at the time of the event and the Native Americans were standing in the
Alcatraz recreation yard.

Source 2
Alcatraz Occupation in 1969. 1969. San Francisco. Alcatraz Occupation in 1969. N.p.:
n.p., n.d. N. pag. American Government [ABC-CLIO]. Web. 26 Nov. 2016.

This source depicts how negatively the Native Americans felt towards the
US government by the way they sprayed the walls of Alcatraz with graffiti. This
photo can be used to show the emotions of the Native Americans and the ways
they defied the government. This source is a primary source since it was taken at
the time of the event and is a real photo of the Native Americans who occupied

Source 3
"Alcatraz Proclamation (1969)." American Government [ABC-CLIO]. N.p., n.d. Web. 26
Nov. 2016. <>.

This source explains what the Alcatraz Proclamation was and how the
Native Americans felt about the treatment of their people in the US. This
proclamation expresses the harsh feelings of the Native Americans and their
reasoning behind demanding control over Alcatraz. This source is a primary
source since the proclamation was written by the Native Americans who occupied

Source 4
N.d. Lakota Camp, Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. N.p.: n.p., n.d. N. pag. American
History [ABC-CLIO]. Web. 20 Dec. 2016.

This source offers an idea of what an Indian reservation looked like and
how the people lived on a reservation. This photograph can be used as a visual
reference to describe an Indian reservation. This source is a primary source since
it is a photograph of a real reservation taken during the time period of the Pine
Ridge Indian Reservation.

Source 5
"Letter Concerning the Confederation of American Indian Nations." U.S. History in
Context [Gale]. N.p., 1999. Web. 27 Nov. 2016.

This source explains that the Native Americans wanted a Cultural Center
on Alcatraz to prevent their culture from being taken away. This letter, which was
written by the Indians of All Tribes, helps clarify why the Native Americans were
standing up against the government. This source is a primary source since the
letter was written by the Indians of All Tribes.

Source 6
Native American Occupation of Alcatraz. N.d. American History [ABC-CLIO]. Web. 27
Nov. 2016. <

This audio recording claims that the occupation occurred because of a

treaty back in the 1860's which stated that all land taken and unused by the US
government would be returned to the Native Americans. The US government
refusing to give Alcatraz to the Native Americans is reason for conflict and
defiance. This source is a primary source since it is an audio recording of an
interview with a woman who was present at the Alcatraz Occupation.

Secondary Sources
Source 1
Campbell, Heather M. "Alcatraz Occupation." American History [ABC-CLIO]. N.p., n.d.
Web. 26 Nov. 2016. <>.

This source offers detailed information on the occupation of Alcatraz and

the people involved. The information found in this source can be used to explain
what happened during the occupation and why the Native Americans stood up
against the US government. This source is a secondary source since the author did
not experience the event first hand.

Source 2
Hoxie, Frederick E., ed. "Alcatraz, Occupation Of." Encyclopedia of North American
Indians. N.p.: Houghton Mifflin, n.d. History Reference Center [EBSCO]. Web.
27 Nov. 2016. <

This source informed me that the Native American occupiers struggled to

live on Alcatraz due to its lack of resources, and were later removed by federal
marshals. This information explains the challenges the Native Americans faced

while attempting to stand up against the US government, and unfortunately they

were removed from the island. This source is a secondary source since the article
is from an Encyclopedia about Native Americans, not a first hand account of the

Source 3
Riggs, Thomas, ed. "American Indian Movement (AIM)." Gale Encyclopedia of US
Economic History. 2nd ed. Vol. 1. N.p.: n.p., 2015. U.S. History in Context
[Gale]. Web. 27 Nov. 2016.

This source states that the American Indian Movement (AIM) was a Native
American civil rights organization that wanted to improve Native American rights. The
American Indian Movement is an example of the Native Americans standing up against
the government in other parts of the country, even after the occupation of Alcatraz. This

source is a secondary source because it is an encyclopedia article and was not written by
a witness of the occupation.
Source 4
Stock, Jennifer, ed. "Native American Activists Occupy Alcatraz: November 20,1969June 11, 1971." U.S. History in Context [Gale]. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Nov. 2016.

This source gives background information about the conflicts between the
government and the Native Americans, such as discrimination and the relocation of
tribes. This information offers reasoning for why the Native Americans took a stand
against the US government. This source is a secondary source since the author did not
experience the occupation.

Source 5

Strom, Steven. "Indians of All Tribes." American History [ABC-CLIO]. N.p., n.d. Web.
26 Nov. 2016. <>.

This source explains that the Indians of All Tribes (IAT) was the first
group of Native Americans to occupy Alcatraz and that they began a nearly 18month occupation. This information offers a possible cause of the occupation of
Alcatraz, or how the occupation started. This source is a secondary source since
the author did not experience the occupation himself.

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